rey at gear x



  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Akiraine wrote: »
    Leia gets turn meter on basic, up to 30% if really lucky on a triple tap. What could have possibly happened was that you have a slow team compared to leia, so her tm filled up again after a triple tap tm gain and went again, so seemly shooting 4x?

    It's like fives sometimes who seems to shoot 6x in a row. On a double counter and then his turn comes and he double taps on the same target again.

    So what you're saying is that she can actually shoot 6 times in a row against slow teams? Uhm...
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    Harmonica wrote: »
    Rey is honestly fine and easy enough to handle.

    The devs need to look at useless characters (like Anakin) and do makeovers on them instead.

    +1. Let's make useless characters useful instead of trying to nerf decent ones. The game can't be rock, scissors, paper when we don't have any paper.

  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Akiraine wrote: »
    Leia gets turn meter on basic, up to 30% if really lucky on a triple tap. What could have possibly happened was that you have a slow team compared to leia, so her tm filled up again after a triple tap tm gain and went again, so seemly shooting 4x?

    It's like fives sometimes who seems to shoot 6x in a row. On a double counter and then his turn comes and he double taps on the same target again.

    So what you're saying is that she can actually shoot 6 times in a row against slow teams? Uhm...

    Or stunned teams.
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    I like to read opinions about toons you don't have. I have both Leia and Rey at IX-X with omegas, level 80. With your control Leia's damage is a joke compare to Rey. Leia can be a scary toon with AA lead but otherwise I only use her because I have some counter tank squad competition. If there is no counter I would definitely use Rey instead. Or not. Depends on the team you build. There are many good combinations. Even 5k power difference is manageable. I know, cause some managed it against me in my arena.

    I don't quote the other opinion about Leia must be nerfed but would like to share my view on that too. Why would you nerf anything? Most of the toons have double health (in total with protection) and there are nerfed toons and you still want to nerf a toon. I admit Leia can act like a superstar. I just watched when a AA lead Leia, HRS, Han team just destroyed 2 of my toons without giving me a chance to move. I lost. They tried again and beat them. So what? Leia can be your reason to lose as well. When there is no critical, no double, don't even dream about triple and her buff is so so. I lost many times. So I would never use Leia on my wish. I don't know if it's CG/EA or she meant to be but her 55% is more 30% is she is not AI controlled. If CG nerf her, I ask for money back I spent on packs to get her. And can't even tell you how disappointed I was when got her and she was unreliable and it hasn't changed...

    I will tell you how scary gear X Rey and Leia if the competition will be gear X and above. Do not compare different gear level toons to each other.
    CronozNL wrote: »
    I see Sikho is on it again to get all the toons nerfed he doesn't have himself.
    Stop nerfing, start playing. Gear 10 Rey comparisson to f2p scrub toons gear 8 is obvious.

    Thanks to the precrafting issue we have false nerfclaims again.
    We were whiners because we asked to roll back the precraft issue. Now whales are at gear lvl X, F2P at gear lvl 8/9 and the whining can begin once again.
    Today Leia shot my Rey from 100% health and prot to 0% in 4!!! shots.
    I'd be happy to trade my Rey for Leia any day!

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    Yeah. That's why there is no Dooku on top. I speak against myself cause my best food were always them. To be honest I miss Dooku. I wish they have newer nerfed him, was one of my favorites when he wasn't common.
    Achilles wrote: »
    - When Dooku was the "all star" I just put him out from my team because I wanted to show my arena it's not the only solution. That was another beautiful reaction from the community and the developers when many of you were whining about Dooku and since his damage nerf, he is a wasted spot in your arena squad. But many wanted him, as thought he was OP. He wasn't and thanks to your posts and to the devs reaction he is just a joke now. And people still using him in arena. Can't believe that dodge rate worth it. Cause there is no other reason to use him.
    Dooku lead (in defense with AI-advantage) is like a mix of Yoda and Poggle, just better, because your chars get foresight (dodge) around 50% of the time + attack-up with no need of using an ability/turn. *lol* ... thats why you still see Dooku in Arena! ;)

  • Zathrack
    139 posts Member
    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    I have g10 rey and she is just broken, by far best character in the game and needs to be seriously looked at by devs

    Sure you do. Buddy.

    Because everyone that put "that much effort" into a toon is going to cry for a nerf.

    He's lying. Doesn't have Rey, in my opinion i think he's just trying to make a good comment with "cry for nerf" idea.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Rey hits hard, no doubt but I don't understand how people can't manage her. If she's in a squad with Rex or Yoda and gets a Tenacity buff then that's more challenging but not impossible.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    It's gear 10. She's suppose to be good.

    No she gets +6 speed I believe in gear 9. G9 Rey has gone first every time I've fought her.
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    fudgra wrote: »
    It's gear 10. She's suppose to be good.

