Tank Takedown Raid and Level Cap Increase to 85- Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


  • KyloRey
    871 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    With The level increase what does that mean for daily omegas? Will we still get them at level 80 or will we need to advance to level 85?

    Yeah, that was a question I had too. Can we still Omega abilities at 80 or does it take 85 now? Can there maybe be Omegas and then some toons have other higher abilities unlocked at 85?

    Could maybe use that to rebalance other toons who have not gotten any reworks (ie. Bobba Fett).
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    well played EA/CG...anyone who dislikes the cap raise should at least like the rest of the news...
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    Very excited.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    @CG_Kozispoon will daily omega move to 85 now?? :'(
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    Lasserini wrote: »
    Guilds will have both types of the new currency MAXED when the new Raid goes live.
    Did you think this through and consider what happens if all 50members of a guild create a guild a few days before raid lands? And/or everyone create a guild with their alt?

    Or are you finally fixing the double guild jump back and forth for twice the rewards of people playing as intended? :)

    This is a very good question!

    People instead of reacting like lemmings here, let's do a review of potential exploits to help CG stand a chance to dodge another shamble. This maxed currency of guild is clearly going to be the next target of exploits since multiplying its benefits would lead to faster farming of the new gear, quicker credits and resource.
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    Here comes the new credit crunch lol
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    The points be made above but it needs saying again & again until we know we've been heard:


    We all really appreciate the heads up that new content is on the way. Great news that it's a ftp grind to get new gear & the exclusive toon* & not something the whales can just buy up in the 1st week. But...

    You've given the exploiters a massive heads up on how to cheat everyone again... 50 players all set up a guild now before the release, all get filled with raid currency, then you just cycle through 50 guilds & bang you've unlocked the new toon in no time. Everyone finishes raid in guild 1, move to guild 2 straight away, repeat, move to guild 3 & so on... 50 guilds topped up to the max with raid currency before they have to make any effort to accrue more. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Please, just make it 7 days before you can recieve raid rewards after joining a guild. Simple. Make people commit not exploit.

    Rant over, please continue

    *it's R2D2 isn't it, go on just admit it.**

    **not wicket please, why would he be the reward for this.
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    With The level increase what does that mean for daily omegas? Will we still get them at level 80 or will we need to advance to level 85?

    I think they're going to have to add an additional challenge tier rather than upon completion of daily activities. They're required past 80, and to deny us a chance to get them would be wrong.
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    Good call on the two guild coins!

    Maybe soon we can get new tiers on the challenges?
    I am the Reaper
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    Good call on the two guild coins!

    Maybe soon we can get new tiers on the challenges?

    Yeah they need to add stun cuffs, stun gun, and scanner pieces to challenges now.

    We need way too many of those to keep them out of challenges, IMO.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    besides the mod battle, a complete jawa team is basically useless still? i especially cringe each time i buy shards for jawa scavenger
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    Maybe omegas. It's going to take a good week to level up each time. That means you'll have a credit heist per level up. Can't believe people still think credits are an issue.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    As stated

    1-it's the advanced notice everyone complained about earlier in the game.

    2-not everyone was here last time these events were around and may not even know what they are. So again a little heads up so ppl can prepare.

    3-because if they don't give ppl like you a slow pitch to complain about you will try to find something anyway.
    2761 posts Member
    edited October 2016

    Thanks for the heads up!! Ok 85 seems reasonable. Hoping to hear more about the following:

    1. Are ships coming before or after the raid? (Fixed this in not so ninja edit)
    2. Are you going to fix guild hopping once and for all? There needs to be some serious exploit squashing before you increase the level cap and give max guild currency to every guild. You absolutely cannot allow people to get more raid rewards than intended, again (and still happening)
    3. Are character balance changes going to happen again?
    4. Will challenges and events open up to include new tiers with appropriate payouts?
    5. How about some news about new rotating some characters into GW shipments??
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    New character: Logray. He's already in the game, just not a player character yet.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    Great news. The independence of raids is awesome. Makes for additional currency, but this is way better than having to decide which one to go - and it means you can reap rewards from both.
    Level cap increase - oh well, I was not ready for that one, but I guess it's time... :)
    And new gear - means whoever of the older lower toons didn't get theirs, will now never get it, since the energy will go to top toon and new items.
    Oh well, seems like an interesting change!

