Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Todays GW node 12 was soooo easy! i only got to attack twice! at least i didn't have to play it very long today! I lost, but it sure was nice to not have to spend an hour trying to beat it. @EA_Jesse THANK YOU!!
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    Achilles wrote: »
    GW working fine for me. Takes a long time and is hard, but it's supposed to be. N11 yesterday:

    No Sun Fac, no RG, no ST Han, no Rey, no Old Ben/Dooku lead, no GS, no Jawas(JE,Nebit)/Droids (47,86,88,100), no Leia, no Aayla ... whoa, i would love to face this team at node 11 ;)

    I didn't say this was the toughest team, this is just what it was on that day. This particular team had boatloads of health and protection and therefore a very high power rating. It was actually not that hard to beat, although my A team was mortally wounded in the process.
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    I am getting very close to level 80, have a good bench for my level and an arena team just above 35k power. I am pretty good at GW, but this is the type of team that is greeting me at node 11:


    Phasma g8, GS g9, and Rey, RG and Daka G10...

    After numerous retreats, infinite frustration and too much time, I managed to squeak by them. Then I hit this on node 12:


    That's G11 Han and QGJ, and G10 RG, Rey and Leia. 40k arena power. Fully modded, every skill but 3 fully omegaed.

    "WAI" if I am supposed to hate this game mode.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    After finishing GW for almost a month last two days i got impossible teams. One with Akhbar lead and leia one shooting everything (that one somehow i managed to beat throwing a suicide and 2 B teams at it) and today a droids one that killed me instantly ... 88+47+86 +RG+JE = instant death, first round. No matter how many suicidal teams i throw i them first round everything was cleared ...

    And i think that it was due to a jump in level when i leveled-up 2 of my main toons and i got pushed into a different pool of enemies as having a slighter higher power :(

    Now probably it will take month to go to the end of this pool.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    ^don't throw a suicide squad against droids. Period. U just removed any chance of winning. Instead of starting with zero tm plus a chance at JE doing recalibrate at tick 400ish, all the droids will have 60%+ TM and most will act way sooner than tick 400.

    Start with ur best and stun or block JE at all cost, before he moves. And take out one or two toons. Then ur followup teams have a shot to clean up. Also, if u kill the leader, u remove that leader skill on the followup matches. This is hard to do against hk. It is huge if taking down rex lead.
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    Will try next time, i need to get my own RG a lot higher.
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    'been playing since Dec. Reached level 80 soon after the cap raise. I've won 2030 GW wars, and finished 80-90% of each run. That is, until the last update. At node 6, I get an 80 team that I can beat but with difficulty. Node 7-8 are easier 70 teams. Node 9 is an easier 80. Node 10 is a little easier under 80. Node 11 is a hard 80, where I definitely lose heroes. Node 12 is possible only if I have all my best characters in good condition and several other teams. The whole ordeal can now take over 2 hours. This is silly and a waste of time and not a challenge. When the devs say they made the changes to make it challenging, they are being dishonest. The game is rigged to make it impossible to win the whole GW each time. This should be clearly stated. It is not a challenge when my battered team gets to node 12 to face a team that I could not beat fresh, and then I am left with an endless trial and error of strategies to try to beat even just one character with multiple teams. This is silly. The game should give you a chance to win, based on what you have left. Maybe I will need to find some other way to enjoy the game, until GW is like so.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Will try next time, i need to get my own RG a lot higher.

    I sit RG as much as possible. Whenever he has good TM, he is saved until I really need him. He usually enters the last node with 90% plus protection, which on my RG is way overkill. But it is his TM that is the reason I keep him on the bench. He is my poor mans Han Solo. If he shoots first, he can crumble a lot of squads or can clear a safe path for my damage dealers to follow. My RG has come into 6, 9, and 11 with at least 80% TM ever since the day after the last GW buff. And I have not lost, since. I dont always need it, but u cant go back and get it once u realize ur screwed. And rg is my only stun.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm a new player so i had no idea at start that RG is that good. And for a while. Now it's a bit late and it's not so easy to farm him, so i'm slowly rising it to 5* ... too slow. At this moment is kinda useless. I still have a lot of toons to grow so i have only my jedi team A and bits for a team B and a team C.

    Don't have enough credits/shards/whatever to be able to grow more toons fast ... and i'm f2p :D
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm a new player so i had no idea at start that RG is that good. And for a while. Now it's a bit late and it's not so easy to farm him, so i'm slowly rising it to 5* ... too slow. At this moment is kinda useless. I still have a lot of toons to grow so i have only my jedi team A and bits for a team B and a team C.

