Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information [MEGA]


  • TVF
    36719 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    I am sorry to say but after I read the new announcement my first thought was: They didn't even have one of those 3 points they made/used that was voiced by the community the most.

    - DCs are still active on GLs
    - they have still overpowered stats(especially for toons that don't need them)
    - they are still active in pvp but not pve

    Those are only 3 points that I know have been mentioned almost from everyone/ were the most agreed upon. If they would have listened, these would have been the very first points to address.

    Edit for typo

    They did actually listen to the second point.

    Where did they do that? The stats still seem op especially for the toons!

    Health steal was OP

    Resistance penetration is not
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36719 posts Member
    Perhaps you meant alignment, faction, and toon bonuses. Stats are at levels 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.
    I need a new message here.
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    I haven't got stuck on a single team that shakes up the meta so that statement is false. All the teams I have been stuck on are Kenobi and JML with broken datacrons. The last round I blew 3 teams just to see how broken the datacrons are with clear counter teams. If you want people to accept datacons why not put them in every other game mode to be used? I would be more accepting of them at that point bc I would be able to max out most categories, payouts would be better, and it would take a lot less time. There is also wayyyy to much information to keep track of for a turn by turn game. Not to mention it changes every "couple" of months. No all the datacrons can have different rolls which means different mechanics that change the game. I don't want to read a book on datacrons when I log in or find a different mechanic to counter them. I HATE posing like this bc overall I love the game when they introduce a new character and you need to learn how to use them. They are permanent unless there is a refresh like when mace got one.Nothing but praise for the refreshes they have been nothing but GOOD.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2943 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Still waiting on an answer about the farming mats. Are we getting the same amount spread over 2 months (i.e. rate halved)? Or are we getting twice as many mats per set going forward?

    i asked but CG has gone offline so remind me to ask again on monday noon EST!

    God forbid that we get a direct answer from ONE of our TWO CM's. Why do we have to have a middle-person Community manager? No offense to your Ultra. I've always wondered what could possibly fill Crumbs day soooooo much that he ignores the community so much.

    But on the topic: delete datacrons.
  • Cykodrumzz
    35 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    When the entire community is in an uproar over how much every everyone dislikes datacrons CG looks at unused datacrons as a sign that we need them to last longer. What a completely tone deaf post. These stupid datacons are sucking all the fun out of this game.

    Its impossible to gather information about player interest in datacrons when they are essentially required to be competetive. If you look at in game data it will show players like me using and engaging with them despite my complete disdain for what they are. I don't usually post on the forums but I'm so completely frustrated any more.

    Instead of addressing the problems with cheaters.... (check out the " to catch a cheater" discord server; its outta control how few reported cheaters actually get banned) they introduce datacrons which makes it infinitely easier for cheaters to go unnoticed... my entire fleet shard plus gac opponents of the known cheater have been reporting the same cheater for months on end.

    Please CG just admit that datacons were a mistake. It takes more courage to admit when we're wrong than to double down on our mistakes hoping for a better outcome. Please give the community what we've been asking for in the forms of new playable content and gear economy. Modifiers don't count as content. And requiring full squads at relic 5 for every new thing being released is insane when we still can't get toons to relic 0 fast enough already.

    Thank you
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    A vast majority of people, that I’ve seen, here, Reddit and on YouTube all hate datacrons. Where the response to that?

    They won't get rid of datacrons, they are here to stay

    Instead of asking for the impossible, you should focus on, "okay, what can CG do for us, to make them tolerable and acceptable?"

    If you gave feedback regarding that, you would've seen it this update, probably

    Says who?

    Datacrons could be a blip in the fiscal quarter because the fan base refuses to engage with temporary resources.

    I remember Tournaments.. They don't exist anymore., neither could Datacrons.. It all depends if the players "engage" or not..
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    Don't like Datacrons, still don't "engage" with them, still don't want them..

