Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


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    Nightlores wrote: »
    People can really complain about everything, and then it gets nurfed again. I just finished T7 with QGJ (lead), luminar, JC, ahsoka, anakin. Lvl range 72-79, so not even a good team. Very easy on the first try, I don't get the fuss.

  • aGlint
    54 posts Member
    Simply put, there should have been a warning this was going to happen.

    As a newer player who just hit level 71, and have five 7* level 65-70 jedi in G7/8 gear, I expected a difficult fight for 7* yoda.

    3/5 of my team is being one shot in the 6* challenge!

    WHY should I bother putting ungodly resources into the next return of the event if there's a chance for another buff with NO ANNOUNCEMENT?????

    Ugh I usually grimace when people say they won't be spending any more, but I am definitely in the same boat now.
    2761 posts Member
    Ourmilo wrote: »
    During first 2 yoda events final yoda was lvl 50 hes lvl 90 now. Not one person has been able to take him down in this new event.

    He was level 80 last time when cap was 70 and many are beating him.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Definitely harder now but doable. I finally 7* him on my 5th attempt with Barris lead, JC, Asoka, Lumi & QGJ. Just had to retreat a few times to get a weaker team combo. And focus on Yoda first then bring down the other 2. Good luck!
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    Guys I beat him just now and took me 25 tries. I used Lumi (L) Asoka, Anakin, Koch, QGJ.

    I had Jedi Guard / Ol Ben as guards and neither hit hard.
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    all I know is that they are running this game.... waited all this time for Yoda to pop again and they make it almost impossible to obtain him at seven star I have spent thousands of dollars on his game for them to do the stuff.... is wrong
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member

    This thread has people with squads 10 levels below most of those that can't beat the event. You don't see a problem with this? That seems like way too much luck is involved in this.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Petrozza
    30 posts Member
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    wisenuts wrote: »
    i just one shot yoda with rey. guys com'on it's not that tuff

    Impossible this. A jedi she is not. Lying you are. Unless defeated in pvp yoda was. About the yoda event this thread is. Confused you may be.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I just got him after about an hour of playing.

    74 Bariss, 78 QGJ (omega basic), 78 Luninara, 70 Eeth, 70 JC

    (clearly I'm FTP)

    I eventually got Old Ben and Eeth Koth as his partners. Then I just focused Yoda and ignored those two and their weaksauce bats.

    Ended up with Bariss, Eeth, and QGJ left after killing Yoda. I only used basics against Yoda except for JC's special attack and QGJ's assist attack.

    A REALLY big tip is to save QGJ's debuff attack for whenever you use Lumi's heal. Yoda steals that heal but when QGJ debuffs him it does grant offense up (not all debuffs seem to do so).


    Pics added:

    2761 posts Member
    Solid_PR wrote: »
    Same here 20 attempts or more failed

    20 attempts is just the start. It took me over 30 horrendous attempts at 70 before it clicked. Some have tried well over 100-200 attempts before you can beat it.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    QGJ offence up doesn't work in yoda challenge??!!!

  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    I hope that they adjust the daily challenges too. I'm getting really tired of beating these challenges and getting needed gear to level up my toons so I can catch up to these other players.

    2761 posts Member
    Langsto wrote: »
    New Yoda Event is impossible to complete. Yes it was too easy before, but now it's way too hard. I wasted a lot of time building five 7* jedis for nothing. Not cool, fond some compromise between too hard ans too easy please.

    Too easy? Stop trying to minimize what others did before. It was the same difficulty last time that it is this time according to all the comments. Expect many attempts.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Ea over compensated with the Yoda buffs. Having an all gear 9+ lvl80 Jedi time is by far more than triple the work required to get an all gear 8 lvl 70 Jedi team, but this is required now.

    It is wrong to make players do more than twice the work today to get the same prizes (Yoda shards) other players got in the past. The buff should at most required the same relative effort to gear up and level up toons for the prize. Not more than triple the required effort.


