Galactic challenges event [MERGE]


  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Feedback: Make galactic challenges more story/lore related. Since when were separatists involved in tatooine, and bounty hunters should have been rebels for this current galactic challenge. the only galactic challenge that makes sense is separatists vs galactic republic on kamino.

    I'm not an expert, but someone said elsewhere that there was a secret Separatist base on Tatooine, so that would explain why they're the defender. Doesn't really explain why Sith are the intended attacker, though.

    Episode 1. Maul attacks our jedi heroes aa they attempt to leave with anakin (not for that reason though).

    But again a sith on the attack on tatooine. Mystery solved
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    Here's my critique of the 2and phase of gc.

    The rewards are still bad. Not much more to say for that.

    My bhs aren't the best so this is a contrast from the prior gc (I have reliced sith with arena mods but my bhs are a relic boss, a couple g12s and a couple g11s). The way the feats were set up have me no incentive to actually even try my bhs in the last three tiers as there were no extra rewards available due to the faction feat being gated behind gear. So no point in going for that feat and I'm waiting until I have mando and greef at 7 star before I even consider a full g12 or relic bh team. No point in relicing the older bhs.

    So I beat it with an undersized Darth revan team to get the other feats and it took like 15 minutes. So 1 or 2 days would be plenty of time for the event.

    And here's an alternative to the gear gate that would provide the replayability they claim to provide.

    Instead of one feat that is gear gated have 3 or 4 feats to beat it with different factions for additional rewards. This would encourage playing it multiple times with different teams. That way you'd have to beat it like 4 times each for max rewards. So more replayability.

    The rewards should be at least what the gear feat is for beating it with any team. (Really it isn't that much so that's a minimum) and then maybe give out the rewards again for each faction feat. That way you get decent rewards for beating the team but you can get even more if you manage to beat it with multiple teams.
  • Boos_B
    7 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    I love the idea of adding new content to the game. And I must admit, this got me pretty exited! Challenges! But now I am wondering, what is new? Ahnald was right with his youtube movie. The feedback around rewards, is already taken care of.

    What I would like to see, is really something new. Maybe like replaying certain scenes and puzzling your way to replicate the results? Other things that could be cool is more storyline driven content. This to me is not new.

    BTW: I am not hating this, I just hoped for more.
    Post edited by Boos_B on
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    Regarding event duration, 7 days is long but I’m sort of fine with that. If they drop duration to 2-3 days, I doubt they’re going to run twice as often. I’d rather have the event be pretty much continuously active then have large gaps between occurrences. Of course, the ideal would be something like if 2-3 days on, 1-2 days off, rinse and repeat.
  • Ultra
    11583 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »

    An ongoing dev tracker would’ve been nicer
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    I have played this game from launch and i have come to the conclusion that you, the devs, do not even play this dam game... where is the excitement? All this time, almost an entire year, and the result is this same old battle bull... you honestly could have just copied msf blitz and we all would have been happy. Lame, and i know we are in the beta, but still... come on.
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    It's unfortunate that your legit criticism is undercut by the fact that people complained that DS Geo was not "new content" despite having the very first 3-faction battle in the game and some other relatively creative stuff. (Summoning was new, remember?)

    I agree that this is not terribly creative. If they had not previously used modifiers before, that might constitute creativity, but remember they did that in TW for various factions.

    Still, despite that, I remember what they said: that they were actually programming new programming tools to make new content easier to create. With how late they were in getting GCs out to players, I'm not at all surprised that the battles themselves aren't that creative. From what I understand, they're testing the tools and the process more than any particular battle.

    No, Sith v. Seps isn't creative, and a bunch of DoTs doesn't make it so, but if the programming infrastructure works, then there's time for creativity. The most important thing for the trial run is just to make sure there aren't any bugs that need fixing. Remember that they also promised the new tools would add cut-scenes much more frequently? Yeah, none of those so far.

    So criticize them as you like. I myself am disappointed. But as for the creativity of the battles themselves goes, that's a critique I'm willing to wait to make. For now, I just want to get the system working.
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    It just seems to me that with these new tools and all the effort to push the game in a new direction that an actual new direction might be interesting... you know maybe incorporate actual lore into the fabric of the game, instead of just spinning a wheel and pitting 2 darkside factions against each other and calling it content... i will be honest with you i am clinging to threads at this point, to justify my investment in this game. I am only a junior dolphin but this game has become a boring task instead of the star wars panorama i signed on for all those years ago. if it wasn't for my guild and the obligation to my peeps, there in, i would probably already be all msf. And this would just be a fond memmory of events like malak.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Adamklark wrote: »
    ds geo was literally a reskin with some new mechanics, what is your point?