    CG, that's my feedback. I don't waste my resources on your temporary ones...
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    Who would have thought that all this time we were playing the game 6+ years and it wasn’t fun because we were missing Datacrons…
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Still waiting on an answer about the farming mats. Are we getting the same amount spread over 2 months (i.e. rate halved)? Or are we getting twice as many mats per set going forward?

    i asked but CG has gone offline so remind me to ask again on monday noon EST!

    God forbid that we get a direct answer from ONE of our TWO CM's. Why do we have to have a middle-person Community manager? No offense to your Ultra. I've always wondered what could possibly fill Crumbs day soooooo much that he ignores the community so much.

    But on the topic: delete datacrons.

    Two community managers for two games

    They aren't reading everything, just some posts, and they are only online during working hours, so it helps that if any important question arises throughout the day, I can forward it to them for an answer
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    Impossible for me to get excited for Profundity and Jabba when the only two game modes I really enjoy have just been completely trashed by Datacrons.
    Making them last two months instead of one does not help me at all.
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    It got merged, most likely.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    "For the past 6+ Years, our ultimate goal is to create a fun experience in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and we will continue to follow that mission."

    Adds dodge chance to the stat pool, one of the most frustrating and hated things in the game.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Community message: Datacrons kill the game. Can the Devs see it? Can the Devs read it? Can the Devs understand it? Or the Devs the three 🐒 s? Can't see, can't hear, can't say....?
  • wharp
    222 posts Member
    I think datacrons are fun in general, everyone talk about this or that mechanic is too powerfull and I agree, datacrons are not balanced and too random to obtain specifics ability and this is why people find them annoying.

    CG is making the same mistakes again and again:
    Power creep, it is a poor game design that only fit P2W.
    Lacks of interaction with their community, they may talk to moderators, but that's it. I'm sure if a CM makes some polls, there will be far more interesting "data".
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    From the post:
    Datacrons are a fun and exciting way to adjust meta and give new life and purpose to characters who may no longer be in your rotation.

    My answer:
    No, that's not how It works, Ratacrons just boost GL and make even a More static meta than before, it fails on the supposed main objective.

    From the post:
    Through our data and your feedback, we will continue to look for more ways to make Datacrons interesting to use

    Obviously, you guys aren't even looking at the real feedback where a lot of guilds are hurted and lose a bunch of players, where lot of players dislike and where lot of people don't want those things. You can tell to me all you want that's the feedback you gathered, but lot of people already saw those "possitive" feedback never happened, and it's totally the opposite.
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    Good changes. I agree with the. Of course they also profit the devs themselves, because they can return to a more lazy programming.
    But I do agree with three sets being to much and the cadence is too fast to fully enjoy the crons.

    Set 4 will be OP and will provide us the long awaited ROI on LV.
  • Bruellhusten123
    34 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    Instead of asking for the impossible, you should focus on, "okay, what can CG do for us, to make them tolerable and acceptable?"

    If you gave feedback regarding that, you would've seen it this update, probably

    Okay, challenge accepted:

    1. Make them less impactful or more niche impacts. We all learned and trained counters for a long time. A new counter every month is fine. Needing to learn 5 new counters every month on top of everything else is too much. Lvl 9 DCs like BAM that can punch up to kill GLs now in very specific scenarios is fine. He is far from unbeatable on defense and offers new potential on offense.
    2. EQUAL chances for rerolls. And remove the senseless rerolls. Like hitting the same stat in worse again or getting the same lvl 9 ability. Also whats the point of making the best lvl 9 mechanics not even half as probable to hit as other lvl 9s? Rerolling is already super expensive, but also vital to get strong DCs.
    3. No super strong GL Datacrons. Some 5% health per relic is fine.
    4. No broken mechanics like +25% TM
    5. No broken stats like 120% physical offense increase, 1000% Health Steal, 120% Dodge chance, 450% Armor.Half of all that is more than enough
    6. Accessability: F2P keep your game alive, if you like it or not. With 3x50 refreshes for conquest energy you must be able to get all important Datacrons with the correct mechanics. Getting some nice to have datacrons on top of that can be behind a paywall. That would also make the job for TW leads MUCH easier, since you can set requirements for what players must get by the end of conquest and actually use these counters across the guild.

