Galactic challenges rewards [MERGE]


  • Options
    This is baffling...
    It's simple
    Clear a Tier, get stuff
    Do a feat, get stuff
    You don't like the requirements for one of the feats, cool. Don't get the stuff then. It doesn't need to be changed. You can get a tier's clear rewards and two of the three feats without a single unit of the associated faction.
    If you don't have the appropriate levels of gear, work towards them. You could have them f2p by now with how long relics have been out.
    AGAIN: Just because you can't instantly get the rewards for a feat, doesn't mean it needs to be changed.
    There is also no guarantee that the relic requirement is the only lock on those rewards.
    Next time it could be clear it with Boba Fett Lead and No Light Side Bounty Hunters.

    Either you accept the feat format and don't complain about not being able to meet one, or you think feats are stupid and then shouldn't play the game mode.

    You should get more for investing in the associated faction.
    If you put $10 in the bank, and I put $100.
    I should get more from the interest payment.

    This is an entire thread of complaining about instant gratification, nothing more.
    Higher investment in the faction should be the stopgap for the better rewards.
    Otherwise, everyone with Kylo or Rey just hits auto and gets even more free stuff.
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    Your right it is baffling..... no one is saying not to make it faction specific for feat rewards... all that is being asked is not to gate it behind hard relic requirements. I am not sure how else this can be made clear to you. You say this thread is here for instant gratification purposes but it is not. It is here to put across the point that in my opinion this is the wrong way to go about it.
    I have put in many $1000's into this game and getting those high interest rewards as you put it is not difficult for me, but it is extremely difficult for most of the player base and that is what this thread is about. Keep it difficult, keep the need for high gears but stop hard gating it....simple!
    You are way off the mark and I would argue that you are only continuing to argue for arguments sake
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    I’m not a fan of ‘entry gates’ for events in general - especially when it means you could beat it with less.
    For assault battles for example - I have other issues with those, but generally the only entry gate is 7* characters, and gear levels are only recommendations - I’m perfectly ok with the event being hard and having little-no chance of winning with lower gear, but pls do not make it an entry requirement - that takes all the theory crafting and incentives away and I suspect discourages a lot from trying (you have all G12’s and need all R3’s, you probably won’t develop any of those toons just because of the event, but if you can try and find you are close but can’t quite succeed, you are more likely to spend a bit of resource (and potentially money) to see if 1-2 toons might get you there).

    Glad to see SBCrumb acknowledged this in his recent post, esp the having the better rewards locked to a gear requirement AKA ‘entry gate’, it is meant to be a test run so good on CG for responding like this.

    I like the concept of GC’s and a bit of refining Like this will really make them a great addition to the game.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Feats have always been about some restrictions that make the fight harder. Therefore, it's a feat to make it. Now, we are going from "make this fight harder for yourself and get reward" to "you have to be this tall to enter". The whole established nature of the feats is changing just to force more spending.
  • Options
    Let's make a format about faction matchups and then make all of the rewards non faction specific...
    End Game content is scalable!!!! Wow, what a new concept in gaming.
    You're just stuck on this idea to the point you don't care.
    New Events require time to master and you will receive the full rewards for them when you have done so. Whether that requires particular gear levels or comps is irrelevant. You can cry all you want about a "hard gate," but one doesn't exist. You can achieve it in less than a month per faction.
    That makes for half a years farming, without accounting for the rewards this provides.

    Final point:
    New Events shouldn't be 100% beatable for all players immediately.
    Complaining that gear requirements are a hard gate is foolish. (It's literally a participation trophy.)
    Complaining about a beta test is even more foolish.
    End game content needs to be tailored towards End game players.
    Luckily, everyone gets rewards for this one and has clearly outlined and F2P achievable goals around it.
    Stop complaining everytime we get new content.
  • Options
    This is baffling...
    It's simple
    Clear a Tier, get stuff
    Do a feat, get stuff
    You don't like the requirements for one of the feats, cool. Don't get the stuff then. It doesn't need to be changed. You can get a tier's clear rewards and two of the three feats without a single unit of the associated faction.
    If you don't have the appropriate levels of gear, work towards them. You could have them f2p by now with how long relics have been out.
    AGAIN: Just because you can't instantly get the rewards for a feat, doesn't mean it needs to be changed.
    There is also no guarantee that the relic requirement is the only lock on those rewards.
    Next time it could be clear it with Boba Fett Lead and No Light Side Bounty Hunters.

