Message from the EP


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    Will leave my comment here as well.

    I have spent allot of money on this game enough to buy at least 2 AAA PS4 titles, I can promise you that you wont be seeing anouther cent from me until this faulty update is rolled back.

    I have played everyday since mid december 2015

    Since you latest update that ruined this game, your game I feel robbed since Money I spent on the game seems to have been spent for nothing to me.

    I used to play on my commute to and from work everyday that was enough time to finish the daily challenges for me, its not anymore (And I dont have more time to spend on this game)

    Most importantly for you to know since your goal is for us to keep playing this: I have now bought a classic game I loved Final Fantasy IX for Android which will be my Commute game for the coming Month, I wont be playing Star Wars until the Update that broke the game for me is rolled back.

    I will be following your update forum when I see that you have coime to your senses for now I have uninstalled the game and made a backup with TitaniumBackup.

    No one forced you to pay anything and what you payed was for credits, crystals or shards and NOT to prevent the game to be balanced for everyone.

    So can I get my money back since nobody forced me? its about 150€ I have spent on charachters that are now basically useless?

    Will you personally pay me back? Or am I in title to an oppinion on a product that I spent money on and said product has made me angry?

    If you are not willing to pay me my money back please keep your oppinions about my comment to yourself it was directed at the devs of this game not you!

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    Gonna make it short:
    + Update made fine tuning to Arena battles IMHO
    - Some tanks too OP - I can already see new meta centered around certain character
    - GW just takes too long,
    - GW for mid-game-players it's 1v24 teams,

    Played all stuff available, seen everything, know all :smile:
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    My opinion? You ruined the game
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    Challenges are way too hard and that sucks because once you get your toons gear to level 6 you have to get 20 of those and 20 of these and the challenges was the best place to get that because if you tried to get it in the light and dark stages it would take forever cuz I would spend 120 energy and only get 2 or 3 of the gear pieces that I needed.
  • WDW
    23 posts Member
    I'm normally a forum lurker. But given the EP has at least fronted up to the change so think it's important to give feedback. You can never please all of the people, all of the time that's never going to happen but you can at least try and do your best.

    So some views and ideas from me as I don't want one of my first posts to be a whinge, I started day of global launch and not quite FTP but certainly not PTP either. I've also never complained about changes before, because you just have to adjust and roll with it and having played a few mobile games. The grind in this is not too bad compared to others. That's the plus side. However some thoughts below

    1) You need to ditch leader skills and make them passive, your always going to have 1 skill that outshines others which means people scramble for that leader, invest in it, becomes op, gets nerfed everyone complains and the cycle continues. Also means 20% of the chracters in every team is the same, which has 0 diversity to the game.
    2) OP characters, generally speaking the difference between the best and worst characters is massive and that's because of either speed or damage, the game has loads of hereos to use but majority of them are just not strong or good enough. This recent change with protection just means it's a longer fight rather than a significant shift in how you use characters. Yes faster characters took a bit of a nerf but slow characters didn't get better either and the gap between the two is still small.
    3) Royal Gaurd, basically if you don't have him you lose, not only does he at max level carry close to 55k health/protection, but auto taunt, stun, speed down, Max health literally every single good ability for arena he has. You can't have a character this op, wity lower damage being dealt and the instance amount of dodging under Dooku lead it takes a minute to kill him.
    4) Gear imbalance. Those that were able to pre craft items had an advantage with protection that advantage just doubled. You need to adress fairness in the game people having access to better characters by level is not good especially for how long we've not been able to gear these characters up.

    Some thoughts above same as everyone but hope you at least think about what I've said. Your other option is to recatogarise everyone have less categories so maybe, Attack, Support, Defence. Attack high hit rate low health. Support, healers buffers TM controllers. Defence. High health low hit rate, and insist your team has one of each type in it.

    Do that in line with NO LEADER skills and it could be a good change.

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    The only way to come close to salvaging this horrible horrible debacle is to undo the update and then implement a new rule that forces a team to be constructed as


    I think we should be encouraging diversity, not stifling it.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    As many of you, this is my first post. I feel obligated to post something, because this update feels like a reap off of my investment in this game, both money and time.