    Don't have enough credits/shards/whatever to be able to grow more toons fast ... and i'm f2p :D
    You don't need stars. RG gets potency and protection from gear and mods. And that's all he needs. He doesn't need offense/dps. He doesn't need speed. So gear him and ur good. RG has been my most useful toon for months. Even when he was 3 stars, he was taking me to top of arena. I'm on a Feb server, and I just got him to 7 stars last week! That didn't stop him from being on my arena team most of the interim. I was taking some #1's with a 5 star RG against max gear teams just a month ago. My RG had like 3 or maybe 5k less health and protection than theirs... out of 70K plus, who can bother to notice that difference? It's all about the gear with RG. When I added that last star, almost nothing happened. I think I got like 3% more health.

    So don't worry about the stars. Start farming and saving for stun guns and scanners. I think he needs a furnace and a DC to start off, too.
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    Ppl, stop sending suicide squads to "get a easier node" - That's just the opposite! Same way we use the first nodes to boost TM, when you send in a suicide team you'll be boosting your enemies TM!!

    The best strategy (after boosting TM in the start) is to use your retreats wisely and if still difficult, replace toons or change your aproach, aim in someone different.

    Other than that, if you get a taunt/speed team as JKA, STH, RG, QGJ and Rey full lvl and mod at your node 12.... Best luck trying GW on the next day lol...
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    1. Yeah. I'm fairly certain people just want to see this one part of the game balance out so that after you've spent months farming, money investing and hours strategizing toons that when you get to the last 2 nodes, you can actually have a legit shot at winning every few times. I'm $12-1400 in, have a rock solid squad and have only won 2xs. I'm sorry but that's B. S. Can't count the number of times the last two teams were geared radically beyond my toons so that even if I had 3 teams maxed out, I would still lose. It's a game not thermonuclear war, nor Vegas odds. You get people to keep paying-to-play by giving them a consistent taste of winning or the notion that a strategy change will help them win. If you were an World Class swimmer and kicked tail thru all the rounds then got to the finals and a guy named Phelps came out of the stands and said "oh yeah I'm swimming. I skipped the first rounds cause I'm too good but now that there's some competition, I feel like swimming." You'd be ****. That's what everyone is saying. GW is throwing the Armenian, the Lithuanian, the Ugandan, Guatemalan and Russian swimmers at us (who we beat) but then decides to randomly toss the G.O.A.T at us after your squad's got nothing left. THAT has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with algorithms and coding and EA needs to downwardly adjust this ****.

    2. this thing on?? It's a friggin video game that's simply supposed to be fun and challenging but winnable, not a political campaign. Smh. You're projecting your beliefs in a forum where it doesn't matter one iota but thank you for reminding us how gosh darn great capitalism is, even when it downright sucks. Like I said, I've spent enough on this game to have bought an Xbox and 5-7 other awesome games. I play daily, much to the chagrin of my lady and I've been at it since Feb. How many times have I won GW? 2x. How many times have I played? A couple hundred+ attempts. That's not lazines my arrogant friend. That's a desire to improve my silly little Fantasy StarWars Squad. Newsflash, laziness breeds laziness. That's Newtons 1st Law. Period. But this ain't science and it's not politics. It's a Video. Game. Which is why I think most people keep playing. Hence the winning thing becomes critical to keep people trying. If the game is so rigged that you can't win after my type of investment then, while I might keep playing other parts of the game, I'll certainly stop giving EA my money and just use GW to get my 400 gems to farm my toons and then reset. There are absolutely ZERO real life material rewards from this game. It's all emotional. All. Of. It. so it's sorta in EA's capital interests to knock it the eff off and let people get their endorphin fix 30-40% of the time. Cause No one HAS to give'em another dime.

    3. 2nd Newsflash: no, repeat, NO system of economics is 100% flawless and perfectly functioning. All that garbage you're spewing is not true. It's propaganda and buffoonery. If there's one person in the world who does what they do at a high level and they don't reap the material benefits of their labor yet continue to do better, then your statements are obliterated by their sheer existence. And there are PLENTY of people like that. Now, if all your capitalism rah rah works for you? Great! Congrats. But try not projecting it on everyone else, because you are not the sum total of every human experience. It's a big world, there's room for differing viewpoints and the 'Murican way isn't the only one that works well. And this is coming from a Pentagon military officer's kid who built his own upper-income bracket business from scratch. [/quote]

    Dear Sir,

    Buffoonery? Propaganda? I'm not saying Capitalism isn't flawed, however the alternative would not produce this game we love to hate. Capitalism gives you choices, I have a neighbor that works his butt off mowing lawns and pulls down 6 figures a year, I also see another neighbor who mostly plays golf and makes the same. Yes flaws exist, but so do choices. If you don't like the game, let EA know by quitting or stop paying for crystals- that is a choice.

