Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I farming zam at this moment...26/'s probably gonna take me 3 month
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    I have unlock rex at 4* on aurodium pack and slowly farm him whit the shipment at 320 crystal 4 shards (2 months)
    B2, i have unlock him at his launch at 5*, and finish him when they release geonisian spy

    Being always top 5 arena is giving me 400-600 crystal/ day. I spend 200 ;)

    "Aurodium" ... FTP?
    Are we playing the same game? Perhaps you don't know FTP means "Free To Play." As in, you don't spend real $$ on it. If you're buying aurodium or chromium or crystal packs or character bundles or anything with real money, you don't really qualify as FTP anymore.
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    Ftp, i don't spend real money, i manage to have a good crystals earning which i spend wisely
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    When you save 200 crystals/days, it makes 1400/week...always wait for a good aurodium my friend
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    When you save 200 crystals/days, it makes 1400/week...always wait for a good aurodium my friend

    Pretty sure you don't get a chance to buy Aurodium until you've already spent over $200 ... am I wrong? I could be wrong. But I don't think I am.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    When you save 200 crystals/days, it makes 1400/week...always wait for a good aurodium my friend

    Pretty sure you don't get a chance to buy Aurodium until you've already spent over $200 ... am I wrong? I could be wrong. But I don't think I am.

    it used to be a requirement but since b2 anyone over lvl 30 will it show up.
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    Please please please stop making the last 2 nodes of galactic war super whale teams with all characters max gear. I mean come on guys. How is any team supposed to take down a RG tank with 50k protection and 45k health and 4 maxed out dps with no protection left on your best characters. It's just a daily not an event that may not be doable with a player at their current progress in the game. There has to be a better way and we need you to find it. I love galactic war but not getting a beat down from a super synergy team maxed out at the finish line.
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    This happens almost daily. Today's team has 41348 power and the lowest power toon on it has 8125. My arena team has 35k. There's a big difference there. Where are you getting the data to match me up with a team like that every day?
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    When you save 200 crystals/days, it makes 1400/week...always wait for a good aurodium my friend

    Pretty sure you don't get a chance to buy Aurodium until you've already spent over $200 ... am I wrong? I could be wrong. But I don't think I am.

    I gotta say i think you are in this one... Or at least since i've been playing this game (3 months give it or take), Aurodium pack has always been there for 750 crystals to purchase.
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    I'm no FTP but if you save crystals enough, even a FTP can buy it. I'm actually saving my crystals now for the next aurodium or the 1400 crystal furnace that never seems to show up....
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    Welcome to my night mare have not made it past the 3rd purple fight in GW since they quote unquote fixed it. So I don't even get to the last two nodes.

    Welcome to my nightmare.
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    The0n3 wrote: »
    I'm no FTP but if you save crystals enough, even a FTP can buy it. I'm actually saving my crystals now for the next aurodium or the 1400 crystal furnace that never seems to show up....

    It seems I'm remembering old requirements ...
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    Oh lol I didn't mention that this team also has a super maxed Sun Fac who taunts as well with 56k protection and 34k health not to mention the reworked Anakin with 8800 power. Lol I couldn't beat his team with 3 teams of my best level 80 7 stars. Seems a bit OP for a DAILY.
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    You just have to work out ways to get several teams. You have to spend time and maybe a little money. Just like the rest of us.
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    My last two nodes are almost always 3 star toons
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  • MacKenzie
    31 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    So, just to add in my two-cents....

    For a while I was getting nice challenging teams at node12.... well, challenging insofar as it was JKA when JKA was the new meta hotness... so I switched up strategy and saved my dooku for Anakin-neutering. Node12 was still a bit of a challenge though... my dooku's only gear 7 or 8 or such, so I would sometimes need to take a second team in for mop-up after killing off those nasty gear 10+ JKA's with gear10+ teammates....

    But for the last week or so.... node 12 has been wimp teams of lv 80 characters with 2 or 3 stars, gear levels ranging from 1 to 5 at best...