    My favorite toons were somehow fun to play with, like rey, Yoda and Dookan. Some of the toons I wanted to use where bad, but I could at least use them in daily challenges or even the first few nodes in arena (like Maul, Magnaguard or Plo Kon). Now it seems like they are useless (both the ones that were good and the ones that were bad).

    I can see how you tought this update was going to be a good thing to do, but you rushed your **** in to it and turned a good game into a abiss of boringness. I have spend all my hard farmed gear on toons that are now useless. Just to think I have to start all over again to be able to compete and MAYBE have fun once more makes me sick.

    You could prevent this atrocious update with some tunning in characters that were bad, like really giving attack bonus to slower characters (like Maul), adding the protection (whish would not be the worst thing in the world, even in GW) and keeping the strong toons where they were.

    I was going to spend money every month in this game, but now I am afraid the next time I spend anything, you will make another bad tunning rendering my team useless again. I am afraid of the future of this game, but I do hope you can fix this last update. I have faith that the game will be good again. Don't prove me wrong.
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    New changes suck period. If you want protection added to the game then use it arena only.
    Challenges and GW are now impossible with toons where a lot of mine are epic gear and 7 star. Either refresh the bars or eliminate them. Going further in groups without them to harder teams with full protection, full health and all the cooldowns up versus mine which are down isn't fun.
    Challenges suck ****. Could do it before every day - now nope.
    As a person who has dropped serious coin in this game saying I'm **** off is an understatement. I won't drop any more cash in this game period. I gamed all my life in many genre - **** are you guys thinking?
    As a stockholder in Disney, I'm very disappointed in the lack of professionalism with this update. Was there even a beta test to see how the changes would affect the overall gameplay? It feels like a 12 year old said I don't like the one team beating me all the time - let's just add this and see how it goes.
    Seriously roll it back and add some of the updates over a period of time. Or I'm done.
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    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    The only way to come close to salvaging this horrible horrible debacle is to undo the update and then implement a new rule that forces a team to be constructed as


    I think we should be encouraging diversity, not stifling it.

    that opens the door for just eliminates some of these `problems`with arena

    when the top tier arena guys start running max gear and level tanks and it takes 30 minutes to defeat their team then diversity is stifled far more than what i proposed.

    Right now there are:

    7 healers
    15 tanks
    24 support
    31 attackers

    What I proposed still leaves a MASSIVE amount of team customization and variety and a huge amount of possible team combinations while reducing the ability to build `OP Meta`` teams
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    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera @CG_NotReallyAJedi

    Guys, probably the most impassioned response on updates so far, reading the above.

    I don't have a lot of time but want to provide a couple quick thoughts. I'm on the camp of being happy with the changes. I follow what you are doing and I think you did a good job at it.

    - Careful with the 'Burn the Clock' Meta. Run tests with this team (or a variant thereof) and let's make sure you can beat it in 5 minutes. Barris (L), Lumi, Old Daka, RG, Fives. Maybe change (L) to Lumi, too.

    - Consider letting players have a say on defense. An idea might be to let us choose the first action of every one of our heroes. Not who to target, just the first button to press. Yoda Battle Meditation? Phasma Advantage? Not only will it angle the meta a bit, it'll make it more fun to go against teams composed of broadly the same heroes.

    - Address the graphic design issues that I'm sure you're all over of. An easy one is cleaning up the health bar on the top right. My vote is to make it a double colored bar for PTX and health, like Halo.

    - Please, please, please, let us see the dodge/deflection ratings on players!

    - Barris' clothing still moves when she's stunned. Kidding! LOL

    Good job guys!

  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member

    Thanks for the post.
    Love the changes and can't wait to try all the new possibilities with it.

    Battles are taking longer in arena. As characters get to lvl 80 and gear 9+ there may be issues with the 5 min timer. Consequently, adjusting that will create issues with players being locked out for longer which will create a bigger problem, not sure how this should be addressed, thanks
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    My gut says for tuning, maybe just adding protection and doing absolutely nothing else would have been the way to go......
  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by saberOriginal on
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    I wish some whale pop here and say to devs : Don't worry if you don't see any more money from me, just give it time. Like the reply they gave us on that mess they made.
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    Hate that update. I'm level 72 and maxed on a few characters. I feel all their strength has been sapped: You hit and you it, and the health bar barely shrinks. It takes FOREVER to finish anything and I can't finish the gear challenges I used to. I feel robbed. I was happy with the way the difficulty of the game has increased progressively (kept me interested) but now, I don't think I'm going to play much longer: I have other things to do.
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    Thank you for the message. I love the update and the potential for a more diverse game. People always have a hard time accepting change so Ian glad you are going to give it time before making changes in immediate feedback from the squeaky wheels. Keep up the good work!
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    Thank you for the message. I love the update and the potential for a more diverse game. People always have a hard time accepting change so Ian glad you are going to give it time before making changes in immediate feedback from the squeaky wheels. Keep up the good work!

