Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    No1_Wasxi wrote: »
    This is my roster

    This is my last GW node

    How am I supposed to win?
    I mean I have no possible chance of winning this!
    I have everyone alive whit full health, all abilities available and 7 guys have turn meter, but still there is no way I can beat that team, NO POSSIBLE WAY!

    I haven't had any problems with clearing gw ever before this, I have beaten several Rey/RG/QGJ Dodge let teams but this droid team is impossible to beat with my roster.

    I'm fine not clearing GW everyday but when it takes this long (30 mins +/-) I want to have a chance to actually win!

    You should max out Baris and Daka my friend. Having those two healers are invaluable.
  • Dabears
    15 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Ouch. I was certain I was going to win this time. Entire roster available and had top 20 with turn meter, all specials ready, and most with at least 3/4 protection. teebo, daka, RG, JC, and yoda did most of the work and were the only one without protection. They did have full health though. Then the last node came and was a speed and health fully modded team of Ben, QGJ, Rey, GS, RG. I thought I got this. Then watched them go first each time one shooting half my roster anyway because speed still overmatched my turn meter advantage. Only 4 of my 55 characters even got to go and I didn't take out a single opponent's protection. Feeling defeated
    Post edited by Dabears on
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So given that EA and the devs have "no plans to change" GW any time soon, maybe they need a little intellectual jump start to get motivated to do so.
    Looking at GW now it's not set up logically. It doesn't make sense to have nodes randomly power up to such an extreme levels. It should be consistently progressive...

    IThis is not random. And if it progressed each node, u would not be able to recover in nodes 7,8,10.
    Its too gd hard, period. My entire roster, fresh, could not have taken my node 11 tonight. So you can take your explanation of how its meant to be hard and cram it right up your ****.
    But some of ur top tier toons should be better than fresh at this point. TM. I will take 5 of the correct toons with no protection but full TM over 5 fresh toons.

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    No1_Wasxi wrote: »
    This is my roster

    This is my last GW node

    How am I supposed to win?
    I mean I have no possible chance of winning this!
    I have everyone alive whit full health, all abilities available and 7 guys have turn meter, but still there is no way I can beat that team, NO POSSIBLE WAY!

    I haven't had any problems with clearing gw ever before this, I have beaten several Rey/RG/QGJ Dodge let teams but this droid team is impossible to beat with my roster.

    I'm fine not clearing GW everyday but when it takes this long (30 mins +/-) I want to have a chance to actually win!

    @No1_Wasxi That's a tough one. You might try a suicide squad to make JE burn his special, just a couple of heroes like Poggle and Chewie. Then come back with your A team and hope for the best. Take out B2 first.
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    Yeah man. Mad Season was the first CD I ever bought in the 90's. Such a great album. Til my dying day I will always be a fan to that decade of music.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @No1_Wasxi That's a tough one. You might try a suicide squad to make JE burn his special...

    As someone who runs droids, I think this is a terrible idea. Once JE has used his special, droids have a lot of TM. They will start any future battle with lots of TM. You will sacrifice a suicide squad and still subject your followup squad to high damage.

    You should have a key toon or two that can act before JE by this battle. If you weren't able to keep any of your stunner(s) and/or ability blockers at full TM coming into this battle, enough to beat out JE, you should at least have a TM backup toon like Phasma or ST Han or OB in reserve, which can let you get the jump. There has got to be some combo of toons you prepped in node 1-5 to deal with this situation. If you can't get important toons to act before JE by node 6, 9, 11, you're maybe not trying very hard to win. Even an assist attacker can get the job done, if you're lucky enough that he doesn't pull team leader; just reorder your team so that RG/Daka/Poggle/Vader/etc/etc is called for the assist, to try to land a stun/block.

    Once you disable JE, you (with some TM to start) could be getting several attacks in before the droids, potentially killing off JE, maybe stunning or blocking one or both assassins, and getting offense up by the time the first droid has even acted. You will most likely be able to take less damage than if you used a suicide squad.

    *edit: just checked his roster, and it looks OB is his only hope. This dude needs RG or Daka, bad. In the meantime, his team relies on OB/Han match after match to do any blocking/TM, and between Han's health and the cooldowns, this isn't a great GW roster.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    Dear whiners:

    1. GW is too hard- whaaa. It is supposed to be- it took me a long time to be able to beat it. When I finally did, it was exciting- isn't that what a game is supposed to be? I will say it also took me a long time after that to be able to beat it everytime. It was great when it changed again/ I had to come up with new strategies. Awesome- this is by far my favorite part of game. I hope it continues to evolve.
    2. So you hate Capitalism and EA is the devil? I don't see the communist Soviets of the 80's ever developing anything close to this. Socialism breeds laziness and lack of innovation and creation. I don't remember anytime anyone said- "Wow, look at the great ... Innovation out of North Korea (or Venezuela or Cuba or fill in the blank). Why? Simple greatness and rapid innovation is achieved when there is motivation- I promise you, NOTHING you whiney Socialists enjoy (tech wise) would ever have been created without the vision of a capitalist investing in a great idea.
    3. Here's a thought- you hate Capitalism- STOP participating- immediately after you read this, you should burn ALL of your possessions, including the device you read this with. (Please however keep one set of clothes- don't want to see) next move to North Korea or go back in time and move into a "goulag" or a collective farm under Stalin - live the socialist dream of altruism.

