Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • EasyRight
    145 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I wish people would quit trying to negotiate w/ the devs. This' the 6th day I haven't finished GC. It's not possible...just not something that can happen. They've done it to slow progression down. Worst part about it, is that people dnt play GC for fun. They play to try out new teams & to get cash & shards. If they dnt fix it, I'm done.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • SlyTalker
    21 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm not complaining that GW in its current iteration has become too difficult. I am complaining about the manner in which it became too difficult.
    I've been playing since January and am completely FTP, I don't mind advancing slowly and being behind the whales, that's how these things work. I was able to complete GW early on quite easily and as I climbed in level it became steadily more difficult until one day I could no longer defeat it. So I came to the forums to find strategies to defeat it, the trick I readily learned was a deep roster with several strong teams, suicide squads, a deep roster, and keeping your arena team power near 30k. So I set about achieving that goal, which took a couple months and nearly 20 levels.
    Sometime in early June I finally was able to win a GW run after all my hard work. My success became more steady after a week or so and I figured I could now reap the rewards for all my work. Then the June 15th tweak made GW insanely easy and I thought, oh well, no skin off my back. Because now I have a decent roster and can focus on getting characters for events like, ie. getting my Yoda.
    Now a stealth tweak has removed my ability once again to succeed in the GW battles. Alright, I can deal with that, until I realize that now I have to once again focus on my roster and make it even deeper and wider. That is easier said than done without the substantial amount of credits lost owing to no longer being able to defeat GW. When my thoughts, opinions and experience are passed off as 'whining' on the forums and completely unacknowledged by the devs, it leaves me wondering what their end game is. Unless of course their goal is to end the game, but at least it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for listening, or not.
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    The goal is to milk money out of the beta testers(us), close down the game. Then re-release the real game b4 the next movie.
  • SamoBudo
    223 posts Member
    Is there a link with the exact formula they use for match ups for the GW. If it is completely proven to equal arena power I will probably never upgrade my arena deck until forced. Ie I can't beat anyone
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    I've been playing for 6 months and daily for the last 4 months. GW has been somewhat challenging but beatable the last few months and rewarding. How else am I going to level up toons? This new update has totally killed that enjoyment, making it nearly impossible to complete. The few times I did this week, I was playing for 2+ more hours than before the update. This is ridiculous, I don't have that kind of patience or time. Hate to whine, but it seems I'm not alone.

    Can someone start a poll on whether the GW should be rebalanced?
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    BudoMaster wrote: »
    Can someone start a poll on whether the GW should be rebalanced?

    We have had thousands of polls. Nobody in charge seems to care.
  • Jordn
    15 posts Member
    GW has become almost a joke, so incredibly time consuming for the same weak rewards. Now it also has become absurdly difficult, my 8th node was a maxed out OB(L), Rey, RG, STH, and Qgj. I have the same team but because I have battled 4 lvl80 teams by then they can wipe me. Just **** so infuriating that I want to quit.
  • Jordn
    15 posts Member
    We're all quitting to play Pokemon Go

    *waves* bye!

    I downloaded it yesterday and haven't played SWGOH since
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    To the devs: Make chest rewards based on Player level ! lv40 earn fewer than lv60 than lv80!
    so use a multiplier on the reward box depending on player level !
    like lv40 mulitplier should be like 0.75
    lv60 multiplier be 1
    lv80 multiplid by 1.25 !
    This should make everybody agree and lv40 players won't feel the difference but they will eager to level up faster to earn more day by day !

    Another good thing is the possibility to skip/reroll battles! if the team we are facing is too challenging, give us the possibility to "refresh for another team to fight" like 3 times per GW for free and afterwards 50 cristals per refresh !
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    Its says final nodes are spose to be challenging,fair enough but not impossible full gear 10s with full protection is not challenging its frustrating and impossible unless you have heaps of 7 stars which i do not and my best is 2 gear 9s and 1 10
  • Obsid
    108 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Well I confirmed, the GW difficulty is NOT based on current arena power/rank. Its based on the top 5 characters with the most power (and the highest arena rank ever achieved). So if you want to do better at GW, stop farming equipment/stars for your top 5 most powerful characters (farm up the other people first if you are having problems with GW).

    Also play with your B/C team until the last hard node (depending on if you have the last node easy bug or not that could be the 11th or the 12th node). That way you go into that fight with full protection. I play with my C team till node 6, then my B team comes out. Back to C team (with any B team guys that need to heal/reset cooldowns), and then B team again on node 10-11, and A team on node 12.

    (If you see that the last node is very easy, thats a bug based on the fact that your projected difficulty level for that node was so high the server couldnt find anyone at that power level).
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Obsid wrote: »
    Well I confirmed, the GW difficulty is NOT based on current arena power/rank. Its based on the top 5 characters with the most power (and the highest arena rank ever achieved). So if you want to do better at GW, stop farming equipment/stars for your top 5 most powerful characters (farm up the other people first if you are having problems with GW).

