rey at gear x


  • ripthestage
    153 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Rey is fast and deals decent damage. I wish CG/EA would have never changed any toons. Damage reduction made Kylo and many toons useless (bravo). What if you just stop whining this time.
    - I was here when many were whining about Poe. Then they nerfed it. I still can't find a reason because back in time I didn't have Poe at all but was top 5 all the time. Yeah, sometimes droids were scary with Poe but it was what it was. I just got used to it and found a way to beat them. But CG nerfed him.
    - Then damage reduction on some. That was the biggest mistake here ever. Protection brought balance here (I like that change, first reasonable one in balance). Really slow teams can be decent and hard to beat.
    - It was the same with RG. I didn't use him, then used for a while and now I'm living without him again. So what? Tell you something more. If you have Rey and use her with Ackbar lead, she uses her triple, then her double immediately. That's a dead toon 90%. And how many AA is ready in your arena? Yours ready? Are you working on him? Also HRS can be added to this team. Add a Han and/or RG and QGJ. All nerfable toon, decent squad. Tbh it's better than most of the QGJ/Dooku leader teams.
    - When Dooku was the "all star" I just put him out from my team because I wanted to show my arena it's not the only solution. That was another beautiful reaction from the community and the developers when many of you were whining about Dooku and since his damage nerf, he is a wasted spot in your arena squad. But many wanted him, as thought he was OP. He wasn't and thanks to your posts and to the devs reaction he is just a joke now. And people still using him in arena. Can't believe that dodge rate worth it. Cause there is no other reason to use him.

    I just can't believe many of you don't want to solve your issues by your own but want CG to change the game. For what reason? I can list 5 top tier team atm and Rey is not a must to win. However a nice toon to have I admit it.

    @CG/EA please do not nerf Rey and please give back some damage to Yoda, Kylo and so on.

    FTB ripthestage

    ps.: yes, you can start talking about whales and free to play problems but you are talking about a gear X attacker. I guess your toons are gear VIII, IX. Thank it to EA/CG (your problem is not gear X Rey, your problem is gear VIII-IX toons you have and can't gear up)! It's not Rey's problem. A gear X toon meant to be tough. Must be. Deal with it.
    Post edited by ripthestage on
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Gear 10 vs not gear 10 is never going to be fair

    But go on with this highly non entertaining display of hurt feeloma
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Rey is fast and deals decent damage. I wish CG/EA would have never changed any toons. Damage reduction made Kylo and many toons useless (bravo). What if you just stop whining this time.
    - I was here when many were whining about Poe. Then they nerfed it. I still can't find a reason because back in time I didn't have Poe at all but was top 5 all the time. Yeah, sometimes droids were scary with Poe but it was what it was. I just got used to it and found a way to beat them. But CG nerfed him.
    - Then damage reduction on some. That was the biggest mistake here ever. Protection brought balance here (I like that change, first reasonable one in balance). Really slow teams can be decent and hard to beat.
    - It was the same with RG. I didn't use him, then used for a while and now I'm living without him again. So what? Tell you something more. If you have Rey and use her with Ackbar lead, she uses her triple, then her double immediately. That's a dead toon 90%. And how many AA is ready in your arena? Yours ready? Are you working on him? Also HRS can be added to this team. Add a Han and/or RG and QGJ. All nerfable toon, decent squad. Tbh it's better than most of the QGJ/Dooku leader teams.
    - When Dooku was the "all star" I just put him out from my team because I wanted to show my arena it's not the only solution. That was another beautiful reaction from the community and the developers when many of you were whining about Dooku and since his damage nerf, he is a wasted spot in your arena squad. But many wanted him, as thought he was OP. He wasn't and thanks to your posts and to the devs reaction he is just a joke now. And people still using him in arena. Can't believe that dodge rate worth it. Cause there is no other reason to use him.

    I just can't believe many of you don't want to solve your issues by your own but want CG to change the game. For what reason? I can list 5 top tier team atm and Rey is not a must to win. However a nice toon to have I admit it.

    @CG/EA please do not nerf Rey and please give back some damage to Yoda, Kylo and so on.

    FTB ripthestage

    ps.: yes, you can start talking about whales and free to play problems but you are talking about a gear X attacker. I guess your toons are gear VIII, IX. Thank it to EA/CG (your problem is not gear X Rey, your problem is gear VIII-IX toons you have and can't gear up)! It's not Rey's problem. A gear X toon meant to be tough. Must be. Deal with it.