    Either you accept the feat format and don't complain about not being able to meet one, or you think feats are stupid and then shouldn't play the game mode.

    You should get more for investing in the associated faction.
    If you put $10 in the bank, and I put $100.
    I should get more from the interest payment.

    This is an entire thread of complaining about instant gratification, nothing more.
    Higher investment in the faction should be the stopgap for the better rewards.
    Otherwise, everyone with Kylo or Rey just hits auto and gets even more free stuff.

    I ask you once again - if you'd organized some tournament would you also reward teams for equipment price and team market value?

    We are participating in the battle. The main goal is to win at any cost. Then there are feats. The feat is something which force you to meet some additional restrictions which make the battle itself harder. For example, undersized victory is a feat. Flawless victory is the feat. Beating the event with single faction is also the feat. But beating the event with better geared characters isn't the feat. "Beat this with R5 or lower gear" is the restriction which makes battle harder and the feat, but "Beat this with R5 or higher" is gating, not a feat (at least it's completely out of line with any other feats in this event or GAC).

    If they want to just reward people for gearing faction to certain thresholds there is already the ideal way for it - achievements. You know, those "win 1000 fleet battle and get the reward", etc. They can just add to there "Gear 5 BH to Rx" and so on... Making a "feat" like "Beat this battle in the easier way than other" is extremely strange way to get people rewarded.
  • Options
    Let's make a format about faction matchups and then make all of the rewards non faction specific...
    End Game content is scalable!!!! Wow, what a new concept in gaming.
    You're just stuck on this idea to the point you don't care.
    New Events require time to master and you will receive the full rewards for them when you have done so. Whether that requires particular gear levels or comps is irrelevant. You can cry all you want about a "hard gate," but one doesn't exist. You can achieve it in less than a month per faction.
    That makes for half a years farming, without accounting for the rewards this provides.

    Final point:
    New Events shouldn't be 100% beatable for all players immediately.
    Complaining that gear requirements are a hard gate is foolish. (It's literally a participation trophy.)
    Complaining about a beta test is even more foolish.
    End game content needs to be tailored towards End game players.
    Luckily, everyone gets rewards for this one and has clearly outlined and F2P achievable goals around it.
    Stop complaining everytime we get new content.

    So basically someone has a different perspective that the devs have asked to hear and puts it in dont agree with it so you try to devalue the the whole perspective by calling it a complaining post, an instant gratification post and just ignoring the fact that no one is asking for it to be easily beatable or easy to achieve the feats and are asking for one small detail to change... ok I get it.... your opinion is far more valid than anyone elses. Thank you for the education and good day to you sir
  • Options
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .
  • Options
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.
  • Options
    Treeburner wrote: »
    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    The battles is about battle result, not "investment". If you get some score with G12 BH in some raid and the other get lower score with R5 BH then yes, you should get better rewards despite "lower investment".
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Well this empire challenge was way easier then the sep one and I gotta say the Greef shards are nice since I’m working on farming him at the moment. Thx CG!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    with the variability of mods and RNG, it is quite hard for them to make that happen. We see this all the time with events and the reports of people trying at the recommended and some do it, and some can't.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Lets all try to keep in mind, the point of this exercise is to gather feedback. A little debate is great and healthy, but lets try to be respectful of the process and other peoples opinions.
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    Yes, I had a character get killed off the bat a few times but it wasn't more than 1 out of 3. Yes, I had a character get killed off the bat a few times but it wasn't more than 1 out of 3.
    The fact that it's possible is a problem.
    A whole Relic 7 team can die on stage 1 of 4 on day 1 LSTB depending on rng.
    Why do I have the feeling that the people constantly bringing up this argument don't even have a full r7 LS team?
  • Options
    This is baffling...
    It's simple
    Clear a Tier, get stuff
    Do a feat, get stuff
    You don't like the requirements for one of the feats, cool. Don't get the stuff then. It doesn't need to be changed. You can get a tier's clear rewards and two of the three feats without a single unit of the associated faction.
    If you don't have the appropriate levels of gear, work towards them. You could have them f2p by now with how long relics have been out.
    AGAIN: Just because you can't instantly get the rewards for a feat, doesn't mean it needs to be changed.
    There is also no guarantee that the relic requirement is the only lock on those rewards.
    Next time it could be clear it with Boba Fett Lead and No Light Side Bounty Hunters.

