Next Content Update Preview - Part 1


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    @EA_Jesse Thanks for the update. Communication is always good and appreciated, especially about new content :) This game has a lot of promise, excited about the future.
  • JohnnySteelAlpha
    2794 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Naecabon it's a preview, just like anything else that gives a preview. When you watch a trailer for a movie do you just want to know everything about it right that second? Why is Rey crying in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer? They should tell me now before I even go to see it!

    Also, reacting like this may make us hesitant to share information before a release, so....

    Hey, a majority of us are cool :smile:! Don't mind the cribby fellows in every thread, they are the minority.

    Seriously, guys, stop pretending this game is your life and stop belly aching about each and every step the devs take. If you really want to vent, do so regarding the delays in fixing long time bugs or major changes in the game without discussion or announcement, or about the excessive pricing etc.

    Rofl at the guys posting 100 plus word essays on how this preview is wrecking the game and their lives! You guys rock! Makes me feel good that I'm not so depressed and negative!

    Nae was aggressive in his post, but his general position is very valid about content for players that are advancing quickly. He could have worded it better, but I think hearing from whales and what they like for content is productive for CG / EA. I'm sure ideally they'd love to keep players like Nae happy and playing / spending for a long time :) If you and I like the game, ideally we don't want anyone to quit - the more players, the more gets spent, the more resources get allocated, the more content gets built, etc...on and on. Ultimately in Nae's rant is just a guy that's passionate about the game. That's a very good thing overall. Just look past the specific words and raw emotion to the spirit of why he's posting. I'm not ripping you either for your comment dude as I see your point and view, just saying the fact that someone cares isn't a bad thing.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Naecabon it's a preview, just like anything else that gives a preview. When you watch a trailer for a movie do you just want to know everything about it right that second? Why is Rey crying in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer? They should tell me now before I even go to see it!

    Also, reacting like this may make us hesitant to share information before a release, so....

    Hey, a majority of us are cool :smile:! Don't mind the cribby fellows in every thread, they are the minority.

    Seriously, guys, stop pretending this game is your life and stop belly aching about each and every step the devs take. If you really want to vent, do so regarding the delays in fixing long time bugs or major changes in the game without discussion or announcement, or about the excessive pricing etc.

    Rofl at the guys posting 100 plus word essays on how this preview is wrecking the game and their lives! You guys rock! Makes me feel good that I'm not so depressed and negative!

    ... Just look past the specific words and raw emotion to the spirit of why he's posting. I'm not ripping you either for your comment dude as I see your point and view, just saying the fact that someone cares isn't a bad thing.

    Hey, it's all good here. Anyone's free to post anything anywhere but I bet the devs weren't actually looking for such negative feedback when they decided to share a preview, especially after so many guys shouted at them for making changes unannounced. And there are so many actual issues the devs need to sort out, I think leaking the movie ages before release date is not in the list of their priorities nor should we ask, nay demand, such an act.

    It's a free country, some shouted we want all or nothing and I shouted back, hey, teasers are fine. Keep em coming!

    BTW, makes me feel better that there are positive people like you!
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    Umm maybe i read it wrong, maybe eajesse meant that the trade wasnt all about excess shard/a must 7 star, but also work for low star that i didnt want to rank up so use their shard instead.

    I think change my mind lol, sorry for negativity before.
    the cake is a lie
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    Hey, it's all good here. Anyone's free to post anything anywhere but I bet the devs weren't actually looking for such negative feedback when they decided to share a preview, especially after so many guys shouted at them for making changes unannounced. And there are so many actual issues the devs need to sort out, I think leaking the movie ages before release date is not in the list of their priorities nor should we ask, nay demand, such an act.

    It's a free country, some shouted we want all or nothing and I shouted back, hey, teasers are fine. Keep em coming!

    BTW, makes me feel better that there are positive people like you! [/quote]

    Thanks. This game has a lot of's still early. Where we are once we hit the 6 month mark or so will be interesting.

    The great thing in this post....if I'm speculating correctly... @EA_Jesse seems to be hinting that maybe Yoda???? :) is going to be available here? I think he's been the most highly requested hero on the forums...or maybe Jedi Luke? My guess would be one of those two going by general forum requests...maybe Grievous?

