Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Took me 10 tries to beat the last node. Come on EA. This is disrespectful. I don't have all day to play this game. Get your act together for a daily event. Something this difficult should be once a week with 10x the rewards.
  • KelEl85
    158 posts Member
    Anybody feel that gw was slightly easier today? Me and a few guild mates so far all felt it was, like maybe they made another stealth tweak. Could have been just a good day for us and wishful thinking though...
  • XJStryker
    194 posts Member
    I hate mega threads. I wud much rather the devs get on here and see a 1000 threads on GW complaints. So they will do something. No one reads mega threads. Stop it
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
  • Skirata
    163 posts Member
    Ztyle wrote: »
    As my arena team is 39,615 and has been since the GW nerf, both node 11 and 12 are scrubs, meaning my GW looks like this
    Node 1-5 normal encounters
    Node 6 maxed out team
    Node 7-9 normal hard encounters
    Node 10 maxed out Rex team
    Node 11-12 "Dude where's my gear?"

    So if you are at the top of GOH, the best they can throw at you Node 10 is an equal team, then Node 11 and 12, they 'wrap around' and throw the weakest teams possible, instead of two more equal teams. I wonder what their logic was?

  • BradGoodyear
    984 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I want to start this by pointing out that I have 5 LVL 80 characters, my arena team only. I have 2 characters gear 10 and 5 gear 9. I have 5 Chars lvl 75-78 and a 6 chars 70-74(JC, Sid etc IE not all-stars), the rest are in the 50s. That's 16 chars, everyone else that's below 60 literally dies by AOE the second they enter against these teams. Of those 16, not all are totally viable to compete, like JC, Sid, they die fast.

    I have ONE good squad.

    Here was my GW last night.

    Node 6: G9 Dooku, G10 QGJ, G8 RG, G8 Daka, G9 Yoda
    Since I still had protection, I managed to win this without losing anyone, but all protection was gone. I had to retreat 2x.

    Node 9: G9 Mace, G10 Lumi, G9 Yoda, G9 Fives, G8 Oppress
    I put in my lower Count Dooku and that helped, but this was still trying and burn through protection on a lot of my B and C toons.

    Node 10: G8 Dooku, G8 Phasma, G8 Rey, G8 Lumi, G8 GS
    This node was better, but they still put out a lot of damage. People are hurting I have several toons needing heal with cooldown a few turns away. Can't really use those guys now.

    Node 11: G9 Teebo, G11 QGJ, G9 Fives, G9 Old Ben, G10 STH
    This team. This team completely ate one squad but I got some protection down. My second team came away limping after about 8 retreats. I lost 3 toons. No healer now, Fives is a machine with insane amounts of health. The only thing I ahve to deal with him is Yoda until he is below 50% because he COUNTERS 100% of the time against lower level toons for some reason. I can't outheal his counter(Lumi only lasts so long)

    Node 12: G10 Old Ben, G11 Anakin, G10 RG, G11 QGJ, G10 Fives.
    Now Mind you... I already lost 8 toons and have 2 with red life bars. That means of my 16 viable Chars, I have 6 left. I send in 5 toons LVL 55, absorb, die.I take a weaker squad in and manage to get QGJ to 50% and trigger RG. Manage to live past that, and start working on Anakin to trigger RG again so next team can wipe them out, doesn't make it. Take my best remaining team in and kill QGJ, and finally Anakin using my QGJ to pass RG taunt. By now I have lost toons and it's 3 on 3. I haven't touched Fives or Ben. I use Yoda to attack Fives and foresight eliminates counter damage. I use my other 2 chars to work on RG. I get RG to about 1/2 before getting decimated. Many, Many retreats. 2.5 hours later, 1am reset approaches. I have to use reset from the day before. But let's be honest, I could have 6 more hours and I am not beating this team.

    Point is that while my fully protected arena team probably can't beat this team 1 on 1, there is no way I can do it with minimal life and protection against a team that dodges and can literally plow me. I put a lot of focus on my Arena team to try and be competitive, I am not, I make it to 50 some nights but fall as far as 150 and even 200 with my 35K squad. GW is impossible most days now. I don't have the depth to fight those teams 4 times in a row, and by the time I do, those guys will be all gear 10 and 11 and it i will be P2P toons I can't even rival.

