Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Galoopa wrote: »
    I can appreciate, and enjoy a challenge, but when I get to the final nodes and I'm fighting teams that are maxed out, with mods now too, and six levels above my top toons it is just ridiculous. I should not have to fight teams that have a 7000 point power difference over me. My toons are getting destroyed before I even get a chance to attack. This needs to be fixed.

    Totally this. Maxed out isn't half as bad as maxed out and ten levels higher rank to boot. Since level 70 I have faced nothing but 80/7/9 teams. Frustrating hardly even covers it!
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    I pretty much face, at a minimum, 4 heavily modded level 80 teams per GW day. Node 6, 9 and 11 and 12. Usually 11 and 12 are absolutely mega modded super heavy duty teams each of which would require several of my full teams to beat. I have a fairly deep roster and enjoy the war of attrition as they call it. Even when GW was billed as "too easy" I never ended GW with the team i started with and that was part of the fun. Another thing which removes the fun is that it is the only place you can really get credits. As rare as decent credit drops in this game are, I always feel like im begging.
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    Martianski wrote: »
    2200 posts totally ignored. And counting.

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    Yup my GW is impossible as there is not enough characters in the game to beat the fully equipped moded and leveled out teams I have to face in the GWs. It is not worth it
  • MarsAmbassador69
    149 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_LucifersDaddy @CG_JohnSalera

    I would fix GW by doing the following:

    1. Reduce nodes from 12 to 6. Double rewards from current to compensate (new node 1 = same reward as current Nodes 1 & 2, etc.)

    2. Scale difficulty through to end and set at a point where most users can complete all 6 nodes 75% of the time. Have this take NO more than 30 minutes of our day.

    3. Do NOT use user squads but instead use RNG AI squads from the entire character roster. I want to face ALL of the characters, not just the same meta that's also ruined the fun of Arena (Rey/RG, etc.). Nothing would make me happier than facing a team of Lobot, Boba Fett, Nute Gunray, Tarkin and a Snowtrooper!
    Post edited by MarsAmbassador69 on
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    Spydermb wrote: »
    Martianski wrote: »
    2200 posts totally ignored. And counting.


    They have not ignored this. The are insistent the answer is WAI. WAI WAI always WAI.

    WAI is of course the wrong answer, but it is their answer. Let's get past the rage and accept they made a choice. This is a bad choice. But it is the choice they made. So either we accept it, or quit the game. A lot of people already quit.... :/
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    GW is so wrong. So broken.

    I'm at node 12 now (after playing for 2 hours on it today because I desperately need the credits to level up my teams) and I'm up against a fully mod 5 team, 3 of whom have scores over 8000. Their Rey has 194 Speed and Physical Damage of 2901. A Royal Guard with 70,000 combined health and protection and 2100 Physical Damage. A Dooku with 183 Speed. And a roided out QGJ and Phasma that alone would be impossible to beat with an entire T9 and T10 squad.

    In what world is this "WORKING AS INTENDED"??????????????
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    GW is so wrong. So broken.

    I'm at node 12 now (after playing for 2 hours on it today because I desperately need the credits to level up my teams) and I'm up against a fully mod 5 team, 3 of whom have scores over 8000. Their Rey has 194 Speed and Physical Damage of 2901. A Royal Guard with 70,000 combined health and protection and 2100 Physical Damage. A Dooku with 183 Speed. And a roided out QGJ and Phasma that alone would be impossible to beat with an entire T9 and T10 squad.

    In what world is this "WORKING AS INTENDED"??????????????

    In @CG_JohnSalera world man, he and his team are clear this is a take it or leave it proposition.

    So make your choice - Is that a good use of two hours of the one life you have to live or not?
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    I think the concept behind the GW changes is good, the way they choose teams is flawed. They need a different way of matching up the teams. The current algorithm is too unstable imho.

    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    GW Rant: Activated

    Node 6 today lost my entire Scoundral and Rebel squads who has maxed 2* and 3* mods then I proceeded to lose 3/5 of my A squad and the other 2 members have less than 1/4 protection left, my A squad is all maxed 5* mods.

    Node 6 went like this

    Phasma Leader maxed gear, max abilities, maxed out on a mixture of potency and speed mods
    Dooku maxed gear, max abilities, maxed out on speed mods
    Rey maxed gear, max abilities, maxed out on critical damage mods
    RG maxed gear, max abilities, maxed out on defensive mods
    Daka maxed gear, max abilities, maxed out on a mixture of speed and potency mods

    There's no way in heck my A squad who's maxed out on only Health mods could compete and this was NODE 6! By the time I went to go 4/5 of my guys were stunned because Phasma's leadership kept calling Daka for assist. I mean I am all for a challenge but this is insanity. There's no way I would subject myself to this team in arena, why are these kinds of teams forced upon us so early in GW?

