Conquest 10 [MERGE]


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    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI Following your announcement, that you will be changing the Data Disk and Merchant node allocation following a Mini-Boss going forward, it would be appreciated if you could fix this issue now. Players like myself got screwed because we will be short 5 shards now of unlocking Boba after 3 Conquests because of this.

    They can't make adjustments to a running event.

    Except they can.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Legend91 wrote: »
    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI Following your announcement, that you will be changing the Data Disk and Merchant node allocation following a Mini-Boss going forward, it would be appreciated if you could fix this issue now. Players like myself got screwed because we will be short 5 shards now of unlocking Boba after 3 Conquests because of this.

    They can't make adjustments to a running event.

    Except they can.
    Simple solution is to send every player 5 Boba shards.

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    I dunno... the maths seem to say 3 x 50 refreshes makes it possible.
    But, I honestly don't think it is.... especially if you factor in losses to some of the crazily buffed characters, and the inevitable retries to get feats.... etc.
    I'm just ducking my head & blitzing thru... but if there's anyway I can describe it is more grindy & less fun than the last one.... and that wasn't fun, and it was grindfest.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Firefox54 wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up on the 'extra' rewards issue since I haven't seen any response. At least in the Hard Mode, there are some consumables, slicing materials and a couple omicrons available as you move along. I don't believe that these were available in the previous Conquest. I'm also on the Hard Path (in Hard Mode) and I don't know if those same rewards are available to those not on the Hard Path ... I'm guessing they are available to everyone because I don't see what the alternatives would be for those on the Normal Path.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to say that these rewards are good or bad ... just trying to provide information as I'm moving along.

    It certainly would have been better to have more clear communication for many items prior to the start of this Conquest.

    You don’t get these rewards for taking the hard path. You get them in rewards along the way or through their ridiculous conquest pass. There is literally no tangible reward, perk or benefit from taking their claimed “hard path”. And no, getting to choose from two data disk caches is not a perk when you could do so previously in the last nine conquests. Taking something away and giving it back as a “perk” doesn’t make it a perk or benefit. They lied to us about this. Period

    Not to mention that for 6 potential disks you need to sacrifice your freedom of choice on the path, so your degree of freedom is by all means reduced.
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    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the biggest problem that CG has is their inability to communicate with their customers. It doesn’t help that they ruined conquest because they failed to monetize it initially.
    But over and over they think they can make changes and either not tell us or try to spin it in a overly positive way and somehow they are surprised that we get upset over this.
    It’s not that hard CG, people get angry when you either lie to them or try to hide bad news.
    Be honest and transparent and most people will be more tolerant to swallow the sour pill.
    Just to be honest with you, there’s a huge trust discrepancy at the moment though so you can expect harsh backlash for a while no matter what you do, but you better start now because it will not be better if you postpone this.
  • Winterwolves
    1755 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Post edited by Winterwolves on
  • Granolo
    216 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Everyone forgot to take into account all the feats related to Boba, which will mean you are forced to play with a stamina-depleted Boba constantly (or buying tons of Stamina packs, which adds to the cost). That in turn means he will frequently die and you will need to replay the battle to get full stars. Added to that is the fact that if you want to have a chance for decent data disks, you need to take a fixed path, and you can't take a different path depending on the teams encountered and your teams/stamina avaliable.

    But yeah, keep defending this Con-Quest, the worst one so far, even though the "listened to our feedback"...


    Oh yes, I forgot, now we have less decent data disk options. They take fun data disks like Weak Point or any "attack out of turn" disks (not to mention Deployable Cooling Systems), but keep the ones not a single person would like, like Insatiable, for ever. Way to care about player experience...
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    Being now at the boss of sector 3, I can say that is by far the worst conquest ever... Shameful!
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    Spharynx01 wrote: »
    Being now at the boss of sector 3, I can say that is by far the worst conquest ever... Shameful!

    I would say it's the worst anything in SWGOH ever.
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    Spharynx01 wrote: »
    Being now at the boss of sector 3, I can say that is by far the worst conquest ever... Shameful!

    I would say it's the worst anything in SWGOH ever.

    I think the worst mode was the strange “real-time” pvp tournaments where you bought millions of ally points to spam fights over and over again to climb some ladder for meaningless prizes. And in the end they removed it and the players who had a 100 million ally points from this got infinite shard shop currency for free through the bronzium packs.
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    I find the path, mechanics, reward, much better with Galactic War than Conquest. “What old is new again”. Way better stress free game mode that actually works.
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    Spharynx01 wrote: »
    Being now at the boss of sector 3, I can say that is by far the worst conquest ever... Shameful!

    I would say it's the worst anything in SWGOH ever.

    I think the worst mode was the strange “real-time” pvp tournaments where you bought millions of ally points to spam fights over and over again to climb some ladder for meaningless prizes. And in the end they removed it and the players who had a 100 million ally points from this got infinite shard shop currency for free through the bronzium packs.

    Would take that over this bantha poodoo conquest any day.
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    Conquest is supposed to support having a versatile and broad roster, right?!

    How does this add up, when you have to use your top team to even beat the ordinary teams along the way - because they have overprepared III or IV and obliterate your entire team before you can use any of the characters (my top speed mod set adds 174, so my characters are not slow), unless you bring a GL.

    Did CG even playtest this conquest?!
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    Most of the complaints here make no sense >.> it's become more of a "complain about everything" thread. For example, OH NO, I might have to do FOUR refreshes (200 crystals!) in order to complete the battles. Or, WHAT AN OUTRAGE, Easy and Normal will have a lower currency-to-crystal return than Hard difficulty! Or, my fave which filled the first few pages, OMG the turret doesn't count as a clone trooper?? (more outrage)

    I guess Conquest must not be doing that badly if these are the complaints.

