Possible solution to Poe.

Instead of trying to kill Poe before he taunts, it's probably better to battle smarter.

Obviously a dispel would solve this problem, but Asajj is way too slow and Mace Windu is useless.

I think the best counter to Poe would be to buff Mace Windu.

Everyone wants him buffed, so why not buff his speed at least? Then there will be a viable strategy to counter Poe teams.

My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.


  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Mace Windu needs a buff/ change, but that's unrelated to the Poe problem. Poe has just too much rolled into the same ability, for pvp.

    If you want to keep him the same, give him a 3rd ability, and split his taunt and his expose/ turn meter in 2 different abilities. He either exposes OR he taunts, in the first round. Atleast then people have a chance to counter accordingly.
    You could even roll his passive tenacity into the ability (like sidious has his 35% jedi evasion and some other heroes), for upgrade consistency.

    It's as stupid as having phasma give advantage and her speed down aoe on the same ability. How would you feel?

    Alternatively just massively nerf his speed and get it over with.
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    His speed dosent even need a massive nerf he just needs to be like Han speed or a little more, like 140 just so he isn't a turn 1 charcter bc that's absolutely INSANE
    With all this being said Poe is still not that broken he does his job which is stall and can hurt you as he should, but he is still fair.... First order tie pilot though 11-12k crits...... Really...... Having the ability to remove any charcter 1 shot is bad really bad for the game.
    The worst part is he's a pilot, not even a named charter like that kinda damage should have went to yoda or the emporer
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    Just to be clear I'm not saying Poe is OP or isn't OP, and I'd rather not get into that. I'm saying this could be a potential counter if a buff for Mace is included in the next update. Which it should be.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I love the idea, I don't like the idea of nerfing characters I'd prefer buffs to other characters to counter them, like you're suggesting
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    My answer for Poe is Cad Bane stun. I try 1st with Daka. If hers doesnt stick.. i use Banes. Seems to work pretty well.
    I feel stun gives you the upper hand and battle control. Im pretty sure the AI doesnt use it effectively though. Wish i could see my team in def action.
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    Wait till most people get dooku to 6-7 stars, he is faster than poe. He will stunt 1-2 hero, not poe but other heroes stunted will be more than enough to ruin poe fast game.

    However, if that team has many one-shot or good chromium heroes, it will still be a very hard battle and require a lot of luck even before the coming of poe.

    For now, i'm lucky that my team has a lot of high hp heroes which can survive 1st turn, after that it is not hard to beat poe team, just normal not the full op team.
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    Wouldnt work, Poe's tenacity is really high, unless mace's potency is also buffed he's rarely going to land it. I've been hit with healing immunity like once or twice out of like 500 sid attacks.
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    Wouldnt work, Poe's tenacity is really high, unless mace's potency is also buffed he's rarely going to land it. I've been hit with healing immunity like once or twice out of like 500 sid attacks.

    Far out. That's messed up. You can't even dispel a taunt from him.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Far out. That's messed up. You can't even dispel a taunt from him.

    I'm pretty sure I've done it with Asajj at least once. It's just hard to do because of his high tenacity (which is also over the top, in addition to him being broken in all the other ways that have been discussed many times).
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Far out. That's messed up. You can't even dispel a taunt from him.

    I'm pretty sure I've done it with Asajj at least once. It's just hard to do because of his high tenacity (which is also over the top, in addition to him being broken in all the other ways that have been discussed many times).

    Yeah, I mean you've got just as much chance of dispelling him as you do stunning him or ability blocking him.
    It would be good if dispels actually worked properly.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Your second problem is, with the top tier Poe+Cannons team its all over once Poe taunts, because its the turn meter that kills you. 4 top dps units then go and decimate your team before any of your units do anything, after that removing poes taunt isnt going to matter, its all over already.

    Saki, Dooku is faster but they are in the same turn bracket-both act in turn 7. So its a coinflip, and if you lose that doesnt work. Even if you go first, unless they are packing a team of jedis i doubt your getting 2 stuns with dooku, 1 if you are lucky.

