Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    Last cap it was almost 1.5 weeks before they added new charaters to the new cantina node.
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    Cantina is just Omegas, would be weird if they drop both omegas and shards.

    That could be a great way to stock up on omegas...
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    We all know pulling out is a poor and unreliable strategy... but what's the best strategy to get the rest of the guild in on phase 2, do I need to pull out or sacrifice or is it just timing for everyone else to enter at phase 2?

    Pulling out is ok but still risky. If you can solo it without pulling out, do it. No need to sacrifice, just get to the #2 ASAP. Then let everyone enjoy the fun at phase 2!
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    Don't pull it out! There will be a future wheat overproduction and we need more mouths to feed!
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    Of you used the same toon in your last battle in that mode, you cannot borrow from an ally that used the same toon as lead in their last battle in that mode. So if your ally used Phasma as lead and Phasma was any part of your team in your last battle in that model, she will not be available for you to borrow.

    Happens a lot at lower levels since there isn't that many toons to choose from and most people are using the same leads for the most part.

    The available ally is their lead from that particular mode. So if they used Phasma as lead in an DS battle, you can only borrow Phasma from them for your DS battles.

    You can also only borrow from an ally once every so many hours. You can reset this by fighting one of the Daily Challenges.

    I often leave unusual or more rare leads when I actually fight a battle so that my lower level Guild allies have a more useful toon to borrow from me.
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    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    I've heard the explanation given by @evanbio before and it does seem to fit. Several poeple in my guild mentioned seeing tougher node 12s today. I have a feeling people will see this get tougher again for a brief while until they start hitting the new caps again, unless you are levelling faster than the rest in your shard.

    Your guild saw tougher.
    GW is a SHARED event.
    If YOUR guild sees tougher opponents and MY power is higher than many and not AS high as some of YOUR guild team..

    Then WHY do I STILL have easy 12 node? huh?

    GW is *STILL* not fixed.

    We are ALL using the SAME code, fixed for ONE is fixed for EVERY ONE, but it's NOT.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]

    So this reminds me of a good story from back in 'Nam. One day, I took liberty and went into town. I really wanted some ice cream. So I went to the corner market and bought the last couple of scoops of coconut ice cream.

    It had been weeks since my last ice cream, and I had a hankering for it for quite a while. But as I was walking out of the store, a ricksaw flew by and knocked my ice cream right out of my hand. It went all over the pavement and was quickly covered with flies. I could only salvage a few spoonfulls before I had to back away. A nice case of dysentery just wasn't worth it.

    I was so mad. So I went back to my hooch, sulked, and listened to some Iron Butterfly in the dark for the rest of the afternoon. And it was a few weeks before I could go get some ice cream again.
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    Thanks guys ... will keep learning
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    I've been playing for 10 months, and never posted anything in here. I've been ok with all the tweaks to GW, yeah it's hard, maybe too hard, but still doable most days. I had been getting the easy 12th node for the last few months, until the cap increase, again, OK I can deal with that.

    But today is just ridiculous. Node 6 is a fully maxed Droid team (47, 86, 88, B2, Jawa Engineer) that is ranked in the top 10 of my arena...ON NODE FREAKIN 6!!

    @EA_Jesse, Look, I have decent depth in my toons, but is GW meant to waste 1/2 of your entire squad on node 6? Is that the purpose? Surely not. Something is messed up. It has to be. PLEASE, do something to fix this.
  • ProgenitorCell
    7 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I know this has been discussed a ton but I am piling on to the complaints in hopes that EA will see this is all we talk about.

    Is it just me or is the random powerful level 80 team in the middle a total scam to soften you up before the end? Then, toss in an impossible team at the end and unless you have multiple maxed level 80 teams good luck finishing GW. So far I have had the past 3 days of not being able to finish GW and a smattering of days here and there with the same. Absolutely frustrating.
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    I know this has been discussed a ton but I am piling on to the complaints in hopes that EA will see this is all we talk about.

    Is it just me or is the random powerful level 80 team in the middle a total scam to soften you up before the end? Unless you have multiple maxed level 80 teams good luck finishing GW.
    I never lose protection off anyone with my EP (L), lando, QGJ, rey, RG squad and finish daily in 15 minutes. I'm F2P with arena power 43,500. It's not hard, you just need the right characters.
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    Grow your squad power it'll get much easier so much that node 12 will become a joke node
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    My arena power is roughly 39k and I use a slightly lower powered team mostly until the end, but I am F2P and have only been playing a few months. So, I am still building my teams. I only have my GS at gear 10 the other 7, 7star 80's I have are gear 8/9. But a 7s Palp with ST Han, Lando, Fives, and RG is insane. Or Palp, ST Han, RG, Anakin and Lando?

    So basically give me another month or more of not always being able to complete GWs and then it'll finally be easy?

