Grand Inquisitor



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    Really tired to wait! I can quit.

    That will convince them now 😂

    Bro, I don't quit for the delay of GI event, I've been thinking about closing for months.
    I didn't start playing yesterday and I'm a bit fed up with the game. is it a little clearer now?
  • iSRS
    11 posts Member
    I got a pop up of these being available this morning. Perhaps in the next week?
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    There are devs at CG who do actually care, but they aren't making the decisions. The decision-maker only cares about revenue and not having to worry about facing players. Unhappy players is irrelevant. Just look at how negatively datacrons hit players and CG still rolls them out with stupidly excessive stats like 300% defense.

    The perception could even be that CG is punishing players because not enough of us worked on their precious inquisitors and unlocked them immediately, or the second time. "ohhhh, you don't want our gifts? Fine, you don't get our gifts. Even if it leads to other units like Reva you don't want to work on them? Now we're going to make Reva even more stupidly OP just to punish you further!" (And make datacrons bad like they were at the start!)

    Adding in a GI event and finally putting him in the journey guide permanently should've happened by now. I could've sworn at some point they talked about characters being added after a year, but their lawyers probably have an answer for that one even if they did.

    lol, how did you manage to work datacrons in to this? The two have nothing to do with each other. I don't like datacrons either, but at some point the fact that you keep coming back to them starts to devalue any other argument you might make, valid or otherwise.

    I believe their words were "about a year" - CG is smart enough to never promise specific timelines for things like this. It doesn't take a lawyer to figure out that they've got some wiggle room here without going against what they said.

    I think GI SHOULD have been put in the journey guide already. But man, you're really bitter.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Starslayer
    2421 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    I could've sworn at some point they talked about characters being added after a year, but their lawyers probably have an answer for that one even if they did.

    Depending on where you are in the SW universe, “a year” doesn’t necessarily means 365 days of 24h each.

  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    There are devs at CG who do actually care, but they aren't making the decisions. The decision-maker only cares about revenue and not having to worry about facing players. Unhappy players is irrelevant. Just look at how negatively datacrons hit players and CG still rolls them out with stupidly excessive stats like 300% defense.

    The perception could even be that CG is punishing players because not enough of us worked on their precious inquisitors and unlocked them immediately, or the second time. "ohhhh, you don't want our gifts? Fine, you don't get our gifts. Even if it leads to other units like Reva you don't want to work on them? Now we're going to make Reva even more stupidly OP just to punish you further!" (And make datacrons bad like they were at the start!)

    Adding in a GI event and finally putting him in the journey guide permanently should've happened by now. I could've sworn at some point they talked about characters being added after a year, but their lawyers probably have an answer for that one even if they did.

    They did.
    Going forward, we plan to make events permanently available via the Journey Guide after they have run as scheduled events for one year.
  • herd_nerfer
    2039 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    They did.
    Going forward, we plan to make events permanently available via the Journey Guide after they have run as scheduled events for one year.

    Not to be pedantic but "after a year" when taken literally means, "no sooner than one year" and could potentially mean after several years.

    Most people would read it to mean "in one years time" but syntactically that's incorrect - and we all know how CG loves to stand on syntax when it comes to anything but a kit :smile:
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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  • dogwelder79
    1511 posts Member
    He's back!
  • Screerider
    1431 posts Member
    let's go
  • LordDirt
    5111 posts Member
    Close this thread
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • LendersQuiz
    1177 posts Member
  • Screerider
    1431 posts Member
    Thanks for the heads-up, CG!
  • dogwelder79
    1511 posts Member
    Right after TB, like I predicted.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    Right after TB, like I predicted.

    I think you mean right before TB. It starts in 3 days.
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    It's too late now, we don't want the GI event anymore. Take it back
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    Coming posts: This is too hard, demand free reva shards etc etc
  • Options
    Really tired to wait! I can quit.

    That will convince them now 😂

    Bro, I don't quit for the delay of GI event, I've been thinking about closing for months.
    I didn't start playing yesterday and I'm a bit fed up with the game. is it a little clearer now?

    Sure Brosef, lol
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
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    Thx for getting us gi.
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    There are devs at CG who do actually care, but they aren't making the decisions. The decision-maker only cares about revenue and not having to worry about facing players. Unhappy players is irrelevant. Just look at how negatively datacrons hit players and CG still rolls them out with stupidly excessive stats like 300% defense.