    My only gripe, even though I can't win anymore since Conquest 7, is how long this event takes. I'm going to have to quit the game just so I can get my life back.
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    Rebmes wrote: »
    Most of the complaints here make no sense >.> it's become more of a "complain about everything" thread. For example, OH NO, I might have to do FOUR refreshes (200 crystals!) in order to complete the battles. Or, WHAT AN OUTRAGE, Easy and Normal will have a lower currency-to-crystal return than Hard difficulty! Or, my fave which filled the first few pages, OMG the turret doesn't count as a clone trooper?? (more outrage)

    I guess Conquest must not be doing that badly if these are the complaints.

    My only gripe, even though I can't win anymore since Conquest 7, is how long this event takes. I'm going to have to quit the game just so I can get my life back.

    One could make an argument that if you need 200 crystals just to reach the boss of sector 5, not to mention the feats or the crates, or anything reward related then we are as close to p2p territory as it gets without actually being p2p by definition.

    If you think this is marginal, power to you, move along.
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    Ahra wrote: »
    Conquest is supposed to support having a versatile and broad roster, right?!

    How does this add up, when you have to use your top team to even beat the ordinary teams along the way - because they have overprepared III or IV and obliterate your entire team before you can use any of the characters (my top speed mod set adds 174, so my characters are not slow), unless you bring a GL.

    Did CG even playtest this conquest?!

    This to me is the biggest problem, I used to be able to clear sector 5, even with my limited roster. It has got worse and worse.

    I’m in normal mode, my arena squad holds top20 in squad arena so no slouch.

    This round the disks are complete crap!
    They lied about being able to exit the hard route (for the last battle in each line)
    When your R5 revan team and R5 BH teams can’t even get 2-3 turns in let alone win in sector 2 R1 level something is seriously wrong!!!!!!!
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    Rebmes wrote: »
    Most of the complaints here make no sense >.> it's become more of a "complain about everything" thread. For example, OH NO, I might have to do FOUR refreshes (200 crystals!) in order to complete the battles. Or, WHAT AN OUTRAGE, Easy and Normal will have a lower currency-to-crystal return than Hard difficulty! Or, my fave which filled the first few pages, OMG the turret doesn't count as a clone trooper?? (more outrage)

    I guess Conquest must not be doing that badly if these are the complaints.

    My only gripe, even though I can't win anymore since Conquest 7, is how long this event takes. I'm going to have to quit the game just so I can get my life back.

    Those aren't the only complaints... your last sentence is yet another complaint that many others have brought up. There are countless others you have excluded. Keep pickin' them cherries.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    I said it before and I’ll say it again. Put 500 crystals in the red crate. The push for the red crate will at least not come with such a loss to our hoard and inventory.
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    ease on the feats and get rid of stamina or make it regenerate faster.
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    Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.
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    So if you are just a few tokens short of Max reward, and the feat they have is bugged. WHat then? Is it just tough luck kiddo? I mean ok, that could improve.
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    I think I'm the only person in the entire game enjoying this Conquest more than the last 3 - and my BH aren't great.

    The things I have an issue with in this Conquest are things like making players choose between DD and shards (there should be a make good on this IMO) and other UI issues like the screen running to the right, not being able to see how many cards are needed for each crate (except the next rewards node) etc.

    Otherwise I'm ok with it really.
  • Cs99
    146 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    The main problem with this is the change shock of the last set of conquests. We went from very close to free CAT to crystals required for Maul. This appears to have mostly stabilised. Maybe a bit worse with an increase to the theoretical minimum number of battles for max crate.

    But really I'm over that shock. When I consider that I'm happy to spend 150 crystals every day on what usually amounts to maybe 10 pieces of the salvage I'm after from light side or dark side farms, the crystal spend per day to get the new shiney doesn't seem so crazy.

    Then let us buy the shards. Why the charade and extra work of this "fun" conquest.

    This 100%. Just go back to doing marquee/legendary events for new characters and revert conquest back to before 7 when it was actually half way decent.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    I said it before and I’ll say it again. Put 500 crystals in the red crate. The push for the red crate will at least not come with such a loss to our hoard and inventory.

    In C7-9, I think that would have been quite generous. For C10, I think that is far too low relative to the crystal cost of getting max crate.
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    This game is getting from bad to worse. R8 can’t beat a R4 in sector 2. Not to mention many have quit the game and many have been swearing and cruse in discord.
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    I am in normal conquest; got r7 on all past conquest. This time i will make 4 or 5; i am not doing refreshes and thete just isnt enough energy to go through the whole conquest once; not even talking about completinng feats. This is highly dissapointing, as i am missing content i used to enjoy. Why no refreshes? Because they ate not worth it, because value is that bad, that 100 cantina refreshes are just more usefull then rewards i would receive when spending dame crystals AND put in time and effort… if you want my crystals (and time) the value proposition in conquest needs to get much better.

    Ps: meta char shards have minimal value for “normal” players, because i will not unlock any of them before they become farmable… so i would have to give up months worth of gear farming to reduce char farming time by weeks… again bad value, no crystals…
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    I said it before and I’ll say it again. Put 500 crystals in the red crate. The push for the red crate will at least not come with such a loss to our hoard and inventory.

    Lol, you are not getting the red crate with only spending 500 crystals.
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    Funnywise, the difficulty on hard in sektor 2 is unplayable. Without the right data-disks, which are rng based, u can't win. Even with a GL arena team with slow top speed of 571 the enemies starting the fight and continuing for several turns with attacking. That is no balancing, that is simply b***s***.

    Yes, I'm complaining, because there's no fun. How can a JEDI Rey with 20% enhanced speed be faster than a GL.... it's simply stupid. Started another battle yet, Ayala secura one hitted a R7 Yoda... lol... looks working as **** as intended.
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