Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    jusTiC3 wrote: »
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    This is my third day of it and I still like this better than it was prior to June 15th when I was getting 6-7 monster teams in a row. It's also better than post June 15th when it was a complete cakewalk.

    And this is coming from someone who had to deal with this.

    A closer look to your amount of shards telling me **** whaleman. I bet you own at least 20 or 30 characters @ high gl.

    I have 15 7* characters. They extent of my spending on this game is the crystal booster pack every three weeks.

    This is the squad I used. You can see my extensive amount of gear 10 and 11 characters in the reserve section and my not even 7* RG.


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    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
  • PhD
    6 posts Member
    Aley wrote: »
    My best arena team is 30k and yesterday node 12 was a 40k crazy geared team and today node 12 is a 38k crazy geared team. What a bunch of garbage. I like hard and challenging, not impossible...

    This. 40k life + full health + full protection, like a top arena team. Yesterday i found a full gear X team with one gear XI, and I have only ONE hero with gear X.... Or this developers are stupid, or they don't play this game...
  • PhD
    6 posts Member
    Dabro11 wrote: »
    Update to previous uninstalled. This game is ran by people who clearly don't understand how to program a game or represent the community they design for. Needless to say George Lucas would be happy but NO TRUE STAR WARS FAN WOULD BE.

    Brilliant to put an update out and then go on a long weekend. A truly good company would fire the team that thought this was a good idea.

    I'm with you bro. Maybe I have some extra time to study now. This game is going to be stressing, and before that i see this happens, I'm quitting
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    when I am facing Full Level 80 squads on node 5... something is truly wrong here.
    Three 7* and two 5* . all level 80 gear viii. not top gear but nearly impossible to not lose one of my 5 strongest characters no matter what. have retreated and replayed 7 times to no avail. always lose someone. just someone different each time.
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Something you may find interesting taken from Reddit posted by Capgasp an event designer

    'There's a lot of negativity floating around here, so I'm not going to reply to anyone specifically. What I will say is that the credit rewards for GW have been adjusted upwards, and that will go out with the next major patch. A full clear should net you around 150k more. (Not sure on the exact value, but that's close.)'

    Lmao! I need 2 mil to raise people from 70 to 80 so I can actually use them. 150k is not very useful.

    Not to mention the many toons I have at level 1 that I would LOVE to use, play, and upgrade.
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    after going forward and losing a top character... the next node.. node 6.. all opponents level 66??!!
    your team is terrible with these updates.
    inconsistency in every aspect of the game.
    you say it's only a game, but it's no fun when its so unpredictable.
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    Rewards should be appropriate for difficulty and amount of time it takes. If fine with the GW buff only if they would buff the rewards, too.
  • R4D4
    79 posts Member
    PainSaber wrote: »
    just. Stop. Spending. Much easier to walk away from a game that way

    Spot ON! I'm out after this update, GW is impossible for me; half way through I get 8 levels above and all 7* as compared to my strongest team. I'm done with this game, too many breaking changes. It was hard enough to make any money, now it's impossible.
    Just a question to EA, why you don't care about any players but those maxed out and with highest places in the arena? It's these players who wont bother spending a penny, because they are paid by you. The GW changes are no threat for them anyway, it only bites those with lower levels.
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    warmonkey wrote: »
    Something you may find interesting taken from Reddit posted by Capgasp an event designer

    'There's a lot of negativity floating around here, so I'm not going to reply to anyone specifically. What I will say is that the credit rewards for GW have been adjusted upwards, and that will go out with the next major patch. A full clear should net you around 150k more. (Not sure on the exact value, but that's close.)'

    Lmao! I need 2 mil to raise people from 70 to 80 so I can actually use them. 150k is not very useful.

    Not to mention the many toons I have at level 1 that I would LOVE to use, play, and upgrade.


    If it is true then you'll be getting 1mil more on GW a week. Making it 4,2mil on GW alone a week.

    It's starting to look as if you're complaining for the sake of. Which includes many on this thread!

    Most of the replies to this thread have been to make it more rewarding & now that it is, you're still complaining..?

    Wow, so ignorant!
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I hate to break it to you, but the brown stuff they shoved down your throat with this update isn't chocolate.
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    Batdude21 wrote: »
    Your totally sucking the fun out of this game!!! Stop it!!!!

    I beg to differ... This has made the game so much more enjoyable! This is better than the auto fest we have to deal with in regards to everything else. If you don't like it, move on to another game, one that's going to be brain numbingly boring.

    I personally love the new state of GW & hope to squirrels they don't listen to the incessant whining of players wanting free everything...

