Executor is a beast? [MERGE]


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    do all the executors in the vids have their abilities maxed ?
    I saw some vids against 7* exe where apparently prestige mats are missing
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    I personally know free-to-play or very light spenders who had to decide whether to go after GL Vader or Executor first because of their very limited resources. Many decided Executor because it was stated this would be the top ship and the new meta on multiple occasions. They didn't decide on this ship to just have another offensive option.
  • WD_40
    113 posts Member
    Reptile wrote: »
    I personally know free-to-play or very light spenders who had to decide whether to go after GL Vader or Executor first because of their very limited resources. Many decided Executor because it was stated this would be the top ship and the new meta on multiple occasions. They didn't decide on this ship to just have another offensive option.

    If you're f2p and considering only those 2 options, then you are probably late game. But, I understand that doesn't change the f2p cost of getting the ship.

    When GLs were first released it was possible to counter them with non-GLs (though it was harder than it seems the counters to executor are), now that we're going to have 6 GLs in the game, CG is very much limiting non-GL counters to GLs. If the meta is executor and only executor, then it would become boring very fast. When we get more executor level capital ships, maybe it gets better on defense. Personally, a "get the executor or die" meta doesn't sound like any fun. But a meta where there are still several good-to-great options is much more diverse and healthy for the game.
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    Kabbage wrote: »
    I'm not trying to defend CG, and disappointment is understandable but the ship has just been released. Maybe give it a bit more time before concluding that it's not worth the investment?

    In my eyes, this is indefensible. The insane requirements, which many have already brought up, and ship inflated my GP and put me in a GAC bracket where I have no chance for even minor success. For two brackets previous, I was outclassed by anyone with a GL, so another source of gear / mod / zeta mats was unavailable to me. I was working on non-GL counters to GL to have a chance, but in comes that nerf. If I stick this out, I'll be grabbing my ankles and puckering up for a very long time. That's not my idea of fun.

    Understood. I just think it might take a new ship or an AI tweak to make it more of a defensive option. I don't think what we are seeing is the finished state.

    Wasn't Darth Revan considered lacklustre on release? Palp got a nerf, Malak came out and it was absolutely the meta.

    Would be helpful to have someone from CG to comment here.
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    Dengar may get a ship, they may change the AI, there may be a better lineup, they may change an ability, and it could get a stat boost. Give it a couple weeks and then we can complain again.
    3v3 FTW
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    There’s also a chance/risk that CG are releasing another bounty hunter ship that will make executor harder on defense. Dengar perhaps?
  • WD_40
    113 posts Member
    Heretosay wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Kabbage wrote: »
    I'm not trying to defend CG, and disappointment is understandable but the ship has just been released. Maybe give it a bit more time before concluding that it's not worth the investment?

    In my eyes, this is indefensible. The insane requirements, which many have already brought up, and ship inflated my GP and put me in a GAC bracket where I have no chance for even minor success. For two brackets previous, I was outclassed by anyone with a GL, so another source of gear / mod / zeta mats was unavailable to me. I was working on non-GL counters to GL to have a chance, but in comes that nerf. If I stick this out, I'll be grabbing my ankles and puckering up for a very long time. That's not my idea of fun.

    Understood. I just think it might take a new ship or an AI tweak to make it more of a defensive option. I don't think what we are seeing is the finished state.

    Wasn't Darth Revan considered lacklustre on release? Palp got a nerf, Malak came out and it was absolutely the meta.

    Would be helpful to have someone from CG to comment here.

    I'm sorry this was easily detectable in the beta. And if it wasn't you got the wrong players in the beta. Malevolence/Negotiator would have been easily found.

    You're probably right on that. And I doubt they threw it out there without testing, but I think what is being neglected is that the executor might be WAI. There is no reason to just **** off your community while making a few bucks. You'd make more money by making it a fantastic unbeatable ship, so those that waited realize they desperately need the ship too. I would trust that there's more to come, like more Bounty Hunter ships, that make it at least better on defense, but not unbeatable.
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    TVF wrote: »
    WD_40 wrote: »
    It's entirely possible that it's an offensive powerhouse and easily beatable on defense. Like SEE, the FO fleet, Imperial Troopers, etc.

    If that's the case I'd be ecstatic and give CG a hesitant thumbs up. People were super worried about never being able to beat it, so if they can beat it with various different fleets, that could be a good thing. A lot of people hate fleets, so if there is a way to easily win on offense, but that same way doesn't just crush people on defense, I'd call it a win-win. But, it is still early, we'll have to wait and see.