    Yep, your Rey will be stuck in gear 8 forever.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited October 2016
    @RAYRAY Ships weren't confirmed for release next week, as much as I'd love it to be true.

    @UltimateZeus I'm thinking that updates are information they're able to share, and more info comes with more time. Lack of info here doesn't mean ships aren't happening, just wouldn't expect to see them next week since all that was officially said was in the previous update was, and I quote: "ships." :)
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    If we have to track a 2nd currency for the other raid can you guys at least fix the daily coin counter on the one we have now. Please!!!
    Check us out online at www.swbarflys.com
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    Darth_Barf wrote: »
    Ah man. I've only been at level 80 a few weeks. At least it's only 5 levels...

    The 5 levels will cost around 6 million to upgrade from 80-85 xD
  • crystaleyes
    17 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @RAYRAY Ships weren't confirmed for release next week, as much as I'd love it to be true.

    @UltimateZeus I'm thinking that updates are information they're able to share, and more info comes with more time. Lack of info here doesn't mean ships aren't happening, just wouldn't expect to see them next week since all that was officially said was in the previous update was, and I quote: "ships." :)

    As much as it would be awesome, we honestly don't want ships to be ready next week. Give them time to make it not the super show mods were when they first came
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    RNGesus, PLEASE tell me they fixed guild hopping. If not, this is going to be exploite, errrrrrrrr, WAI to the highest degree.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    I hope with increasing Guild currency we get increased players contribution from 600 at least to 1000, I hope. Even if all Guild daily contribution doesn't change (30,000 per day max) we can get the much currency as we can even if someone goes on vacation or get sick.
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    I hope with increasing Guild currency we get increased players contribution from 600 at least to 1000, I hope. Even if all Guild daily contribution doesn't change (30,000 per day max) we can get the much currency as we can even if someone goes on vacation or get sick.

    guess we all need to make some alt accounts and alt guilds
  • Lizrd425
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Tulkas wrote: »
    Very excited.

    Me tooo
  • GhostTruckin
    4020 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Tulkas wrote: »
    Very excited.

    Me threeeeeeee ;)
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    @Winstar That's because you're using only Jawas, and ignoring the synergies that they have with other types of characters, like stealth and TD based characters. You also need to mod, upgrade, and give them abilities, as with any other character, even though most people who complain haven't actually done this.

    My burning question is, what about tier 6 and tier 7 mods? Are those on the back-burner now? Will those also be available with the new raid?
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    so several comments:

    first off, ehhh i have been 80 for a while and have no desire for more levels but so be it.

    second, will credits be increased in gw?, arena?, rancor raid?, credit heist? its gonna be murder now to level with the pittance we get.

    third, please make cuffs and syringes either a better drop rate or add them to guild shipments or shard shop at reasonable rates. hell even gw.

    fourth, because of the level increase and so many characters maxed ability wise is this changing? more omegas to get to ability 8?

    and fifth, i love that you dbags released this info right after the **** show that was the tournament. everyone has been clamoring for the new raid, lets release that but add on five more levels. yay for cash grabs!!
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    This is all good news.

    While the devs are getting the update ready, maybe you could mention this Wedge/Biggs combo synergy that is doing one hit kills in the first 10 seconds of the match to the devs. There is a video here on the forums showing just how powerful those two toons are when combined.

    Don't take my word for it or anyone else's for that matter. Just mention it to them. Watch the video and see what they think.

    2761 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @RAYRAY Ships weren't confirmed for release next week, as much as I'd love it to be true.

    @UltimateZeus I'm thinking that updates are information they're able to share, and more info comes with more time. Lack of info here doesn't mean ships aren't happening, just wouldn't expect to see them next week since all that was officially said was in the previous update was, and I quote: "ships." :)

    You're right. I fixed that question.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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