    I can offer to create a fictional chapter if CG would consider it. If not, I'd not waste my time.

    Also be happy that people complain. That shows that they care for the game.
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    The biggest thing about datacrons for me is the rng that comes with the level 9 ability. I have spent a considerable amount of crystals trying to reroll to get the Malgus cooldown ability about 5 or 6 times now for the one datacron and it's only came up with SEE or SET. 3 of those times, I was presented with the ability I already had during the reroll. I tried to level another datacron and again it was only SEE or SET, although mercifully it was the accelerated ult ability.

    Everyone in my GAC brackets since set 3 was active has had the super Malgus DC, and it's incredibly disheartening that after so many attempts, I have not seen it.

    I am in favour of the idea of datacrons - shuffle the norm up a bit every few months. The amount of new theorycrafting that comes from this is good. But if certain abilities are only going to be available on a lottery and largely dictated by "Can someone buy all the datacrons packs in the store?" then we are not left with an interactive model. I put maximum effort in conquest, I have achieved the top box every single time it's ran, and went mad farming the DC nodes recently. I am not slacking on my farming of them when they are available for farming. And yet despite this, I am at the mercy of atrocious odds.

    This in my opinion is the biggest flaw in the system. Reroll materials are extremely few and far for this set and I just do not have enough upgrade materials to try and bring several of them to lv9 just to have a fraction of a chance at an ability that will greatly improve my defenses in GAC. I just feel like I'm being punished for something that is fully out of my control when I have so much control over everything else in this game.
  • wharp
    222 posts Member
    Just remove the RNG factor of datacron, there is too much RNG in this game, let us enjoy playing, not gambling.

    What do you think about making datacron like a talent tree in a RPG, you got 3 or 4 specializations which give bonuses for a chosen role (tank, support, healer and attacker) and why not give an ultimate talent at the end of the tree that give a new funny ability to a character (but not too much overpower) ?
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    I think a bit of RNG is fine, but the lv9 abilities need to focus more on uplifting lower units. The likes of Wedge, Second Sister, TIE Fighter Pilot - all great. Make them feel like they have omicron level abilities.

    We know that certain units are designed to be significantly more powerful than others. A hierarchy like this is perfectly fine.

    But when you bring such a high degree of luck to the system as well, you imbalance things so dramatically.

    Please do not invalidate my investment in this game because I did not win the Datacron Lottery.
  • UdalCuain
    5041 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    I am a TW lead of a top 10 guild. And Datacrons did the following:
    - we lost 20% of our players (10), and we lost less than most others.
    does necessarily not equal this:
    DCs already caused a drop off 10-20% of the playerbase in the 8m+ range that cares for TW. And yes thats mostly spenders.

    What's your source for this "data"?

    Edit: maybe I'm misreading and you are applying the term player base (suggesting all of the SWGoH players) to just mean your guild members.
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    This post in a so much ****. The large majority of players think datacrons are a poorly designed, poorly thought-out paywall that not only screws f2p but p2p players as well. Here is something that you can buy for a TEMPORARY advantage that will just vanish. It's pushed a BUNCH of my guildies out of the game and a bunch more are on edge. And this is a guild of like 7-8 mill average gp. CG is so full of **** if they are saying that the feedback for datacrons is positive.
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    So they’ve claimed to be listening to our feedback but aren’t listening to the cost to interact with datacrons. They didn’t address the lack of availability of the resources to upgrade them when conquest isn’t running. In fact they made it worse taking that out of TW.

    They didn’t address the call to make the relic threshold lower as it’s getting datacrons from lower level players (against their mission statement) and capping viability of them overall.

    CG just keeps mishandling datacrons when given the chance. Such a shame.
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    datacrons are not fun and absolutely do not want them extended to pve, thanks.
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    Darthwares wrote: »
    datacrons are not fun and absolutely do not want them extended to pve, thanks.

    Disagree here. Get rid of them in TW and GAC and move them to PvE. The complaints would melt away I'd guess.
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