    Nate, that strat may work against lower level Poes sometimes but when fully geared Poe goes before both those chars. So no good

  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I also think it should be possible to resist a taunt. Taunting is too strong, and too "all or nothing" in general. If you think about it, it's not really a buff, they just implemented it that way. They could change taunt from a positive effect on the taunter to a debuff on each enemy that can be resisted. It would still have a use but it wouldn't be able to tie up your entire team every time guaranteed. There's nothing else in the game that can do that.
    They probably won't do this, though.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Maybe class based. Attackers have to attack taunters. Supporters, healers and tanks can do whatever they want.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    Sid's potency is 0 though. Not sure what Mace's is, so it might actually work a decent amount of times. I've definitely been stunned by dooku a good amount. Also it's really not that messed up, I kill Poe in 2 shots the majority of the time with Poggle, and 3 at worst which is far rarer. Instead of using 1 attack to debuff, you're killing him with 2. Poe can also be extremely annoying if kept alive, I've been hit by offense down all of the time.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Maybe class based. Attackers have to attack taunters. Supporters, healers and tanks can do whatever they want.

    That's probably a better idea, and at the least, easier to implement. Though it may be too strong, as there are few characters classed as attackers, and the classifications in general make no sense. (Dooku is classed as "support", for example.)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    I also think it should be possible to resist a taunt. Taunting is too strong, and too "all or nothing" in general. If you think about it, it's not really a buff, they just implemented it that way. They could change taunt from a positive effect on the taunter to a debuff on each enemy that can be resisted. It would still have a use but it wouldn't be able to tie up your entire team every time guaranteed. There's nothing else in the game that can do that.
    They probably won't do this, though.

    I agree with @Qeltar on this. This will open up new strategies. 100% chance of taunt and meter reduction is too much for Mr. Poe. I know I was a bit moderate on poe being nerfed, but now nearing level 60 and being on a competitive I am stuck in lower 20s. I have cantina credits where I can roll out Poe, but was waiting for some new toons, otherwise it will be same boring team composition as others.
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    If they do 'nerf taunting' then it should be available to more tanks as a passive like Royal Guard. Mace, Boba, Fives etc.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I just think they need to remove the turn meter from Poe. Simple, still leaves Poe as an effective fast taunter to protect cannons, still grants expose as part of his theme, but takes away the early meter abuse which is the core issue.

    If they did that, fixed Leia and FOTP multiattack bugs, and fixed FOTP's weird stats issue at 7* it would do a lot to rebalance the game without actually nerfing much. We can reasses whether damage/health is still out of balance after that
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    I think Poe's terrible because he can let the others act faster than your team. And after that usually you have to beat his5 with your4! ! ! :'( Any idea about that.
    May the force be with you
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    I agree. Guys who argues that he should not be nerfed, please give us strategies against him. If there was only one strategy not involving having own poe, I will be most grateful.
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    Arijit wrote: »
    I agree. Guys who argues that he should not be nerfed, please give us strategies against him. If there was only one strategy not involving having own poe, I will be most grateful.

    That is the problem with speed in general. They don't need to nerf Poe, they need to change the way speed works within the game. IMO speed should determine the order of your team but teams should take turns attacking. The team that should go first should be determined based on the fastest character. Therefore, someone like Poe would still have the advantage of going first, but the team should have an opportunity to respond. Ideally a game would look like this:

    Fastest team goes first
    Team 1: Poe goes
    Team 2: Fastest hero on team 2 goes
    Team 1: Next fastest hero on Poe team goes
    Team 2: Next fastest hero on team 2 goes

    When a character's turn meter fills, they get to go twice in a row. In this scenario speed still matters, but it doesn't ensure a victory.

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    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    His speed dosent even need a massive nerf he just needs to be like Han speed or a little more, like 140 just so he isn't a turn 1 charcter bc that's absolutely INSANE
    With all this being said Poe is still not that broken he does his job which is stall and can hurt you as he should, but he is still fair.... First order tie pilot though 11-12k crits...... Really...... Having the ability to remove any charcter 1 shot is bad really bad for the game.
    The worst part is he's a pilot, not even a named charter like that kinda damage should have went to yoda or the emporer

    Leia and gj, Rey do the same thing
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Far out. That's messed up. You can't even dispel a taunt from him.

    I'm pretty sure I've done it with Asajj at least once. It's just hard to do because of his high tenacity (which is also over the top, in addition to him being broken in all the other ways that have been discussed many times).

