4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    The arena rewards are now less, none of my gear level 7+ Jedi have the shields. All shields are one hit and gone in arena and gw, but my stronger chars can't one hit the shields. Gonna hit dailies only and quit dropping 10 a week until I feel it's worth it.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    BobAFeet wrote: »
    Talk about diversity in the arena... Nice job developers!!!

    It's pretty funny that you think whole shards are going to change 1 day after the update. Do you have that kind of money around?
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    I thought it was just bad dream. Logged in this morning. Nope. Stupid non protection bar and lame**** health bar are still there. What a nightmare.
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    I hate this new update. Why did my characters loose half their health and half the strength. I want a refund of the thousand or so dollars I spent on this game. Should have bought a PS4 and bought games that dont require you to extract ludicrous amounts of money to get up in the rankings.

    My thoughts exactly
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    Azzie wrote: »
    I went through EA and they said I need to go through Google Play to pursue a refund, contacted Google and they said I need to go through EA for a refund...POS mega corps...

    Sorry to hear that. Went to Apple and got a refund basically immediately via the "Report a Problem" button. Then again, all I tried to get refunded was the $20 ewok pack I had purchased hours before. The money before then, like this game, is flushed down the toilet
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    Ya know i was getting a little bored with the game before the new update. Now i dont even want to play anything because it takes forever. I thought it was fine how the health system was. They nerf the fast characters too much i mean yoda should be beast u can only get him through the event and that was hard enough. The game to me is not enjoyable. I mainly play on break at work now everything takes 1p min longer.
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    When I get home I'm making a petition to get our stats and health back. Also to get rid of "protection". It's no excuse to take our hard work we've spent time and money on. Want to keep longevity? Add to the game! Not take. After the 80 level cap things were perfect and challenging but this update is just unfair and ruins the gameplay. Till I post the petition don't forget to review game on App Store. It already became a 2.5 star game overnight. We need to show them what we want. I bet Apple is already **** since they do this Apps for Earth thing and EA ruins the game the same exact day
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    EA just broke this game. I hate this update. I am now stuck, I can't beat the challenges anymore, but I need those mats to make my players stronger. This is ****.
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    I agree with most, hate the update. This is my first post, but had to comment since the game is no longer fun, and takes way toooooo long to finish a round. I think when the crystal purchases decease (most will stop buying), the designers will be forced to confront the issues and correct according to what the customers (i.e. us) want. Stay vigilant and keep the comments coming.
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    Just looked at the reviews on google play store. Ouch, destroyed. Nice job EA.
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    Totally love the update my squad preparations yielded me the number 3 spot in my server at closing. From 78 to 3 ... I had a hunch and it worked great some surprise characters were revealed as well as to who got better and what is more viable. All in all I love the new changes I think we are going to see a variety of teams versus the stale teams we have seen
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    Here are my impressions of the update for different categories taken in abstraction from one another.

    Squad Arena - The impact of the damage modification and the addition of the protection stat seems to largely have no impact on the final result of a match. All that seems to have changed is that matches now take longer. This potentially means that more closely matched fights may result in draws more often, which means that the overall opportunity to rise in ranks (from the player controlled side) has been reduced.

    GW - The addition of the protection stat has, I think, raised considerably the difficulty of these fights. The old strategy for completing GW was to toss less powerful characters to make a dent in the next team and then send in your A-listers to finish the node off. The protection stat makes this strategy much less impactful. Meanwhile, A-listers get weakened much more significantly as progress through the node continues. The new strategy probably should be for players to identify tiers of teams to invest in, say four teams, and then as GW progress continues to switch teams. This would mean that players should no longer invest energy in exclusively invest in gearing and staring a single team, but instead spread those investments in a manner proportional to their utility in GW. Gearing and staring was already a long and tedious process. It just got longer and more tedious.

    Challenges - Challenges seem to have generally gotten more difficult. I've only played two challenges since the update, but so far I can see that completing challenges at the tiers I'm used to is no longer possible. This means I should invest more energy into gearing and staring characters for these challenges. The great thing about the challenges before was that it was a convenient means of significantly reducing the amount of time I needed to gear up characters. The convenience of challenges has been greatly reduced.

    Squad Cantina/ LS Battles/ DS Battles - I haven't really played these. Just simed them for gear. However, I notice that enemies now have omega level gear where they didn't before.

    I generally dislike the update. I think that the update has merely made the game more tedious instead of improving the game overall. I sense that this new level of tedium might encourage players to buy more crystals, assuming players find frustration motivating. Personally, I was already embarrassed that I spent $200 on a free game. This update has really shocked me out of the temptation to pay more, which, I guess, is a really good thing. I have more thoughts, but I'll end it here for now.
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    This new update freakin blows!!! In typical EA fashion you all have seriously f#*ked a good thing!!!
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    Nice job releasing a half-baked update to your half-baked video game. However, this is what I have come to expect from Electronic Arts. So no surprises here.

    How many of you poor souls bought the new Star Wars Battlefront? That game should have been a great indicator of the garbage that Electronic Arts is willing to release and charge full price for.

    It seems like releasing half-baked video games that will be in forever-beta mode is Electronic Arts new business model. What an insult.

    BTW, I have been playing this game since November and I have not spent a single penny on it. Sorry my first post is filled with negativity but up until this latest update I was having a great time playing this game on a daily basis, but I don't think it is fun anymore, so I just wanted to throw my opinion into the hat like everyone else is doing and maybe the developers will listen and make the appropriate changes to fix this mess...but probably not.

    Before this update I felt the game was fun to play. It didn't take a ton of time to complete all the daily activities and it was basically a simple grind to collect more characters, not some high-end combat game like the devs seem to think that it is. I played it here and there, when I had time.