    Let's speculate based on requests we've seen frequently:

    Jedi Luke
    Emperor Palpatine

    ....what else have we seen?
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Rofl at the guys posting 100 plus word essays on how this preview is wrecking the game and their lives! You guys rock! Makes me feel good that I'm not so depressed and negative!

    Quoted for truth! The amount of wah wah is just incredible. It's a game for Pete's sake.

    Haters gonna hate. And if the whining doesn't let up I'll just migrate all my gaming discussions to Line instead. These 1,000 word essays are the epitome of time wasted.
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    February? Thought it was meant for late january?
    Looks good tho!
    Can't wait :)
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    Naecabon wrote: »
    xxgozitaxx wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    There have to be some other things that we can exchage with excess shards as well such as Action Point or Gear. Otherwise, it is useless to those that already have maxed out the characters they use.

    EA_Jess, please suggest it to the dev team.

    Don't bother trying in this thread, it won't do you any good.
    This is standard procedure in nearly every online game which delivers content regularly. How is this anything new to you?

    Where is this ridiculous notion even coming from? Why are so many people echoing this absolutely insane sentiment? Have you seriously never played even as much as a Blizzard game before? There's a perfectly fine, very mainstream example of a company that gives patch notes and full content previews months, sometimes YEARS in advance... so what exactly are we even talking about here? What parallel universe are we living in where gaming companies are supposed to keep all upcoming content and changes secret until the last minute?

    Elyndria hit the nail on the head earlier by saying they simply could have avoided this entirely by not allowing us to open packs with "duds" in the first place. It's not catering to whales when you're actually FIXING something that's cutting them at the knees with their purchases, and even then if this is only character shards offered in the Shard Shop it's not even catering to the whales regardless! It caters to f2p players waaaaay more if they can cash in Sid shards etc from various shipments and acquire different shards in the store.

    Why do you think I was freaking out at the announcement? I'm a big spender that was waiting since my first week of playing months ago specifically for this update and it offered nothing that put my worries to ease at all, and only made them worse. Believe me, I've quickly realized I'm in the very small minority here and there's no point in arguing about it because the majority are not whales and the majority don't see our perspective, and we can't make comments that show any sort of disdain in the forums unless we're willing to endure the wrath of the whacists. If you disagree with something you're outed as a crazy person.

    I'm sure if your tone was different there wouldn't be as much backlash. Treat people with respect if you expect the same.
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    It looks like the shard shop will be for specific characters instead of random luck, so the exchange rate will likely be at least roughly 5:1 to compensate for the ease at which some character shards are acquired. Also keep in mind that they will likely not be making some shards worth more than others because they will eventually change which characters are chromium exclusive and which ones can be found in the various shipments.

    If I was a betting man I would guess that the system will be modeled on the other shipments, perhaps something like this:

    Turn in a shard, five shards, or ten shards of a character and receive 75, 375, and 750 tokens respectively (maybe round 375 -> 400 and 750 -> 800 to discourage turning in one shard at a time). You can then turn in 400 tokens for one of several available characters that will rotate monthly (this might be the first place they start offering previously chromium-exclusive characters while they wait for hard nodes or cantina nodes to make for them). There could also be training droids and level III ability mats on sale for 50-100 tokens.

    That's what I am expecting, and it sounds very cool and it is something I would utilize.

    Edit: Actually, they might repurpose the sell screen mechanics and make a sliding scale for turning in the shards instead of having a 1/5/10 model.
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    Hopefully the new character is Ezra Bridger.
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    Well, whatever they do decide to make the shard exchange rate, I'm still happy that this is being added. If it allows people to more easily farm hard to get (ex: Anakin) or better yet, some lower quality chromium exclusives (ex: Kit Fisto, Maul) I'm all for it. Anything to bring more character diversity to the fights. Anything to see more people playing different team comps
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Greetings Heroes,

    Today we’d like to give you a preview on one of the big features we’re adding to our next major update in February, the Shard Shop.