    About an hour after I posted this the rng suddenly became a lot less brutal and I captured 7* Yoda. Not sure if they tweaked it, but well done if they did. Good luck everyone!

    My team was all gear 8, all lvl 7 mats except pilo, all lvl 76

    Barris leader
    Plo Koon with omega on atk1 to get full dispel
    Jedi consular
    Post edited by Faroer on
  • Cocopops
    7 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Ok guys it's doable!!!

    I made about 3 posts in this thread saying how ****** off I was, but after about 40 attempts finally cracked it.

    All Jedi lvl 77, gear 8/9

    Barriss (L), Lumi, QGJ, JC and Eeth

    Was just about to uninstall the game in nerd rage and thought I'd give it one last shot. Got Yoda with Barriss and Eeth as friends.

    Killed Eeth first, completely ignored Yoda except used QGJ on him once to get an offence up. Enemy Barriss healed enemy Eeth nearly to full once, so it was like killing Eeth twice. I was lucky Yoda didn't focus down any of my toons during this Eeth fight, as he usually does. Thank RNGesus he spread his dmg across my team.

    Then turned on Barriss. Got him down to low red. Barriss healed and took Yoda to half health, what a friend.

    Immediately turned on Yoda. Saved QGJ's second special to dispel any heal over time or offence up buffs.

    Yoda fought valiantly, worthy of a recognition in the Jedi archives, he took out Eeth and Barriss on the way but finally died. I cheered and woke up the dog :)

    Then I took out the traitor Barris and got my prize.

    Repeat the above and you will win.

  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Rng is always a huge factor but there is strategy involved.
  • Yadda_123
    187 posts Member
    You've seen how useless the Droid and Credit Events are. Now prepare yourself to get decimated by Yoda and his cohorts without barely making a dent. This is a limited time Event, so be sure to get in there soon and get your **** handed to you despite months of Jedi farming and prep.
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    @Cocopops grats!
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    Cyn wrote: »
    It's a purely strategic and skill based game. You blaming it on luck is projection.

    Well I mean there's a little RNG... But I agree for the most part. That's why it only took me about an hour to get 7* Yoda and you 3-4 hours...

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    Yeah...it basically seems like the strategy if "Have the right jedi. If you don't, you're screwed." So why did I just put a bunch of time and effort into these characters to essentially get flipped the bird by you guys?
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    I got it done with resetting until he had JC and ima gun di helping him.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    And yet, people are beating him.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • SRG
    17 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Too easy? Stop trying to minimize what others did before. It was the same difficulty last time that it is this time according to all the comments. Expect many attempts.

    Yes, same difficulty last time, but the cost was not the same ! It is now way more expensive to have the same difficulty than before ! That's totally unfair !!
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    he is way harder than before. in old vids to get his 6* he would hit for 2k, now its 5k and upwards of 9k damage. **** did they buff him so much.
  • Aachthor
    138 posts Member
    LOL - not able to get him? I had him 7* at 20:15 today.
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    Petrozza wrote: »


    My standards are so low, but they still manage to disappoint. :D
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
    205 posts Member
    Why do people not understand that this is the equivalent of changing the rules in the middle of a game. Made even more ridiculous by the fact that we're paying to play the game.
  • Verodio
    21 posts Member
    Cyn wrote: »
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Zekex wrote: »
    There's no strategy involved, it's pure luck. Play until you hit the lotto. Strategy threads my , you can play the exact same team with the exact same gear and lose 99 times out of a 100. One guy says he did it has a 20% weaker team than mine, I'm not sitting here all night to try

    Continue ignoring good solid advice. People like you certainly dont deserve yoda if you can't even retreat until you get a good combination, or listen to what others have done to win against yoda.

    RNG is not a real strategy. That's what the event seems largely to be leaning towards.

    It's a purely strategic and skill based game. You blaming it on luck is projection.

    You getting lucky and thinking that you're skilled is completely delusional.

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