Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Still not a fan of this. Spent about 2 1/2 hours tonight doing GW. And not looking forward to running into fully modded meta teams either with my f2p squads where I have to choose between shards to build a roster and mods to make them stronger. There's no way I can keep up.
    13 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW is impossible now! Nodes against a Fully moded, starred, levelled, geared.. The Devs are getting stu-pid every updates, implementing mods in gw would not be wise. Nobody will finish them even with deep roster unless your a fully moded whale..
    Do they even test this at all before implementing new systems? Their idio-cy truly never ceases to amaze me..
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    Wow, I was holding off doing GW today to try and catch the full update with the full increase, but looking at the team ghost rider has faced above, that's just mind blowing. I have RG 2* mods all the way and that REy looks like it has more protection and health.. What chance do u have!
    Surly a rollback and a rethink is needed.
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    Roux wrote: »
    Wow, I was holding off doing GW today to try and catch the full update with the full increase, but looking at the team ghost rider has faced above, that's just mind blowing. I have RG 2* mods all the way and that REy looks like it has more protection and health.. What chance do u have!
    Surly a rollback and a rethink is needed.

    Omg you said rollback! Post is sure to be deleted
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Ashrak
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Until now i've never complained about GW, sure it wasn't easy, sure the rewards didn't match the difficulty but up 'til now it was at least possible to finish it even though it would eat up most of my 17 7* toons, most of the time.

    But now it has gone from difficult to impssible, node 10 was lvl 80 full gear 8, node 11 lvl 80 full gear 9 and node 12... well...see for your self.




    For me, as a non super whale goldfish, this is impossible to beat, it's pretty much a game breaker to me.

    GW rewards aren't all that great to begin with but you had to do it for the credits, even if it took more than 30 minutes a day...

    Todays GW took me almost an hour, rewards have increased like 3% and i can't even finish it...
    The may just as well rename it to Whale Wars...

    To quote someone most of us know... "There is always a bigger Fish" ... seems like EA's gone fishing...
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    Has the cash reward actually gone live then? I honestly didn't notice it, I assumed it was going live today with the increase in allies and the rest of the update that needs to be rolled out.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Man i got a full modded team in my 11th node today in GW. Guys don't wait up...mod as much as you can as fast you can. Otherwise GW will indeed become impossible.
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    GW is impossible, I fought three nodes with moods at maximum and they kill all my team with moods. Rey was absolutely unkilleable. I think I am not going to do better than node 10 in the future. GG EA again you have broke the game. Please think before act. You cannot face three or four nodes with maxed moods till you can rise up your owns. Also, moods was going to be to specialize your champs: well Rey absolutely tank and kill a maxed Wooky in one strike 40k so the specialization is an assasin Tank faster then the lightning?
    May the Chromiun packs be with you
  • Naidanac_eh
    93 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't remember what I had for 11, but I do know I needed my a team, droids and phasma to beat it. Everyone was doing fine up until the last toon, 5s. Got him into the red for health, where he proceeded to dodge the rest of my attacks killing, phasma, and bringing the rest of my droids into the red. Killed hk, but did his self revive. Now, on the final node I'm facing phasma lead, rey, rg gear 10. Qgj, and sth gear 11. **** am I supposed to do with that? I could go through my roster and not kill any of them.

    Went through my entire roster of 43. Was able to take out sth before Rey cut every single group down with one hit kills. GW is so awesome and fun now! Thanks for fixing it from the original that wasn't even broken.
    Post edited by Naidanac_eh on
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Now I can say GW is broken I would've never thought that GW gets arena teams so fast!
    I also got a fully modded team at node 11, went up against my modded team, 3 survived.
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    So after the update today I lost my A team on NODE 5 all 80 Team. Could not get past Node 10. The Rey on Node 5 one-shotted THREE OF MY A TEAM LEVEL 80's.

    Please tell me how the heck Rey is 1000x more powerful than Mace Windu in this silly game??? She needs a Nerf. Now.
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    Drlolum wrote: »
    GW is impossible, I fought three nodes with moods at maximum and they kill all my team with moods. Rey was absolutely unkilleable. I think I am not going to do better than node 10 in the future. GG EA again you have broke the game. Please think before act. You cannot face three or four nodes with maxed moods till you can rise up your owns. Also, moods was going to be to specialize your champs: well Rey absolutely tank and kill a maxed Wooky in one strike 40k so the specialization is an assasin Tank faster then the lightning?