    This will be the place to trade in those extra shards for characters that you already have at 7 stars. The Shard Shop will have multiple character shards rotated in and out, and may eventually have an exclusive character that has been highly requested by the community :)

    The Shard Shop is just one of the many new features that we’re adding to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. As we get closer to the next major update we’ll continue to preview content that will be included. Stay tuned!


    will it be 1 for 1 shard exchange? i hope so.
  • Rutank
    409 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Stormy wrote: »
    Thank you!

    are you stormy on my server? qgj,poe,sid,geo lvl 67? if so it's rutank. i hate your squad ever since 70 cap it's been a struggle.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Naecabon it's a preview, just like anything else that gives a preview. When you watch a trailer for a movie do you just want to know everything about it right that second? Why is Rey crying in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer? They should tell me now before I even go to see it!

    Also, reacting like this may make us hesitant to share information before a release, so....

    His point is that you didn't share much information. Just retitle the thread 'Teaser'. Frankly it's better than nothing by the only information you confirmed:

    1) there 'may' be a new character only available through this exchange - eventually.
    2) the exchange is coming in the next new content release (which probably means he next two weeks since you're normally not that confident of release content this early in a dev cycle)
    3) there will be a use for excess shards

    That's really it.

    And just to counterpoint the vocal whales they already have everything they need to win and complete al content in the game. This is just giving them yet another advantage since very few FTP will ever have a steady stream of excess shards. Please don't go overboard and allow whales to become completely unbeatable rather than the current state where they get things faster (and some better things) but can eventually be caught.
  • Rutank
    409 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    blah blah
  • Alecation
    211 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    well can we trade for any character? if so ill get my 7 stars more shards, so i can trade for usefull chars

    if we can only trade for lets say arena chars for arena chars. or galatic for galatic etc.. than its pointless
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    Thanks for update and I am looking forward to this new function. A 1:1 rate for common characters would be great but I would be okay if exclusives had a bit higher rate. 2:1 or 3:1 maybe. Anything higher than a 5:1 ratio would be ridiculous and I am thinking 5:1 is really high.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Aragnis wrote: »
    The exchange rate should be 1:1 BUT only to get a random shard.

    Any exchange rate 1:5, 1:10, and so for a specific shard would be awful (if it's the only kind of option) because when you buy a chromium card and get shards for a character you already have up to 7 stars it would mean your chromium card is worth almost nothing, and that would not be a motivation to buy cards.

    When a character is 7 stars, you normally never try to get more shards, and only get them at random in GW or cards (or new cantina battle in order to advance) so it would be fair and logical to exchange those random shards for other random shards.

    I like the idea of
    1. 1:1 shard exchange rate.
    2. Receiving a random new shard.
    3. To make so that people do not keep exchanging shards over and over again have it cost a mild amount of credits for each exchange.
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    Devs can't change their policy because you want them too. If it's their policy to not release developer notes before a patch, you think because you complain a little more they will break that rule? This is most certainly how companies work nowadays, in business marketing it's highly suggested for the biggest reasons 1. Not to get hopes up only for something to he changed and 2. Spoiling any suprise you might feel at the new content. They aren't here's for doing this. This is how their business model works and it is a good one and your criticism of it bears no weight.

    I can understand if your the person to communicate to the forums, how you can be a little frustrated with the lack of appreciation. You guys come off like a bunch of whiners. He drops some preview for us that didn't even have to happen and then when he says he isn't allowed to give any more details, you whine! Like he didn't have to give u the first details.. and now you know it's coming for sure! Knowledge of it happening is sort of all you need I would think.. you can't even wait on the little details about how it works? I mean your question is answered, your extra shards won't be worthless and you probably get an exclusive character. Instead you bombard him? His response was justified, if this was the reaction I got when sharing exclusive info (that didn't need to even be shared mind you) I would also feel like I should hold back on giving future info because instead of just taking the new info (you didn't need to have) and thanking him, you continue to slander him. I remember waiting years between games and Sony being silent until big game conventions and stuff. We never yelled at Sony bro.

    Your a big spender so you think that gives you a right to feel entitled to having all the info always. But it juse reveals the immature kid attitude you have
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    TommySitt wrote: »
    HC has something similar called a soul shop, where a Swordmaster sells for 80 shards, which costs 96k points. Each unused shard from 7* toons can be redeemed for 100 points each.

