Executor is a beast? [MERGE]


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    SurvivorM wrote: »
    Beeblebrox wrote: »
    Multiple teams are beating this on defense already. Cubs just put out a video on it. Rebels, Hux, GG all beat it fairly easily. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI …. I thought this ship was supposed to be the best? I remember you or Crumb even saying something like good luck when a player asked about beating it with one of the current Capital Fleets. People have invested a lot of money into this to unlock it to 7* day one and already are getting owned on defense by F2P ships. You all built this up as a must have what gives my friend?

    Either it's not working as intended or it's the ultimate proof that CG don't have anyone at all capable of going through even the most basic set of tests to see if what they're releasing matches up to what they 'say' they're releasing!mslpckigt7g3.png

    But he didn't say it's gonna be HARD to beat, tbh. Just wished luck))

    You want to lose credibility, because that's how you lose credibility...
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    I don't get the panic, there's no way they leave it like this. Something is definitely coming, be it a new ship, a kit touch up or some bigger changes to ships as a whole. Although I won't mind if they take their time with that, at least I won't lose too many crystals by not unlocking now.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    Heretosay wrote: »
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    SurvivorM wrote: »
    Restricting any assists vs Executor except mirrors is the way to fix most of it fast )

    Why can't it just be a beast on offence and suck of defence?

    It already beats all fleets, thats powerful enough, I get it, whales wanna hold their #1 and not play the game, all day every day (Not that they need it, when they can just by everything, 400 crystals, chump change to them).

    It can be that as a marquee ship. You don't go to the lengths to sell this thing and have it flop this poorly.

    It beats all fleets, without a hint of issue..thats already top. All fleets are utter trash on defence

    Um, no.

    So beating all fleets on defence isn't good?

    Most likely being able to under-man GAC fleets with it isn't good?

    Being a powerhouse isn't enough?

    No one made you spend, thats a you issue

    1) My Mal does that
    2) My Mal does that
    3) Define powerhouse
    4) I haven't unlocked it yet and if I do it will be for zero dollars.
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  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    SurvivorM wrote: »
    Restricting any assists vs Executor except mirrors is the way to fix most of it fast )

    Why can't it just be a beast on offence and suck of defence?

    It already beats all fleets, thats powerful enough, I get it, whales wanna hold their #1 and not play the game, all day every day (Not that they need it, when they can just by everything, 400 crystals, chump change to them).

    Because we already have Neg and Mal.

    In other words, didn't really need a new cap ship.

    Just another ship like **** to change things up.

    No, we need a new meta. With this high acquisition cost it should be the meta, not something that does what Mal and Neg already do (beat everything).

    Just like JMK?

    That gets beaten easily by Kylo and a few sisters? 😂

    SEE beats him, so does JML, that seems okay tho

    Not okay to me, no. I want an actual meta, not RPS.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • HokieFiend
    445 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Shard mates are reporting that lower star Executor's easily beat maxed ones and getting to contract/ultimate faster. It has to do with the the lower star ship being slower.

    Edit: So add lower star Executor's to the long list of teams wiping the floor with maxed Exectors.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    WD_40 wrote: »
    It's entirely possible that it's an offensive powerhouse and easily beatable on defense. Like SEE, the FO fleet, Imperial Troopers, etc.

    If that's the case I'd be ecstatic and give CG a hesitant thumbs up. People were super worried about never being able to beat it, so if they can beat it with various different fleets, that could be a good thing. A lot of people hate fleets, so if there is a way to easily win on offense, but that same way doesn't just crush people on defense, I'd call it a win-win. But, it is still early, we'll have to wait and see.

    Hard disagree, at this cost I want something that is only reliably beat in a mirror. I already can beat everything with Mal.

    We had that in the past, with the JKR meta. It was very boring. Diversity makes it harder to climb, but it's more fun.
    Also, we should wait until people have it at 7*. Maybe things will be different then.

    I had it with the DR meta and I loved it. Different people want different things. I want shorter arena climbs or GAC stoppers.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Nauros wrote: »
    I don't get the panic, there's no way they leave it like this. Something is definitely coming, be it a new ship, a kit touch up or some bigger changes to ships as a whole. Although I won't mind if they take their time with that, at least I won't lose too many crystals by not unlocking now.


