Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    i *wish* i saw low-level toons near the end, like some of you. i haven't. i face teams much much stronger that hit at a 5 to 1 ratio and don't get scratched at all. that's not playable. there's no strategy you can call to bear. you're just erased. you can't play a game like that. you're just cannon fodder no matter what. you just charge out if the foxhole into barbed wire, machine gun fire, and certain death. does that sound like fun? it sounds like WW1 to me.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Hellrider wrote: »
    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?

    Increase your overall power and you'll get freebies at last node. ;)

    Last week I faced an impossibly winnable node 12 team - barely made a dent with multiple teams of 7* lvl 80 toons (including my A team).

    The following day I got an easy node 12 team all being only 3* (never seen that before).

    The day after that I came across an insanely difficult node 11 team and couldn't pass node 11 (that has never happened to me before).

    Just to clarify - I have done nothing to increase my top 5 toons over the course of those days - nothing at all. SO how can GW be based off the power of your top 5 toons?

    GW just seems completely random to me.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Hellrider wrote: »
    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?

    Increase your overall power and you'll get freebies at last node. ;)

    Last week I faced an impossibly winnable node 12 team - barely made a dent with multiple teams of 7* lvl 80 toons (including my A team).

    The following day I got an easy node 12 team all being only 3* (never seen that before).

    The day after that I came across an insanely difficult node 11 team and couldn't pass node 11 (that has never happened to me before).

    Just to clarify - I have done nothing to increase my top 5 toons over the course of those days - nothing at all. SO how can GW be based off the power of your top 5 toons?

    GW just seems completely random to me.

    its based off arena power, check in your guild arena power. check which characters correspond to that. most likely you dont use top 5 as an arena team.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @boo use me as an example
    PnyZ7bN.png my arena power
    TgawaE4.png wait that number is not...
    hT0vx2i.png current team look at the top 5 in the to choose...
    yvFa7j2.png top 5, which i have not used to beat someone, greater than the guild stats, all ftp! powers do not line up anymore since i have increased lando but used teebo to get easy node 11:
    8047-7962=85 (difference in power)
    41515-85 = 41430 tada! closet as posted in guild
    if i field that team and win, the guild stats would update. and so GW would update.
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    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    I'll be honest... At this point I no longer do GW unless it's the guild activity. I beat it 99 out of 100 attempts. That's not the issue. Simply, I'm just tired of the time I have to put into it to finish every day.

    That's fine as long as you don't complain abut the credit crunch. GW is the primary source for credits on a daily basis (the new credit heist has the potential for more impact overall) and gives about 600k on a full clear.

    I don't find it challenging in the slightest as I go thru the whole thing with a EP team and barely get a scratch (in part because I graduated to a freebie node 12) Nevertheless I complete it every day because... credits!
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    This might have already been mentioned, but it would be a great addition if on the character screen there was a way to filter by teams for example: rebel, scoundrel, empire etc... Especially with all the new team based events!!

    Please and thanks!!

    Mol Blades
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    In addition to my above request, if you could select a leader then have it show all the synergy toons available with that leader.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    todays gw
    one team used
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    GW it is behind ridiculous, forget the fact that every new team has 100% shield up and we don't. We start with no shield or depleted from previous battles. But now the last 2 teams has 200% turn meter. I have watch for the last 3 days get all my heroes wiped in a non stop enemy turn meter. I fire 1 shot and then the enemy fired non stop until all my team is wiped without defending or doing anything. "We wanted to make GW more challenging" is this what you calling challenging? I had times I don't even fire a single shot and I see the enemy team killed my entire team without having to do a move. Where is the challenge on that? And the 6 team always wiped 1-2 of my top teams it doesn't matter even if they are 1 lvl below me. They are just program to dodge and kill everything I throw at them.
    Seriously you need to fix the TM (turn meter) of GW it is out of control. And seriously consider regenerate our shield at the start of each game or where is our chance vs enemy team? Believe me I mixed it up and try every combo between my team but their TM is out of control.
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    @CG_Dan @CG_JohnSalera @CG_AaronNemoyten @CG_Conduit23 @EA_Jesse @BentWookiee
    Will one of you finally lock or delete this thread. It is obvious you are not listening nor do you care. There is no point of this endless discussion except to have your customers fight with each other, one side complaining GW is too hard and on the other side, a bunch of spoiled trolls, trying to make the other side even more angry. Enough is enough already!
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    djvita wrote: »
    its based off arena power, check in your guild arena power. check which characters correspond to that. most likely you dont use top 5 as an arena team.
    No, its not ...
    My (Max) Arena Power was at around 32-33k when i faced 3*-Blue-Gear at node 12 the first time.