    I used to be a whale (easily over $3000 spent), i have 5 teams (Rebels (All G9+ with Wedge), Droids (All G9 + with B2), Arena (All maxed gear, maxed mods Dooku Lead, Rey, RG, Sun Fac and QGJ I run a very meta squad), Scoundrals (all at least G7 5* with Zam - this team isn't complete by any means but it gets me through lesser nodes)) and a not-so-great Jedi team and I will not be able to complete this GW.

    I spent about 6k crytsals getting mods in before they nerfed the drop rate, I was lucky enough to max my arena squad out in 5* mods. As you can see I do have a fair bit of paywall characters.

    There's no way my Ewoks and Droids, who have a handful of 1* and 2* mods, are going to be able to handle the nightmare that have become Nodes 10 11 and 12 - and before anyone says yes I did try to beat that Node 6 with my lesser teams before I had to bring in the big guns.

    Sure I could rearrange my mods to make them compete wasn't there the whole thing about GW taking too long to begin with? Plus I have no credits to move around and if you expect us to move mods around and spend credits just so we can push deeper in to GW for the pittance we get from clearing each node than you got another thing coming.

    If those of us that spent money on this game can't do it what makes you think the f2p players can?

    Is this really the kind of game you wanted? If it wasn't for all the money I've spent on this game and for my deep, unshakable love for Star Wars, I would have been gone a long time ago.

    I'm very willing to open my wallet and obtain the iconic characters, I was extremely excited to see that Commander Cody finally introduced to the game but my crystals are going to just pile up, the only thing i am using them for is to help my guild get coins each day.

    /end rant
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    Going F2P, closing wallets is the only language EA understands.
    The megathread is 80 pages long. No acknowledgement.
    They stated their priority is to make the game fun and long lasting. Not true.
    They purposely nerfed mods drop rate after 2 days of 100% drop rate, just to encourage people to spend money. An unethical practice that severely damage the game and players balance.
    Ok, keep on with such practices, without rectifying, apologizing and rebalancing. Money is going to stop flowing. Mine already has.
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    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Money is going to stop flowing. Mine already has. estimates that this game has lost half of it's daily revenue since this last update. From around $110k to $67k now. I expect significant changes coming as a result. Numbers like that get people fired, which means they'll finally have motivation to listen to us (saving their own butts).

    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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    @EA_Jesse @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_LucifersDaddy @CG_JohnSalera

    1. Didn't the inequities and issues present in mods not show up in months of development? Or was this calculated? If so, I'm not sure why you'd burn your paying customers like this. Aren't games kept alive by people paying money? How can anybody with a dollar in their pocket trust this game again after the bait and switch that occurred with mods? Please reset all to ZERO and refund all credits and crystals people spent. You're simply killing the game by destroying trust between the player base and EA/CG.

    2. Why did you nerf potency? You took my Teebo from 80% to 11% potency and Fives from 60% to 5%. Now my Teebo can't reduce Turn Meter, my Fives can't do Speed Down. Plus my Sids/Vader/GG can't do Damage Over Time, Old Ben's special attack doesn't work to save his life (literally), which makes him just another noodle-swinging Jedi. And my Resistance Pilot hardly ever lands an Expose, which makes that character useless now. And you took my Lumi from 110% potency down to 28%. Do you have ANY idea how much work it took for me to get her up to Tier 10 so I could increase her potency?? And guildies are complaining that Old Daka doesn't auto-rez anybody anymore, making her utterly and completely useless. The lack of a true dark side healer was problematic before, now it's catastrophic. It's very frustrating for us to take MONTHS to get a character decent only to have it rendered useless by a shortsighted decision.

    3. All characters have health and do damage. The things that differentiates and makes a character fun is their special attacks. With the nerf on Potency, the special attacks are now useless. That means a total focus on either loading up on health or loading up on damage. That creates a meta group of about 3 characters. That reduces variety and destroys the fun of this game. I'm getting really sick of seeing nothing but Rey/RG combos in GW and the arena. It's boring! I want to square off against and use ALL the characters!

    4. And why do you think it's acceptable for Galactic War to take me 2 hours of my day? And still not be anything remotely close to finishable? This is a game I play on my phone! I should be having fun, sneaking in gameplay on the toilet and in bed and not expect it to completely take over my life.

    5. What have you done with drop rates? Over the past 2 days I did 11 SIMS and got only 2 (two!) lvl 2 blue crafting mats. Then the next day it took my 16 tries to get 5 of the same lvl 2 blue crafting mat. 27 tries at 8 energy apiece for 7 BLUE crafting mats is insanity.