    Thank god you are in a very small minority!
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So ... what changed?
    • every char got Protection (of course gear level 7+) ...
    • almost every chars damage-multiplier got lowered (atleast what ive seen: lumi, sid, jc, gs, dooku, poggle, fives, yoda, ig-86, ...)
    • very, very rare chars got buffs: barriss level 7 went from 1.001 to 1.066
    • poggle is now weaker in def, but got more base attack power with less crit, BTW: why does poggle get so much special damage boosts and special crit boosts from gear, when he doesnt even has a special attack skill??
    • every chars power got raised (is the arena power still an indicator for gw-matchmaking?)
    • protection is not healable and once its down to zero, it will not regenerate anymore (= GW-AI-teams got another advantage after their - official not existing - RNG-bonus)
    • game is slowed down massive.

    So far, i've only done 4 nodes in GW ... the last 2 chars lost their protection in 4th battle, will see, how node 5 will be without protection against protected chars ...

    i made both challenges, both on auto, but i was wondering, how long it took for them to clear even stage 1 and 2 ... looks like the challenges got buffed? The droids at healer challenge seems to last way longer (maybe just because of damage reduction to almost every char?) ...

    cad bane? ya ... he killed 1 or 2 of my chars, but honestly, thats it ... he got killed close the same time as before. just his needless mobs at stage 1 and 2 take a bit more time, what annoys.

    in sum ... everything just needs more time, but think about: time has the highest value nowadays, its kinda stupid, to make something, that you dont need (like a mobile game), consume more time.

    Currently im not sure, if i should continue on the game or not - and no, its no rage quit because a dooku team defeated mine or something childish like this, its a quit for reason, because im not interested to make a mobile game a full time job.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Not a good post by John Salera...

    More denial and failure to acceptresponsibility.

    I have done **** things in my life.... I admit it and try to mitigate the damage.

    I do not respect someone who stands by a retarted decision like this.

    Power to you if you chose a different path, but I was convinced that the path EA wanted me to take was to pursue the Yoda path. If you remember that was on the heel of a horrible update that drove most of my friends away from the game. I pursued that path for months, put all my resources into it and now have a garbage team for all my efforts, I couldn't beat a dirty rug.

    If you can still beat GW with ease.....

    YAY you!!!!!!!!!!!! you are an amazing gamer and made all the right decisions, and spent the right amount money!!!!!!! Bow to you!

    Or, more likely you work for EA and are asked to post positive things on the forum, because no one else has anything positive to say......

    Sure, once the thousands who quit the game yesterday quit posting the truth, you will have different feedback.

    Buyers beware.....

    It's a trap!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok. If you want us to give it a chance give me a chance.....

    Take my 7* gl 9 Yoda, and give me something worth having......

    Just looking at my power level 6359 Yoda, makes me want to barf.... Worthless!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you want me on board..... Take my freaking 7 7*Jedi and give me a team that will work.....

    I cannot afford two or three months of getting drummed and rust rated to try to rebuild something....

    Oh yeah, as soon as you announced I start trying to get fives... I guessed right, but the grind... I have 5* fives, not leveled up.... What am I supposed to do.... Replace a 7* level 74 Jedi with a 5* fives level 47?

    Give me a break..... Then maybe I'll give you a break...

    You, with foresight and malicious intent deceived me into pursuing a course of action that landed me here..... You tell me, John Salera......

    What am I supposed to do???

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    The update is terrible in every way. It used to be fun because you could play the characters you like. Now it looks like you are forcing players to do things the way you want. I just feel ripped off and my time has been wasted by your worthless update.
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    I hope the overlords at Disney take a look at this game and the characters they spent Billions to own being so misrepresented that they pull licensing from EA.