    I'm 99% sure we have the Punishing One incoming (CG Miller was quite evident with that, even if he didn't explicitly said so). So let's have some patience, it may power up the Executor to the next level.
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    Executor, regarding the absurd requirement it needs to unlock and star, shouldnt need another payship to be meta. It is scandalous.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Well my 7* executor seems to be holding fine. Haven’t been moved for a few hours now. Also r8 bossk r7 mando help. Can’t wait to r7 IG now. FYI I think he’s the mvp people are missing. Call boba or cad as first reinforcement. Mirrors take just over a min on auto. Every other fleet just melts. Great ship
    BTY in Cubs video he’s fighting a 7* exec but yet the GP is 443.000 yet we have a 6* in our arena that’s 470000. So not sure what’s up with that video but might be misleading. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Nauros wrote: »
    I don't get the panic, there's no way they leave it like this. Something is definitely coming, be it a new ship, a kit touch up or some bigger changes to ships as a whole. Although I won't mind if they take their time with that, at least I won't lose too many crystals by not unlocking now.

    Betrayal of trust, in my case. I support this game with moderate spending, but decided to go big because this was touted as the meta: If you ain't got it, you're S.o.L. I'm already S.o.L. for arena, so thought this would be a great opportunity to climb and stay high. It wasn't cheap. I'm not going to go homeless, but that was way bigger of an investment than I would like to make in a game.

    There was no caveat that you're going to need to also get a few more ships that will be coming down the line. It was almost arrogant how Miller came off that the Executor at 7* was not going to get beaten by anything currently out there once it came out. Two relic 8's / rest relic 5 characters, hard to farm ships as the requirements to even see the event.

    Not so much panic as anger. This coming on the heels to the GL counter nerfs. The Google store fiasco, though I understand, was handled oh so poorly. Nerf it and then issue a statement? How about, "Hey, it really isn't fair to Apple people, so we're going to take away the energy. I mean, we could actually give apple people energy in their packs but we don't have souls and we just want to suck out what bllod you all have left in your veins. This will happen next week. in the meantime, we have this 100 energy pack for $99.99 as our way of saying thanks!"
  • Rhydia
    104 posts Member
    Vendraen wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Scimitar is an interesting choice for that lineup. Are we sure there is not a better lineup that could work?

    Translation: Who that can afford to whale Executor to 7* is dumb enough to put Scimitar as a reinforce? Executor has ZERO Sith synergy.

    Yes 25% crit chance when the cc is already very low and then stealthing everyone but HT and giving stealthed ships 25% offense is horrendous. Surprised someone would think of it.
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    Executor is a beastloop :/
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    WD_40 wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    WD_40 wrote: »
    Teams that are beasts on offense but poor in defense makes the most “fun” gameplay in my opinion. Now I don’t feel so bad about the delayed conquest costing me a day 1 unlock of the executor.

    Agreed! Some of the most satisfying things in the game (IMO) are Imperial Troopers, or SEE, who both are absolutely terrible on defense. CG Miller said that the fleet couldn't just be used to Auto things in his interview with CubsfanHan, that you had to have some knowledge on its kit and make a choice for the "contract" or the Ultimate. The AI in this game is notorious for being bad in general, why should this be different?

    If an existing fleet with far lower investment is already able to beat every fleet out there on offense, a new fleet with steeper that is able to do the same thing is useless. I don’t see any reason (except collection) to spend resources on a ship when you could spend less for the same results.

    That's absolutely understandable, but I still think there's another bh ship on the horizon, so maybe this isn't the best this fleet can possibly be. Also, if executor makes it even easier to beat Negotiator/Malev, then that could be a reason, make the difficulty of beating those ships drop with higher investment

    No issue if a piece is missing to make it really good, as long as it arrives quickly; too bad if it’s a marquee though.
    About ‘easier to beat’: at the top of arena, people already beat each other easily.
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    Have we gotten confirmation this is working as intended from the community manager yet?
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Barik_Edo wrote: »
    Pointing out Scimitar's lack of synergy with Executor while ignoring that the FO fleet that beat it used GR and Empire reinforcements... lol.