    6. When are you going to add Tier V to a few of the Challenges and include bottleneck purple mats like Mk III Sienar Holo?? I have 14 characters that need this for a total of 320!! Do you honestly expect me to SIM my way through 320 of a single crafting mat? That would take me 2 months and DESTROY my appreciation of this game.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • Stalbot
    131 posts Member
    Omg fix gw.
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    I'm not spending a single penny for a game that is definitely broken. I was considering to leave, the only 2 reasons why I'm still here are that
    1) I already spent a hell of money which makes me waiting if something happens and
    2) I'm curious whether the developers will announce......SOMETHING
    But obviously it will take another few days before someone reacts on the mess these guys have created. It's a real shame.
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    Life just is too short to be waisted on frustrating and money eating games.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    -2200+ posts
    -82 pages and counting

    the spite is strong in this company
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    And not one acknowledgement from any of them since last week.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    To add to the chorus here, why was the goal of making gw take less time abandoned? It literally takes me longer than ever to complete and it's unpleasant. The fun factor has taken a serious hit when so much stress is involved.
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    Guys, no matter how long post you write, it wont help. So just spend that time by doing something useful :-) living the life, for example
  • Xyon
    38 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Galactic War is a horribly frustrating experience that makes me want to quit, delete the game, and never spend a dime. The ineptitude on display during the last few updates has made me comfortable with the thought of quitting without ever looking back.

    Galactic War was the only reliable way to generate credits. They messed with it and made it easier, a welcome change by most, only to break it horribly and make it frustrating for the majority, as evidenced by 82 pages of posts about it. It was bad when they increased the difficulty a while back but now with Mods it's nearly impossible to complete on a day to day basis. At this point most people only have a full Mods set for their A team (typically their Squad Arena Team), whereas when you get near the end of Galactic War, one is expected to fight multiple teams of fully modded characters. This means not completing Galactic War every day and missing out on hundreds of thousands of credits which are necessary to advance almost everything in the game, including newly introduced Mods.

    The recent updates and ensuing debacle have showcased that the development, quality assurance, and product management teams are vastly underperforming their customers' expectations. This game is quickly becoming a mess full of unfixed bugs, sloppy updates that require partial rollbacks, unexpected changes, and a frustrating and confusing user/customer experience.

    So why bother continue playing this frustrating, confusing, unpredictable game?
  • doakimus
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I agree, they should st GW back to the pre difficulty increase, the "easier GW" would be appropriately balanced with the mods factoring in. Making it fun and challenging.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]
    Post edited by Afista on
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    Fresh take
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    It works for me now. Just saying.
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    I purposefully don't attack higher power score arena teams because I know it will probably f*** my GW over even more.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    6, 9, 11 and 12 I get super teams plus an hour and a half of time wasted, not fun anymore.
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    I have several complaints on here with GW and I have also been beating it here in the last few days. The only issue I still have is how long it freaking takes to finish it. I should take no more then 40 to 50 mins, but it takes closer to 3 to 5 hours. This is my complaint now. I have 60 some odd toons, most are lvl 30 to 55, with two top teams one lvl 75 team one lvl 74 team, only one geared in lvl 9 gear, the rest in 8 gear. Then I have 3 other back up teams that range from 59 to 70 lvl intermixed with 5, 6, and 7 star toons. My top two teams are all 7 *. Only one toon has any mods, my lvl 75 sidious that is also my only lvl 9 gear toon. Yet I can complete it. The biggest issue I see here is how most are saying they even play the final nodes. I use my A team only from nodes 1 -5, at 6 I run my B team, then back to A team from 7 thru 10. Then on node 11 I throw first a really low lvl squad, then one of my mid squads, The low lvl takes most of the big hits, the mid squad then usually kills 1 to two of their toons then I wipe it out with my b team. Node 12 I then start with my lowest squads and work up though my entire roster, usually end up killing it by B team and occasionally have to kill it with my A team, but I do complete it. Maybe working this method will help some of you.

    @EA_Jesse , @CG_JohnSalera : Please help with the time it takes to do this, where this method does work most of the time, it is overly time consuming and cannot be done everyday due to that time consumption. We need not only it to go by faster, but the credits to build our teams to work at higher lvls. I want to build my teams, but I need credits to do so, GW as you well know is the only true source for this. Please at least notice this post and give some type of response to what we are saying here, at least on how long it takes. Thank you.
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    What's the big deal with GW it got a little harder but i think its pretty easy. I use the same team for the whole thing and only usually lose 2 toons in the final node. Now Raid they need to fix, Teeboo TM no longer works.
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    When is anyone who can do something, going to chime in and say something about this problem, either okay we read you or go push rope through broken glass with your mouth. Which seems like the norm. . .
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    Quitting is the only solution, when the measly amount of credits you get from this boring mode is intentionally blocked by Salera wanting us to be facing full on overpowered whale squads with the likes of B2, Clones, etc on node 9.... Their answer is to increase the credits by a mouses fart. Oh then they make mods cost even more to level.
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