    The perception could even be that CG is punishing players because not enough of us worked on their precious inquisitors and unlocked them immediately, or the second time. "ohhhh, you don't want our gifts? Fine, you don't get our gifts. Even if it leads to other units like Reva you don't want to work on them? Now we're going to make Reva even more stupidly OP just to punish you further!" (And make datacrons bad like they were at the start!)

    Adding in a GI event and finally putting him in the journey guide permanently should've happened by now. I could've sworn at some point they talked about characters being added after a year, but their lawyers probably have an answer for that one even if they did.

    lol, how did you manage to work datacrons in to this? The two have nothing to do with each other. I don't like datacrons either, but at some point the fact that you keep coming back to them starts to devalue any other argument you might make, valid or otherwise.

    I believe their words were "about a year" - CG is smart enough to never promise specific timelines for things like this. It doesn't take a lawyer to figure out that they've got some wiggle room here without going against what they said.

    I think GI SHOULD have been put in the journey guide already. But man, you're really bitter.

    Yep, I am bitter because I have a bunch of people in my guild waiting to unlock GI so we can unlock GL Reva faster, because she's overpowered. (With or without datacrons) And datacrons are the main source of frustration and irritation for a lot of players and one of the significant catalysts for years-long players quitting since they were released. Datacrons play too big a factor in this game because they are stupidly excessive rubbish, AND CG won't talk about them. They just keep pumping out datacrons that make game play demoralizing. (50% defense, cool. 403% defense is not cool.) At the least, it turns a bunch of teams into timeout teams. (Look in Arena right now, LV Reva Inq teams are the new craze because of the significant timeout factor)

    The GI event is finally here, so good deal. This is another situation where CG could've initiated their communicative processes to keep players from being frustrated, but chose to remain silent.

    Starson answered the other part of that "ONE YEAR", which is 365 and a quarter days. They're late, they know it, but didn't offer any communication about it or mea culpa.

    Lots of great stuff was announced and these are good updates, but when CG doesn't follow through on what they themselves say they're going to do, along with maintaining a gag order on something so divisive as datacrons, there is going to be bitterness. (Especially when it's not the first time they've missed the mark and not acknowledged it.)
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    One year and two weeks is close enough to one year, by my book, within the context of a mobile game.
  • Rius
    378 posts Member
    One year and two weeks is close enough to one year, by my book, within the context of a mobile game.

    Two weeks is not long to wait IF you know when it will drop. In true context, no one knew why it had not been released or when it would be. In absence of that information players were rightly frustrated. For instance if we had known when the release would be players could have adjusted the expectation of unlock before end of the last TB. Without that knowledge players were on edge waiting for the event to drop and increasingly worried they would miss it before the mission. Pointless to leave players in such anticipation when it could have been easily communicated.
  • herd_nerfer
    2039 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    There are devs at CG who do actually care, but they aren't making the decisions. The decision-maker only cares about revenue and not having to worry about facing players. Unhappy players is irrelevant. Just look at how negatively datacrons hit players and CG still rolls them out with stupidly excessive stats like 300% defense.

    The perception could even be that CG is punishing players because not enough of us worked on their precious inquisitors and unlocked them immediately, or the second time. "ohhhh, you don't want our gifts? Fine, you don't get our gifts. Even if it leads to other units like Reva you don't want to work on them? Now we're going to make Reva even more stupidly OP just to punish you further!" (And make datacrons bad like they were at the start!)

    Adding in a GI event and finally putting him in the journey guide permanently should've happened by now. I could've sworn at some point they talked about characters being added after a year, but their lawyers probably have an answer for that one even if they did.

    lol, how did you manage to work datacrons in to this? The two have nothing to do with each other. I don't like datacrons either, but at some point the fact that you keep coming back to them starts to devalue any other argument you might make, valid or otherwise.

    I believe their words were "about a year" - CG is smart enough to never promise specific timelines for things like this. It doesn't take a lawyer to figure out that they've got some wiggle room here without going against what they said.

    I think GI SHOULD have been put in the journey guide already. But man, you're really bitter.