    My question would be why Dooku fails to land a stun on Poe when his potency is at an insane 220%. I am aware Poe has high tenacity and Dooku's stun only has a 40% chance, but shouldn't that 220% potency mean something?
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    nubsors wrote: »
    Arijit wrote: »
    I agree. Guys who argues that he should not be nerfed, please give us strategies against him. If there was only one strategy not involving having own poe, I will be most grateful.

    That is the problem with speed in general. They don't need to nerf Poe, they need to change the way speed works within the game. IMO speed should determine the order of your team but teams should take turns attacking. The team that should go first should be determined based on the fastest character. Therefore, someone like Poe would still have the advantage of going first, but the team should have an opportunity to respond. Ideally a game would look like this:

    Fastest team goes first
    Team 1: Poe goes
    Team 2: Fastest hero on team 2 goes
    Team 1: Next fastest hero on Poe team goes
    Team 2: Next fastest hero on team 2 goes

    When a character's turn meter fills, they get to go twice in a row. In this scenario speed still matters, but it doesn't ensure a victory.

    Currently speed works the way you say in the game. But with Poe going first he fires his 2 round taunt. Not the taunt is not a big problem. The problem is he with 100% chance reduces the turn meter of all your characters. So, all the enemy toons gets to go first after poe even if you have more speedy character. So basically you need to survive a barrage of first round. Now say the other guy has FOTP, you need to take it down - very squishy. Now you cant, if do not have have AOE characters, becuase Poe taunt is active. You will be helpless.

    I counter I see is you need a string AOE damage team. They should make a toon with AOE stun capability. Other counter I see is using Daka. While Daka cant stun Poe, But with the probability that she can stun other toons, she hopefully stunds say Rey- easy to debuff, giving you a respite on second round.
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    Qui Jon can usually take out his buff, but it still comes down to winning the coin flip. :)
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    BentWookie wrote: »
    Qui Jon can usually take out his buff, but it still comes down to winning the coin flip. :)

    Poe has very high tenacity like @Qeltar said somewhere. Difficult to debuff him, its very rare. I will say decrease his tenacity.
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    nubsors wrote: »
    Arijit wrote: »
    I agree. Guys who argues that he should not be nerfed, please give us strategies against him. If there was only one strategy not involving having own poe, I will be most grateful.

    That is the problem with speed in general. They don't need to nerf Poe, they need to change the way speed works within the game. IMO speed should determine the order of your team but teams should take turns attacking. The team that should go first should be determined based on the fastest character. Therefore, someone like Poe would still have the advantage of going first, but the team should have an opportunity to respond. Ideally a game would look like this:

    Fastest team goes first
    Team 1: Poe goes
    Team 2: Fastest hero on team 2 goes
    Team 1: Next fastest hero on Poe team goes
    Team 2: Next fastest hero on team 2 goes

    When a character's turn meter fills, they get to go twice in a row. In this scenario speed still matters, but it doesn't ensure a victory.

    Then you only need one fast character.
  • RAMifications
    189 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Isn't this what Qui Gon is for? But there is still another problem, if your taunt remover goes before Poe, it is worthless. If he goes after, well, you've already lost... Against the best Poe teams Qui Gon will likely be dead or nearly so before you remove the taunt.

    And I agree, Poe's problem isn't his speed, or his -turnmeter ability. It is the combination of the two.

    That all said, the only Poe teams I lose to are better teams than me. Ya it sucks losing to a team without ever getting to go. But If someone has 5 7* characters perfectly matched with Poe, I don't expect to beat them or even have a chance. Atleast no until I have the best of the best myself.
    --Nud Stark--
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    Poe is not the problem. The problem is the damage that other characters do. It's normal that when I fight I kill everyone in the other team in 1 turn. ONE TURN. That makes no sense. The fights have a 5 minute limit for a reason, it should last more than 30 seconds. All fights now last at most 30 seconds. The only problem with this game is either charfacters don't have enough HP or characters do way too much damage.
  • Options
    Poe is not the problem. The problem is the damage that other characters do. It's normal that when I fight I kill everyone in the other team in 1 turn. ONE TURN. That makes no sense. The fights have a 5 minute limit for a reason, it should last more than 30 seconds. All fights now last at most 30 seconds. The only problem with this game is either charfacters don't have enough HP or characters do way too much damage.

    At most 30 seconds?
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