    Old Ben
    Darth Maul
    Boba Fett

    these are guys people want to use and see....not Royal Guard and Geonesan Soldier and Tie Pilot.....

    This wouldnt be nearly as bad an update if Old Ben had RGs Skillset

    or Darth Sidious had Geonesan Soldiers.

    Seriously EA....THINK.....

    They dont make halloween costumes and action figures of the Bugs....People dont dress up in a Royal Guard outfit to go watch the movies at the theater....people dont cosplay as Tie Fighter Pilot........
  • Blev08
    141 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Making balance changes is all well and good for the health of the game, and let's face it, the game needed to be adjusted, however, unfortunately, it looks pretty clear that the changes were not tested enough due to the sheer amount of issues now pervading the game. If they had been tested extensively, and things like the Strength challenge being crazy overtuned had been caught, then you might not have had as much backlash.

    Considering how things went down, and how especially with this patch it looks like you may need additional testing, plus that it always helps looping in the community, it may behoove you to set up a test version of the game that would have the new and upcoming changes on it and allow the community to test and give feedback for you ahead of time (granted this is a mobile platform versus PC, so not sure how feasible Google and iOS stores will be).

    Here are the issues as I see them:

    1) GW - with protection added, it needs to regenerate no matter what level of protection you have left, even if it has been depleted. If you don't do this, this puts characters like tanks in a bind, as generally their protection is going to always be depleted after the first couple of fights, and you'll be starting with a disadvantage.

    2) Strength Challenge - I know it has been mentioned that this is being looked into, but given the current state of the challenge, it is nearly impossible to complete. I'm not looking forward to the Tank challenge.

    3) Light Side, Dark Side, Cantina Missions - the difficulty of some of these fights have gone up dramatically. Cantina 6G for Dooku shards looks impossible to clear as it looks like everyone has been upgraded to orange gear. You need to go back and do another pass and make the difficulty equivalent to what it was before.

    4) Arena - unfortunately, the balancing has not had the desired effect you were going for. It's become very clear, especially given their sheer amount of Protection, that Royal Guard will continue to be the trend to succeed and Fives is probably going to be showing up a lot on defense as well. Getting rid of the one shots is all fine and good, however, I feel like you're going to decrease the amount of viable characters. Worse, with Protection added, you've now pretty much killed the point of most healers unless you have Royal Guard on your team.

    5) General Balancing - it's become clear based on the notes, that you didn't exactly balance characters based on their speed. Characters with very slow speeds for some reason had abilities (yes, I know these are based off of level 80 stats, however, nerfing slow character's damage doesn't help unless you increase their speed). While it remains to be seen, I feel that we're probably going to end up trending back to the usual characters since none of the characters were really improved enough, aside from the tanks.

    Post edited by Blev08 on
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    What used to be an hour a day is now three hours. Nope. Not for me in a mobile game. No money from me, period.
  • Imac
    1 posts Member
    leave this feed personally I hope that the creators of this update are laid off and ask you kindly to stop moderators to delete contrary opinionsor updating this is censorship and personally makes me laugh to be censored by disney years of subliminal messages to children ahahahhahahha I delete the game that you have ruined
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    Witblitz wrote: »
    The genius who put this shield ****, not thinking to make it regen with every battle in GW needs to be shown the door. In GW you already face the next battle with some health missing, specials used (and now no shields). Whereas the other team has Full shield, full health and all specials at the ready. This just stacks the odds completly against you and is un unfair method.
    GW is crucial to me as this is the main source for my credits to upgrade toons.
    Update needs to be fixed fast. Because if i cant upgrade toons due to this absurd grind then bye bye.

  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    I've been very critical of the changes as I truly do understand the rationale for changing "something", however don't understand the rationale for this being the "something".

    It seems to me the thesis for the changes was "characters are dealing too much damage and matches aren't taking long enough as a result"

    With that as a thesis there are multiple ways to skin the cat. You chose "protection" for some odd reason rather than just re-balancing health / damage. I can live with it but think it wasn't the best decision for the game.

    Ultimately I understand the conundrum and I'm not sure there really is a great solution; you have a game where you allow people to continuously "upgrade" and we play and play and play to get a character to a certain level to deal an amazingly fun amount of damage and then you neuter him. That makes no sense...