    Yep, I am bitter because I have a bunch of people in my guild waiting to unlock GI so we can unlock GL Reva faster, because she's overpowered. (With or without datacrons) And datacrons are the main source of frustration and irritation for a lot of players and one of the significant catalysts for years-long players quitting since they were released. Datacrons play too big a factor in this game because they are stupidly excessive rubbish, AND CG won't talk about them. They just keep pumping out datacrons that make game play demoralizing. (50% defense, cool. 403% defense is not cool.) At the least, it turns a bunch of teams into timeout teams. (Look in Arena right now, LV Reva Inq teams are the new craze because of the significant timeout factor)

    The GI event is finally here, so good deal. This is another situation where CG could've initiated their communicative processes to keep players from being frustrated, but chose to remain silent.

    Starson answered the other part of that "ONE YEAR", which is 365 and a quarter days. They're late, they know it, but didn't offer any communication about it or mea culpa.

    Lots of great stuff was announced and these are good updates, but when CG doesn't follow through on what they themselves say they're going to do, along with maintaining a gag order on something so divisive as datacrons, there is going to be bitterness. (Especially when it's not the first time they've missed the mark and not acknowledged it.)

    You must have missed my response to Starson, but it's fine.

    I agree - they could have, and should have, communicated a date for GI - it would have saved everyone a lot of frustration.

    I disagree that datacrons are the "main source of frustration and irritation for a lot of players" - most players that I see basically pay lip service to datacrons because they can't be bothered with them - myself included. I don't like them, but I also don't spend any significant amount of time trying to get them or trying to theory craft around them. Yet I still somehow end up with enough of them that I have one to use when I really need one.

    I would argue "a lot of players" have either taken this apathetic approach to them and have moved on happily not caring about them, or they've embraced them as necessary for their play style and either enjoy them or just tolerate them. I believe that they are a large concern for YOU because you're constantly inserting them into every conversation - but I don't think your feelings are representative of "a lot of players". Most people simply don't have the energy to carry that kind of anger for as long as you have.

    As frustrating as CGs silence on the GI even date has been for some people, it's been equally entertaining watching people lose their minds over it as if it's some game breaking thing. If you haven't unlocked Reva already, you've already been left in the dust with the rest of us. Having her two weeks sooner just isn't going to make a difference. This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion. That being said - I do understand the frustration and I hope that CG will do a better job in the future of communicating things like this - they had literally nothing to gain from not giving us a date.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    There are devs at CG who do actually care, but they aren't making the decisions. The decision-maker only cares about revenue and not having to worry about facing players. Unhappy players is irrelevant. Just look at how negatively datacrons hit players and CG still rolls them out with stupidly excessive stats like 300% defense.

    The perception could even be that CG is punishing players because not enough of us worked on their precious inquisitors and unlocked them immediately, or the second time. "ohhhh, you don't want our gifts? Fine, you don't get our gifts. Even if it leads to other units like Reva you don't want to work on them? Now we're going to make Reva even more stupidly OP just to punish you further!" (And make datacrons bad like they were at the start!)

    Adding in a GI event and finally putting him in the journey guide permanently should've happened by now. I could've sworn at some point they talked about characters being added after a year, but their lawyers probably have an answer for that one even if they did.

    lol, how did you manage to work datacrons in to this? The two have nothing to do with each other. I don't like datacrons either, but at some point the fact that you keep coming back to them starts to devalue any other argument you might make, valid or otherwise.

    I believe their words were "about a year" - CG is smart enough to never promise specific timelines for things like this. It doesn't take a lawyer to figure out that they've got some wiggle room here without going against what they said.

    I think GI SHOULD have been put in the journey guide already. But man, you're really bitter.

    Yep, I am bitter because I have a bunch of people in my guild waiting to unlock GI so we can unlock GL Reva faster, because she's overpowered. (With or without datacrons) And datacrons are the main source of frustration and irritation for a lot of players and one of the significant catalysts for years-long players quitting since they were released. Datacrons play too big a factor in this game because they are stupidly excessive rubbish, AND CG won't talk about them. They just keep pumping out datacrons that make game play demoralizing. (50% defense, cool. 403% defense is not cool.) At the least, it turns a bunch of teams into timeout teams. (Look in Arena right now, LV Reva Inq teams are the new craze because of the significant timeout factor)

    The GI event is finally here, so good deal. This is another situation where CG could've initiated their communicative processes to keep players from being frustrated, but chose to remain silent.