    Either you accept the feat format and don't complain about not being able to meet one, or you think feats are stupid and then shouldn't play the game mode.

    You should get more for investing in the associated faction.
    If you put $10 in the bank, and I put $100.
    I should get more from the interest payment.

    This is an entire thread of complaining about instant gratification, nothing more.
    Higher investment in the faction should be the stopgap for the better rewards.
    Otherwise, everyone with Kylo or Rey just hits auto and gets even more free stuff.

    You understand that cg is asking for feedback, right? You realize that you are in the minority? Most people believe that requiring a certain gear level isn't a challenge and that a feat shouldn't be the best rewards. Where other than legendary characters have gear levels been a hard requirement?
  • Options
    Yes, I had a character get killed off the bat a few times but it wasn't more than 1 out of 3. Yes, I had a character get killed off the bat a few times but it wasn't more than 1 out of 3.
    The fact that it's possible is a problem.
    A whole Relic 7 team can die on stage 1 of 4 on day 1 LSTB depending on rng.
    Why do I have the feeling that the people constantly bringing up this argument don't even have a full r7 LS team?

    My r7 padme squad failed p1 on day 3 this lsgeotb. It is definitely possible if you get some bad luck.
  • Options
    Yes, I had a character get killed off the bat a few times but it wasn't more than 1 out of 3. Yes, I had a character get killed off the bat a few times but it wasn't more than 1 out of 3.

    The fact that it's possible is a problem.

    Not really. It depends on how tanky your r7 character is and the speed of your character is (how soon you get a turn). Another huge factor is the lead you choose. Ep will add max health to your whole team which makes one shots way less likely. A Darth revan lead actually reduces your defense for more offense (if I remember correctly) so it would make one shots more likely.

    Having it likely that you lose several characters quickly, if you choose the wrong leader or have your team poorly molded isn't a problem. It is part of the challenge.

    And anyone that doesn't know that Darth revan isn't a good choice for a leader against gg, probably doesn't deserve to have the rewards handed to them.
  • Options
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    I believe kyno answered this question how do you account for mods ? What's beatable for someone might not be for others

    And yes you get rewards for beating the event with whatever team you like, but if you want to be able to gain certain items you will need a certain amount of investment .

    You can clear your opponents board on GAC with whatever you like but if you want certain rewards (feats) then you will need to have a certain level of investment into the toons or tactics they are asking of you. Eg if the feat is to get 5 kills with imp troopers then a certain level of investment might be needed to achieve that goal , yes the level is not set in stone like this relic gate is but those that did invest into that faction will probably have a easier time getting those feats cleared .

    Like kyno mentioned before as mods have a rng factor in them ( slicing and drops for God mods )
    CG will have to find a way in being able to control who can gets rewards and who doesn't , one way of doing this would be to increase each battles difficulty like they did with c3po and chewie , so that even though no gear level requirements are mentioned they basically made it so that unless you had God mods and God rng luck then you would need a certain amount of investment into ewoks and BH ,and those that didn't invest won't unlock the toon.

    So the question is would you remove the relic requirements for the sith bonus but make the battle super difficult so that only R5 plus can achieve it without God rng or mods
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Well this empire challenge was way easier then the sep one and I gotta say the Greef shards are nice since I’m working on farming him at the moment. Thx CG!

    Feedback: Crystals are better than 5 shards, even for Greef.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    with the variability of mods and RNG, it is quite hard for them to make that happen. We see this all the time with events and the reports of people trying at the recommended and some do it, and some can't.

    Why is this a problem though? If you are good enough to accomplish it with less then who cares?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    with the variability of mods and RNG, it is quite hard for them to make that happen. We see this all the time with events and the reports of people trying at the recommended and some do it, and some can't.

    Why is this a problem though? If you are good enough to accomplish it with less then who cares?

    This. The game should reward good theory crafting, good strategy and efficient play. Not a participation trophy because you bought platform shoes so you're tall enough to ride the ride.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    It's weird to have bh shards for a feat that ask you to use relic'd bh. You already have a full bh team at this point, so extra shards for a guy of the same faction, even for a character you may not have already, is kinda lackluster. Those shards for other feats may help you and motivate you to build this bounty hunter team though.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    with the variability of mods and RNG, it is quite hard for them to make that happen. We see this all the time with events and the reports of people trying at the recommended and some do it, and some can't.

    Why is this a problem though? If you are good enough to accomplish it with less then who cares?