    Were they bad moods then?
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
    2761 posts Member
    So, now every toon needs to be modded, for a cost in reequpping mods or getting a bunch leveled up for all characters just to complete a GW?
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    So, now every toon needs to be modded, for a cost in reequpping mods or getting a bunch leveled up for all characters just to complete a GW?

    Yep, pretty much. I modded a couple of my GW guys, and was fine. Wasn't all that bad. Except for node 10 which took a couple of tries.
  • Jimboe
    127 posts Member
    I buy one from arena shop, yet my smuggler run acivement not change..., is it a bug?
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    Ugh, first time in 3-4 months I've been unable to beat GW. My real problem (other than the 5* health mod set on Rey) is that their team always goes first, with RG going first no mods! I put a burner team of 2* in as I thought I just need it to reset and let the other team go. Then I put in a fast team and the same thing happens. They go first with RG going first. ****?
  • Stuck
    8 posts Member
    I've been playing since November last year. It was a lot of fun. When guilds were introduced it was awesome to share exp with players across the globe. Many great players have become friends. But this is a game. Something to go brain dead to wind down the day. So...
    if you are not playing 6hrs+ a day and reading forums, a player gets way behind in info, gear and now mods. Mods have been up one day and there are Rey's out ther with rg like protection and health. I can't compete with that level of player any more.
    I don't want to waste time doing this any more. Good luck to all.
  • licky
    112 posts Member
    I've seen a lot of people talking about how GW is impossible to complete now. I'm wondering why people continue to (or try to) complete it. Especially everyone that has been playing for while. I want to know what purpose GW serves to you!
  • licky
    112 posts Member
    I've seen a lot of people talking about how GW is impossible to complete now. I'm wondering why people continue to (or try to) complete it. Especially everyone that has been playing for while. I want to know what purpose GW serves to you!
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    Ok, node 12 facing a fully leveled, fully geared and fully modded! Not even 24 hours after the update.

    The team is: Ben (L), STH, Rey, QGJ, Lumi. After a couple rounds, my A team is down to 1 toon, and I barely defeated just one of their toons, with tons of life, tons of protection and dodging every other attack.
    Adding another day, and instead of correcting the problem, making it even worse.
    Good job EA! Nice challenge!
    I'll just check everyday how your revenue and downloads fall and fall and fall and fall... With a smile in my face.
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    Yeah the last node being easy I figured was because the two nodes before were Ben QGJ Rey GS Han/RG that are all 7* Lel 80 gear 10 and 11.

    It's one thing to beat those type of teams and face and easier team then another hard one... To let your toons recooperate a bit.

    Yesterday I got 3 7* lev 80 gear 10 on the last three nodes. It's hard enough to make it through the entire node when the opposing team gets full protection and u have what's leftover. In the beginning of GW this isn't to hard bc the teams are not so highly geared.

    But when u face 3 fully max fully protected team in a row it's just to much. I'm sorry but it's not like gear for level 9, 10, and 11 is very easy to get. For the first time in a long time I lost to GW because the gear level was maxed out on all 5 players. One of the teams had Rey Han and RG GS and QGJ all max lev 80 gear 10, 11..... After beating the first two I couldn't even take out RG, believe me thier is a big diff between fighting RG at level 8 maxed and level 10.

    And there use to be one or two players gear 9-10, but having all 5 players at gear 10 three nodes in a row is a bit rediculus. I mean that's like fighting 3 arena matches back to back when ur opponent refreshes his toons and u have full health but no protection.

    Some of these toons like RG, Rey, Han, QGJ have almost as much protection as they do health, so you hit Rey with with your Rey and choose furry of blows and it knocks off a small notch in your opponents Rey then if your lucky enough to get anything to yellow, Rey hits one your toons with furry and kills it. And hits another and his assist kills that toon and the game is over. I restarted and tried this a few times and mostly my entire A team died before the opponent even needed taunt.

    But I'd if the whales are upset because it's not challenging enough, it's probably because they have all those toons from chrome packs to begin with.

    And they want GW to be harder so ftp players can't finish and get thier credits or earn the cash they need from finishing battles.