    GW took me 80-90 minutes; this is wayyyy too long... it was fine as it was before. I was able to beat all LS / DS battles with my level 64 team against level 70 teams; this probably shouldn't have been the case and a slowing of that type of progression is probably in order so that by the time you are getting through the last battle on the table you are unlocking the next level not waiting 5-6 more levels before unlocking the next table. On the other hand; I ONLY worked on my main 5 guys for arena so my team "was" fairly powerful so perhaps I earned the right to march through those battles?

    It makes no sense having your protection rubbed off after the first couple battles and then face fully protected teams. Is it beatable? Yes, does it make a difference in the outcome of the battles? Yes, they take forever now and at times I need a taunter and at times I need 3 healers... did adding protection to MY characters help me in ANY form or fashion get through GW? Absolutely not... it did zero for me and I didn't even try to strategize because the inevitable was well... inevitable. All my main dudes were going to lose protection. My Barriss who was key for me to get through GW is only gear level 6 and I see no reason to upgrade her gear level just for the purpose of protection as it adds nothing. This needs to be rethought...

    Challenges - I'm only level 66 so they're still doable but the savage challenge was always annoyingly long (kind of like this post?)

    Arena - you state that we'll start seeing more team compositions used and viable; this is ultimately only going to be true if you treated the characters damage / health / protection with the mind of a socialist where everybody can beat everybody.... otherwise as a community we will figure out what works best (and to me it still looks like speed / damage with a flavor of healing) and the above average characters will be everywhere just as it was before. This reminds me of the old let's raise our taxes because our teachers have below average pay argument.... by definition, someone will always be below average and someone above average. It is a moving target and that's all you have done is moved the target. The above average toons will be found and will be everywhere.... you didn't stop that.


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    Well, if the staff is really reading this thread I'll give you a sample of *my* mixt feelings about this patch, not that this is something new but here.

    I spent months farming all FO toons, all 7 stars and gear 8 only FOST left to star up, he's at 5. I even managed to take first rank a few times in Arena against a sea of speed metas and Dooku lead, using them with either RG or Daka.
    After trying them in Arena yesterday I know they are dead meat, no better than GW B or C team now...
    Who wouldn't feel frustration after that I ask?
    Oh sure, let's move on and invest another 3 months on farming new toons...
    For what? After all the hard work they will also get nerfed or EA_God knows what?
    Sorry but, I lost the motivation, I don't feel like it anymore...

    And if you've been reading the forums as much as I have lately you know many players feel the same way about these or other toons they invested in.

    I'm not about to rage quit or anything but here's something else.

    After over three months of P2P, I will now experiment F2P for the first time since completing daily challenges, Arena matches and GW has more than doubled in time.
    I just won't have time to pay for refreshes and extra play anymore, I was already playing at least two hours a day, I can't devote more to this game.
    I think either protection OR damage nerf could somehow work to prevent speed and one shot kills from dominating the game if you balance out a proper formula but BOTH? Overkill...

    I do appreciate the attempt at improving the game but as far as I'm concerned, there's still quite a bit of adjustments to be made, especially about the length of battles now approaching the critical 5 minutes limit in Arena.
    To be honest I've even put out a squad in Arena to use this to my advantage, to make my team nearly impossible to defeat under 5 minutes and so far it seems to be working well, I see players' ranking switching around mine, but I keep my rank, so I'm assuming they're trying to defeat me but are either losing of getting a draw.

    There you have it, my two credits.
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    GW was challenging enough before. Now I don't even want to try GW. Which is bad because it is the lifeblood of this game. If you cant complete GW you will not make any gold to upgrade, promote your toons. If you can't do that players will stop playing as it will be pointless to play.

    I like the changes in the arena as it sounds like you accomplished your goals. I believe we will start to see more variety in matches.

    However Gw needs IMMEDIATE attention. Like several users suggested earlier if your armor completely refreshed after each round (at least for now to buy time to refine it) Gw would be fun again. The way it stands is ridiculous.

    The challenges take way to long for a FTP game.

    With several of your pricing models on gem packs I believe you guys are still confused and think this is a AAA MMO like WOW or SWTOR.