    Using the excuse that this rebalance is needed to ensure the long-term health of this game is ludicrous. I'm pretty sure this game will be a constant disappointment just like SimCity and the new Star Wars Battlefront. In other words you shouldn't worry about the long-term health of this game because this game is going to have a short life span...unless you manage to fix it...soon.

    I've seen Developers pull the same bait-and-switch technique that just happened with this game. People pay good money for items in the game and then sometime down the line the developer changes the item, usually for the worse. It alienates the very people that are funding the game. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...

    This game needed more content not an overhaul. There may be a few people that like the new feel of this game, but if you look at the posts that people are making, it's obvious that the majority don't like it.

    4/14 update = FAIL.
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    DrewN76 wrote: »
    Totally love the update my squad preparations yielded me the number 3 spot in my server at closing. From 78 to 3 ... I had a hunch and it worked great some surprise characters were revealed as well as to who got better and what is more viable. All in all I love the new changes I think we are going to see a variety of teams versus the stale teams we have seen
    You apparently haven't gotten Yoda, he is garbage now
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    The people that like the update must have had low health characters to begin with but if you had 7 star characters like me with 20 bars of health now being reduced to like 4 bars the same as a 1 star character you'd be angry too
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    I feel like I was better off in my first two months of playing the game
  • Spartan2013
    8 posts Member
    edited April 2016
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    Yea they reduced it ugh
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    Everything about this update was wrong except new events and items
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    Yea they reduced it ugh

    Someone pointed out in another thread that it was in the patch notes. I guess they reduced them by 100 but the daily give 100 more to help lower level players--hence you still get the same. One change I'm fine with.
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    I just can't even play it. I've just been using my sims up cause if I do anything else I just get mad and almost break my IPhone
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    I don't like the update either. I hope they go back to the old method.
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    While I understand the need to shift from a speed game turning each match into a 10 minute grind is obnoxious. The challenges are tedious at best now. I picked this game up as nice distraction between meetings at work or long commutes. It should be fun to play not work.
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    Trying to stay positive with the update as I liked the game and I didn't see the need to change the health bars. I could judge relative health without an issue. It also seemed pretty consistent from player to player and challenges.

    Currently I notice inconsistency between application of damage and buffs and especially notice that player health bars have been reduced, but in challenges, they left them in tact on your opponent so now unless you are level 65 and max equipment and ability you get blasted even at full health level 58, which I could win at level 56.

    I'll continue to play for a little, but finding I'll be less prone to invest anymore until I see things even out and they resolve their equality issue, or in other words, see them do same to internal challenge characters health bars as they did to our health meters. Kind of like player against the house with marked cards or loaded dice...
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    Pretty disappointed with the update. The protection mechanic works ok for the arena because there is only one round and everyone starts even. Everywhere else, it fails because there is no regeneration capability leaving your characters with hardly enough health to make a difference.

    Challenges and GW are way too hard and chancy. My 7 star teams for challenges no longer win them any more. Just watched Cad Bane blow up my entire team in 5 consecutive hits ... Most had full health bars and no shield. The amount of health for the challenges need to be reduced drastically to compensate for the damage reduction that occurred. Leaving the enemies at the same health and removing the ability to heal through the damage makes things up to luck to have a positive outcome.

    The shield mechanic makes healing a near useless activity since there is nothing to heal until the shields are gone. By the time you can heal, the team is getting annihilated before it makes a difference.

    If the shields stick around, then there needs to be a generate them... Like there is a way to regen health. The logic behind making half the health pool non refillable (which is essentially what has been done with the shield mechanic) is not obvious.

    I've played many MMORPGs which tried to balance across PVE and PVP areas using common gear and stuff. It seems that the desire to change up the arena area of the game has currently destroyed the balance of the non arena areas of game play.

    By forcing all aspects of the game to use the shield which has no regen any multi round event (GW, quests, challenges, etc) there is a greater dependence on luck to win since the remaining health pools which can be healed through are so small.

    Hope this gets resolved quickly.

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    Relax people I've found a positive to this update ,I now have hours of free time to do other things than sit on my **** playing a game I used to enjoy .Thank you **** .
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    Why have the events suddenly become so much harder too!?!?

    Challenges I used to breeze through, I'm now struggling to get through the first stage.

    Oh, and my Genosian soldier is screwing up...AGAIN! Where the cool-down for it's special attack is one more than it should be. 4th time I think this has happened now.
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    I just created an EA account solely to express my disdain for this update. I may be what you consider a "whale" and I can say for certain that I will not waste another penny on this game. I was under the impression that this protection stuff was going to pertain to arenas, not every aspect of the game... I really don't want to be wasting 3-4 hours every day to farm. I'll definitely give it a few days to see if any hotfixes are implemented, otherwise, RIP SWGOH.
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    Smar206 wrote: »
    Trying to stay positive with the update as I liked the game and I didn't see the need to change the health bars. I could judge relative health without an issue. It also seemed pretty consistent from player to player and challenges.

    Currently I notice inconsistency between application of damage and buffs and especially notice that player health bars have been reduced, but in challenges, they left them in tact on your opponent so now unless you are level 65 and max equipment and ability you get blasted even at full health level 58, which I could win at level 56.

    I'll continue to play for a little, but finding I'll be less prone to invest anymore until I see things even out and they resolve their equality issue, or in other words, see them do same to internal challenge characters health bars as they did to our health meters. Kind of like player against the house with marked cards or loaded dice...

    Most of my guys are 7 stars and level 73 and I still get destroyed
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