    96 shards for 80 shards is not bad.

  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    TommySitt wrote: »
    TommySitt wrote: »
    HC has something similar called a soul shop, where a Swordmaster sells for 80 shards, which costs 96k points. Each unused shard from 7* toons can be redeemed for 100 points each.

    96 shards for 80 shards is not bad.

    96,000÷100 = 960 shards. It's a lot, but if it's for an OP toon, it's worth it

    It is to well bugger me i should go back to school or stop drinking... still that is alot of shards then man waaaay too much.
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    You guys can stop with the whole "blah blah blah we think you're entitled because you don't like what the devs do" posts, we're beyond that now. No one cares any more.

    Anyhow, for fun, here's a breakdown of the "shard shop" idea we came up with over the last couple of months, in what we as a team hoped they'd implement. Basically, our hopes for the shop fall in to the category of "the closer to this it ends up being, the happier we'll be."

    First, the idea of the Shard Shop (or Premium Shop as we called it) was that extra shards would not be traded straight up as shards. The first step is in the shop would be a "Sell Shards" button, similar to sell items, that would bring up a menu of all of your extra shards. You'd then scroll around and pick which ones to sell and that would be that.

    Now, you wouldn't be selling them for credits - you'd be selling them for a new Premium currency. I'll call it PC for now. Here's the cool thing - this allows you to customize all shards and their prices based on their ease of access. For example, Squad Arena shipment shards could be X, Cantina Battle shards Y, Chromium exclusives Z and so on and so forth. Treating all shards as the same is bad for a marketplace as all shards are clearly not actually "equal" in value (based on time and cost to acquire) so this would honor that in an easy way.

    Next, the shop itself would have multiple branches of things for sale.

    a) the obvious character shards. Our idea was that, similar to how they had different sell prices when cashing in, different shards would have different values when listed for sale in the shop. So you could purchase basic hard mode or Cantina battle shards for one price, shipment shards for another, and even Chromium exclusive shards for a premium price. Now, the Chromium exclusives would be expensive, because it's allowing F2P players to now access a P2P exclusive (more or less) but either way, it still opens the door for it. F2P could use excess Sid shards to raise a bunch to turn them in to, say, QGJ shards... but the cost of the Sid shards would be low to sell and the cost of QGJ shards would be high to buy, so even though it EXISTS, it's not exactly easy to do. Still, breaking down the walls and opening up the ability for F2P to have access to things previously pay-only would be a big step, and honestly pretty cool.

    Shards would function similar to the current Shipments store in that they would be on a 6hr timer, would reset to new characters, and the difference here would be that all characters in the game could be filtered in and out. It'd be a mixed bag each time out of the entire pool, and would not be limited like the Shipments section in not including other shipment exclusives or chromium exclusives.

    Additionally, one could use PC to refresh the Shard Shop, and not just Crystals.

    b) Gear! In addition to just character shards, gear would be available, again in a similar fashion to the Shipments store. The difference here again is that all gear would be available, and completed gear pieces could also be purchased for a premium price. Rather than 3x of one of the 0/50 high end crafts, one could purchase a COMPLETED 50/50 piece for a high price tag. This would be in addition to the regular lower end 3x or 5x (or even 10x) of other crafting materials, and would also be on a timer similar to Shipments and random.

    What this does is give the people that already have 7* of pretty much every character something to actually spend extra shards on and not be blocked out of finding purchases in the store worth something to them. Gear is basically an infinite sink, and high spenders usually have more characters than they know what to do with... but end up spending all of their gear on the main characters they use in Squad/GW etc. because it's not really easy to gear offbeat toons. Having the ability to churn out some more gear would allow some of those toons we don't usually play to actually gear up. More gear is a great thing!

    Also, you could throw in the highly sought after Ability Material MKIII in this shop.

    c) Exclusives - As EA_Jesse mentioned, an "exclusive shop only character" is a cool idea. It's actually more than we'd ever thought they'd do, as it starts to draw that line in the sand of P2P having access to characters F2P can't easily get, and if the character is too powerful everyone loses their mind. Still, if it's a shard-turned-currency based thing, I guess everyone could have a chance of getting them, so maybe it's not so bad.