    Thank you. Very well said.
  • Options
    I fought a squad today with a RG that had 53K in Protection/Health, and people want to nerf the DD?
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    Harmonica wrote: »
    Rey is honestly fine and easy enough to handle.

    The devs need to look at useless characters (like Anakin) and do makeovers on them instead.

    Basically the devs need to be buffing people rather than nerfing.. and everyone would be happier!

    nerfing makes people mad!

    BUffing makes people happy!
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Skye wrote: »
    Harmonica wrote: »
    Rey is honestly fine and easy enough to handle.

    The devs need to look at useless characters (like Anakin) and do makeovers on them instead.

    Basically the devs need to be buffing people rather than nerfing.. and everyone would be happier!

    nerfing makes people mad!

    BUffing makes people happy!

    Aside from Evasion leadship bonuses needing a reduction, I totally agree wth that. Buff more characters. Anakin is a great example.
  • Options
    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    I have g10 rey and she is just broken, by far best character in the game and needs to be seriously looked at by devs

    Sure you do. Buddy.

    Because everyone that put "that much effort" into a toon is going to cry for a nerf.

    Lol!!! How can someone think we will believe this??
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    Gavstar wrote: »
    To be fair EA_Jesse did say in General, toons speed and Dmg ratio would be fixed - In General, does not mean all toons.

    I've faced a gear 10 Rey, the cracking sound effects are cool. Then you realised someone on you team just died... Sadness then settles in...

    The only counter is dodge RNG in your favour.

    Not true, you can just stun her...
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Lambi wrote: »
    Gavstar wrote: »
    To be fair EA_Jesse did say in General, toons speed and Dmg ratio would be fixed - In General, does not mean all toons.

    I've faced a gear 10 Rey, the cracking sound effects are cool. Then you realised someone on you team just died... Sadness then settles in...

    The only counter is dodge RNG in your favour.

    Not true, you can just stun her...

    If you use RG stun her or get speed down on her which negates her FA buff. Plenty of ways to deal with Ray. Old Ben really gives her a hard time. If she has foresight Mind Tricks will debuff foresight on top of removing her turn meter, offense down, and ability block.
  • int3ns1fy
    210 posts Member
    Rey would be fine if not for the ridiculous foresight after her first attack (and of course she always goes first due to her speed). Well okay not fine, but at least much more manageable to deal with...
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Rey would be fine if not for the ridiculous foresight after her first attack (and of course she always goes first due to her speed). Well okay not fine, but at least much more manageable to deal with...

    With 22k hp she would be pure garbage without foresight. And it isn't even close. At gear 10 i mean. Plus she never really gets foresight all the time. At least when you control her she doesn't lol. In the hands of the AI, Rey is nothing to be scared of. In the hands of human she can be used really good. Much like Yoda. These 2 are very similar but not in a damage way, in the wai AIvshuman uses them. Many have different opinions, but we need more characters like these.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Why can't i edit any of my posts? What's happening here? What is wrong with the forum?
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Rey would be fine if not for the ridiculous foresight after her first attack (and of course she always goes first due to her speed). Well okay not fine, but at least much more manageable to deal with...

    With 22k hp she would be pure garbage without foresight. And it isn't even close. At gear 10 i mean. Plus she never really gets foresight all the time. At least when you control her she doesn't lol. In the hands of the AI, Rey is nothing to be scared of. In the hands of human she can be used really good. Much like Yoda. These 2 are very similar but not in a damage way, in the wai AIvshuman uses them. Many have different opinions, but we need more characters like these.


    Deal Physical damage to target enemy. In addition, Rey gains Foresight for 2 turns if she doesn't have any positive status effects, and Offense Up for 3 turns if she does.

    Since she goes first, she automatically starts the battle with foresight.
    Aftee that, she still has a 40% chance to proc it with her basic, which is still extremely good.

    The AI plays her really well:
    Leverage > Flurry of blows > Basic

    The only thing that's bad is the targeting, but this is the case for every character.

    So you see, she's just better overall. Her AI is perfect, unlike many attackers, because her abilities don't require timing or a specific set-up.

    You're always saying her health is really bad, but it's really similar to other glass canons. 88 and Darth Maul even have less health/prot than her, while having no defensive mechanic whatsoever. She can completely block attacks and on-hit effects, and this is priceless on an attacker.