    Then a new raid will be a reskin of an old raid, new chars reskins of old chars, blah blah. “Reskin” is the laziest complaint of them all. What’s your idea of something not reskinned? Fps? Poke-errr-balls to catch new chars? Maybe introduce mage and dwarf chars? I can’t wait to hear your new ideas for swgoh
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    I agree with a lot here.
    My issues with GC
    1. 7 days is too long, when it takes minutes to finish, please make this 24 or 36 hours max.
    2. Not enough variation in the characters/leaders you face, let’s see different faction leads and squad comps between tiers please.
    3. To get relic gear, so you can gear up your characters you need relic geared characters...what, really? Gear before this tier is so poor, it’s just not worth it. Please adjust the rewards.
    4. The Unique abilities add a cool twist, once you are aware how they work. The abilities should be clearer, I only realised what was killing my characters after visiting these forums.
    5. Feats are good and add nice dynamics to each attempt, I really like that you can’t complete them all with only one run through.
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    Adamklark wrote: »
    for example ships were something new, but keep going on toxic :d
    By your logic ships are a reskin of squad arena with the added feature of reinforcements.
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    I have played this game from launch and i have come to the conclusion that you, the devs, do not even play this dam game... where is the excitement? All this time, almost an entire year, and the result is this same old battle bull... you honestly could have just copied msf blitz and we all would have been happy. Lame, and i know we are in the beta, but still... come on.

    I don't get why people think msf is more creative.
    you only fight the same teams over and over again, in blitz, in raids and every other event.

    msf has the laziest and most boring content I have ever played.
    swgoh is kind of creative compared to msf imo and that is saying something.

    please no blitz for swgoh
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    The Blitz is basically a raid mode for MSF. It’s... boring. For me that is.
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    Adamklark wrote: »
    ds geo was literally a reskin with some new mechanics, what is your point?

    Then a new raid will be a reskin of an old raid, new chars reskins of old chars, blah blah. “Reskin” is the laziest complaint of them all. What’s your idea of something not reskinned? Fps? Poke-errr-balls to catch new chars? Maybe introduce mage and dwarf chars? I can’t wait to hear your new ideas for swgoh

    The amount of new strategy that is needed when starting a new raid is alot more than what is needed between hoth and geo TB.

    Same with the characters no one uses the same
    tactics withh Jedi revan as we do with talzin .
  • TCS
    34 posts Member
    If you've been playing since launch, you must remember Tournaments. And how much most of the community hated then, leading CG to remove them.
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    Adamklark wrote: »
    ds geo was literally a reskin with some new mechanics, what is your point?

    Then a new raid will be a reskin of an old raid, new chars reskins of old chars, blah blah. “Reskin” is the laziest complaint of them all. What’s your idea of something not reskinned? Fps? Poke-errr-balls to catch new chars? Maybe introduce mage and dwarf chars? I can’t wait to hear your new ideas for swgoh

    The amount of tactics involved in a new raid and strategy needed to work out the mechanics of it is far greater raid to raid than hoth to geo TB .
    Think of the amount of toons that have had their kits changed or simply made to stop working in sith raid eg ST Han, 5s or fin etc etc , purely due to the mechanics of the raid . Haven't seen many reworks or changes due to TB ,which kinda show you the amount of tactical effort needed to complete TB waves which currently is make sure you have as many relic levels on meta teams unlike raids where people can spend huge amounts of time finding mods speeds and team comps to achieve the best score possible.

    Don't think I've heard anyone say the sith raid was a re-skin of tank and pit but that's anecdotal .
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    TCS wrote: »
    If you've been playing since launch, you must remember Tournaments. And how much most of the community hated then, leading CG to remove them.

    You mean they listened to feedback?
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Adamklark wrote: »
    they would never do that B)

    Narrator: But they did.
    I need a new message here.
  • Ultra
    11583 posts Moderator
    Why does this matter?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Why does this matter?

    I'm just asking, since it would make more sense lore wise, I mean we are attacking those planets.

    Edit: like retreating the battles that took place there

    This game doesn't really try to recreate battles in that way. We have some events that try to do it, but this current setup on this game mode doesn't. Maybe we will see that more in the future when they iron out this process and have more time to work with the tools.
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