    And to the other who called me a troll, I'm sorry, but GW was Never meant to be easy or be able to be completed everytime. I see the complaints on here, mostly whining.

    And calling my comments "murican" is just ignorant. I've been on both sides I just have my eyes open now.

    GW can be brutal- I know nodes 6-10 are going to be very hard, I plan my strategy and implement and have found much success when I look at the team I'm facing and plan before throwing a random team at it. I have dumped a bunch of money in this game as well... But I choose to and I know it is not always going to mean I will win top in my pvp or be able to complete GW nodes.

    As for the username- I agree, rather childish. I guess that is where MY frustration led- after selecting multiple names that were rejected I simply said eff it.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    If you were an World Class swimmer and kicked tail thru all the rounds then got to the finals and a guy named Phelps came out of the stands and said "oh yeah I'm swimming. I skipped the first rounds cause I'm too good but now that there's some competition, I feel like swimming." You'd be ****

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That was actually a neat example! Laughed real hard here!
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    Still no fix. I breeze thru GW with my FTP account level 70 toons. But get destroyed with my 45 level 80, modded, and maxed PTP account. But it's working as intended..... Right. Good job
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    You can add my name and my wife's name to the list of people who don't like the GW. I lucked out and got bariss before she was farmable. So, I have won every galactic war since about December. I've won it enough that I have maxed out all the GW toons and just use the 20k+ currency for Shard Shop when I see something that I want but don't have enough currency.

    I usually work through an A, B, and C squad on nodes 1-3. Then use my D squad on the remaining fights. Today with that strategy I lost most of my A squad on node 9. Tried B and C first, but they would have wiped if not for some timely retreats. Then on node 11 lost half of my B squad.

    So, I went in to node 12 with an almost fully intact roster and couldn't finish the war. My Teebo bugged in a way to avoid being stealthed. Enemy Teebo maximized stealth. My Teebo tried to remove taunt from the royal guard and succeeded in making the royal guard permanently stealthed. After losing my hodge podge A/B squad I tried my aoe squad who started with 50% plus TM. Too bad they got wiped out before getting to go even twice. The rest of my roster focused on burning down whomever I could target. Ended with Rey and Teebo healing for more than I could damage.

    So, yeah not excited to essentially lose my entire roster to one node. If I stop playing it will probably be from GW being a PITA.

    Oh, and my wife just does enough for the daily credit. After that she has no interest in playing it, because she frequently faces roster killing squads.
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    The gw arena is the only way where we can get daily flow of credits to upgrdae our toons for those who are on free-to-play basis only... Now they ruined our chance to complete daily GWars because of such unfairly mismatched teams... I only have a handful of level80 gear8 toons, and yet I'm faced with fully maxed gear10 full 5-star moded toons at nodes 6 and 9, so there's nomore power remaining with my toons at node 12 (if i can survive node9)... It is just totally unfair matching!!!

    If this is the way how you want us to give up playing, so be it!!!
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Forceurmom wrote: »
    As for the username- I agree, rather childish. I guess that is where MY frustration led- after selecting multiple names that were rejected I simply said eff it.

    Fair enough, but you should realize that by choosing such a name you may be categorized by your audience.
    And to the other who called me a troll

    That would be me, thanks. This thread has nothing to do with socialism, capitalism or any other ism. You keep bringing it up as if that was somehow an answer to the horribly balanced GW.
    Capitalism gives you choices, I have a neighbor that works his butt off mowing lawns and pulls down 6 figures a year

    Fine, I'll bite... See, this is where you are wrong. In capitalism you would never pay someone a lot of money to mow your lawn when there are people who will do it practically for free. Not for a moment do I believe that your neighbor earns 6 figures (unless there's a comma somewhere??) by mowing other people's lawns, unless it's a figure of speech and by mowing lawn something else is implied.
    GW can be brutal- I know nodes 6-10 are going to be very hard, I plan my strategy and implement and have found much success when I look at the team I'm facing and plan before throwing a random team at it. I have dumped a bunch of money in this game as well... But I choose to and I know it is not always going to mean I will win top in my pvp or be able to complete GW nodes.

    Again you fail to see what we are talking about. When I in the past used to face e.g. droid teams with JE or heavy counter-attack / tank teams (Anakin/Obi1, Aayla Secura, Sun Fac, Fives, clones, RG, StHan) etc in nodes 9, 11 and 12, each progressively harder vs facing much easier opponents now (mostly jedis, never full droid teams).

    What did I do? I did not improve my other toons too much to have multiple teams, instead of that I raised the arena power of my top 5 by investing in high health guys. It meant that instead of getting frustratingly tough opponents in all hard nodes, I get much easier opponents now in those same nodes PLUS a 3 star team in the final node.