    And yes, Leia might be better than Rey in some situation, but her damage output is not as reliable.
    Though I agree that Leia is also too strong, especially in an Akbar led-team. Her perma stealth and the changes to counters make her unstoppable.
    BUT, she's also Chromium only, so she is less of an issue due to her rarity. But yes, she also needs some tuning.

    Now you seem to also have an issue with "high HP team".
    Though I understand your concern, it is not based on anything. This kind of team does not exist at the moment, simply because they lack the offensive power to win in defense.

    A simple taunt make them useless. With 2 or 3 attackers, you can easily destroy them within the 5-minutes time limit. The devs even accelerated the battles to prevent draws.
    It's even faster on auto.

    I would also like to point out a flaw in your posts:
    You argue that Rey is not too powerful, yet you fear that if she gets nerfed, tank teams will become unstoppable. Doesn't that show that Rey IS too powerful, if she prevents entire teams from being viable?

    Also, for the sake of the discussion, please provide a meaningful response, instead of your usual personal attacks and "you're a troll" post.

    For now, I am the one who makes elaborate posts to explain my point of view. You just keep dismissing them without making any valid points. I would love to hear a constructed and well-written post from you to clearly state why you think Rey is not overpowered.

  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    I see Sikho is on it again to get all the toons nerfed he doesn't have himself.
    Stop nerfing, start playing. Gear 10 Rey comparisson to f2p scrub toons gear 8 is obvious.

    Thanks to the precrafting issue we have false nerfclaims again.
    We were whiners because we asked to roll back the precraft issue. Now whales are at gear lvl X, F2P at gear lvl 8/9 and the whining can begin once again.
    Today Leia shot my Rey from 100% health and prot to 0% in 4!!! shots.
    I'd be happy to trade my Rey for Leia any day!
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    I see Sikho is on it again to get all the toons nerfed he doesn't have himself.
    Stop nerfing, start playing. Gear 10 Rey comparisson to f2p scrub toons gear 8 is obvious.

    Thanks to the precrafting issue we have false nerfclaims again.
    We were whiners because we asked to roll back the precraft issue. Now whales are at gear lvl X, F2P at gear lvl 8/9 and the whining can begin once again.
    Today Leia shot my Rey from 100% health and prot to 0% in 4!!! shots.
    I'd be happy to trade my Rey for Leia any day!

    I am currently farming and gearing Rey. I will keep maxing her even if her damage is nerfed, because she's really good in Raids.
    But unlike many people, I can still admit that a character I own is too strong, because it's simply true.

    You will notice that all the data I pull are from maxed heroes, so lvl 80, gear 10/11, Omega abilities.
    Among all those characters, Rey still outperforms every attacker, besided maybe Leia, who, as I said, is also too powerful considered her stealth.

    So you might say that this is a gear-related issue, but it's obviously not. You can look it up if you want. Rey has the best AND third best damaging ability in the game. That's just a fact.

    I would also like to point out that Leia can't fire 4 times. It's just impossible. The max she can fire is 3 times.
    So I don't know how you witnessed it, but you probably misunderstood what happened. She may have been called to assist or something else, but she can't one-shot Rey.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Sikho Except such a team does exist! In my shard. The guy is from Team Instinct and he is displaying unbeatable counter teams with Aayla Secura Ima Gun di Kit Fisto and Fives in them. To which foresight helps to just not get insta-killed! You think my request for not nerfing anything, including Rey, comes from anything BUT personal experience? There's a reason that guy doesn't leave Rey in defense. He has Rey and he did leave her in once, then he took her out immediately. I watch him all the time, he knows what he is doing. If CT 5s targets Rey, Rey is DONE! She will be slowed. Aayla hits Rey for 6k and stuns her! Game over! And if it's like that in defense, how will it be in offense against Rey for that team? I can't imagine a different answer other than easy as pie! I understand wanting to buff things, although not until everybody is gear 10! Buffs can be just as dangerous as nerfs right now.

    Please don't compare IG-88 to Rey unless you fought a gear 9 IG-88! He was part of a pre-crafted droid team with RG! If he is allowed to aoe, you lose the game! Especially if your team is full of glass cannons. I have fought such a team yesterday. You should watch what GS does at gear 10. Then you will be calling for nerfs as well on him! You will start to call for nerfs on all attackers soon. That means the game is balanced, not that anything needs nerfing. At gear 10, GS's damage output is bigger than Rey's. Because he does swarm every other round, while Rey has to wait 2 rounds to get her 2nd attack back after she performs her Flurry of blows as well.

