Game Update 10/11/2016 (Comments and Questions) ***MEGATHREAD***


  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    @armyhutchings exactly
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    there is option to disable it so look for it

    Go to settings, guild setting, announcement -> OFF/ON

    No, this is not a viable option as it would disable Raid notifications as well, and we want those...
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    there is option to disable it so look for it

    Go to settings, guild setting, announcement -> OFF/ON

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    Good I can turn this meaningless Info that clusters up the chat off
  • Ely
    161 posts Member
    There are a lot of players that do not have toons that have gear slots that can be filled. They will miss out on omegas if left as is. Can this be adjusted?

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    Yes you can turn it off, but unfortunately, it will turn off raid notifications as well...
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    I actually kind of like the activity comments to an extent but could care less of the mods. We use Line so for an officer it's nice to kind of see people's activity. Should be able to filter it. I'd be fine just seeing people leveling toons. Leave gear and mods out
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    there is option to disable it so look for it

    Go to settings, guild setting, announcement -> OFF/ON

    True, but it's a bit too 'all or nothing' - the raid notifications were useful, finding out that 'Dave has leveled Ugnaught to 5*' is less so. At least if they had a tab for these and a tab for regular chat it would help keep them separate. Right now this just pushes actual conversations off screen
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    +1 this really screws over any of us who have spent money and deep rosters. I am almost exclusively raid gear/new gear locked on all toons. Not fair I lose out on daily omega because I spent money.

    - [SH] Darth Ares
    - [SH] Dark Lord Ares
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    Cuzzins wrote: »
    there is option to disable it so look for it

    Go to settings, guild setting, announcement -> OFF/ON

    True, but it's a bit too 'all or nothing' - the raid notifications were useful, finding out that 'Dave has leveled Ugnaught to 5*' is less so. At least if they had a tab for these and a tab for regular chat it would help keep them separate. Right now this just pushes actual conversations off screen

  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Interesting, double GW drops, yesterday node 12, Night Sister Initiate. Today node 12 Stormtrooper.. XD
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    @EA_Jesse @CG_Kozispoon

    Great update gentlemen, well done. One small issue though, where is Scarif Rebel Pathfinder? Can you guys please at least tell us your intentions? Would love to farm him, or at least know where he's going. Thanks.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    Can we get rid of this activity again for 80+? Its a serious barrier to getting an omega each day if you didn't sandbag and leave a bunch of junk characters undergeared. Given how long it's going to take to get to 85 (where presumably it goes away again),I feel this wasn't considered, unless you just dont intend for us to get our daily activities each day, as we'll be stuck dumping hundreds of energy into farming a blue gear slot for characters we dont even intend to use.

    If you were at cap how do you not have hundreds of low level gear pieces?

    I do. I have pretty much no one that can take them. I'm good for maybe 2 weeks before I have to start farming blues/purples for losers like Mob Enforcer and Night Sisters. Its going to take months to get to 85 (and then the cap will raise again).

    Moreover, this kind of achievement forces you to play in a counterintuitive way. Keep playing long enough, and you have to farm chump guys to mule pieces on one at a time. When you can gear a new guy, it wants you dole those out rather than equipping everything at once. This is the ONLY daily activity like that. Everything else you can play/spend normally. Imagine if the "play 3" arena required you to do so after payout.

    We shouldnt have to sandbag to get our omegas. Get rid of this ****.