    Starson answered the other part of that "ONE YEAR", which is 365 and a quarter days. They're late, they know it, but didn't offer any communication about it or mea culpa.

    Lots of great stuff was announced and these are good updates, but when CG doesn't follow through on what they themselves say they're going to do, along with maintaining a gag order on something so divisive as datacrons, there is going to be bitterness. (Especially when it's not the first time they've missed the mark and not acknowledged it.)

    You must have missed my response to Starson, but it's fine.

    I agree - they could have, and should have, communicated a date for GI - it would have saved everyone a lot of frustration.

    I disagree that datacrons are the "main source of frustration and irritation for a lot of players" - most players that I see basically pay lip service to datacrons because they can't be bothered with them - myself included. I don't like them, but I also don't spend any significant amount of time trying to get them or trying to theory craft around them. Yet I still somehow end up with enough of them that I have one to use when I really need one.

    I would argue "a lot of players" have either taken this apathetic approach to them and have moved on happily not caring about them, or they've embraced them as necessary for their play style and either enjoy them or just tolerate them. I believe that they are a large concern for YOU because you're constantly inserting them into every conversation - but I don't think your feelings are representative of "a lot of players". Most people simply don't have the energy to carry that kind of anger for as long as you have.

    As frustrating as CGs silence on the GI even date has been for some people, it's been equally entertaining watching people lose their minds over it as if it's some game breaking thing. If you haven't unlocked Reva already, you've already been left in the dust with the rest of us. Having her two weeks sooner just isn't going to make a difference. This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion. That being said - I do understand the frustration and I hope that CG will do a better job in the future of communicating things like this - they had literally nothing to gain from not giving us a date.

    Communication isn't very interactive. Players were quite happy when they were communicating more, especially when there was a beta program where players tested stuff for them. (There were far fewer bugs with releases during that time too as I recall) In this case though, they've done nothing to dissuade me from the fact they have an explicit gag order on datacrons, other than to announce the next stupidly excessive OP set coming out.

    Maybe "a lot of players" is a different number to me than it is to you? So we are both correct, from a certain point of view. But, watching streams, interacting in discord, arena chats, other game chats, etc., provides player responses and perspectives of more so than just a few. I might carry anger or aggravation about datacrons longer than some, but that's because it's really the one significant issue that causes heartburn with players I've interacted with and me, especially seeing it be the catalyst for a few players I knew for so long leave. (and it's tough for me to be "apathetic" about it when my roster can't do squat vs a wall of 150-300% defense or some other ridiculous stat CG lets get out of control.)

    As far as getting GI and unlocking her, I was beating Reva teams just fine until this latest set of (spoiler!) datacrons showed up. Toss Reva on an LV team and don't worry because it will take multiple battles and/or 20 minutes to get through the 300% defense and/or 100% health and/or 50% protection and/or 15%/15% from the level 3. There is no balance being applied to datacrons because, as you are, CG is apathetic about datacrons.

    Was unpredictability with grand inquisitor purposeful to cause FOMO? Perhaps...

    As I said a year ago, if datacrons were "25% Crit Damage" or "LS characters gain foresight for one turn at the start of an encounter" or even 20% offense, I don't think anyone would mind nearly as much and it would even be more fun. But what they're releasing now is roster breaking tedium. And yes, that too increases apathy, like you've got. Their marketing psychologist is telling them, "don't worry! players will eventually just shut up and spend money, keep pushing this and they'll buy more!" I'll keep mentioning it as long as CG continues to keep quiet about them and/or not offer some sort of change with their lack of balance.

    With the limited interactive communication from them, it makes things worse. At least when Carrie was here and in charge, she was talking to players, content creators, doing interviews, constantly. Meathead and Crumb do what they can, but it seems like they're not allowed to be as interactive as they used to be, which is a load of rubbish. (you two are awesome by the way!)

    So yes, GI's event is permanent now so all is well with the world, right? It's a tough event, but about ten more players in my guild have unlocked him already, so we're that much closer to Reva's unlock.
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    Sure...mid to late June...fact...not really random. Smdh
    Y'all all missed the mark.
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