    No she gets +6 speed I believe in gear 9. G9 Rey has gone first every time I've fought her.

    I was replying to the original poster. And even at gear 9 she's good. She's a top attacker. Why is this so hard to understand? She's balanced by her low health pool. She has a hit kit. That's it. Just hit.
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    fudgra wrote: »
    It's gear 10. She's suppose to be good.

    No she gets +6 speed I believe in gear 9. G9 Rey has gone first every time I've fought her.

    I was replying to the original poster. And even at gear 9 she's good. She's a top attacker. Why is this so hard to understand? She's balanced by her low health pool. She has a hit kit. That's it. Just hit.

    Fear the damage
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    darkensoul wrote: »
    fudgra wrote: »
    It's gear 10. She's suppose to be good.

    No she gets +6 speed I believe in gear 9. G9 Rey has gone first every time I've fought her.

    I was replying to the original poster. And even at gear 9 she's good. She's a top attacker. Why is this so hard to understand? She's balanced by her low health pool. She has a hit kit. That's it. Just hit.

    Fear the damage

    Have no fear :p
  • GOfish52
    222 posts Member
    The only thing that bums me out about Rey is that people say "she's a hard farm." Who cares! That didn't stop them from nerfing FOTP who is much much much harder to farm. Oh and those Anakin folks... Poor poor Anakin. Never fear they don't want to make the lead of the franchise not the best!! But Finn can be bad that's okay
  • GOfish52
    222 posts Member
    Excuse my double post here, but her low health pool is battled by her foresight she seems to always have. And if it were possible to put a negative status effect on her I probably wouldn't complain.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I don't know man, I don't find her to be that awful and I lose plenty of toons to her. Maybe your team just isn't setup to manage that level of damage?
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    They should bring back stunning through foresight, that would keep her in check :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    My buddy and I have the only 2 G10 Rey's that I've seen on our server. She is excellent.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »

    My quote button is frozen :( Edit is still working for me but can't quote anyone.

    Try holding on quote until you get a pop up where you can "open" it.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I thought of 3 team comps and im sure there are many more, in which Rey has no business being, even at gear 10. I will tell you one...QGJ lead, GS (gear 10), Daka, RG, CT 5s. Now tell me...if Rey fits into any team comp possible who do i take out here? QGJ? No he is the only leader. GS? NO WAY here...even tho GS at gear 10 does lower damage than Rey, he can call QGJ to assist to take TM, Daka to stun, CT 5s to slow or can call RG to stun/slow. CT 5s? Take out the guy that wins 3 v1 and slows? Haha. Daka? who can stun you into the ground? RG? who can stun/slow? So please answer me...who do i take out here to make Rey 'shine'? This is just one team. Does this team work well in defense? I dunno, probably not because it has QGJ in it. But in offense, GS is more valuable here than Rey. Also in GW, GS is more valuable, because it has more HP and because you can control who you call to assist!

    Don't get me wrong, i think Rey has the best damage sure. But she does not fit into any team comp!
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    Just want to add ... Rey has high initial speed, but no turn meter manipulating abilities ... so even when the starts first, she usually does not get her 2nd turn first. There are always other chars, who get turn meter and pass rey.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    In the team i stated before, the only person i would replace GS with is probably Leia. Because Leia under stealth gets no counters and she can stealth forever. Leia really can fit into any comp.
  • Options
    This entire thread has turned into an abomination.

    Is Rey fast? yes
    Can she hit hard? yes
    Can she get foresight? yes
    Does she have a lot of health? no
    Can she stealth? no
    Can she heal herself? no
    Can she buff others on her team? no
    Can she debuff the other team? no
    Can she counterattack? no

    If she didn't have foresight she wouldn't survive more than one turn, if she wasn't fast she wouldn't survive more than one turn, and if she didn't hit hard there would really be nothing unique about her and there would be no reason to use her.
  • Dev_Str
    137 posts Member
    If she didn't have foresight she wouldn't survive more than one turn, if she wasn't fast she wouldn't survive more than one turn, and if she didn't hit hard there would really be nothing unique about her and there would be no reason to use her.

    And if she's not under one or two tanks protection, she doesn't survive more than one turn.
  • Options
    This entire thread has turned into an abomination.

    Is Rey fast? yes
    Can she hit hard? yes
    Can she get foresight? yes
    Does she have a lot of health? no
    Can she stealth? no
    Can she heal herself? no
    Can she buff others on her team? no
    Can she debuff the other team? no
    Can she counterattack? no

    If she didn't have foresight she wouldn't survive more than one turn, if she wasn't fast she wouldn't survive more than one turn, and if she didn't hit hard there would really be nothing unique about her and there would be no reason to use her.

    I think we also learned people need to stop trying to take top 20 in level 6 and 7 gear.
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    This entire thread has turned into an abomination.