    All the complainers forget, EA never walked into your house & shoved a gun to anyone's head & demanded you play their game!

    You all agreed to the ToS, which means EA is able to do what ever they want to the game with absolutely no regard to their customer. The fact that they listen to the players & comment when needed is something very few developers do with their customer base!

    I'm glad they made the change because it's a step in the right direction in regards to game longevity! As mentioned by us (player base not Devs) on numerous occasions, GW was always hard & was always meant to be hard. It's ALWAYS been like this & having a deep roster helps solve this. If you can't click-to-win, then go find a game where you can.

    As I've always said, we create the **** we live in & only you can decide what's best for yourself! So make the choice! Either you learn to play or you play something else... Simple really!

    Time to start a collection of the most asinine GW-related posts on the forums. Sadly, as bad as this is, it may not even be top 10.
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    GW is too hard for players now
    Tune down
    Oh, we think GW is too easy now
    Tune up
    Now GW is ridiculous
    Working as intended.

    Devs, you need to find some tuning balance here and actually listen to the player base. You arbitrarily sc rew over the players with broken game modes, broken f2p toons and broken p2p toons. We aren't asking for easy things, we're asking for balance. We're asking for things to WORK CORRECTLY. We're asking for a bit more communication. There is no way that GW should have been addressed this late. You've tuned GW now to near impossible for folks without upping the rewards. Level 40 still gets the same as level 80 and level 80's are getting crushed even with diverse roster groups.

    Overall, this is garbage.

    You, sir. I keep reading your posts and I keep agreeing with them wholeheartedly. Tremendous stuff.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This "tuning" is garbage. 2 weeks ago the goal stated by CG/EA was to make GW possible to complete in a shorter amount of time, while maintaining the challenge.

    For those of us who can actually complete it (yes, I can) - it now takes twice as long as it did 4 days ago. And yet, at the same time, you have also managed to make it more boring. From node 6 on, all I have faced is the same maxed Arena teams...over and over.

    @CG_JohnSalera if the goal was to make GW take twice as long, and be more boring than before for the same pitiful rewards we have gotten for GW for the last 4 months, whether level 40 or level 80, then please congratulate the entire development team. You have succeeded with flying colors. And I will not be spending any more money on this game. As such, my wife also thinks this "tuning" was tremendous.

    Have a good holiday weekend.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I've logged in every single day since launch an this is the first time I'm actually **** at the game makers. GW has always been annoying bc of how long it takes, now it's ridiculous. You need to change it back, it's beatable, but I've got a **** job to go to. Tone it down
  • Stix
    59 posts Member
    The new GW sucks. Took 25 characters to beat node 12 and the next day can't even get one character below their protection. Making it hard is one thing but nearly impossible just makes it not fun anymore.
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    If anyone wants my Old Ben or Princess Leia they can have them. I won't be needing them. I think this game and I are getting a divorce after this GW mess. My wallet is closed and my rating has been reduced to one star. It's a small stand but it's all I can do.
  • Erik_Aphax
    104 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    And some people are happy because low levels will never reach the high end.
    Post edited by Erik_Aphax on
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    tuli wrote: »
    Totally screw up. Same or worst than before.
    It consumed me almost 1,5 hours to finish GW today. Rewards aren't even worth that time.
    I don't care for it being challenging or not, but we still get the same rewards than 40 lvls ago. Something must be reworked asap.

    Took me 40 mins and like 20 retreats to finish my last node ....
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    Devs have 1 week to fix this before I'm quitting this game.
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    warmonkey wrote: »
    Something you may find interesting taken from Reddit posted by Capgasp an event designer

    'There's a lot of negativity floating around here, so I'm not going to reply to anyone specifically. What I will say is that the credit rewards for GW have been adjusted upwards, and that will go out with the next major patch. A full clear should net you around 150k more. (Not sure on the exact value, but that's close.)'

    Lmao! I need 2 mil to raise people from 70 to 80 so I can actually use them. 150k is not very useful.

    Not to mention the many toons I have at level 1 that I would LOVE to use, play, and upgrade.


    If it is true then you'll be getting 1mil more on GW a week. Making it 4,2mil on GW alone a week.

    It's starting to look as if you're complaining for the sake of. Which includes many on this thread!

    Most of the replies to this thread have been to make it more rewarding & now that it is, you're still complaining..?

    Wow, so ignorant!

    I can still easily beat it cause my teams are quite strong. Takes too long though.

    This change is actually great for me if I want to keep a competitive edge over people trying to catch up. I can still reap the rewards but they will never catch me now without spending some serious money.