    Either way, our idea was to include some cool, prestigious aesthetics that wouldn't break the game in any way. Things that whales could flaunt for fun and people could see and say "Yep, that guy's a **** that spent a small fortune" but wouldn't actually be providing bonuses in combat that imbalanced the game. Maybe a gold plated IG-88 skin, for example? Maybe a different outfit for popular character that changed some color schemes or attack animations. Maybe a completely different character that's actually just a carbon copy of an existing character, that functions as if you're playing that character for all intents and purposes but is visually different, IE: having Jango Fett as a premium exclusive with exact skills as Boba Fett, but only having one usable at a time? The possibilities for premium aesthetics are endless, and stuff like skins are always very popular in other games. Additionally, not all of these would have to be super expensive - some could be relatively cheap, giving F2P players a shot at purchasing them as well!

    Anyhow.... this was our idea for the shop, and we're just crossing our fingers that EA/CG develops something similar with a variety of options for purchasing, that also doesn't completely dismiss the complex system of shards and their varied difficulty of acquisition. Our fear is the shop won't offer enough for players of all levels and some will get locked out for it being too exclusive, and some will get disenchanted with it because it doesn't offer enough. We think our idea covers all the bases.

    We're very interested to see what they come up with and we hope it's as layered and neat as possible!
    Post edited by Naecabon on
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    Who is we?
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    pay2win wrote: »
    Who is we?

    Many members in Team Instinct have expressed their views on what would be best and this final build on our dream scenario shop was the result of all of those views.
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    Cool theory. I wouldn't spend too much time on it because they are going to do something with it already so time will tell. I just sense that if it isn't exactly this way you will be dissapointed which is just funny. You don't dictate them, they could have actually done nothing and it would be fair because you are the one who kept buying packs when you know extra shards may come out of it.. so I see what they are doing as generous to those who frivolously spent, which is good, but I still feel like there is a big lack of appreciation, when it seems they are already going out of there way to provide you with this preview and you are like 'make it this way or we will all be dissapointed, and I'm mad you arent telling me details'
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Naecabon wrote: »
    a) the obvious character shards. Our idea was that, similar to how they had different sell prices when cashing in, different shards would have different values when listed for sale in the shop. So you could purchase basic hard mode or Cantina battle shards for one price, shipment shards for another, and even Chromium exclusive shards for a premium price. Now, these would be expensive, because it's allowing F2P players to now access a P2P exclusive (more or less) but either way, it still opens the door for it. F2P could use excess Sid shards to raise a bunch to turn them in to, say, QGJ shards... but the cost of the Sid shards would be low to sell and the cost of QGJ shards would be high to buy, so even though it EXISTS, it's not exactly easy to do. Still, breaking down the walls and opening up the ability for F2P to have access to things previously pay-only would be a big step, and honestly pretty cool.

    Shards would function similar to the current Shipments store in that they would be on a 6hr timer, would reset to new characters, and the difference here would be that all characters in the game could be filtered in and out. It'd be a mixed bag each time out of the entire pool, and would not be limited like the Shipments section in not including other shipment exclusives or chromium exclusives.

    Additionally, one could use PC to refresh the Shard Shop, and not just Crystals.

    Probably not exactly like this. I agree that there will be a sell menu (see my above post) but I doubt the different shards will be sold for different price, they will probably be 400 "PC" tokens each like in the other three shard shipments. It is possible that harder-to-obtain shards can be traded for more "PC" tokens, but I doubt it. You have to remember that none of the current "rarities" are set in stone and that characters will be moved in and out of shipments as well as previously chromium-only characters being replaced by newer ones. It doesn't make sense to trade a Leia shard for 400 "PC" tokens today and then for 50 "PC" tokens next month in the hypothetical situation that she is added to GW shipments or a cantina node.
    Naecabon wrote: »
    b) Gear! In addition to just character shards, gear would be available, again in a similar fashion to the Shipments store. The difference here again is that all gear would be available, and completed gear pieces could also be purchased for a premium price. Rather than 3x of one of the 0/50 high end crafts, one could purchase a COMPLETED 50/50 piece for a high price tag. This would be in addition to the regular lower end 3x or 5x (or even 10x) of other crafting materials, and would also be on a timer similar to Shipments and random.