    Is Rey fast? yes
    Can she hit hard? yes
    Can she get foresight? yes
    Does she have a lot of health? no
    Can she stealth? no
    Can she heal herself? no
    Can she buff others on her team? no
    Can she debuff the other team? no
    Can she counterattack? no

    If she didn't have foresight she wouldn't survive more than one turn, if she wasn't fast she wouldn't survive more than one turn, and if she didn't hit hard there would really be nothing unique about her and there would be no reason to use her.

    Thank you for some clarity.
    Sith Yoda:
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Gear is the only reason she's that op for us at moment. We need some heavy hitters to take out the high hp toons at gear 10 and 11. 5s RG sun fac have ridiculous amount of hp and protection . It would be a absolute nightmare without 5s can 1 vs 4 you . We just need to catch up which in time we will. Relax all the nerfs in this game is ruining this game. Stun her as fast as you can ability block kill get her out of the match as fast as you can. This game needs buffs some potency be nice on a few toons . Stop the nonsense of nerfs . If you want to cry for something how about gear progression it's stupid some can go to higher level gear and others can't. Cap that game becomes more balanced simple . Before you trash me truly think about that . She's a glass canon really against many characters if suited in same level gear .
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    saboater wrote: »
    Maybe I should use Rey again since it scares people so badly. But I haven't dropped below 5th in arena in weeks and I'd hate to risk that

    Haha I just put mine back in my arena squad
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Rey would be fine if not for the ridiculous foresight after her first attack (and of course she always goes first due to her speed). Well okay not fine, but at least much more manageable to deal with...

    With 22k hp she would be pure garbage without foresight. And it isn't even close. At gear 10 i mean. Plus she never really gets foresight all the time. At least when you control her she doesn't lol. In the hands of the AI, Rey is nothing to be scared of. In the hands of human she can be used really good. Much like Yoda. These 2 are very similar but not in a damage way, in the wai AIvshuman uses them. Many have different opinions, but we need more characters like these.


    Deal Physical damage to target enemy. In addition, Rey gains Foresight for 2 turns if she doesn't have any positive status effects, and Offense Up for 3 turns if she does.

    Since she goes first, she automatically starts the battle with foresight.
    Aftee that, she still has a 40% chance to proc it with her basic, which is still extremely good.

    The AI plays her really well:
    Leverage > Flurry of blows > Basic

    The only thing that's bad is the targeting, but this is the case for every character.

    So you see, she's just better overall. Her AI is perfect, unlike many attackers, because her abilities don't require timing or a specific set-up.

    You're always saying her health is really bad, but it's really similar to other glass canons. 88 and Darth Maul even have less health/prot than her, while having no defensive mechanic whatsoever. She can completely block attacks and on-hit effects, and this is priceless on an attacker.

    And yes, Leia might be better than Rey in some situation, but her damage output is not as reliable.
    Though I agree that Leia is also too strong, especially in an Akbar led-team. Her perma stealth and the changes to counters make her unstoppable.
    BUT, she's also Chromium only, so she is less of an issue due to her rarity. But yes, she also needs some tuning.

    Now you seem to also have an issue with "high HP team".
    Though I understand your concern, it is not based on anything. This kind of team does not exist at the moment, simply because they lack the offensive power to win in defense.

    A simple taunt make them useless. With 2 or 3 attackers, you can easily destroy them within the 5-minutes time limit. The devs even accelerated the battles to prevent draws.
    It's even faster on auto.

    I would also like to point out a flaw in your posts:
    You argue that Rey is not too powerful, yet you fear that if she gets nerfed, tank teams will become unstoppable. Doesn't that show that Rey IS too powerful, if she prevents entire teams from being viable?

    Also, for the sake of the discussion, please provide a meaningful response, instead of your usual personal attacks and "you're a troll" post.

    For now, I am the one who makes elaborate posts to explain my point of view. You just keep dismissing them without making any valid points. I would love to hear a constructed and well-written post from you to clearly state why you think Rey is not overpowered.


    Have you faced a gear 10 squad of old Ben lead Rey fives RG Leia if not I have will share . I kill Rey 1st always without problem then Leia when she pops out of stealth then RG then I get wrecked by fives and Ben. I have all g9 toons when I get mine to g10 I will be able to beat it. The game is balanced as far as Devs design at endgame people not at g8 or g9 but at g11. There is no way to tell if a toon is op til we have all at g11. No more nerfs if you ask for somethkng please request buffs or gear cap levels all toons should go into higher gear at same time ridiculous some now can hit g11. Just my 2 cents feel free to give me some change back.
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    My buddy and I have the only 2 G10 Rey's that I've seen on our server. She is excellent.

    Congrats on another t7 raid bud. Gear 10 Rey is very useful in raids!
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