    Rey may be the best attacker, i doubt this after seeing GS at gear 10...but so what? That does not mean anything! Against a counter team, her and Yoda are not good at all! When everyone reaches gear 10, then we can compare and see who needs additional buffs. Nobody needs nerf now, nobody! Not even CT 5s! I don't even want to know how CT 5s is at gear 10 if he is like this now, yet i don't call for nerfs.

    And keep in mind i was the one who was on a nerf campaign pre-fortitude against Rey and Leia. And i have been farming Rey from day1 since i started the game, not knowing anything about her. Yet i still wanted her nerfed. After fortitude, not so much. After i've seen what gear 10 can do on some, i am done calling for nerfs on both Leia and Rey. This is all based on my personal experience, not stuff i invent along the way. That seems to be your job! You are imagining things that are simply not there. Have you fought GS at gear 10 yet?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    And to give you an estimate of Rey's huge damage...without offense up but with some sort of positive effect on, Rey takes about 40% of Aayla's protection with the 2nd attack!! Huge right? Soooo OP!
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Im playing since november so I am really sure what I saw. Leia shot my Rey 4 times and she got OHKO'd technically.
    Now there is no other toon that kan OHKO except Leia so I disagree that Rey has the strongest attack in the game.
    Keep an eye out since Leia is the new meta, she will shoot 4x eventually.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Im playing since november so I am really sure what I saw. Leia shot my Rey 4 times and she got OHKO'd technically.
    Now there is no other toon that kan OHKO except Leia so I disagree that Rey has the strongest attack in the game.
    Keep an eye out since Leia is the new meta, she will shoot 4x eventually.

    This happened to me too. Aayla called Leia and then she 4 shotted Rey. This is happening!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    As far as raids go, you need more practice. Yes Rey is very good in phase 1! But phase 1 is not where you do the most damage. That's phase 2 and phase 3. And after phase 1, Rey loses her mojo. Because Rancor dispels all positive status effects and Rey counts on those. I will give you a for instance, because i was just done with phase 3. In the first fight i did 175k with Rey in and my absolute best team! On the 2nd fight 154k, i still had Rey. In my 3rd fight, Rey was gone BUT i had yoda this time. And with my 'leftovers' i did 134k damage. There are many ways to increase your damage output in phases 2-3, you don't need Rey!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Out of all the people i have, there is one person who really needs a buff because he is an under-performer in everything. And i mean everything. Eeth Koth! I think he is garbage!
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Poor Eeth Koth hits like a wuss.
    I'll try to record a battle where Leia shoots 4x today. It's with Old Ben lead so no bonus attacks what so ever. Got 10 battles left so it should be posted somewhere later today.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Poor Eeth Koth hits like a wuss.
    I'll try to record a battle where Leia shoots 4x today. It's with Old Ben lead so no bonus attacks what so ever. Got 10 battles left so it should be posted somewhere later today.

    What do you mean Leia shoots 4 times? On her own? I was talking about Aayla doing basic, then Leia shooting 3 times ==> full fortitude 6* gear 9 rey dead.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Rey would be fine if not for the ridiculous foresight after her first attack (and of course she always goes first due to her speed). Well okay not fine, but at least much more manageable to deal with...

    With 22k hp she would be pure garbage without foresight. And it isn't even close. At gear 10 i mean. Plus she never really gets foresight all the time. At least when you control her she doesn't lol. In the hands of the AI, Rey is nothing to be scared of. In the hands of human she can be used really good. Much like Yoda. These 2 are very similar but not in a damage way, in the wai AIvshuman uses them. Many have different opinions, but we need more characters like these.


    Deal Physical damage to target enemy. In addition, Rey gains Foresight for 2 turns if she doesn't have any positive status effects, and Offense Up for 3 turns if she does.

    Since she goes first, she automatically starts the battle with foresight.
    Aftee that, she still has a 40% chance to proc hit with her basic, which is still extremely good.

    The AI plays her really well:
    Leverage > Flurry of blows > Basic

    The only thing that's bad is the targeting, but this is the case for every character.

    So you see, she's just better overall. Her AI is perfect, unlike many attackers, because her abilities don't require timing or a specific set-up.

    You're always saying her health is really bad, but it's really similar to other glass canons. 88 and Darth Maul even have less health/prot than her, while having no defensive mechanic whatsoever. She can completely block attacks and on-hit effects, and this is priceless on an attacker.