    What this does is give the people that already have 7* of pretty much every character something to actually spend extra shards on and not be blocked out of finding purchases in the store worth something to them. Gear is basically an infinite sink, and high spenders usually have more characters than they know what to do with... but end up spending all of their gear on the main characters they use in Squad/GW etc. because it's not really easy to gear offbeat toons. Having the ability to churn out some more gear would allow some of those toons we don't usually play to actually gear up. More gear is a great thing!

    Also, you could throw in the highly sought after Ability Material MKIII in this shop.
    I mentioned MKIII Ability Mats in my previous post as something they are likely to add to the shop, but I would be remiss if I didn't point out that allowing the purchase of any gear item is absurd. A random selection of 3-5 gear items like in the normal shipments would be fine, but I think it would be smarter to only offer training droids and ability mats in this store (in addition to the rotating selection of character shards, obviously).
    Naecabon wrote: »
    c) Exclusives - As EA_Jesse mentioned, an "exclusive shop only character" is a cool idea. It's actually more than we'd ever thought they'd do, as it starts to draw that line in the sand of P2P having access to characters F2P can't easily get, and if the character is too powerful everyone loses their mind. Still, if it's a shard-turned-currency based thing, I guess everyone could have a chance of getting them, so maybe it's not so bad.

    Either way, our idea was to include some cool, prestigious aesthetics that wouldn't break the game in any way. Things that whales could flaunt for fun and people could see and say "Yep, that guy's a **** that spent a small fortune" but wouldn't actually be providing bonuses in combat that imbalanced the game. Maybe a gold plated IG-88 skin, for example? Maybe a different outfit for popular character that changed some color schemes or attack animations. Maybe a completely different character that's actually just a carbon copy of an existing character, that functions as if you're playing that character for all intents and purposes but is visually different, IE: having Jango Fett as a premium exclusive with exact skills as Boba Fett, but only having one usable at a time? The possibilities for premium aesthetics are endless, and stuff like skins are always very popular in other games. Additionally, not all of these would have to be super expensive - some could be relatively cheap, giving F2P players a shot at purchasing them as well!
    Aesthetic upgrades would be a really cool thing to feature in the future, but I think this is the wrong venue for it. So far every holotable has a currency, and so perhaps the "end game" holotable could have this feature. It will take them at least that long to develop the cosmetics in any case :p. I'm not too worried about the exclusive character, I'm sure CG will show some restraint when hashing out its abilities.

    Edit: Fixed quotes
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    You guys remind me of a bunch of hooligans in a soccer club trying to run business and forcing ideas on the employees. It's kind of sad really.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Naecabon wrote: »
    b) Gear! In addition to just character shards, gear would be available, again in a similar fashion to the Shipments store. The difference here again is that all gear would be available, and completed gear pieces could also be purchased for a premium price. Rather than 3x of one of the 0/50 high end crafts, one could purchase a COMPLETED 50/50 piece for a high price tag. This would be in addition to the regular lower end 3x or 5x (or even 10x) of other crafting materials, and would also be on a timer similar to Shipments and random.

    Also, you could throw in the highly sought after Ability Material MKIII in this shop.

    Either way, our idea was to include some cool, prestigious aesthetics that wouldn't break the game in any way. Things that whales could flaunt for fun and people could see and say "Yep, that guy's a **** that spent a small fortune" but wouldn't actually be providing bonuses in combat that imbalanced the game. Maybe a gold plated IG-88 skin, for example? Maybe a different outfit for popular character that changed some color schemes or attack animations. Maybe a completely different character that's actually just a carbon copy of an existing character, that functions as if you're playing that character for all intents and purposes but is visually different, IE: having Jango Fett as a premium exclusive with exact skills as Boba Fett, but only having one usable at a time? The possibilities for premium aesthetics are endless, and stuff like skins are always very popular in other games. Additionally, not all of these would have to be super expensive - some could be relatively cheap, giving F2P players a shot at purchasing them as well!

    Gear and vanity items. I'd like to see both of these. Those blow dryers man...
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