Changing the gp requirements for conquest hard mode to 3m



  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Good luck newer players, i haven spoken. B)

    Can you explain how it's good for new players to have a small segment of them unlocking more very powerful end game characters faster?

    If anything having limiting factors (relics, GP gates and others) on that is a good thing for them, in game modes like arena and GAC, where they are facing players of similar timeframe and GP. It helps keep somewhat of an even playing field.

    Put yourself in the shoes of new players, just reaching 2-3m gp. The CAT and Razor Crest are the highlights of the rebel and mandalorian shows. But they will be out of your reach.

    But you cant put yourself in a players shoes who gets crushed in GAC or cant get to a good ranking in arena "constantly" because players are getting end game more end game characters quicker?

    There are players with 10M GP and have characters built up and teams made that many players want, but they are "out of reach" for various reasons. That is a big part of what this game is, it's a big carrot on a long stick, wearing Han solos vest.
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    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    I mentioned many times.

    Do you cry when you see someone had better jobs than u when you are at the same age? Same logic

    But you’re crying because people with more experience in the same job are getting more than you are. Same logic.
  • Options
    How is this for a compromise in the spirit of galactic battles war where you had to win 150 times to make it simable earning a red crate on normal 12 times opens up hard if you are under 4 mil gp also could we make it 12 red crates on hard and you can sim the 2 week conquest for max reward?
  • Options
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Put yourself in the shoes of new players, just reaching 2-3m gp. The CAT and Razor Crest are the highlights of the rebel and mandalorian shows. But they will be out of your reach.

    Put yourself in the shoes of new players, just reaching 1m gp. The CAT and Razor Crest are the highlights of the rebel and mandalorian shows. But they will be out of your reach, even with a 3m+ barrier for hardcore mode.

    Put yourself in the shoes of new players who doesn't have the help of friends in a strong guild where you main acount is. The CAT and Razor Crest are the highlights of the rebel and mandalorian shows. But they will be out of your reach, even with a 3m+ barrier for hardcore mode.

    Put yourself in the shoes of new players who don't want to spend a lot of money in the game and just started last month. The CAT and Razor Crest are the highlights of the rebel and mandalorian shows. But they will be out of your reach, even with a 3m+ barrier for hardcore mode.

    We can put ourself in your shoes and understand your frustration; and I feel for you, no sarcasm. But solving your frustration isn't necessarely what's best for the game in this particular case. As I and other said before, leaving behind business reasons, removing this barrier will widen the gap even more between new accounts (especially between ftp and paying customers/people carried by a guild) and will give more incentive to the "rush a GL" strategy. You keep replying to this with "catching up with veteran players"; you're not supposed to catch up with them, the system is established so you won't face them anyway. If your goal is to catch up with your friends from your main guild (no judgement intended, totally understandable), I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Other games allow that (WoW comes to mind), but a meta driven game makes it extremely difficult. Even veteran players need to play catch up to follow a meta that lasts about 6 months. You better off rerolling together.

    Sidenote: about GAC: you keep repeating that a 3m GP account will face another 3m GP account. That's not how matchmaking works, as you probably know. A 3m account who developed a focused roster will be matched with anoter 3m account who also developed a focused roster, no argument there. But with the top X system, someone who chose a different strategy, like taking care of his fleet or developing a broad roster that goes beyond his top X (giving up arena to the benefit of other game modes), will never face even a 2.5m account with a focused roster.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    How is this for a compromise in the spirit of galactic battles war where you had to win 150 times to make it simable earning a red crate on normal 12 times opens up hard if you are under 4 mil gp also could we make it 12 red crates on hard and you can sim the 2 week conquest for max reward?

    They are aware of the thread, but as I said, this is unlikely to change. This was baked in for reasons, and things like being able to beat normal, even X number of times doesn't really change that. I dont think they are looking for a compromise, but we can see how things play out.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    This thread really took an interesting turn from the original premise of whether you agree with GP gates and whether a weaker player should at least be able to try and maybe fail, especially if even the lowest rewards are as good or better. Even if people disagree, it at least could be an interesting discussion. And yes, even a relatable one for me. I didn't like the GP gates of Epic Confrontations--it was no fun to have to sit out of this event and not even try, whereas at least if I could play it and failed I would know what I was up against. And yes, it was frustrating to have spent months and all of my resources going after DR requirements thinking I would get in on the new meta only to find out it didn't work without Malak, and I couldn't even swap mods and try for great RNG on that event just because I couldn't get Mission and Zaalbar to g12 in four days. So this could be a discussion with some merit.

    But what it's become now is some half-baked argument that someone should NEVER grow their roster beyond 2.5 just because of GAC, and it really feels like a desperate attempt to dig in one's heels rather than accept someone might disagree. You don't want to move up a division because you'll need two fleets? So farm a second fleet. You'll still do well in GAC and get to Hard Conquest faster.

    You're also not going to ever face an opponent with CAT until you have CAT yourself. And I guarantee you that CAT-less Kenobi at 2.5m is going to be winning GACs for a long, long time, even moving up divisions. And never mind that moving up divisions increases your GAC rewards too. At 5.7M GP, I'm still facing some opponents with no GLs. Keeping your roster competitive and free of bloat doesn’t mean never adding any GP. It just means adding the GP where it's of the most value and not on things that make no difference. You may not be adding roster bloat, but you're also not adding any meat. You could try building teams that actually help your guild, which can also help GAC and will get you closer to Hard Conquest.

    And I also find it ironic that in complaining about new players not having access to new characters, you use an example of a 2.5M with a JMK. He's not exactly Old Ben. There are still veteran f2p players who haven't unlocked JMK yet.
  • Larx
    371 posts Member
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    You need arena and guild help getting to that kenobi account.

    Normally when a new arena opens, top players get into a discord chat. If u are going ftp, u need to get into a new shard that is very new.(1 day to 14days) so u can get invited to the shard chat hopefully.

    Also, Conquest is personal development of roaster.
    Guild is team effort.

    Stop comparing apples and oranges.

    Do you even read. Stop slapping yourself with your own words
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Many guilds on rancor farm has a few weak players and they are doing fine.

    If your guild is not performing as what you ideally want, you go around blaming others for that weak roaster.

    That basically shows your weak character and leadership skills.

    By everything u write u agree with me. Ironic.

    There is a lot of "hopefully" in there. What is meant by doing "fine"?
    They tolerate player like u or your friend as long as a player with 5 MioGP and 3GLs comes around the corner.

    And i guess you are not f2p. U spent a lot to be there where you are. Did you? Which is totally fine but is not the regular way for a new player.

    U want the game let it happen no new f2p player could compete to anyone anymore.

    If you remove the hard mode reqs. And a 1.5 MioGP can achieve good crates, a regular new player has no chance in a new Arena shard. He will stay out of top places like forever.

    And where do i blame anyone for a weak roaster?
    My roaster could also be better, but hey, i am working on it. And my guild is performing really really great! So no issues here. Dont worry about me :)

    For me it would be totally fine if they release a super hard mode for 6.5 MioGP Player to let them be motivated to work something for.
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