    I've been a pay as I go player, after I bought some chrome packs in then beginning, but I can tell you that it was hard for me to get the One team with gear that was all 9. Most of the players in my guild who are ftp are lucky to have 1-2 toons that are gear 9.

    So how are ftp players supposed to get through 3 teams of fresh protected toons that all have 9-10 gear?

    There are a lot of players that spend 100-200 a month that are not going to keep playing if GW is full of top 5 arena players..... With 2-3 fresh ones waiting in the end. Anyone who complains that the last node was two easy after the two before were fully maxed obviously doesn't need the money or the credits for the toons.

    But I can guarantee that the whales at the top of my arena all have the newest chrome or aurodium players and have bought the gear to max all 5 of thier players to gear 9,10,11.

    So I don't think it's fair to have budget or ftp players play a GW that big ptp players need it to be hard for them, since they don't need any of the resources anyway. So if u continue to make it this hard or harder, then players will leave cause there is no way to catch up when the gear all those players need to get to gear 9 is 1400 crystals per item and for some players they need at least 2 -3 of those to get to gear 9-10.....not to mention all the gear they can grind but at 50 pieces per part, and there are usually 3-4 of those for each player.

    Since the raids drop a few of the gear types u can grind and I got a few decent 5/50 drops from 30 raids I had to buy most of my raid gear. And I placed in the top 3 almost let every time.

    Maybe the gear drops are better in herioc but if the had the toons and gear to win at that level then I probably don't need the gear anyway

    From a budget player that spends a decent amount there is no reason for GW to be so hard to win.... Shouldn't everyone be able to able to win something? I mean the ptp players rule the arena and herioc rancor.......Isn't that enough?????

    Anyway making GW harder just to make it more challenging.....seems ftp unfriendly and will eventually cause Ftp and a lot of budget players to leave because they depend on the resources from GW...... Which obviously Ptp do no need!!!!!
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    Node 12 has been impossible to beat for a few days. Unfortunately now nodes 9 - 12 are being changed by mods. I am fairly sure that the divide between F2P and PVP will soon be insurmountable.
    It stinks that the class divide affects almost every aspect of this game
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    the development is just so so bad.

    so bad
  • Strong
    70 posts Member
    How can it be fair I have to fight a GW team with 100k RG, 75k st Han, 75k new Han, Rey with 5600 k damage and 100k Ben. Everyone of them had the best mods you can get.

    I've never failed a GW apart from the early days. This is so badly wrong.
  • gregg12
    31 posts Member
    Stuck on a node with fully modded toons. All with health rarity 4 level 15 mods. Sun fac 266k, Rey 68k, RG 162k, Leia 80k, Phasma 96k combined health and protection. I'd have to do 600k plus damage just to beat 1 node. Suicide teams are a waste since they are almost all killed off before I even get to attack. I don't mind people that pay getting an edge in arena or their own PvE, but why must it affect other people's PvE? Bad implementation of this mod change. Especially when GW is the main way of making already tight credits, and already had numerous complaints about balancing that have just been made much much worse.
  • SantasWS
    165 posts Member
    you are supposed to spend a grand in cash to mod up so you can complete GW and win the final battle to receive the 55k in credits
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    licky wrote: »
    I've seen a lot of people talking about how GW is impossible to complete now. I'm wondering why people continue to (or try to) complete it. Especially everyone that has been playing for while. I want to know what purpose GW serves to you!

    As a 100% F2P player it's one of the best ways to get credits, which are sorely lacking unless you drop real money.
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    Node 12 has been impossible to beat for a few days. Unfortunately now nodes 9 - 12 are being changed by mods. I am fairly sure that the divide between F2P and PVP will soon be insurmountable.
    It stinks that the class divide affects almost every aspect of this game

    +1000 to this post.
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    I thought GWs would have been extremely difficult after the mod update. It wasn't at all. It was challenging yes, but impossible to beat..nope. Honestly, I found GWs quite fun to do post update. Thanks EA, I can see myself sticking around and playing swgoh a lot longer.
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    the developers screwed up big time with mods. they were forced upon us. they made things like GW which to most was already broken worse.

    I just dont understand how developers can be this ignorant. did ea hire monkeys to program?
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