    Lol, while ignoring the fact that we do not have a full FO fleet......... just supposed to leave those spots empty?

    Missing the point.... The argument is Executor lost because of poor reinforcements. Presumably because it doesn't synergize with the capital ship. Finalizer though, let's overlook it's reinforcements not synergizing with the capital ship because "we do not have a full FO fleet". We don't have a full BH fleet either. The Scimitar bolsters the BHs far more than the Empire ships do and the Empire ships aren't getting you to ultimate faster. If anything, criticize the AI's reinforcement choice prioritizing non-BH ships. Empire ships wouldn't have changed the outcome here.
  • Old_Ben12345
    399 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Executor seems really good. But if people are upset with spending lots of money on something they've never seen in action, then that doesn't seem like a problem for the devs to fix.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Have we gotten confirmation this is working as intended from the community manager yet?

    No, and from my understanding they may be looking at things, but waiting on an official statement to that effect. (But I make no promises or anything of any sort of official thing of this statement)
  • Rhydia
    104 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Executor seems really good. But if people are upset with spending lots of money on something they've never seen in action, then that doesn't seem like a problem for the devs to fix.

    I’ve never watched an airplane fly at 30,000 feet but I take their word for it that it’s going to work when I spend $200 on a ticket.
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    When it's advertised with "Achive dominance" words - it should do dominate, not be easily beatable by 4 different previous fleets :|
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    From where I stand, a new Capital Ship that is great on offense but trash on defense is good to me. Having weaknesses for OP stuff keeps METAs healthy.
    CG advertising this as the greatest thing since sliced bread, hyping it up to be the be all end all of ships, and making its requirements up to be near GL level, and it NOT being at a GL level-equivalent, is extremely deceptive. And hey, you never know, the BH fleet might finally fill out with a few additions making Executor the only thing that would work to win in arenas and GAC. But at present, if that doesn’t happen, CG basically either lied, or their testers are AWFUL.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Heretosay wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Have we gotten confirmation this is working as intended from the community manager yet?

    No, and from my understanding they may be looking at things, but waiting on an official statement to that effect. (But I make no promises or anything of any sort of official thing of this statement)

    I'm baffled they have beta testers I watch streamers accidentally reveal things all the time. This shouldn't be missed. I'm sorry if there is an unintended interaction with 2 really odd ships that's understandable, but this is the current meta.

    You are jumping to conclusions, but that can be natural without actual knowledge of the situation.

    Maybe we can just leave the speculation about the beta group out of this and provide some constructive feedback about the ship and the issues you have/see.
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    Very disappointing Ship. Suggestions to all that haven't yet: wait to don't waste garbage GP and don't spend a single money on this. Regards
  • Padawan
    28 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    I think the poor defense performance has something to do with the kit they designed and the IA using the BH ships. The ultimate rely on the breach applying. So IA might probably have an issue handling that.

    The fact that lower stars Execs are easily beating bigger ones (getting the ultimate far more quickly), explains a lot of this.
  • Rhydia
    104 posts Member
    It would seem Kyno can’t see the writing on the wall. Big surprise there.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Heretosay wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Have we gotten confirmation this is working as intended from the community manager yet?

    No, and from my understanding they may be looking at things, but waiting on an official statement to that effect. (But I make no promises or anything of any sort of official thing of this statement)

    I'm baffled they have beta testers I watch streamers accidentally reveal things all the time. This shouldn't be missed. I'm sorry if there is an unintended interaction with 2 really odd ships that's understandable, but this is the current meta.

    You are jumping to conclusions, but that can be natural without actual knowledge of the situation.

    Maybe we can just leave the speculation about the beta group out of this and provide some constructive feedback about the ship and the issues you have/see.

    Sorry but he is right.

    Dev actually teased ("sell") the ship as the next meta literally.
    This ship has been beta tested. Two options : one is that they missed the point that the ship has a terrible AI in defense (so equivalent to not be beta tested at all). Option 2 CG was lying about the fact that it will be the next meta.

    2 options, which one is the good one that I dont know.
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