    On one hand, yeah, kinda nice that the last battle is a cake-walk, but... certainly not what is intended.

    For reference, my usual GW team is Barris lead (gear 8 7*, maxed abilities), Yoda (whatever his max gear is, 10 or 11, 7*, abilities at lv7, think I got one or two omega'd), QGJ, maxed on everything, Rey, maxed on everything, and either RG (7*, gear 8, abilities at lv7), or Fives (gear 9, 7*, everything but leadership omega'd). All those toons are level 80, running all 12 nodes.

    Last few days Ive been running GW with a palpatine/vader/sid/magmatrooper/random toon team.... Palp lv 65, 6*, gear8, Vader lv 71, 6*, gear 8, Sid lv 80 7*, gear 8, Magmatrooper lv 65, 7*, gear 8, random toon is whoever I decide to click on that day, ranging from 4* lv 50 gear 7's to lv 80 7* gear 8's.... this team is also trouncing the hell out of GW.... perhaps with even more ease than the first jedi-based team made of 7* lv 80 toons with gear 9+.

    I've also recently started a second account... currently level 45, most toons at 3*, gear level 4, highest at 4*, gear level 5... and GW for that team is.... well tonite I beat the entire 12 nodes using just basic attacks the entire run, no special attacks

    Even took out the node 12 team who's toons were 5*+, gear level 6/8, lowest level toon as lv57.... My new account's GW team is anything but meta. Bariss, qgj, lumi, gs, st han... all of them 3* except bariss at 4*, all gear level 4/5 or so with QGJ at gear 6 as of tonite

    GW balance is waaaaaay broken the last week or two.... so how can that be if there's supposedly been no changes to GW lately?
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    Annnnnnnddddd, galactic war is still a joke. They are truly killing the fun of the game with it.
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    I faced a G9 Ugnaught in GW today.

    The first purple geared Ughnaught I have ever faced. Ever.

    40K+ arena power, green geared node 12
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    So I got a baby node 11.
    I will play mythbusters.
    3* node 12 activates at around 37k, node 11 at 41k power
    Power is calculated on successfully beating an arena match with that stat. not top 5, not just retreatig with your top 5. so for whoever wants an easier gw, put your top 5 in arena for a moment and on reset enjoy if you pass the threshold the baby node
    you could put a weaker squad but if you gear up/promote/level the ones that make up your highest recorded, it will rise. for most ftps top 5 will be squad arena anyways.
    tomorrow i will post vid on GW. the matches do not adjust. node 9 is tough, node 10 is less, node 11 which should be hard is not anymore for me.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.

    Lol, my main team usually take me to 12 where i switch to a team with just HK47 and 86 and 3 randoms, enough to clear 1 or two toons of node 12 and let my main team kick the rest. 88 incoming and i should level/gear all 3 of them.

    No EP yet in my GW.
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    I truly despise GW. I hate slogging through it. I hate losing to it or constantly having to use retreats to figure out which player/strategy will work. I hate the time it eats up. I hate the feeling of wanting to throw my smartphone against a wall because of GW. I truly hate that it's 12 battles long. 4-6 would be sufficient. (See that last sentence, devs.)

    The only reason I endure the **** that is GW every day is for the credits. When the agony that is GW outweighs the fun I'm having with other parts of the game, I'm quitting for good. Right now, it's running 49% agony, 51% fun for me. This is a game. It something about it isn't fun for players, why is it in the game?
  • LuminousBeing
    6 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    dorian_h1 wrote: »
    I truly despise GW. I hate slogging through it. I hate losing to it or constantly having to use retreats to figure out which player/strategy will work. I hate the time it eats up. I hate the feeling of wanting to throw my smartphone against a wall because of GW. I truly hate that it's 12 battles long. 4-6 would be sufficient. (See that last sentence, devs.)