    It looks like, its Top 5 and/or a mix of Top 5 and Max Arena Power ... i for my self, i use a "Low-Power-Arena-Team", means i gear/level my Arena-Squad last and work on my GW-A-Team (with characters NOT in arena team) and my Raid-Team first. So out of all my level 80-chars, the arena squad are 5 weaker ones (except of Rey, because one has to do the job in arena also).
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Nicnictout
    3 posts Member
    edited September 2016

    i'm facing a strange issue since 2 weeks now. Of course GW must be a challenge but the last node is totally insane with anakin crushing me with hit at 24k damage, sunfac even focus and with 2 complete team take 50% of his armor left, even 5 hit at 10k !!!

    Hey ho guys, where did you ever seen 5 is giving basic damage at 9k... are we playing same game ?? :)

    But this is not the main goal of this post, i'm not able to finish this team even without loosing any character during the campaign, and every day, node 12 is the same, same team, same gears, dame player !
    It's mandatory to finish my GW in order to have a new opponent ? Because it's more than frustrating, it aboring to fight again and again against the same team... especially when you taken for doormat :)
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    i have faced the same opponent 3 days in a row for node 12. Previous to this I also had the "easy" node. Somehow that was taken away and now I face a max team of anakin leader, QGJ, RG, Fives and Sun Fac (who is the worst). Sun fac is impossible because his HP steal/ heal is more powerful than the damage I can inflict with my squad. My arena power in 49k.

    3 days in a row I have faced this same team. To beat it requires 25 - 30 characters or 6 squads minimum. Unfortunately, I was under the impression that beating the squad would get me a new node 12, but hasn't happened yet. Feels like groundhogs day around here.

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    Nicnactout: five can basic at 9k. He get 30% offense (Anakin lead bonus) plus offense buff (Anakin again) so yes he can.
    Ikeloarch: 49k power arena...don't think so..
    The easy node was not taking away from you. It's just that now you have an opponent that have enough power.

    Basicly it's work that way:
    1-Total of your 5 more powerfull toon (look closely at your tank) it's give you Number A
    2-Each node are A + (x)
    Exemple: node 1 A+(-x) really weak node
    3-Freebies (weak last nodes) A+(x)= non existing
    So you get overall random that result in weak guys

    So Ikeloarch; if you want your freebies back, increase one of your more powerfull toon so you'll get the glitch again
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    Every day, the last node looks like the 3 pics im posting.
    The whole teams have fully upgraded 5* mods also. I can't even get past their protection, before my teams get wiped. Fix it, EA.
    Since the so called "buff" to gw, I've been able to complete it once(!).


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    I beat these kind of team in nose 9/10/11 every single day, cat walk:)
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    Get your arena team to 37,000 and you won't complain anymore.
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    Wonderfull so even if with an extraordinary lucky i can beat him once, next GW i'll will have the same one again...

    I've got 20 7* (half are g9 at minimum) and they are not able to down one character... i had the newbee final node with 4* 2 or 3 weeks ago, since i stop all my GW at stage 11. This is no more a challenge this is absolutly impossible, at my level in any case.

    After 15 GW it's no more coincidence facing the same team, or i'm really unlucky with statistics !
    What a pity because missing 75k each day is really problematic to level up :(
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    Don't get bitter, get better.
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    My arena team is 39K and node 12 is usually very easy. However with the last update GW became harder in general. Sometimes I cannot beat node 11. It should be fixed. One of the biggest problems is the introduction of new characters. For every new character added I have to work on the counter character. It becomes very hard to keep up, and if you see the same key character in multiple battles it can be impossible to have enough counter characters so that one can win.
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    Can you guys fix this **** game already, shouldn't have to spend 4 hours a day trying to beat galactic wars...
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    So yesterday and today I was able to start finishing GW again. No change to my roster or their gear/abilities. Only changes I made was using my B team from the start until they were gone (node 6 would do them in), then changed to my A team. Also switched out Ben as leader for QGJ as leader.
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    yes fix GW, it needs to be WAY harder, it's just to easy nowadays. I do it in my sleep.
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    OK, guys lets face reality: GW will never ever ever get any easier (bar the breaking of the final level(s)).

