Level 85 Reached! *R2D2 Graphics Revealed* [!Prize Box Revealed!]


  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    What I have learned from this thread......
    Only people with access to their mothers credit cards spend money on the game... Yet if some had the money themselves, that others take from their mothers credit cards, than the would give it to poor and/or animals. Because you can't spend money on entertainment and charity at the same time it is one or the other.....


    Of course someone getting to 81 by now spent money to do it. I don't understand why so many are suprised when people spend money on this game. Get over it it doesn't affect the only way it affects others is giving them a free dame to play. It is just that a game... Entertainment.. Not the end of the world.
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    wow, i'm not even half way to 81 yet :(
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    What I have learned from this thread......
    Only people with access to their mothers credit cards spend money on the game... Yet if some had the money themselves, that others take from their mothers credit cards, than the would give it to poor and/or animals. Because you can't spend money on entertainment and charity at the same time it is one or the other.....


    Of course someone getting to 81 by now spent money to do it. I don't understand why so many are suprised when people spend money on this game. Get over it it doesn't affect the only way it affects others is giving them a free dame to play. It is just that a game... Entertainment.. Not the end of the world.

    Tbf I think the original complaint to this was that ti is attention seeking wh*res *shrugs*
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    Personally I don't care if anyone blows a wad of money on this game...it's actually good for me when they do. But I'm puzzled as to why spending a lot of money merits congratulations in this case. Saying thanks for sharing the intel about the challenge gear seems more appropriate, so thanks!
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    Let them have their moment of " triumph".

    Its really not a reason to get worked up. Mobile video game, kangaroo pron, tomato tomahto
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    And now count how much each of our "Congratulations!" costs
    Don't be so jealous, guys
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    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    Personally I don't care if anyone blows a wad of money on this game...it's actually good for me when they do. But I'm puzzled as to why spending a lot of money merits congratulations in this case. Saying thanks for sharing the intel about the challenge gear seems more appropriate, so thanks!

    Tier V AGI challenge - possible rewards
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    Bet that was a pretty penny..
    I am the Reaper
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    Never understood why people thought it was " jealousy" for trivial, self flagellatory posts like this.. Choosing NOT to expend large sums to perform the MMO version of " first post" isn't jealousy.
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    Omg i m not even at 30% progress for lvl 81
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    lemme predict ti's next major post. "Congrats to ti for completing their first aat heroic raid!!!"

  • Hut
    39 posts Member
    I love how salty people are now, even though they will benefit for someone blazing an easy to follow trail for them.

    Congrats to those who got 81, and I appreciate all the info you are sharing. It certainly helps the non-whales to make critical decisions on where to spend their credits/crystals/gear/mats, whether they are salty about it or not.

  • oofalong
    171 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Congrats to vonSchwarz!
    16400 XP = 118 full energy refill in 3 days! --> approx 40 refill a day
    I don't dare making the translation in crystals !

    Hmm, your math doesn't make sense. An energy refill gives you 120 energy and 16,400 / 120 = ~137.

    Still, this doesn't represent the true answer. Assuming you collect your free energy and do your dailies, you get 1,440 XP per day. At most, you only had to buy an extra ~22 refreshes per day. However, you were also able to stockpile energy prior to the patch. Obviously vonSchwarz refreshed a lot of energy; it's just not as much as you thought.
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    Lirg wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    What I have learned from this thread......
    Only people with access to their mothers credit cards spend money on the game... Yet if some had the money themselves, that others take from their mothers credit cards, than the would give it to poor and/or animals. Because you can't spend money on entertainment and charity at the same time it is one or the other.....


    Of course someone getting to 81 by now spent money to do it. I don't understand why so many are suprised when people spend money on this game. Get over it it doesn't affect the only way it affects others is giving them a free dame to play. It is just that a game... Entertainment.. Not the end of the world.

    Tbf I think the original complaint to this was that ti is attention seeking wh*res *shrugs*

    Of course they are seeking attention..Anyone posting a first in world, Congratulations to is seeking attention. There are many attention seeking threads posted daily.
    So what it is better than another nerf this, complain about that thread.
  • FTP_noncomplainer
    292 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Why are there so many criers. OP spends on game. More power to him/her. Why do non spenders get upset. What do YOU choose to spend your money on.

    I love to play poker and I play in weekly and,monthly tournaments. I spend a lot, win sometimes, lose sometimes.

    If someone spent 1k a month on restaurants would that make you feel better or would you complain that they are enjoying food and you eat Ramen every day.

    What people do with their money is their business. And as stated before. Spenders allow us to play for free. Ridiculous that you all get so worked up because someone posts their the first to 81, or whatever the post is.

    Let the bashing of this post begin
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    Congrats and thanks for the share!