    And yes, Leia might be better than Rey in some situation, but her damage output is not as reliable.
    Though I agree that Leia is also too strong, especially in an Akbar led-team. Her perma stealth and the changes to counters make her unstoppable.
    BUT, she's also Chromium only, so she is less of an issue due to her rarity. But yes, she also needs some tuning.

    Now you seem to also have an issue with "high HP team".
    Though I understand your concern, it is not based on anything. This kind of team does not exist at the moment, simply because they lack the offensive power to win in defense.

    A simple taunt make them useless. With 2 or 3 attackers, you can easily destroy them within the 5-minutes time limit. The devs even accelerated the battles to prevent draws.
    It's even faster on auto.

    I would also like to point out a flaw in your posts:
    You argue that Rey is not too powerful, yet you fear that if she gets nerfed, tank teams will become unstoppable. Doesn't that show that Rey IS too powerful, if she prevents entire teams from being viable?

    Also, for the sake of the discussion, please provide a meaningful response, instead of your usual personal attacks and "you're a troll" post.

    For now, I am the one who makes elaborate posts to explain my point of view. You just keep dismissing them without making any valid points. I would love to hear a constructed and well-written post from you to clearly state why you think Rey is not overpowered.


    You state that you are the only one who writes elaborate posts to explain your point of view, yet you dismiss high HP teams because they dont win defences. When did rey ever win defences ? And how is that a valid point ? You dismiss it just as easily as the pro-rey members dismiss your arguments.
    If attackers get nerfed and tank teams become too powerfull doesnt mean that tank teams arent viable without a nerf on the attackers. As a matter of fact, there are alot of double tank teams atm. So what are you talking about ?
    You are focussing on the forsight and claim it will make up for her low health. Yes that forsight is definitely a pro for her survivability, but its hardly a game changer. The fact that darth maul isnt viable at all doesnt mean that rey is OP. You might think that is a valid point, but its nothing more than just an irrelevant statement.
    In the end rey is just a 1 trick pony, Hit hard, die first. She is definitely not unbeatable, she is just the best in that small group of pure dps based toons. You actually need other toons to make her viable in your team, otherwise she just dies. The total damage output in a arena match isnt that high at all, she gets to hit 1 time, maybe 2 times if she gets lucky, worse case scenario 3 times, and that third hit isnt even that hard. (that is with someone like RG/SThan on her team)
    Her high damage in combo with speed is the only thing that makes her viable, take that away and she is utterly useless.
    I dont see the problem in having 1 toon hitting harder than the rest, but lacking usefullness in literally all the other catagories.

    (fyi, my rey is only 4*)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    - When Dooku was the "all star" I just put him out from my team because I wanted to show my arena it's not the only solution. That was another beautiful reaction from the community and the developers when many of you were whining about Dooku and since his damage nerf, he is a wasted spot in your arena squad. But many wanted him, as thought he was OP. He wasn't and thanks to your posts and to the devs reaction he is just a joke now. And people still using him in arena. Can't believe that dodge rate worth it. Cause there is no other reason to use him.
    Dooku lead (in defense with AI-advantage) is like a mix of Yoda and Poggle, just better, because your chars get foresight (dodge) around 50% of the time + attack-up with no need of using an ability/turn. *lol* ... thats why you still see Dooku in Arena! ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    No in my battle it was with Old Ben as lead. When it was Leia her turn and she was stealthed by then, she attacked Rey, shot once for half the prot, twice for full protection and after that ANOTHER 2 times to kill her. So basically Leia shot 4x on my full 7* G9 Rey and killed her with it.
    I was amazed :D Like I said, will try and make a vid today in Arena to show she still hits 4x. Happened twice yesterday without any Phasma or Ackbar lead e.g.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    No in my battle it was with Old Ben as lead. When it was Leia her turn and she was stealthed by then, she attacked Rey, shot once for half the prot, twice for full protection and after that ANOTHER 2 times to kill her. So basically Leia shot 4x on my full 7* G9 Rey and killed her with it.
    I was amazed :D Like I said, will try and make a vid today in Arena to show she still hits 4x. Happened twice yesterday without any Phasma or Ackbar lead e.g.

    Well i haven't seen that but i haven't paid attention to it either. If it happens like you say, it is a bug. I don't see how we need an almost un-killable Leia that shoots 4 times lol.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Rey would be fine if not for the ridiculous foresight after her first attack (and of course she always goes first due to her speed). Well okay not fine, but at least much more manageable to deal with...