    As was pointed out, by being able to kill the key opponents in a certain node just made it so much tougher for your other toons to handle. Throwing out B and C teams would not solve this, as your A team was at TM disadvantage automatically.

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    The gw arena is the only way where we can get daily flow of credits to upgrdae our toons for those who are on free-to-play basis only... Now they ruined our chance to complete daily GWars because of such unfairly mismatched teams... I only have a handful of level80 gear8 toons, and yet I'm faced with fully maxed gear10 full 5-star moded toons at nodes 6 and 9, so there's no more power remaining with my toons at node 12 (if i can survive node9)... It is just totally unfair matching!!!

    If this is the way how you want us to give up playing, so be it!!!
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    Also for paying members GW cannot complete these days. Many level 80 players has left our raid groupe en stopped playing Star Wars. Even
    the paying members. EA doesn't care, otherwise they had changed the GW, so you can complete it now and than.
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    Also for paying members GW cannot complete these days. Many level 80 players has left our raid groupe en stopped playing Star Wars. Even
    the paying members. EA doesn't care, otherwise they had changed the GW, so you can complete it now and than.

    Yap EA doesn't care at all... Better stop playing then, instead of getting frustrated. If they don't respect free players, at least give some respect to those who really are spending and paying for their salaries!!! Totally frustrating at this point - after playing since January.
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    GW is getting harder and harder. The only way to get credits in the game. I am about done with this game. Could not get passed node 8 today. Gear 10 or 11 droid teams starting at node 6. My arena power is just over 30 k and have never been higher than 391 in arena. I am at a loss on what to try. I HATE GW. It sucks. Makes the game unplayable. Please fix it.
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    Complain all you doesnt get changed and you'll just get trolled by some ppl here on the forum.
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    Make better choices on what toons you get. Just stun them and they are not that bad.
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    It's good to have 2-3 good teams at GW. Single team isn't really cutting it, or if it does, it needs good rng and multiple retreats.
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    I think there was a post from CG somewhere, where it was stated that GW was intended to require a broad roster, with good depth to a small set of those characters.

    I have multiple squads for GW, and only for the hardest battles do I wheel out my 'arena' team. GW is about survivability as well; this is why Barriss Offee was so good (not so much any more IMO, but there you go).

    You get a hard battle at Node 6, then from 9 onwards. It's not all completely horrible as long as you can survive that Node 6 without any of your best troops being killed. Make sure you build up some TM on easier battles, so you go into a hard fight with at least that level of advantage.

    Yes, it has got a lot harder - I don't complete it every day, that's for sure - but it at least requires some thought, strategy and planning, compared to an auto-zerg for credits. Keep at it, make sure your mods are levelled, broaden your roster if you can, and look on the forums for some good guidance and tips.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    I won't troll you for complaining about GW. I will troll you for making the eleventy billionth thread about how much it sucks.

    This forum is full of people complaining about GW. Those complaints do generally end up getting rolled into the massive GW thread at the top of the page so I can understand why people don't look there, but seriously try to wade through the massive thread if you seek advice. Or I and many, many others can give advice. I'll even pm you because I'm even tired of continuously typing out my strats and such in completing it every day and that being rolled into the giant thread, as I'm sure other people are, too. I won't waste my time if all you want to do is complain.
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Ok I really do not care for trolls but whatever. This is a real concern. I have 12 level 80's, 20 plus gear 8 level 70 characters. And like 7 gear 9 or higher characters. These **** teams mow them down like they are level 1's. What else do you need? It is just ridiculous and it needs fixed. It is the only way to earn credits in the game to do anything. People can say what they want but I for one am about done with it. Not worth it any more. It's getting harder not easier and the credit issues are real. Games are supposed to be fun. This is not fun any more.
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    CapnnRex wrote: »
    I have 12 level 80's, 20 plus gear 8 level 70 characters. And like 7 gear 9 or higher characters. These **** teams mow them down like they are level 1's. What else do you need?

    Strategy, tactics and the knowledge of how to use those characters. Decent mods. A bit of luck.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    CapnnRex wrote: »
    Ok I really do not care for trolls but whatever. This is a real concern. I have 12 level 80's, 20 plus gear 8 level 70 characters. And like 7 gear 9 or higher characters. These **** teams mow them down like they are level 1's. What else do you need? It is just ridiculous and it needs fixed. It is the only way to earn credits in the game to do anything. People can say what they want but I for one am about done with it. Not worth it any more. It's getting harder not easier and the credit issues are real. Games are supposed to be fun. This is not fun any more.

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