[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    I got CAT with some effort and 6 or more refreshes. I'm currently on the second loot box, prob end up on third. That's a lot less engagement with this game and it's because I don't want to look at spreadsheets to figure out how to get all the feats efficiently (also knowing that many feats are impossible for my 6+ million GP roster).
    I wasn't super efficient, nor did I make excel sheets or use bots to help me with Conquest 7 (I did get the max box today, but I could've done it a lot better in hindsight)

    You definitely do not have to look at any of those, the most I did was use a bot (Hotbot but you can also use C3PO bot) to check the stamina of my units
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I got CAT with some effort and 6 or more refreshes. I'm currently on the second loot box, prob end up on third. That's a lot less engagement with this game and it's because I don't want to look at spreadsheets to figure out how to get all the feats efficiently (also knowing that many feats are impossible for my 6+ million GP roster).
    I wasn't super efficient, nor did I make excel sheets or use bots to help me with Conquest 7 (I did get the max box today, but I could've done it a lot better in hindsight)

    You definitely do not have to look at any of those, the most I did was use a bot (Hotbot but you can also use C3PO bot) to check the stamina of my units

    But did you actually enjoy doing it? That is the point here. It seems to have a lot to do with luck, what toons you have worked on and such. Personally I didn't do bad batch or mandos so there's two feats I can't do, Phoenix never had a reason to take them beyond thrawn unlock before. They aren't a meta team, not a high priority for pvp, so not a huge reason to level them in reality. And unfortunately there's a lot of people with 6 mil + GP that struggle with this because of these ridiculous feats. I get the point of having specifics for things like galactic challenges as they are run pretty regularly and the rewards are a bit different, but an event like this where it is some people's only way to progress?

    I am in a guild with friends and while I'm certainly ready for CPit the majority of my guild is not. Conquest was a way thar I could still progress myself and get relic 8. But now with how ridiculous they made this I will most likely not be able to hit top 2 chests every time, which means my progression is stunted... again. Unfortunately this is yet another guild killer imo. Not as big as ls geo was, but still. People in my place have two options, don't progress or ditch friends I've been with for years just so I can join an elite guild to be able to get r8 mats and that just feels lousy. I certainly was no whale but I still used to spend money from time to time on this game, but the decisions they've been making over the past year has made it hard to justify playing the game, definitely not spending anymore. They clearly cater only to those who spend a lot of money and that is just sad.

    This game genuinely used to be fun, yet every day I hear people asking the question why do we even bother and I find myself agreeing more and more with every update.
  • DonPuto
    388 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    The idea of "fun with it" as someone previously mentioned, is really subjective. I did not have fun with this conquest at all. It was a grind and lazily created repetition. Others though seemingly had a blast with it given the numerous guides and positive contributions of teams used to get"X" completed from others on this forum. Theory crafters had fun and those of us that slog through it didn't so much.
  • Julian_Sixty_Six
    108 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I wonder. How many players did this piece of **** place in "no man's land"? By that I mean no hope whatsoever in doing much and just settling for Box 3 in hard mode because normal mode red box is well worse. Seriously, this mode is a nothing burger for me. It will have taken all but 3 days to get to box 3 spending no crystals. And I'm not spending any. I don't even care to go for Box 4. The extra rewards aren't worth the effort. Not even close. Man my faith in this dev team is so dashed. It's hard to imagine, after this, they could perform rationally.
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    DonPuto wrote: »
    The idea of "fun with it" as someone previously mentioned, is really subjective. I did not have fun with this conquest at all. It was a grind and lazily created repetition. Others though seemingly had a blast with it given the numerous guides and positive contributions of teams used to get"X" completed from others on this forum. Theory crafters had fun and those of us that slog through it didn't so much.

    THEORY CRAFTING?!?!?! That's not allowed in this game. It's too engaging and fun for the community, especially when finding counters to new shinies. Conquest revisions confirmed!
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    I wonder. How many players did this piece of **** place in "no man's land"? By that I mean no hope whatsoever in doing much and just settling for Box 3 in hard mode because normal mode red box is well worse. Seriously, this mode is a nothing burger for me. It will have taken all but 3 days to get to box 3 spending no crystals. And I'm not spending any. I don't even care to go for Box 4. The extra rewards aren't worth the effort. Not even close. Man my faith in this dev team is so dashed. It's hard to imagine, after this, they could perform rationally.