    With 22k hp she would be pure garbage without foresight. And it isn't even close. At gear 10 i mean. Plus she never really gets foresight all the time. At least when you control her she doesn't lol. In the hands of the AI, Rey is nothing to be scared of. In the hands of human she can be used really good. Much like Yoda. These 2 are very similar but not in a damage way, in the wai AIvshuman uses them. Many have different opinions, but we need more characters like these.


    Deal Physical damage to target enemy. In addition, Rey gains Foresight for 2 turns if she doesn't have any positive status effects, and Offense Up for 3 turns if she does.

    Since she goes first, she automatically starts the battle with foresight.
    Aftee that, she still has a 40% chance to proc hit with her basic, which is still extremely good.

    The AI plays her really well:
    Leverage > Flurry of blows > Basic

    The only thing that's bad is the targeting, but this is the case for every character.

    So you see, she's just better overall. Her AI is perfect, unlike many attackers, because her abilities don't require timing or a specific set-up.

    You're always saying her health is really bad, but it's really similar to other glass canons. 88 and Darth Maul even have less health/prot than her, while having no defensive mechanic whatsoever. She can completely block attacks and on-hit effects, and this is priceless on an attacker.

    And yes, Leia might be better than Rey in some situation, but her damage output is not as reliable.
    Though I agree that Leia is also too strong, especially in an Akbar led-team. Her perma stealth and the changes to counters make her unstoppable.
    BUT, she's also Chromium only, so she is less of an issue due to her rarity. But yes, she also needs some tuning.

    Now you seem to also have an issue with "high HP team".
    Though I understand your concern, it is not based on anything. This kind of team does not exist at the moment, simply because they lack the offensive power to win in defense.

    A simple taunt make them useless. With 2 or 3 attackers, you can easily destroy them within the 5-minutes time limit. The devs even accelerated the battles to prevent draws.
    It's even faster on auto.

    I would also like to point out a flaw in your posts:
    You argue that Rey is not too powerful, yet you fear that if she gets nerfed, tank teams will become unstoppable. Doesn't that show that Rey IS too powerful, if she prevents entire teams from being viable?

    Also, for the sake of the discussion, please provide a meaningful response, instead of your usual personal attacks and "you're a troll" post.

    For now, I am the one who makes elaborate posts to explain my point of view. You just keep dismissing them without making any valid points. I would love to hear a constructed and well-written post from you to clearly state why you think Rey is not overpowered.


    You state that you are the only one who writes elaborate posts to explain your point of view, yet you dismiss high HP teams because they dont win defences. When did rey ever win defences ? And how is that a valid point ? You dismiss it just as easily as the pro-rey members dismiss your arguments.
    If attackers get nerfed and tank teams become too powerfull doesnt mean that tank teams arent viable without a nerf on the attackers. As a matter of fact, there are alot of double tank teams atm. So what are you talking about ?
    You are focussing on the forsight and claim it will make up for her low health. Yes that forsight is definitely a pro for her survivability, but its hardly a game changer. The fact that darth maul isnt viable at all doesnt mean that rey is OP. You might think that is a valid point, but its nothing more than just an irrelevant statement.
    In the end rey is just a 1 trick pony, Hit hard, die first. She is definitely not unbeatable, she is just the best in that small group of pure dps based toons. You actually need other toons to make her viable in your team, otherwise she just dies. The total damage output in a arena match isnt that high at all, she gets to hit 1 time, maybe 2 times if she gets lucky, worse case scenario 3 times, and that third hit isnt even that hard. (that is with someone like RG/SThan on her team)
    Her high damage in combo with speed is the only thing that makes her viable, take that away and she is utterly useless.
    I dont see the problem in having 1 toon hitting harder than the rest, but lacking usefullness in literally all the other catagories.

    (fyi, my rey is only 4*)

    How are you editing your post? My edit button is frozen!
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member

    My quote button is frozen :( Edit is still working for me but can't quote anyone.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Akiraine
    256 posts Member
    Leia gets turn meter on basic, up to 30% if really lucky on a triple tap. What could have possibly happened was that you have a slow team compared to leia, so her tm filled up again after a triple tap tm gain and went again, so seemly shooting 4x?

    It's like fives sometimes who seems to shoot 6x in a row. On a double counter and then his turn comes and he double taps on the same target again.
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