    To the trolls, troll on if that makes you happy!
  • Goosy
    173 posts Member
    I barely post in here because of the jealousy and envious people. The hate posts for ppl spending money are just ridiculous :)
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Why are there so many criers. OP spends on game. More power to him/her. Why do non spenders get upset. What do YOU choose to spend your money on.

    I love to play poker and I play in weekly and,monthly tournaments. I spend a lot, win sometimes, lose sometimes.

    If someone spent 1k a month on restaurants would that make you feel better or would you complain that they are enjoying food and you eat Ramen every day.

    What people do with their money is their business. And as stated before. Spenders allow us to play for free. Ridiculous that you all get so worked up because someone posts their the first to 81, or whatever the post is.

    Let the bashing of this post begin

    No bashing. That is very well said. There are other things that people can spend on, too. Worse things like drugs. Why try and tear someone down for spending money on a game they enjoy? I never understood that.
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    I thought TI was automatically advanced to 85 at log in. Wow, really disappointed now..
  • RoryGilmore222
    33 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Assuming the required refreshments is 22 a day then that's only (haha) 12,500 crystals needed each day, so buying 2 vaults and a crate will get you there. Mother's need not worry quite so much about their credit card bills
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    Ya but it was a TI guy who did it first. That's not surprising, but the attitude on these forums is that anything they say or do must be attacked immediately.

    Maybe because they tend to make self congratulatory posts?
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    sying wrote: »
    Why are there so many criers. OP spends on game. More power to him/her. Why do non spenders get upset. What do YOU choose to spend your money on.

    I love to play poker and I play in weekly and,monthly tournaments. I spend a lot, win sometimes, lose sometimes.

    If someone spent 1k a month on restaurants would that make you feel better or would you complain that they are enjoying food and you eat Ramen every day.

    What people do with their money is their business. And as stated before. Spenders allow us to play for free. Ridiculous that you all get so worked up because someone posts their the first to 81, or whatever the post is.

    Let the bashing of this post begin

    No bashing. That is very well said. There are other things that people can spend on, too. Worse things like drugs. Why try and tear someone down for spending money on a game they enjoy? I never understood that.

    Hey, my drugs aren't bad. Don’t judge! !
  • HarmakhisVallis
    100 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    oofalong wrote: »
    Congrats to vonSchwarz!
    16400 XP = 118 full energy refill in 3 days! --> approx 40 refill a day
    I don't dare making the translation in crystals !

    Hmm, your math doesn't make sense. An energy refill gives you 120 energy and 16,400 / 120 = ~137.

    Still, this doesn't represent the true answer. Assuming you collect your free energy and do your dailies, you get 1,440 XP per day. At most, you only had to buy an extra ~22 refreshes per day. However, you were also able to stockpile energy prior to the patch. Obviously vonSchwarz refreshed a lot of energy; it's just not as much as you thought.

    OK I divided by 139, and I had purposefully not taken into account free energy nor dailies because it is so marginal vs the amount refreshed (as you said 3*1440 = 4320 or approx. 25% ) and I guess if you want to be among the first you don't really want to wait...
    So being more accurate, free energy provides an equivalent of 36 refresh in 3 days meaning he had to pay for approx. 100 refresh.
    With increasing crystal costs I can't evaluate what it takes, does it goes over 800 crystals/refresh ?

    My purpose was just to evaluate what it takes to be among the first to reach 81, I am occasionally throwing bucks as well (maybe 200$ in a year)
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    Why is everyone judging how much this guy should spend on this game? If someone buys a porsche, just congratulate him. It s a nice car. The fact that you choose to drive a prius doesnt mean he has to.

    So, congrats on being one of the first to reach 81.

    Watch your back though. I m coming, a firm level 78 here.
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    Ugh enough of this jealousy and trolling,if they want to spend money let them do it,its not your buisness,they get money,they spend it on whatever they want,if they spend,nothing will happen to you.
    P.S:congrats lvl 81 is nice
    where is darth jar jar?
  • HarmakhisVallis
    100 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Why is everyone judging how much this guy should spend on this game? If someone buys a porsche, just congratulate him. It s a nice car. The fact that you choose to drive a prius doesnt mean he has to.

    So, congrats on being one of the first to reach 81.

    Watch your back though. I m coming, a firm level 78 here.

    You just may want to know what it takes to buy a porsche before dumping your prius ;-)
    And if you are 1st in your arena since months, it may very well be that you have enough without pumping that much of real money anyway, just crystals man...
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    Stormy wrote: »

    Still giving out this Mk Vs, eh? I think I have 40 completed sets gathering dust in my inventory.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    Ya but it was a TI guy who did it first. That's not surprising, but the attitude on these forums is that anything they say or do must be attacked immediately.

    Maybe because they tend to make self congratulatory posts?

  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    I've got 7 cars and steal change of tramps. 0 F's given. Congrats on lvl 81, hate the haters right back.
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