    1- GW is forcing us to build a strong and broad toonbase, which costs a lot of resources, which lines EA/CG's pockets. GW and the mod-challanges are the only game modes that do that, so if you build for one of them, the other will profit as well. Think about this and prioritise your toons accordingly for your own benefit. Until then, just try to maximise the nodes you can finish. Use Lumi, Bariss (Lead!), Daka and EE. They really shine in GW.

    2- It's not that hard to max out a few characters (QGJ!), say this can be your Arena team. This offers you a great basis for your GW while maximising your Arene rewars. Along the way, this will bring you to a high enough arena power (approx. 38k+) so you can break node 12 (and maybe even 11 after approx. 40K).

    3- In GW remember to:
    - use throwaway teams of low power (the dregs of your inventory) to seduce the IA to throw away his special powers
    - try to build your top toons TM by using them in the early nodes
    - Try some fun combo's that work well together like AA-Leia-RG-Daka. I always start with this team and sub in Bariss for Daka for nodes 7-8. Or an Empire team if you managed to get Palpi. Or a FO team for early nodes?

    I found the above a great tactic to solve the GW puzzle, I hope it can help you too. At least until they fix the breaking of the last nodes ;-)

    O, and by the way- Is node 12/11, when working as inteded. too much to manage after you have beaten (and taken a beating in) nodes 6, 9 and 10? YES! I fully agree. But EA/CG has nothing to gain from changing it, so just use the breaking of GW as fast as you can and reach your 150 wins achievement ASAP.

    Proud member of BIER DTA.
    DTA_Ovi, ovi/
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    I don't think it's too hard. I run two accounts and generally finish it on both using one main team, and a good 2nd team to soften up node 11. Every once in a while, I'll lose one, which is fine. If it wasn't challenging, why play? My only complaint since the change is that it takes a lot longer to complete than it used to, and I don't always have the time in the day to dedicate an hour or more to finishing it.
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    pchen3082 wrote: »
    I beat these kind of team in nose 9/10/11 every single day, cat walk:)


    Get a Droid team and you can just Auto every node in like 20 minutes. My last 3 nodes are all modded 80s groups and it's still a cakewalk.
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    I agree, needs to be easier. I have 15 80's. 10 of which are g9 or higher and I can never beat it. Always get stopped at node 12, sometimes 9. It's basically the only way to earn credits on a normal basis and it's just simply too hard. I wish every day I did not have to do it. It's making me want to not play any more. All they have to do is make it so you will never face a team that is higher geared as you. Make it a level playing field.
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    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    I'll be honest... At this point I no longer do GW unless it's the guild activity. I beat it 99 out of 100 attempts. That's not the issue. Simply, I'm just tired of the time I have to put into it to finish every day.

    That's fine as long as you don't complain abut the credit crunch. GW is the primary source for credits on a daily basis (the new credit heist has the potential for more impact overall) and gives about 600k on a full clear.

    I don't find it challenging in the slightest as I go thru the whole thing with a EP team and barely get a scratch (in part because I graduated to a freebie node 12) Nevertheless I complete it every day because... credits!

    I hear ya. And I'm not complaining about a shortage. I'm pretty good about my creds and where I spend them. The new credit heist and training droid hunt help a lot. I know they only come around so often... But they are really good rewards for a change.

    Like I said, it's not that I can't complete GW... I just don't like the amount of time having to put in it to win on a daily basis.
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    Reptyle wrote: »
    Every day, the last node looks like the 3 pics im posting.
    The whole teams have fully upgraded 5* mods also. I can't even get past their protection, before my teams get wiped. Fix it, EA.
    Since the so called "buff" to gw, I've been able to complete it once(!).

    There is NO buff, GW is working as intended.. talk to the DEVS they will tell you..

    Water is dry, clouds are solid, and Black holes are minor annoyances, at least according to EA.

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