    So I get this GW, and johnny Whale gets a green geared node 12. What a crock...
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    The fact that there are a ton of people who have never posted on the forums before are now making accounts just to tell you how horrible this idea was should show you decision makers that this was the wrong thing to do. This will not make people spend more money. This will cause people to walk away. And we all know there are plenty of othet games out there.
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    GW is supposed to use your entire roster correct. So why do I face teams that start 5 lvls lower than my highest toons....On NODE 1?
  • Kane13
    256 posts Member
    KeKattia wrote: »
    I'm really sorry to hear some many people are facing that problem. I also have some guild mates experiencing that same problem of insanely difficult nodes in the end. What is even more strange is, that the guys with highest arena power - myself included - are facing teams with green gear in nodes 11 and 12. Something went seriously wrong with the last GW tuning update, I can auto through it all with my Ewoks, and that even without manual targeting.

    What's your arena power? Maybe you can up it a bit to get into the same tier.

    @EA_Jesse I wish the devs would read this quote. I haven't faced the no gear 3 star node like a lot of people are and now it's to the point where I can't get past node 11. Seriously running into top 5 arena teams from node 9 on. I'm all for a challenge but it's not cool that for some it's super easy and for others it's impossible. Something is screwed up with the algorithm of how the server picks the teams.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    The fact that there are a ton of people who have never posted on the forums before are now making accounts just to tell you how horrible this idea was should show you decision makers that this was the wrong thing to do. This will not make people spend more money. This will cause people to walk away. And we all know there are plenty of othet games out there.

    Can u recommend any?

  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Skirata wrote: »
    Ztyle wrote: »
    As my arena team is 39,615 and has been since the GW nerf, both node 11 and 12 are scrubs, meaning my GW looks like this
    Node 1-5 normal encounters
    Node 6 maxed out team
    Node 7-9 normal hard encounters
    Node 10 maxed out Rex team
    Node 11-12 "Dude where's my gear?"

    So if you are at the top of GOH, the best they can throw at you Node 10 is an equal team, then Node 11 and 12, they 'wrap around' and throw the weakest teams possible, instead of two more equal teams. I wonder what their logic was?
    No logic, just bug!
    As the game can't provide teams at the 1xx+ % ment for the nodes it seems to deduct the 100%
    Then reading about lower fortunate players getting totally wiped out, makes it even more ridiculously, not that I want there GW, but quite unfair

    I'm still a firm believer in that they need too rethink the whole GW concept
    And @Sikho made a suggestion they could be inspired by
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Woofy_MC
    219 posts Member
    I think the game is unfair for sure, but GW got easier in last patch. I had massive problems with it now I can beat it 9/10 times. The Teams however are annoying af...Vaders that dot, Rens with constant aoe and sid...its frustrating but not unbeatable I think. Sometimes the AI ONLY focuses thw same toon in every round which could be a bug or on purpose to destroy my team...well...
  • Jay21
    61 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    If this game was t so darn addicting and Star Wars I would have stopped playing a long time ago out of frustration that and I put about $1000 into this game $1000 now I'm just **** :/
  • Lumpster
    1 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Just providing some more feedback for EA/CG.

    Galactic War sucks. It was a pain in the **** before, but a tolerable one. Now it just straight up blows.

    Can I finish them? Yes.
    Does that mean it's fun? No.

    It's entirely too time consuming and difficult. This is a mobile game that people are playing on their phones, not some console game or grind-it-out MMO. A Galactic War should be 30 minutes or less, total. It's currently double that at least, with multiple wasted efforts from retreats, too much considering your next fight, etc. You said it's supposed to be hard, but hard does not equal fun. Getting smoked in the last two or three nodes and not getting any sort of payoff is complete **** at best, infuriating at worst.

    If you insist on leaving it this way, I would highly recommend you revamp the rewards system for it. Example: I spent 45 minutes on the back half of a galactic war just now, just to get an IG-86 shard. That's great and all, but my IG-86 is already 7*, so it's garbage as far as I'm concerned. Multiple shards, smarter shard distribution, greater credit rewards.

    I've spent about $50 on this game. I understand this is peanuts compared to what some other people want to spend. But I view it like any other video game. Most video games cost $50-60, therefore, that's all you're likely getting out of me. I'm not opposed to spending a little more here and there, but that absolutely will not happen if this doesn't get addressed.