    Also play with your B/C team until the last hard node (depending on if you have the last node easy bug or not that could be the 11th or the 12th node). That way you go into that fight with full protection. I play with my C team till node 6, then my B team comes out. Back to C team (with any B team guys that need to heal/reset cooldowns), and then B team again on node 10-11, and A team on node 12.

    (If you see that the last node is very easy, thats a bug based on the fact that your projected difficulty level for that node was so high the server couldnt find anyone at that power level).

    You should use ur A team on first node if u use this strategy. Get ur TM rolling, so the next time u use ur A team, they get a good jump on the enemy
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    My sixth node is 7* all gear nine. Rey, qgj, gs, fotp, and rg. Take this game and shove it
  • Mynd
    233 posts Member
    The final word is...

    "We will continue to adjust Galactic War as needed, but there are currently no plans to make any additional changes in the near future. We will be addressing a bug that appears for high powered teams where the final node is a very weak team for them, this should be fixed in an update in the near future."

    We wanted an answer, and we have it.

    This is really depressing. I have a deep roster (30+ 7* all gear 8 at least and level 70-80) and have spent more than I care to admit, but that 3 star green squad on Node 12 is the only relief I get and my last 3 guys that barely made it that far really appreciated it... Chances are I won't be finishing GW for awhile anymore if node 12 is fully powered.

    Also, the fact they think it's fine now is outrageous.
  • Arc_24
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It seems that EA was supposed to make GW a "challenge" but instead, made it impossible. For the last 3 days, I have had literally impossible to beat teams with my current line up. I feel like it should be geared not only to your arena line up but also your level? I admit that GW was too easy before but this just seems ridiculous.
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    I want the executive producer of the game to make a video of him playing with our toons and see how long it takes him to finish.
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    Captainrrl wrote: »
    I want the executive producer of the game to make a video of him playing with our toons and see how long it takes him to finish.

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    I understand the intent of GW. It should be challenging. It should be fun. For most "Challenging" is fun. But broken is not fun.

    I shouldn't have to face all purple toons 10 levels higher than my player level 3 fights in a row. Most of which contain some sort of evade buffing character. And since there is no available "FREE" character that counters evade teams it is simply impossible to complete GW without spending tons of money to buy your way through the game.

    I have multiple accounts with this game to play with multiple friends at varying levels of play in the game, my maxed out account which I have had since November and two other I use to play with some lower level friends I have asked to play the game with me.

    Overall the game is great. But the balance of GW for lower levels vs the higher level action is too great of a differnece. GW should scale based off available characters, gear level, player level etc. Essentially it shouldn't randomly build teams solely based off of player level as some free to play players will never be able to compete.

    And at the very least there needs to be an anti-evade character available to free to play players if they ever hope to be able to finish these GW's the way they are now.

    Night sister squads are way under powered compared to other squads (Old Daka is fine) maybe consider buffing the nightsisters with some anti-evade abilities.... kill two birds with one stone possibly ??
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    Continually having every toon killed on the 12th GW node. It's a joke.
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    Yea not being able to keep protection up and facing ultra burst/evade meta teams 4 nodes in a row is pretty broken as balls.

    Arena teams are too often not suited for this sort of stuff.

    That said I do manage to complete on a daily basis, but literally only because I use numerous different teams to clear early rounds and stack TM to have a burst advantage on later rounds.

    Also I think it is super stupid that this game assumes you have an amazing deep roster based on your arena team, since the people going most competitive in arena are the ones that are going to put the most disproportionate resources into those teams (this is ESPECIALLY relevant prior to the lvl 80 cap.)
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    warmonkey wrote: »
    I actually really love idea of a long war of attrition using all your roster. The idea behind GW is actually brilliant.
    I think the problem though is that as players we do it everyday for months cause we love the game. Doing the same thing everyday gets pretty boring, and then when we do it for an hour or more everyday it gets frustratingly tedious.
    And then we still get the same rewards from it we were getting months ago and the stronger we make our teams the harder and longer it becomes. This gets old real fast!

    This times 10. Please fix. Galactic war sucks - the time it takes, the repetition, the lousy rewards. C'mon - you're better than this.
  • Dm1996
    27 posts Member
    Lvl 71 just faced off against a team of 80s. It was a massacre. The other team took out 3 of my team in the first salvo. This was after i sent in two lower lvl teams to soften them up.