    Hard disagree, at this cost I want something that is only reliably beat in a mirror. I already can beat everything with Mal.

    We had that in the past, with the JKR meta. It was very boring. Diversity makes it harder to climb, but it's more fun.
    Also, we should wait until people have it at 7*. Maybe things will be different then.
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    TVF wrote: »
    WD_40 wrote: »
    It's entirely possible that it's an offensive powerhouse and easily beatable on defense. Like SEE, the FO fleet, Imperial Troopers, etc.

    If that's the case I'd be ecstatic and give CG a hesitant thumbs up. People were super worried about never being able to beat it, so if they can beat it with various different fleets, that could be a good thing. A lot of people hate fleets, so if there is a way to easily win on offense, but that same way doesn't just crush people on defense, I'd call it a win-win. But, it is still early, we'll have to wait and see.

    Hard disagree, at this cost I want something that is only reliably beat in a mirror. I already can beat everything with Mal.

    We had that in the past, with the JKR meta. It was very boring. Diversity makes it harder to climb, but it's more fun.
    Also, we should wait until people have it at 7*. Maybe things will be different then.

    People DO have the Executor at 7*, and it is still being beaten by Mal and Nego fairly easily.
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    WD_40 wrote: »
    It's entirely possible that it's an offensive powerhouse and easily beatable on defense. Like SEE, the FO fleet, Imperial Troopers, etc.

    If that's the case I'd be ecstatic and give CG a hesitant thumbs up. People were super worried about never being able to beat it, so if they can beat it with various different fleets, that could be a good thing. A lot of people hate fleets, so if there is a way to easily win on offense, but that same way doesn't just crush people on defense, I'd call it a win-win. But, it is still early, we'll have to wait and see.

    CG specifically implied that you'd be lucky to be able to beat it with a Negotiator fleet, so if it's crap on Defence that's kinda the opposite of what they led players to believe!
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    WD_40 wrote: »
    Teams that are beasts on offense but poor in defense makes the most “fun” gameplay in my opinion. Now I don’t feel so bad about the delayed conquest costing me a day 1 unlock of the executor.

    Agreed! Some of the most satisfying things in the game (IMO) are Imperial Troopers, or SEE, who both are absolutely terrible on defense. CG Miller said that the fleet couldn't just be used to Auto things in his interview with CubsfanHan, that you had to have some knowledge on its kit and make a choice for the "contract" or the Ultimate. The AI in this game is notorious for being bad in general, why should this be different?

    If an existing fleet with far lower investment is already able to beat every fleet out there on offense, a new fleet with steeper that is able to do the same thing is useless. I don’t see any reason (except collection) to spend resources on a ship when you could spend less for the same results.
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    There’s also a chance/risk that CG are releasing another bounty hunter ship that will make executor harder on defense. Dengar perhaps?
    Dengar may get a ship, they may change the AI, there may be a better lineup, they may change an ability, and it could get a stat boost. Give it a couple weeks and then we can complain again.

    But folks, that's not how it was presented leading up to this release. Yes, it has been alluded that more ships are coming; but this capital ship has been in the works for quite a while - 2 years or so - based on the interview. That's plenty of time to hammer out things. The fact that I payed no small sum to prepare and unlock this thing based on the vibe I got from the developers themselves, that's what really bothers me. I just feel so taken right now.
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    Multiple teams are beating this on defense already. Cubs just put out a video on it. Rebels, Hux, GG all beat it fairly easily. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI …. I thought this ship was supposed to be the best? I remember you or Crumb even saying something like good luck when a player asked about beating it with one of the current Capital Fleets. People have invested a lot of money into this to unlock it to 7* day one and already are getting owned on defense by F2P ships. You all built this up as a must have what gives my friend?

    Either it's not working as intended or it's the ultimate proof that CG don't have anyone at all capable of going through even the most basic set of tests to see if what they're releasing matches up to what they 'say' they're releasing!mslpckigt7g3.png
  • WD_40
    113 posts Member
    Starslayer wrote: »
    WD_40 wrote: »
    Teams that are beasts on offense but poor in defense makes the most “fun” gameplay in my opinion. Now I don’t feel so bad about the delayed conquest costing me a day 1 unlock of the executor.