    Here's how things have gone in recent weeks...
    EA/CG: Makes events that not everyone can participate in.
    My response: That's ok, I'll be patient and gradually build a squad for next time the event comes up. I really don't need to blow a bunch of money just to get a squad that can do that event, I'll just concentrate on doing daily stuff, knocking out Galactic Wars, saving my credits, etc. Maybe next time it comes up I can do it...
    EA/CG: Makes Galactic War a total pain in the ****, and borderline unwinnable.

    My soon-to-be response: If the difficulty doesn't get reversed or GW doesn't get addressed in some form or another, I'm out. Galactic War was the one significant source of income and characters that allowed a F2P person, or someone who doesn't pay you an id io tic amount of money a chance to get toons and have some fun. If that fun is to remain **** out of the game, what's the point?

    As far as I'm concerned, you have until the end of July to fix it or at least address the issue and say you'll be working on it. If that doesn't happen, you'll be losing a customer.
  • TeamWarriors
    85 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW is a boring chore. Joining the chorus of everyone else. The point of leveling up in RPGs is to grind through easy minions to fight harder ones that give better rewards. Why am I beefing up my toons so the minions at GW become much harder without the incentive of better rewards. Game progression is being slowed down and taking too much time and is frankly just boring.

    Also, the way the change was made with no word from the devs for over two days and the lack of communication after the outcry from the community is pathetic. Stop acting like Time Warner and respond in one way or another. Silence from the devs to me is worse than the GW change.
  • h0rde
    6 posts Member
    There's nothing wrong with wanting to make GW a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and an insurmountable wall. Since the latest update, I wouldn't say I'm finding GW "challenging" so much as "frustrating to the point of not wanting to play the game." The squads I've been facing in battles 11 and 12 have been absurdly powerful, to the point where I've stopped even trying. I used to look forward to getting through GW every day. It's now a disheartening chore. Surely there's some middle ground here.
  • Womp_Womp
    282 posts Member
    They admitted they don't want GW to be easy, myself I complete 2 out of 3 gw's I'm fine with that. If they intended it to be hard. I doubt they will give in to your demand.
  • Zahreem
    122 posts Member
    I can't even beat node 10 today this is getting ridiculous.

    Has anyone from ea even commented on what's happening I can't find anything
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    As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further weaks to the tuning are needed.

    I'm guessing that the "data" in question is none other than GW completion rate. I'm guessing that an acceptable figure would be somewhere in the nineties, 95% or so. That means, compadres, that quite a few of us won't be completing GW every day, to satisfy Mr. Salera's requirements.

    Are you happy, compadre, not finishing GW every day?

    Sure, let it be hard, but I want to finish it EVERY DAY. Stuff your 95%. There's your feedback
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Ceirowyn
    14 posts Member
    I haven't seen anything since 7/1. Under developer updates and it didn't address any concerns. Just said after the fact that they made it harder.
  • Zahreem
    122 posts Member
    The complaint is that gw is now "impossible" for an average to complete, not that it's just hard, the proof is in the mega thread.
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    They already answered it.
    Basicly it said they are tweaking the difficulty and are keeping track of how people are performing. And it's meant to be hard, that was it.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Seemed easy today. Used own team through node 10... Nodes 11 and 12 were 3 stars like yesterday.
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    To throw my two cents in... Galactic War is VERY difficult, yes, but not impossible. As the developers explained, you need to have a deep roster (very deep and very strong). I have appx. 20 seven star toons and I have beaten the GW since the stealth buff. That being said, it is extremely difficult for unnecessary reasons, other than trying to frustrate players into spending more, because it flies directly against what the team has previously said. I feel for my fellow players, because this has turned GW into a chore for the majority.
    To those saying that GW is not that difficult, I can only guess that you are (mega) whales. I do spend a light to moderate amount monthly in this game, but of course everything is going to be easy when you have 80 seven star, fully maxed toons with aurodiums and chromium characters not only unlocked, but fully maxed. Please don't insult other players that can't or won't spend ridiculous amounts of money, not that I'm saying that you don't have the right to do so if you desire.
    Expressing these thoughts is not always complaining, it's telling the powers that be that a change needs to be made. And it should. Or another option needs to happen, like massively increasing the rewards like they did to the challenge of the node, of making it once per week.
    This is a game and should be fun and challenging at the same time. I'd like to see it go on for a long time, but that cannot happen when the fun is gone, so please, everyone, let's encourage the team to make GW (and the game overall) fun!
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW is a boring chore. Joining the chorus of everyone else. The point of leveling up in RPGs is to grind through easy minions to fight harder ones that give better rewards. Why am I beefing up my toons so the minions at GW become much harder without the incentive of better rewards. Game progression is being slowed down and taking too much time and is frankly just boring.