    That is all, thank you and goodnight.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Does anyone know at what power level the super easy 12th battle starts appearing? I'm tired of never being able to finish GW. Even with the easy 12th, I probably will loose more often than not. But at least it will be possible to win sometimes.
  • ShocRaznoc
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Forceurmom wrote: »
    Dear whiners:

    1. GW is too hard- whaaa. It is supposed to be- it took me a long time to be able to beat it. When I finally did, it was exciting- isn't that what a game is supposed to be? I will say it also took me a long time after that to be able to beat it everytime. It was great when it changed again/ I had to come up with new strategies. Awesome- this is by far my favorite part of game. I hope it continues to evolve.
    2. So you hate Capitalism and EA is the devil? I don't see the communist Soviets of the 80's ever developing anything close to this. Socialism breeds laziness and lack of innovation and creation. I don't remember anytime anyone said- "Wow, look at the great ... Innovation out of North Korea (or Venezuela or Cuba or fill in the blank). Why? Simple greatness and rapid innovation is achieved when there is motivation- I promise you, NOTHING you whiney Socialists enjoy (tech wise) would ever have been created without the vision of a capitalist investing in a great idea.
    3. Here's a thought- you hate Capitalism- STOP participating- immediately after you read this, you should burn ALL of your possessions, including the device you read this with. (Please however keep one set of clothes- don't want to see) next move to North Korea or go back in time and move into a "goulag" or a collective farm under Stalin - live the socialist dream of altruism.

    That is all, thank you and goodnight.

    1. Yeah. I'm fairly certain people just want to see this one part of the game balance out so that after you've spent months farming, money investing and hours strategizing toons that when you get to the last 2 nodes, you can actually have a legit shot at winning every few times. I'm $12-1400 in, have a rock solid squad and have only won 2xs. I'm sorry but that's B. S. Can't count the number of times the last two teams were geared radically beyond my toons so that even if I had 3 teams maxed out, I would still lose. It's a game not thermonuclear war, nor Vegas odds. You get people to keep paying-to-play by giving them a consistent taste of winning or the notion that a strategy change will help them win. If you were an World Class swimmer and kicked tail thru all the rounds then got to the finals and a guy named Phelps came out of the stands and said "oh yeah I'm swimming. I skipped the first rounds cause I'm too good but now that there's some competition, I feel like swimming." You'd be ****. That's what everyone is saying. GW is throwing the Armenian, the Lithuanian, the Ugandan, Guatemalan and Russian swimmers at us (who we beat) but then decides to randomly toss the G.O.A.T at us after your squad's got nothing left. THAT has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with algorithms and coding and EA needs to downwardly adjust this crap.

    2. this thing on?? It's a friggin video game that's simply supposed to be fun and challenging but winnable, not a political campaign. Smh. You're projecting your beliefs in a forum where it doesn't matter one iota but thank you for reminding us how gosh darn great capitalism is, even when it downright sucks. Like I said, I've spent enough on this game to have bought an Xbox and 5-7 other awesome games. I play daily, much to the chagrin of my lady and I've been at it since Feb. How many times have I won GW? 2x. How many times have I played? A couple hundred+ attempts. That's not lazines my arrogant friend. That's a desire to improve my silly little Fantasy StarWars Squad. Newsflash, laziness breeds laziness. That's Newtons 1st Law. Period. But this ain't science and it's not politics. It's a Video. Game. Which is why I think most people keep playing. Hence the winning thing becomes critical to keep people trying. If the game is so rigged that you can't win after my type of investment then, while I might keep playing other parts of the game, I'll certainly stop giving EA my money and just use GW to get my 400 gems to farm my toons and then reset. There are absolutely ZERO real life material rewards from this game. It's all emotional. All. Of. It. so it's sorta in EA's capital interests to knock it the eff off and let people get their endorphin fix 30-40% of the time. Cause No one HAS to give'em another dime.