    Watch EA nerf the characters you need to make it easy and focus on other guys I don't have.
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    I'm facing a EP led, ST Han, Jedi Anakin, Lando, RG squad on node 6 right now that has less speed overall then my top 10 characters yet they get 10 turns before I get one. Then I get two attacks in and the AI gets 10 more. It's not "difficult", it's impossible. Even with the possibility of my "entire roster" being useful I couldn't win on node 6. And promises long ago about GW "working as intended, no changes are planned in the foreseeable future" don't hold up as it's gotten quite a bit harder since then.
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    So here's my post, one of over 5000 on this subject. Why are you people not getting the hint? GS is too difficult.

    I couldn't finish it yesterday and today I'm getting an impossible node 9? 9???? Are you fricken kidding me?

    To end with constructive criticism (although I'm pretty sure no one will read this) I suspect the cause of the problem is the way in which you scale up difficulty. You seem to increase it in discreet steps, instead of a continuum. That has the effect of GW suddenly becoming impossible the player progresses, since reach increase in difficulty is too big.

    Seriously, fix it or I'm outta here.
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    I got Wiggs on N6 today lol, then high power (but terrible synergy and little DPS) on 9 and 11. 6 is the hardest for me (12 is the joke squad otherwise it may be 12).
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    The reason it hasn't been "fixed" is that it is working as intended. Once evey couple of weeks, I'm not able to complete it. Yeah, a couple hundred people come here ans complain, but that's because the people that don't havee issues don't post.

    I'm sure the server tells them how far everyone is getting in gw. If no one was able to complete it, they would know and adjust accordingly. I don't know the numbers, but a high enough percentage of people are completing it that it doesnt need yo be made easier. And a high enough percent are not finishing that they don't need yo make it harder.
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    I don't know for certain, but my hunch for people having trouble is that you have over focused on arena. If you have 1 strong max gear team for arena and not much else, you will not complete GW. You need to either have an OP team of hard to farm characters that simply breaks the algorithm, (Wiggs, EP, Lando, etc) or you need to have 3-4 teams that are all high power in their own right.
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    i've faced that exact same dude the last 3 days in a row .. lol

    Same here. He's not on my shard....nowhere in the arena rankings on my shard...and that's not even his arena team according to that link to his roster. We don't have anyone on our shard who has reached 81 yet unless they aren't in the top 200 of the arena. Yet, I keep getting the same team on the last node of 5 protection stacked level 81 tanks from some guy's roster on a different shard? I call ****.
  • dory4getter
    80 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I never win. Always come in first or second place in ratings. It don't usually get the rewards for it. I am level 79 and an officer but still done understand it. Also my name shows up more than once at different levels on the ratings. Correction - this post applies to the pit. I also have never won the Glactic war either.
    Post edited by dory4getter on
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    I never win. Always come in first or second place in ratings. It don't usually get the rewards for it. I am level 79 and an officer but still done understand it. Also my name shows up more than once at different levels on the ratings. Correction - this post applies to the pit. I also have never won the Glactic war either.

    You should try Galactic War next time :wink: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    2-3 weeks ago I was winning all the GW nodes every single day. Was tough but awesome. Well.....last update changed that. Usually I blow all my teams on the 6-8 node. I'm extremely lucky if I get to 11. It's become so obnoxious I barely even care about GW anymore. Once I hit one of those tough nodes I'll fight once or twice, put the game down for a bit and end up forgetting about it. Depressing.
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    GW is great, until you face a team with lando, EP and STHan and you can throw your entire roster at it and still not win. every day.
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    I hate grinding through GW, I feel like I leave a brain cell at each node for the sheer boredom of it but I need the rewards.

    I auto it except for the last 3 and generally do fine, once in a great while the mid node w 200 tokens can cause a problem.

    Lumi lead, RG, Chewie, Wiggs or Lando/QGJ. Front 3 are stacked with health, not protection. The last 2 for dps.

    Baris would be good but don't have her and usually the only issue is Rey one hitting Wedge, Lando or QGJ before RG can step in.

    Any other ideas, improvements? Chewie is way better than other tanks due to his self heal and only 1 turn taunt so he rarely dies.
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    What level are you?

    If you can auto with THAT team then GW is probably about to get a whole lot harder in the next couple of weeks.
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    Harder, it will get ! Painful it will be ! The hard way, learn you will when no longer padawans you will face
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    Wedge, Biggs, Lando, Solo, ST Han. Load them with speed, crit damage and crit chance and you are set for good.
    Usually opponents wont have a chance for a single move till node 9 and even in last few nodes they wont make more than 3 moves per battle.
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    I'm 80, maybe about a month.
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    Rex L, wiggs, EP and situationally one of these three: pac sun, maul or ani. Takes about twenty minutes or so. Never timed it.
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    Palpy lead w/RG, Vader, Anakin and Sidious works well. Lots of AoE damage and RG and Vader are tanky as hell!

    I also run Lando lead w/St Han, Wiggs and Leia.

    And if I need speed I got with HK lead, IG-88 and 86, JE and RG.

    Those 3 teams make GW manageable every day.

  • Obs0lete
    382 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The team posted by Wild Grunt is great: Teebo (L), Elder, Palp, Phasma, Rey. I actually sub out Rey and use Daka for the extra control.
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