    I think you guys jumped the gun on this update and tried to do to much to fast. Also as several users suggested earlier it would of been wiser to just start with protection first to see how the game evolved form there. You cut to deep to fast IMHO.

    Yoda also needs IMMEDIATE attention. Take the 2nd hardest toon to achieve in this game and make him useless, not wise.

    All in all if you can can fine tune GW and the daily challenges I believe this update can be successful. However if GW stays unrefined this game could easily collapse upon itself .
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    Good point. I went into the iOS App Store and changed my 5-start rating to one. The game per-update was a lot of fun. Now it's frustrating and tedious. It's an APP GAME. I'm not sitting in front of my PC or my game console. I'm playing when I have 30 minutes to kill at lunch or on the bus going home.

    I can't stand the health bar change. Or "protection." Or the balance changes. They went way too far.
    wheywood76 wrote: »
    By reviewing the sudden dramatic drop in your iStore App rating, the overall tone of most comments in the forum and also your polls it is crystal clear that you have destroyed the game and your customers hate it.

    Trashing the health bar was wrong. Adding the protection bar was wrong. The re-balancing was far too extreme and wrong. Making toons weaker was wrong.

    I feel that after paying for crystals to complete challenges and buy Chromium Mega-Packs that I own the characters I have spent months in developing. I reckon I've spent over $1,000 in 5 months on the game and I think you owe me a refund.

    You have killed this game.

  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    I've been very critical of the changes as I truly do understand the rationale for changing "something", however don't understand the rationale for this being the "something".

    It seems to me the thesis for the changes was "characters are dealing too much damage and matches aren't taking long enough as a result"

    With that as a thesis there are multiple ways to skin the cat. You chose "protection" for some odd reason rather than just re-balancing health / damage. I can live with it but think it wasn't the best decision for the game.

    Ultimately I understand the conundrum and I'm not sure there really is a great solution; you have a game where you allow people to continuously "upgrade" and we play and play and play to get a character to a certain level to deal an amazingly fun amount of damage and then you neuter him. That makes no sense...

    GW took me 80-90 minutes; this is wayyyy too long... it was fine as it was before. I was able to beat all LS / DS battles with my level 64 team against level 70 teams; this probably shouldn't have been the case and a slowing of that type of progression is probably in order so that by the time you are getting through the last battle on the table you are unlocking the next level not waiting 5-6 more levels before unlocking the next table. On the other hand; I ONLY worked on my main 5 guys for arena so my team "was" fairly powerful so perhaps I earned the right to march through those battles?

    It makes no sense having your protection rubbed off after the first couple battles and then face fully protected teams. Is it beatable? Yes, does it make a difference in the outcome of the battles? Yes, they take forever now and at times I need a taunter and at times I need 3 healers... did adding protection to MY characters help me in ANY form or fashion get through GW? Absolutely not... it did zero for me and I didn't even try to strategize because the inevitable was well... inevitable. All my main dudes were going to lose protection. My Barriss who was key for me to get through GW is only gear level 6 and I see no reason to upgrade her gear level just for the purpose of protection as it adds nothing. This needs to be rethought...

    Challenges - I'm only level 66 so they're still doable but the savage challenge was always annoyingly long (kind of like this post?)

    Arena - you state that we'll start seeing more team compositions used and viable; this is ultimately only going to be true if you treated the characters damage / health / protection with the mind of a socialist where everybody can beat everybody.... otherwise as a community we will figure out what works best (and to me it still looks like speed / damage with a flavor of healing) and the above average characters will be everywhere just as it was before. This reminds me of the old let's raise our taxes because our teachers have below average pay argument.... by definition, someone will always be below average and someone above average. It is a moving target and that's all you have done is moved the target. The above average toons will be found and will be everywhere.... you didn't stop that.



    Forgot to add:
    1. @EA_Jesse admitted a stunned player dodging was a bug and needed to be fixed; why was this not a top priority bug? Especially with this release
    2. The new animations / sound effects need to be addressed... "dodging" should not mean my jedi stumble on their way to deliver a blow and miss.... if you are going to change that then change the other teams dude to move, not my eloquent jedi to stumble.
    3. A swing and a miss with a light saber is not silent; perhaps it is time for the team to do a movie marathon and re-watch :)
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