    3. 2nd Newsflash: no, repeat, NO system of economics is 100% flawless and perfectly functioning. All that garbage you're spewing is not true. It's propaganda and buffoonery. If there's one person in the world who does what they do at a high level and they don't reap the material benefits of their labor yet continue to do better, then your statements are obliterated by their sheer existence. And there are PLENTY of people like that. Now, if all your capitalism rah rah works for you? Great! Congrats. But try not projecting it on everyone else, because you are not the sum total of every human experience. It's a big world, there's room for differing viewpoints and the 'Murican way isn't the only one that works well. And this is coming from a Pentagon military officer's kid who built his own upper-income bracket business from scratch.
    Post edited by ShocRaznoc on
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    Hello, spending now some time on this game, can tell that is nothing much to do f2p players, or semi f2p, i say about missions/energy, i am hight online player but energy runs for few minutes after that i just exit game, coz dont have crystals for refil, arena is 100% crystal refil, need more content for f2p, to have some real challenge between donators and f2p, with all that crates and refils donators are far away at the top. Regrads.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    GW working fine for me. Takes a long time and is hard, but it's supposed to be. N11 yesterday:

    No Sun Fac, no RG, no ST Han, no Rey, no Old Ben/Dooku lead, no GS, no Jawas(JE,Nebit)/Droids (47,86,88,100), no Leia, no Aayla ... whoa, i would love to face this team at node 11 ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Forceurmom wrote: »
    Dear whiners:

    Dear Forceurmom, judging by your name I concluded that I'm wasting my time, but anyway..

    You really have no idea what we have been complaining about here. Please try again after reading some of the complaints and drop the insults.

    On the other hand as your only purpose was to troll the thread I don't expect or even want you to respond, thanks.
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    I agree with everyone who disagrees with Forceurmom (on the off-chance they're being sincere and not trolling). Their talk of politics makes it all the more amusing.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Achilles wrote: »
    GW working fine for me. Takes a long time and is hard, but it's supposed to be. N11 yesterday:

    No Sun Fac, no RG, no ST Han, no Rey, no Old Ben/Dooku lead, no GS, no Jawas(JE,Nebit)/Droids (47,86,88,100), no Leia, no Aayla ... whoa, i would love to face this team at node 11 ;)

    That's the easy mode n11, I get those, too. Then 12th is the usual 3 star enemy. I wish people would stop with this crap claiming that they are more challenged then others because they get tough opponents from 6 to 11.


    I used to have Anakin(L), 2 clones, Aayla and SF/RG in node 11 and then the same but tougher versions of the above in node 12.

  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Naw wrote: »
    That's the easy mode n11, I get those, too. Then 12th is the usual 3 star enemy. I wish people would stop with this **** claiming that they are more challenged then others because they get tough opponents from 6 to 11.


    I used to have Anakin(L), 2 clones, Aayla and SF/RG in node 11 and then the same but tougher versions of the above in node 12.
    Its pretty random ... they match teams by their "power" ... high power teams can be easy to handle, like the one on the screenshot, some are hard to handle (like teams having SF, Aayla & Co in it) ... in the end, both are easy, once you found out, how to make rng be in your favor (attack with skills, your char get killed - retreat, attack with another skill, your char gets killed again - retreat, attack with basic, your char survived, continue ...) ... it takes time, is boring, is annoying, kills your brain, but its not challenging ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Wow. Hit an 'I Win Button' team on only the 6th level of GW today. Sid, RG, heal, two highly levelled attack. Of course lacking every character under the sun for more involved strategies (like my own such absurdly I Win Button combo), I had only two chances as I saw it: take down Sid before being hit with heal block and DoTs, or take down the RG and hope against hope I'd live through Sid and the attack classes.

    Naturally this having just been a horrendous weekend with any arena progress throughly turned on it's ear, both possibilities failed and between super quick attrition of my team, and their heals, I was doomed with both my a and b GW teams. Even a full attack team thrown together from the leftovers after a and b teams wiped with zero kills, I still couldn't overwhelm Sid or RG and heals. Not when reattempts result in my being attacked first.

    I know - level, gear, mod up etc. Build up your stable of characters. But this is just silly when I'm stalled at only level six of GW unable to even get a single kill after completely finishing GW a number of times, and usually getting at least to within the last two levels.

    I really feel it's a bit silly to have a totally impossible enemy team that soon in GW. The player ought to have _some_ hope at mere level six of GW. Even just throwing every single character the player has at the battle ought to eventually work to finish level _six_ of GW. Sure - require hard to get characters and their abilities to finish GW some days. The player has to have something to reach for. But hope - one needs hope as well as adversity! :-) I couldn't even get 400 War Tokens for some sense of reward, from only five levels of GW completed.

    What a waste of a day.
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    Perhaps you need to consider options 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7? I truly believe that most people struggle in GW every day because of pre-conceived "strategy" and refuse to consider other options when they're still learning the game.