    The only reason I endure the **** that is GW every day is for the credits. When the agony that is GW outweighs the fun I'm having with other parts of the game, I'm quitting for good. Right now, it's running 49% agony, 51% fun for me. This is a game. It something about it isn't fun for players, why is it in the game?

    God bless you, Dorian. I couldn't have said it better myself. Keep working on it, CG/EA, you're doing it wrong.
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    I seem to have turned a corner with GW, I've actually beat it the last 5 days. It's still hard, and a few nodes really test me, but I am winning. I can't say for sure what it is, I'm certainly not at the 'magic' 38/39k power level for my top 5 toons... And I'm not saying it's fun, it's still frustrating a lot of the time. But I guess what I am saying is, there is a way to get past the bad times (I've been there), you just have to keep trying.

    But hey, this is a game! If it's not fun, don't do it. Try something else. I've quite many games cos they just weren't fun any more.

    Welcome to Stage 5! Congratulations, you made it. I'm starting to find there may be a Stage 7 involved here ... will report back when sure.
    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day. I should feel better about this, but I still feel beaten.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.
    7. Discourage? Holy frijoles, here we go again; need even more heroes because I'm losing them on N6 now ...

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.

    The day after I posted this, worst GW is a long time... Node 9 was an insane max health mod team. Frankly I don't care enough right now to try all that hard with it. After a few attempts and retreats I just threw in some suicide teams. There's just no telling what will happen next, one GW is good the next is terrible. This is the first time I haven't beaten node 11 since... Well, as long as I can remember.
  • HateGW
    2 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm strongly with Dorian. GW is supposed to be hard I get it. That being said my life is starting to revolve around it and generally ruins the game for me with its fully maxed out 11 and 12 nodes.

    I spend far too much of my day figuring out 11 just so I can blow literally every reserve team i have attempting to weaken 12 ( most teams are lucky to get more than 2 single hits ((not turns)) before wipe, many don't get a single hit but I keep trying). Again I get it's supposed to be hard, but this is far beyond hard and every single day I contemplate quitting as this is the only phone game I play anyways.

    I have much more fun and rewarding things to do in life than slog a couple hours into GW every day. I'll post again when I finally hit rock bottom and realize my life shouldn't revolve around this terrible phone game.

    Good luck to everyone else out there miserable because the game is stacked against you.
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    I feel like Power isn't calculated correctly. Granted, none of us know how the Galactic War matchmaking works no matter how many theories we throw out there or how many "A dev cryptically mentioned this on Reddit six months ago" lines get used.

    But my last node today is Qui-Gon, Anakin, Royal Guard, Rey, and Stormtrooper Han, all gear 11 and 10, all fully modded. Their total combined Power is 40,666. The Power of my Arena team is 35,365 and the Power of my top 5 characters is 35,913, so whatever theoretical metric you want to pretend you know is the One True Matchmaking Metric, I'm only somewhere between 14.1% and 11.7% apart from my final opponent.

    My Top 5 is partially modded and all Gear 9, my Arena team is fully modded and a mix of 8 and 9. (Sidenote: Why the hell does Lobot have such a high Power rating? His HP is low, his damage is nothing to speak of, his best attribute is his only slightly below average defense... Without mods he sits between fully modded Old Daka and Stormtrooper Han in the Power sorting. Weird.) Anyway, the point being that there's no way I can be expected to compete with that squad, but on paper they're only about 10-15% better than me.

    Could this be some sort of bug like how Strength wasn't contributing to Armor up until recently? Maybe some stat or another hasn't been counted in Power for all this time, which has been throwing off Power rating, which, in turn, has thrown off Galactic War matchmaking?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I get that it's not supposed to be easy...but is it supposed to be fun? because it isn''s frustrating and EA don't seem to either realise or care
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Vita promises, Vita delivers!

    This was my easiest GW since the tuning in June? I could get used to this!
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    I thought you meant laughably easy, came here to agree.

    Moving on.
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