    My point is that those 2 "walls" are not really equivalent, because one is much more clear cut than the other. so they can't design it exactly the way you are saying. it can have that "intent" but not achieve the same goal. thats all.

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    Just adding my voice to the mix. Putting the decent gear behind a feat that rewards a gear level and not actually beating the Challenge is bizarre.
    "Congrats, all your Bounty Hunters are G12, have an omega." I'm not compelling to suddenly compelled to gear these guys up just because of the feat reward. The reward should be for completion based on a gameplay design that MAY require certain gear or modding. Don't force it to be behind an arbitrary gear level. The weak reward as an incentive in a couple day event just isn't there.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    with the variability of mods and RNG, it is quite hard for them to make that happen. We see this all the time with events and the reports of people trying at the recommended and some do it, and some can't.

    Why is this a problem though? If you are good enough to accomplish it with less then who cares?

    My point is that those 2 "walls" are not really equivalent, because one is much more clear cut than the other. so they can't design it exactly the way you are saying. it can have that "intent" but not achieve the same goal. thats all.

    If you want to give rewards to people with five R5 Bounty Hunters, you don't need an event at all. You can just run a script to see who has them and send them rewards.

    Feats that are merely gear checks have a low level of engagement and enjoyment; there is nothing to "do". The length of the event isn't long enough to level up your characters, and adding gear isn't "gameplay".
  • Options
    Waiting for the day that CG puts a reward behind a gate that you must have the item before you can get to the gate. I.E. "Feat must have 7 star Toon PTW"
    Toon PTW can be found by completing "Feat must have 7 star Toon PTW" or from Toon PTW Pack where you have a chance to get 5-330 shards of Toon PTW. Each attempt of pack cost 16,000 crystals. Toon PTW has 1 ability instant defeat of all enemies on first turn.
    Fun only occurs when you are guaranteed to win.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Just as you don't get the top rewards in Assault Battles without investment in the faction, you don't get them here.
    You just have the added benefit of getting some of them without needing any investment in the faction.
    And saying the rewards are different isn't an argument against the mechanic being established and already accepted.
    You don't deserve the rewards tied to the faction without investment in the faction.
    Enjoy the participation trophy and enjoy the new long term goal.

    Not the same. Imagine if assault battles tier 2 gave you some rewards for beating it... but saved the ones you are used to unless you had five r5 BH.

    Then it would be the same.

    Currently in assault battles if you manage to beat it with an under geared BH member.... you still get the rewards.

    Do you have to invest, sure.... but you can pull off with a character not at the same level as the rest
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Next thing they will be making it so you have to have OR team members at 17,500 gp to unlock a top character .

    I am also upset that my minimum investment into a team won't get me the best rewards in a game mode.
    I should be able to get the same rewards as everyone else regardless of how much time and effort I put into it . I should also be able to get the same score and rewards in a raid with no investment into good raid teams and gear , this game makes no sense I mean what kind of company rewards players for spending/ doing well and putting time and or money in the game and then doesn't give the same rewards to those not ready or prepared .

    People want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's why communism doesn't work in practice .

    If you want to only reward people with relic 5 Bounty Hunters, then make content that is only beatable with relic 5 Bounty Hunters. Don’t make it doable with g12 Bounty Hunters and then only give half the rewards because the team used was too weak.

    with the variability of mods and RNG, it is quite hard for them to make that happen. We see this all the time with events and the reports of people trying at the recommended and some do it, and some can't.

    Why is this a problem though? If you are good enough to accomplish it with less then who cares?

    My point is that those 2 "walls" are not really equivalent, because one is much more clear cut than the other. so they can't design it exactly the way you are saying. it can have that "intent" but not achieve the same goal. thats all.

    If you want to give rewards to people with five R5 Bounty Hunters, you don't need an event at all. You can just run a script to see who has them and send them rewards.

    Feats that are merely gear checks have a low level of engagement and enjoyment; there is nothing to "do". The length of the event isn't long enough to level up your characters, and adding gear isn't "gameplay".

    correct, I dont think anyone is disputing that.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited August 2020

    Noticed i cant check the enemy teams stats. Can that be added?

    Example my BH squad is mostly gear 12 with not much gear added to that.

    I see tier 5 requires gear 12 in the feat, but the team im facing is red... meaning relic. But what relic?

    I didnt care last round due to having an r7 sith squad, so i didnt notice this one.

    Can we look at the squad we are facing here?
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