    I used to get box 6, now looking like box 3, so I imagine there's a lot of us in this "no man's land".
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    emoore123 wrote: »
    DonPuto wrote: »
    The idea of "fun with it" as someone previously mentioned, is really subjective. I did not have fun with this conquest at all. It was a grind and lazily created repetition. Others though seemingly had a blast with it given the numerous guides and positive contributions of teams used to get"X" completed from others on this forum. Theory crafters had fun and those of us that slog through it didn't so much.

    THEORY CRAFTING?!?!?! That's not allowed in this game. It's too engaging and fun for the community, especially when finding counters to new shinies. Conquest revisions confirmed!

    Ok so...
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    My R7 GAS with 300 base speed (not counting Rex’s unique) with leader’s resolve(20% speed) barely take a turn against BB in S5.

    The only way to beat them is to use super fast GL

    Those super buff and super speed make is just nonsense
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I got CAT with some effort and 6 or more refreshes. I'm currently on the second loot box, prob end up on third. That's a lot less engagement with this game and it's because I don't want to look at spreadsheets to figure out how to get all the feats efficiently (also knowing that many feats are impossible for my 6+ million GP roster).
    I wasn't super efficient, nor did I make excel sheets or use bots to help me with Conquest 7 (I did get the max box today, but I could've done it a lot better in hindsight)

    You definitely do not have to look at any of those, the most I did was use a bot (Hotbot but you can also use C3PO bot) to check the stamina of my units

    U miss the point!
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    I am a little over 7 million GP and I still found it fun.

    I enjoyed working out how to get kills with units even though I haven’t levelled them up much like Phoenix, Bad batch and mandalorians. The variety of debuffs you need to attempt to apply and who can do them I found fun also.

    Was it as fun as conquest 6, no not at all.

    Does it take a lot of extra time and more refreshes, yes a lot more.

    It seems to me that this is more tuned to how they wanted it to be in the first place with a larger commitment to get max rewards.

    I will get max crate in a few days but my alt who got max rewards every other conquest will not. On balance I don’t feel my alts roster really deserved max crate all those times so I am cool with being unable to achieve it now.

    For those that haven’t seen it Skelturix guide is truly exceptional for those who get stuck or don’t have the time or inclination to work it out for themselves
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    Conquest 7 was not really harder than 6, I think even the bosses were easier. Also the discs were more powerful in conquest 7. I also liked that we get some cool slicing materials before getting the final rewards. And that's about every positive thing I see about it.
    While resource wise it can be accomplished without too many refreshes, having a good roster and making the right strategic decisions, the big question is, is it fun?
    The answer is a big NO! It's boring as hell having to repeat battles with the same team over and over, those repetitive feats make it just a stupid task. I get the idea behind it, make the players need more time to achieve it, but you have to keep always that big question in mind, even more for a content you expect the gamers to be playing daily. It is just no fun, on the contrary it's boring, time consuming and the rewards feel more like a "you must have it" than "you want to have it".
    The main idea is not bad at all, just the tuning went terribly wrong this round.
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    This conquest, all the nerfs, the up and down rng LSTB matches, massive investments in horrible characters to get a GL, crashes or battle buttons missing, worst gear grind since the game first came out, promises that are never kept, and soon to be Relic 9. It’s just to much to quick and I can’t believe I said it to my guild and arena mates but I finally am quitting after being in this game since March of 2016. This game has been like having a second job. Oh and let’s not forget a certain Moderator on the forum stopping us from reaching out to our developers group with issues we have in the game and where it’s going. Then he writes disrespectful DM’s and gets rid of our posts. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI I’ve spent up to probably 30K or more since I started playing this game and trust me I’m not proud of that. But you all have destroyed the fun in some of the best content in this game like TB and conquest. I know you all are out to make money but greed has driven you all for far to long and your lack of sympathy and consideration for our time is just wrong my friend. I truly wish you all would have lightened up on us and made things a little more easier instead of having us spend 3 or more hours on this game per day just to stay relevant. Anyways I wish you and everyone else a fruitful life and just remember to be good and kind to one another because karma comes back on us all.
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    The only Real Thing that sucks are CAT shards.
    A lot of people couldnt finish her last time and now with being this stupid Hard it could be possible still not unlocking her this time. This sucks!