  • SikrouDeco
    338 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    "I think EA/CG and SOE should get together and go bowling.." - John Binder

    Kidding aside, the recent update was a great boost to the forums it seems. As updates go, it could have been worse. Trust me, I've seen worse. Try overnight 31 professions become 9, and your AI/HUD looks like it was made by Fisher Price.
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    Does anyone else think the addition of guild member's promotion and gear messages add more clutter than information in guild chat?
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    About three threads on this atm :wink:
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    pargame wrote: »
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    I haven't read the whole thread yet (I intend to) but I had to post this question: 24 GW nodes? How come I only have 12?? What am I missing here? :/

    you can postpone GW for one day so when Guild Activity is GW you can make 36

    EDIT: I mean just not play GW and play it next day, then restart and play today's 12
    Thanks for the info, pargame. :)

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    might be 3 threads but i could do without the messages of who's starred and geared who.
  • pargame
    989 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    well... after initial disappointment that there is no new content immediately available I think that everything in this release is expected...
    Increase level cap, new gear levels with new gear which of course should be harder to farm, new LS,DS, cantina levels
    I think that main drawback of this release is that it is partial - when new ability levels will be added they will require levels 81-85 and everything will come on place...
    of course new Guild chat "features" are confusing ... but come on - so many posts just for this?!? and that someone lost some omegas from double drops... this cannot be game changer I think

    EDIT: I think that maybe this daily activity can be a problem....
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    In the Tank Challenge you get a piece of equipment I've never seen a use for on any character. I assumed with the level increase, all those stored pieces would find use. But I still see no one who needs them. Are they just forgotten about?
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm jazzed to share this weeks update notes for 10/11/2016 :smiley:

    New achievements have been added for the following:
    • Cantina stage completion

      Theres no new achievement for Cantina (Stage 9)!!!!
      Please fix it

  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    Can we get rid of this activity again for 80+? Its a serious barrier to getting an omega each day if you didn't sandbag and leave a bunch of junk characters undergeared. Given how long it's going to take to get to 85 (where presumably it goes away again),I feel this wasn't considered, unless you just dont intend for us to get our daily activities each day, as we'll be stuck dumping hundreds of energy into farming a blue gear slot for characters we dont even intend to use.

    If you were at cap how do you not have hundreds of low level gear pieces?

    I do. I have pretty much no one that can take them. I'm good for maybe 2 weeks before I have to start farming blues/purples for losers like Mob Enforcer and Night Sisters. Its going to take months to get to 85 (and then the cap will raise again).

    Moreover, this kind of achievement forces you to play in a counterintuitive way. Keep playing long enough, and you have to farm chump guys to mule pieces on one at a time. When you can gear a new guy, it wants you dole those out rather than equipping everything at once. This is the ONLY daily activity like that. Everything else you can play/spend normally. Imagine if the "play 3" arena required you to do so after payout.

    We shouldnt have to sandbag to get our omegas. Get rid of this ****.

    If you refresh each energy 2x every day, it will take 48 days.

    I agree it's a little silly, but the upgrade a mod is the same kind of thing. And I can't fathom someone that doesn't have scrubs with which to throw crappy gear pieces on when you can't gear a toon you care about on a few days.

    Also, once you hit 81, you can get Omegas from the ability mat challenge.
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    Fixed a typo on Old Daka's unique ability "Serve Again"
    awesome, thx cg/ea!
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    rawman wrote: »
    Fixed a typo on Old Daka's unique ability "Serve Again"
    awesome, thx cg/ea!
    That was a hard work, took the dev team for sure 4 days to fix it.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Guild leaders can turn those off but I'm not sure if officers can
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    rawman wrote: »
    Fixed a typo on Old Daka's unique ability "Serve Again"
    awesome, thx cg/ea!

    Yeah! Best change in this update! No kidding.
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    Can't you just go in ur settings and turn it off individually? I did.
  • pargame
    989 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    rawman wrote: »
    Fixed a typo on Old Daka's unique ability "Serve Again"
    awesome, thx cg/ea!

    Yeah! Best change in this update! No kidding.

    Sorry but what that exactly means? what was problem and how they fixed it?

    Edit: I mean is it just typo or change behavior?
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    @eajessie why bring back daily gear requirements on toons? This prevents those that are at max gear from obtaining daily omega. I don't think it's fair to penalize those who have spent time and money trying to max gear their toons
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