    Agreed! Some of the most satisfying things in the game (IMO) are Imperial Troopers, or SEE, who both are absolutely terrible on defense. CG Miller said that the fleet couldn't just be used to Auto things in his interview with CubsfanHan, that you had to have some knowledge on its kit and make a choice for the "contract" or the Ultimate. The AI in this game is notorious for being bad in general, why should this be different?

    If an existing fleet with far lower investment is already able to beat every fleet out there on offense, a new fleet with steeper that is able to do the same thing is useless. I don’t see any reason (except collection) to spend resources on a ship when you could spend less for the same results.

    That's absolutely understandable, but I still think there's another bh ship on the horizon, so maybe this isn't the best this fleet can possibly be. Also, if executor makes it even easier to beat Negotiator/Malev, then that could be a reason, make the difficulty of beating those ships drop with higher investment
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    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    SurvivorM wrote: »
    Restricting any assists vs Executor except mirrors is the way to fix most of it fast )

    Why can't it just be a beast on offence and suck of defence?

    It already beats all fleets, thats powerful enough, I get it, whales wanna hold their #1 and not play the game, all day every day (Not that they need it, when they can just by everything, 400 crystals, chump change to them).

    Because we already have Neg and Mal.

    In other words, didn't really need a new cap ship.

    Just another ship like Falcon to change things up.

    FO and Res, Sith don't have a real fleet. 2 GR ships, 2 empire ships (3 if you count this one). Could of done something with any of them, but no, money

    You forgot bounty hunters. They don’t have a real fleet. Oh, wait…
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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    Beeblebrox wrote: »
    Multiple teams are beating this on defense already. Cubs just put out a video on it. Rebels, Hux, GG all beat it fairly easily. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI …. I thought this ship was supposed to be the best? I remember you or Crumb even saying something like good luck when a player asked about beating it with one of the current Capital Fleets. People have invested a lot of money into this to unlock it to 7* day one and already are getting owned on defense by F2P ships. You all built this up as a must have what gives my friend?

    Either it's not working as intended or it's the ultimate proof that CG don't have anyone at all capable of going through even the most basic set of tests to see if what they're releasing matches up to what they 'say' they're releasing!mslpckigt7g3.png

    But he didn't say it's gonna be HARD to beat, tbh. Just wished luck))
  • Starslayer
    2421 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    So beating all fleets on defence isn't good?

    Male and nego already did that.
    Most likely being able to under-man GAC fleets with it isn't good?

    With the relics you’ve put on meh bh characters (and r8 piett), you’ll face opponents who relic’d great characters instead. Your 4 more pts for under-man won’t make up for that.
    Being a powerhouse isn't enough?

    Define powerhouse. If this ship beat the same fleets nego and male did, they’re powerhouses as well.
    No one made you spend, thats a you issue

    ‘Top of the meta’ that was clearly announced means something. She should be better that the top teams already there. Not unbeatable, but harder to beat. If old meta is able to beat her reliably, then executor is not top of the meta. Well, we could always argue that ‘top of the meta’ could mean ‘at the top with the old meta’, but it would be pretty deceptive.

    Post edited by Starslayer on
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    The ship is fine. Offensively dominant and beats everything, can be defeated on defense with optimal lineups for a few other capital ships.
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    In worst scenario it's not quite new meta (yet), but new era of requirements for new (not even meta) content.
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    Barik_Edo wrote: »
    Pointing out Scimitar's lack of synergy with Executor while ignoring that the FO fleet that beat it used GR and Empire reinforcements... lol.

    Yarp. 2 incomplete fleets are gonna have to do that. Scimitar kinda makes sense anyway stealthing so you can only target ht.
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    I believe that after all those interviews ,executor is a big lie.so we upgraded r8 boba ,r8 piett for a ship that get beaten by finalizer ,malevolance,ackbar,and raddus?? When are u going to stop liyng to us? Yeah i invested some money to make this lie 7 stars. On offense all good ,but on defense???? Why u must lie about everything my dear swgom cg ( m from money) friends? Dont u test anything before release? Shame on u guys.when u ask for money please give quality not quantity.after those gl meta ships interviews ,i would love to see " is working as intended" 😀😀😉
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    Another big lie from CG
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    Biggest problem in my view is the unprecedented relic requirements to unlock a new ship, and a double relic 8 at that. Being a bit selfish my hope is that this outcry make them lower the reqs and reimburse those already invested as to maybe lower the expectations on this ship. I know this won’t happen but one can only dream :D
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