    Also, the way the change was made with no word from the devs for over two days and the lack of communication after the outcry from the community is pathetic. Stop acting like Time Warner and respond in one way or another. Silence from the devs to me is worse than the GW change.


    Although my arena power is 39k and I haven't felt the unfair power gap lower powered teams are facing, I feel your pain and I sincerely hope GW matchmaking gets fixed in the upcoming days.

    I agree that as we level and gear up, the game should get easier, not harder.

    Isn't the point of adding game modes/events/daily login to ensure that people continue playing the game regularly? Making GW, the main source of credits, a challenge or a time consuming process is the fastest way to get people off the game rather than on it.

    I suggest making an optional, theme oriented, challenging, no additional resources/mats game mode for people who have the time and want a tough challenge. Allow credits to be obtained in a stress-free, less time-consuming way so that people can treat swgoh like a mobile game instead of an mmorpg. Mobile games should be designed for users who are in transit, or play during short breaks and should always take as little time and effort as possible.
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    If it's meant to be hard then why is there 3-4 star toons with no protection on node 12?
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    Pretty sure there was a Dev post about a week ago telling you to f*** off because galactic war is suppose to be as close to impossible as they can make it.
  • Ceirowyn
    14 posts Member
    What's interesting is if they fix the bug where hi lvl ppl stop getting the easy mode on the last few nodes this place would explode. I'd buy popcorn. But until they change the experience of 1 team that can defeat my entire roster (And yes that's happening) I'm not spending another dime. And am seriously considering leaving.
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    One week after the rework, and:
    1. Devs only response was acknowledging they did it by surprise and in contradiction to what previously promised, a less time consuming GW. So they lied.
    2. The listed main reason was to give challenge and try toons and strategies. Facing several top teams over your level in a row with no health/protection refresh is not about strategy, but deep roster. So they lied.
    3. The only reason behind it is, in reality, forcing people to have more toons and encouraging to waste (not spend) money in having a deeper roster. Do you want to try strategies and squads against really hard teams? The place is called arena. So they lied.
    4. GW is not balanced. How sometimes you face very easy node 12, and some other times close to impossible node 12, after really difficult previous nodes which depletes many players rosters. So, instead to work towards balance and fun, devs unanouncedly change the rules to try to gain profit, lying about it.

    In conclusion, would you give money to someone who lied, is lying and most likely will lie to you? Would you give money for a below average product which systematically change not towards better? Would you give money to someone who is releasing new contents without fixing the previous bugs?

    1. Apologize.
    2. Change GW towards what you promised, a balanced doable challenge with good rewards, adapted to the roster of each player. I know its easier change just the algorithm of difficulty rather than really rework it.
    3. Rework all the know issues already reported hundreds of times (i.e. bad AI for many farmable toons), and not only those that come from premium (i.e. bad AI for premium toons, which are fixed in hours after being reported)
    4. Stop lying and treating people as if with an poor and false excuse or explanation they would be satisfied. We do realize. No one complains that the main drive of the game is making money, but do it by addressing your costumers with respect, and not as if they were 5 year-old, and developing a good and round product.

    Time will tell whether short term vision will kill the golden egg goose, but in the current conditions, I won't spend a single dollar more.
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    What is going on ea? Are you working on fixing problems? Why no communication? You have lost alot of business and much more on the edge just waiting to see what happens before we split. I am currently unable to play do to lack of credits. I'm f2p and depended on completing gw and profit mining for credits. Now that both options are gone i play on the 3 days that you can do bounty hunter challenge and try and improve my squad and trying to farm scoundrels and droids for the new events, which also are ridiculous. If its nearly impossible to improve my squads then why should i keep playing? I hope the problems in the game are adressed and fixed because i really enjoyed it before all the changes. I think you guys should at least let us know whats going on if changes are coming or not poor communication equals horrible customer support.
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    Nothing new to contribute. Just wanted to reiterate how much I hate the new GW.
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