    I guess the balance for the final fight will kick in when we hit 80.
    145 posts Member
    Wow..why is it that most players on this thread can't use this opportunity to get better? OK, listen, this game is obviously about to get more challenging than ever before. The teams we've been used to facing will seem semi-weak in less than 6 weeks from now due to Mods. These " super hard" teams that pop up in GW, (wait for it...) ARE DEFEATABLE! But you have to use strategy. And if you say ("well I am..) then tell me why you're on this post...U would consider training for when the update gets here. Have you ever gotten better at anything by playing someone weaker than you? No. You have not. So try learning something from being defeated.
    BTW: I have 4 lvl 80 gear 9 to 10 accounts and am having success on all of them.
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    I've decided to stop playing this game. I have much better things to be doing with my time.
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    BMC_TYT wrote: »
    Wow..why is it that most players on this thread can't use this opportunity to get better? OK, listen, this game is obviously about to get more challenging than ever before. The teams we've been used to facing will seem semi-weak in less than 6 weeks from now due to Mods. These " super hard" teams that pop up in GW, (wait for it...) ARE DEFEATABLE! But you have to use strategy. And if you say ("well I am..) then tell me why you're on this post...U would consider training for when the update gets here. Have you ever gotten better at anything by playing someone weaker than you? No. You have not. So try learning something from being defeated.
    BTW: I have 4 lvl 80 gear 9 to 10 accounts and am having success on all of them.

    Wait, you have 4 lvl 80, gear 9-10 accounts???
    You need to stop right there brother. That's means you are a super whale and need not comment on those of us that have spent less yet spend period. I've spent money much like many but it's enough to manage and pay my actual bills as well. Yet it does not give me the other worldly ability to throw that many max toons at GW in order to finish. So stop, just stop.
    GW is broke and needs to be fixed. Or ppl will leave the game.
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    I don't get it.....I got smarter and used D teams to make it to Node 6, I was spending over an hour on GW and today I got full LVL80 teams on Node 6, 9, 11, and 12. I actually cleared all the way to Node 12 only losing 1 char on Node 11. I have 12 80's on my roster mostly G8 with 3 G9's and 1 G10. None of them have their protection anymore......this is what it gives me on Node 12 today......


    That's a completely MAX team, I've looked at all 5 chars....38.875K....4 G10 and a what world am I suppose to beat this at any point? I'm not even going to waste my time.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    BMC_TYT wrote: »
    Wow..why is it that most players on this thread can't use this opportunity to get better? OK, listen, this game is obviously about to get more challenging than ever before. The teams we've been used to facing will seem semi-weak in less than 6 weeks from now due to Mods. These " super hard" teams that pop up in GW, (wait for it...) ARE DEFEATABLE! But you have to use strategy. And if you say ("well I am..) then tell me why you're on this post...U would consider training for when the update gets here. Have you ever gotten better at anything by playing someone weaker than you? No. You have not. So try learning something from being defeated.
    BTW: I have 4 lvl 80 gear 9 to 10 accounts and am having success on all of them.

    Wait a sec, you're saying that the teams that people are facing now will seem semi-weak due to mods?
    How do you figure that? Player A w/39k power adds mods to his team. Player B w/32k power also adds mods to his team. That seems to me like we're standing in the same exact spot as we are right now. Player B isn't going to have any advantage over player A because they are both upgrading their characters with mods. Now if the stronger players don't add mods then maybe the weaker ones will have a chance..but let's be honest many games that you know in which the stronger players don't upgrade their stuff if given the chance?
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    BMC_TYT wrote: »
    Wow..why is it that most players on this thread can't use this opportunity to get better? OK, listen, this game is obviously about to get more challenging than ever before. The teams we've been used to facing will seem semi-weak in less than 6 weeks from now due to Mods. These " super hard" teams that pop up in GW, (wait for it...) ARE DEFEATABLE! But you have to use strategy. And if you say ("well I am..) then tell me why you're on this post...U would consider training for when the update gets here. Have you ever gotten better at anything by playing someone weaker than you? No. You have not. So try learning something from being defeated.
    BTW: I have 4 lvl 80 gear 9 to 10 accounts and am having success on all of them.

    Hey dude, you realize the system actually works perfectly fine at lvl 80. No one cares about that.

    The issue is people in their 70s hitting those same lvl 80 g10+ PVP meta teams and literally having NO POSSIBLE WAY to defeat them.

    Get off your high horse a little bit there.

    Source: I am part of a guild with not all maxed players isolated in their own little sphere.
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    So today I used my 'deep' roster for GW, saving my A team for the last two nodes. This is the team that has finished GW on its own for a long time. Guess what? They were wiped out before they could take a single opponent out. That's not challenging, it's rigged.
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    Gavon1074 wrote: »
    So today I used my 'deep' roster for GW, saving my A team for the last two nodes. This is the team that has finished GW on its own for a long time. Guess what? They were wiped out before they could take a single opponent out. That's not challenging, it's rigged.

    My current strat (which has made GW much much easier by comparison) is to take non-standard comps (my rebel arena comp and my slightly underleveled droid comp) and use the first two matches are TM fodder (thus letting both comps come in with a huge TM advantage and thus acting as artificial burst in the opener) then swapping back to my normal clear comp (which is Jedi + Leia).

    With this pre-boosting, the hk/86/88/daka/phasma team has managed to take out full g10 arena meta teams even though they are all g8 lvl 70s (outside of HK who is a 5* lvl 80 with omega lead).

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