    I am nearly finished farming for JMK and CAT would have been unlocked at the same time. But now? U dont know if i can get here because of being 5 shards short.

    So my shard had a huge advantage of conquest being this easy.
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    I’ll get max crate in the morning. Was the slog fun? Best answer is sometimes. Sure it’s fun kicking the crap out of bb a few times with Vader and my g8 darth maul and overseer. Wasn’t fun the 20th time.

    As for difficulty, mixed bag here. The fights themselves weren’t difficult I was able to complete various feats with a g11 Ezra, g9 4* hunter, g8 death trooper etc etc, but the frustration level was a little high at times due to the low gear levels. It’s obviously easier at higher gear tiers but the investment isn’t justified.

    I’m going to be far less engaged in the first week of the next conquest than this one and then decide if max crate is worth it. Obviously I learned a lot through this conquest so next one will be easier. The slog will still be more unenjoyable next time and the time after. I’ll need fewer refreshes, play less overall and enjoy the time I do have to play less and less.
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    In normal mode, has anyone had a problem getting the deathmark feat to take in s5? It says inflict deathmark 5 times. I can’t get it to count the death marks.
  • Da_Moust
    5 posts Member
    edited September 2021

    I stuck at Tier 4 because I cannot beat Maul! There is no button for "fight", so I'm unable to play the battle. I was not able to select the datadisk. Now i reinstalled the game and it worked now! @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI
    Post edited by Da_Moust on
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    Da_Moust wrote: »

    I stuck at Tier 4 because I cannot beat Maul! There is no button for "fight", so I'm unable to play the battle. @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

    Gosh, pick the disk.
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    Da_Moust wrote: »

    I stuck at Tier 4 because I cannot beat Maul! There is no button for "fight", so I'm unable to play the battle. @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

    You probably forgot to choose a disk.
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    Da_Moust wrote: »

    I stuck at Tier 4 because I cannot beat Maul! There is no button for "fight", so I'm unable to play the battle. @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

    Have you “committed” to the data disk node before it (just pick one data disk and bingo.)
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    The stupid meatbag making decisions at CG is completely incompetant.
    Zero fun equals ZERO income
    Nobody is going to pay to play something they don't enjoy
    this game has gone down the **** since Carrie left
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    @Da_Moust these answers above are what you are looking for.
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    Zanir wrote: »
    bluecheese wrote: »
    Echo’s EMP stun probably not counting properly but I m not 100% sure , I don’t have energy (in game or real person) to track bugs for them.

    Are you using the nade against droid enemies? It only stuns droids.

    Against separatist team with 1 or 2 droids
    I haven’t attempted it again to verify that
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    Devs - please pay attention to the feedback from the community on this. I know CG is a business, and the game needs to make a certain amount of money to stay viable long-run. But it seems clear that a majority of the player base absolutely hates the changes to Conquest 7. feel pretty confident in saying that fewer players are likely to spend money on a game mode that they hate right now.
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    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI does the Inflict Deathmark 5 times feat in S5 of Normal mode require inflicting 💀 five times in one battle? If not, it’s not counting the 💀’s and is going to stop me from getting the max crate and I’m
    Going to throw a temper tantrum and slam the door to my room. For anyone that didn’t catch the humor I’m obviously not gonna be throwing a tantrum.
  • Bladegunner
    421 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Only deathtrooper can inflict deathmark.

    Read before posting.

    So 10 days into conquest. I'm three feats from the red box. All of which will be achieved.

    I'm a F2P player. I've refreshed 3 times each day in the 10 days and won't need to refresh now to finish my final feats.

    So in total I've spent 1500 crystals on this conquest to max it. Which is two days worth of crystals from fleets/arena.

    I'm struggling to see the justification towards people's complaints that it's for whales only when it just isn't
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