    If you can make a video of how you play and post that, you can get some feedback....
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    No I get it. Occasionally you hit an "Oh ****" team that particularly crushes your main squad. I have two other 7* level 80 G8 teams I use as backup and even still, a well geared, modded team can ruin my day. To say "your strat is poor" isn't helpful. I'll try different methods of attack in hopes for good/better RNG or poor moves by the enemy AI. Good luck man.
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    gobears21 wrote: »
    Perhaps you need to consider options 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7? I truly believe that most people struggle in GW every day because of pre-conceived "strategy" and refuse to consider other options when they're still learning the game.

    If you can make a video of how you play and post that, you can get some feedback....

    Can't have many different strategies when I'm lacking most characters necessary for them. Total wipe of 30 characters (from which two teams can be formed as fully coherent and fairly powerful groups - for my player level of 65, anyway), without a single kill at only level six of GW, is not balanced.

    And either I focus or I spread myself wide and all my characters are near useless. I've mainly focused, with two teams GW able, built from light and dark side PvE teams with a couple additions for better PvP. Advice from other players has all been to focus early on. And my own experience has backed that :-)
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    Atlas1 wrote: »
    No I get it. Occasionally you hit an "Oh ****" team that particularly crushes your main squad. I have two other 7* level 80 G8 teams I use as backup and even still, a well geared, modded team can ruin my day. To say "your strat is poor" isn't helpful. I'll try different methods of attack in hopes for good/better RNG or poor moves by the enemy AI. Good luck man.

    Thanks :-)

    I'm hopeful within the next month I get enough well levelled variety to form a third decent GW/Arena team (I was trying to focus more, but I _really_ need war tokens for my desired toons), built around a third strategy. Just to offer a chance vs what I like to call 'I Win Button' teams. Not totally fair to slam them, of course. I'm sure they're only that hard because I'm a fairly new player, and lacking a range of options.

    Still, it remains somewhat dispiriting to not even be able to kill a single toon in a team on only level six :-D I will harp on about that, but heck - only my very first day trying out GW ended that badly, heh.
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    I have 2 accounts, one I've spent money on the other is 100% free to play. Both accounts started December 18. I finish Galatic wars everyday for months now. My main account highest squad power is over 40k and my free to play account I keep the squad power under 30k on purpose. It isn't about having every character in the game unlocked and maxed out. It more important to have the "right" characters unlocked and maxed.
    You can check my accounts on It is possible to play this game and be successful w/o spending a dime on it, it just takes a lot of time, playing everyday and progressing a little bit at a time.
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    Galactic war was always a little challenge bit fun and the only way to earn any real money or shards in this game. Lately I'm lucky to get past nodes 6 or 9 and node 12 is complete impossible. It's not even like I don't have a good main squad together. This needs to change to continue to make this game fun to play.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Nothing wrong with GW
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    i can't beat GW anymore. Not sure why but i used to be able to beat it every other day or every 3 days but now i haven't beaten it in about 2 weeks :( Hopefully my team gets better, i need more GEAR!!!
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    I've read back through this thread a ways, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed wildly varying balance.

    Some days I'll take out nodes 1- 12 having lost only a couple toons, overall (and a few times I never even needed to change my team to complete GW!). Other days my B team (I keep an A team with what I reckon are slightly better toons and strategy) has already wiped mid-way or even early on in GW, and I'm struggling to get enough war tokens to visit the GW store twice in one day.

    Then there is today, LOL. As I said above, only my very first day in GW was this awful - full wipe of all my toons on only node 6, with zero kills managed by me in that node.

    If the objective of such extreme variation in difficulty is to encourage IAP purchase (as some have speculated), I have to say being disgusted and unable to even earn enough war tokens in a day to make a single GW store purchase, does _not_ make me want to spend more money. It makes me want to close SWGoH and play something else.

    What makes me purchase IAP? Some fruitful measure of achievement, combined with the hope and promise of achieving more, held tantalizingly close, that might be helped along by reasonably priced IAP. Total wipes early on do not qualify as such :-D

    Regardless, to me this feels less like machinations on EA's part, and more like incompetence in balancing GW. Not that I'd be surprised if EA was intentionally leaving GW unbalanced to further IAP sales out of player desperation. I just suspect incompetence as the primary reason for this situation. It is EA after all ;-)
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    I like Monday GW. Just one-and-done, win or lose, and reset. No fuss, no stress. Tuesday on the other hand ....
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    I haven't been able to beat GW for the last 2 weeks when i used to beat it every other or every 3rd time. I know it's WAI but ever since i got Lando to GXI it's been way too hard :/
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  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    I don't complain because i know it's supposed to be a grind AND i cannot beat it often at all but i think it's funny how everyone who says its WAI or that there is no problem with it can beat it every time.

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    When facing node 12. The enemy characters, have more defence on any one char, than my whole teams health and defence combined. No matter my turn meter. They just need 5 hits. And im out.
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