    I am fighting for the people that want to quit over this. This game is awesome and a ton of fun so when they make a change like this and do it in the absolute most shady way possible we gotta say something. More than a few whaleish types in my guild have decided to stop spending now cause of this and I would assume that's typical of a lot of players now.
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    I'll keep playing but I won't keep spending my money anymore.
    Once again you have put the game in reverse and took away my option of enjoying my lower level toons. With GW as it is we cannot risk a lost toon early on and still have the confidence to beat it.
    When you remove the "fun" aspect from the GW and drag it out to an hour plus, it just takes away the enthusiasm to play at all.
    My got it wrong with this update.
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Devs you should probably go back and reread all the posts about GW before you made the change everyone liked. Was the same freaking complaints that there are now. Was too long and not fun. So you listened and changed it and people stopped complaining for the most part and GW was fun to do and not a **** tedious daily chore to do.

    I can not fathom why you all decided to return to that terrible version right before a holiday weekend?
  • jusTiC3
    47 posts Member
    The main problem is, that you're facing high level teams withe an unfair (proofed) AI advantage such as dodge, counter, bonus attack and stun. GW teams with dooku or bean lead and gl 10 or 11 are out of this world.
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    Time...the issue is time. I don't mind 12 nodes when they're easy nodes and I don't mind facing two maxed out gear 10 teams on the last two nodes, but doing them together is ridiculous. If they're goal is to make it hard, then make it 6 nodes. If their goal is to make it faster, then make it easy again.
  • DarthHernia
    200 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    "It's meant to be hard" Seriously? Who plays mobile app games for a challenge? If I wanted a challenge I would've played on console or the PC.

    Even if I had the hour to kill and can actually withstand the monotonous repetitiveness, I would much rather be playing Dark Souls. We play mobile games because we want to relax, not for a challenge.

    Don't flatter yourselves EA. You're not serious AAA developers. Get over your ego and start making casual games like you're supposed to.
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    Something you may find interesting taken from Reddit posted by Capgasp an event designer

    'There's a lot of negativity floating around here, so I'm not going to reply to anyone specifically. What I will say is that the credit rewards for GW have been adjusted upwards, and that will go out with the next major patch. A full clear should net you around 150k more. (Not sure on the exact value, but that's close.)'

    Why would @CG_JohnSalera not provide this information is his post? Why do we have to get bits and pieces of information from different places? I don't even use Reddit, nor do I use FB or Twitter. What I DO use is the "OFFICIAL" forums. Why can't I get all information on a subject within the "official" forum post from the lead guy who is posting about the very topic I have questions about? Why create even more frustration by forcing your playerbase to use 3rd party sites to get information? The judgement of this Dev team literally boggles my mind.

    Additionally, I'd like to reiterate my displeasure with these changes, since the other threads I posted in got deleted. I have not cleared the 12th node since this stealth change was implemented, but I have spent hours and completely cleared my entire roster trying. From my perspective (as well as many others it seems), this fix is completely contrary to both (conflicting) goals you set forth: the June 15 goal of making GW take less time, and the June 29 goal of making it more challenging. It now takes me at least twice as long (fail on goal 1), and is impossible for me to complete (fail on goal 2; as challenging directly contradicts impossible)
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    After a third day of this ****, I hate GW more than ever before. This current iteration is WAAAY harder than it originally was. I would not have minded a "tweak" between version one and 2, but this is a wholesale revamp. The direction of this game is so schizophrenic, it's ridiculous. Now they're going to go back and discuss this in committee. THERE NO TIME TO DISCUSS THIS IN COMMITTEE! Fix this **** now!
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    Doggirl211 wrote: »
    Something you may find interesting taken from Reddit posted by Capgasp an event designer

    'There's a lot of negativity floating around here, so I'm not going to reply to anyone specifically. What I will say is that the credit rewards for GW have been adjusted upwards, and that will go out with the next major patch. A full clear should net you around 150k more. (Not sure on the exact value, but that's close.)'

    Why would @CG_JohnSalera not provide this information is his post? Why do we have to get bits and pieces of information from different places? I don't even use Reddit, nor do I use FB or Twitter. What I DO use is the "OFFICIAL" forums. Why can't I get all information on a subject within the "official" forum post from the lead guy who is posting about the very topic I have questions about? Why create even more frustration by forcing your playerbase to use 3rd party sites to get information? The judgement of this Dev team literally boggles my mind.

    I made me the same question some time ago. I understand that they want to get some presence in others sides but there is any reason to not post the same info here in their official forum, none except lazy.
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    I ran into team with 7k+ more power than my top 5. But this isn't the problem, the problem is time needed. Why are there 12 nodes, 4 nodes are enough!
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