Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I get some of what y'all are saying. Some I'm trying to wrap my mind around. And I know I have a decent roster. I will try and see if y'alls recommendations help any. Thx
  • Paarngfig
    112 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    @Cop1416 , the best advice I can give you (and from a person who hated GW with a passion!! I mean it used to make me physically sick just thinking about the daily requirement) .... is level and max out a droid team. do it and your hatred of GW will be over.

    I got this recommendation numerous times from other people in my guild and ignored it ; I thought how can it make that much of a difference? Well,it does! I don't know why, and to be honest.. I don't really care why. But GW now takes me anywhere from 15-20 min max. I need, usually, two teams droids will take down almost any team except the dreaded counter team. There you need to bring in a counter team of your own or Major DPS team with a taunt.

    However, a droid team will take you most if not all the way through GW with no problems. Take it from someone who now is happy to do the daily GW... get a maxed out droid team. With or with out JE , I just use straight droids but JE , of course, is a good addition.

    The bonus to this is a maxed out droid team will do over 1 mil in the aat raid , part 2. So now you got two,uses for it!
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    Lol someone yes 40-50 or more uhhhh not right lol
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    I get some of what y'all are saying. Some I'm trying to wrap my mind around. And I know I have a decent roster. I will try and see if y'alls recommendations help any. Thx

    Good luck dude :) , the retreat thing is pretty much what gets me through GW. Without it I'd lose a lot of my toons halfway through
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    What is currently the max gear level?
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    Maegor wrote: »
    Malthael wrote: »
    Same can be said for suicide squads to go in and kill the leader... when you enter the battle with second team they will have lost the leadership bonus...

    I thought they fixed that?

    Granted I haven't needed to use that in a long long time, but last time I've talked with guildies they told me it worked.
    I apologize if this is not the case.

    I've also had situations of doing the first few nodes... leave gw at that point, comeback a few hours or a day later and the team as minus one or two characters.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    What is currently the max gear level?

    It's 11 no 12s yet I believe
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    And putting up who I'm fighting? Do you know how much info that is???? So you want who their level? Mods they're using? Everything?
    You could load up screen shots, but that is a pain, at least for me. There is a VERY simple way to give everyone all the information they will need to help. Create an account at

    Here is mine as an example:

    Looking at my profile, you can see what my arena team is. You can also look at my entire roster, see EVERYTHING. This site is incredibly helpful and has helped me so many times when I needed help on a particular toon from my guildmates. I can even post just the link to that toon.

    I hope this helps you get the help you need.
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    There y'all go with those abbreviations lmao. It's almost like Dislexia. My brain doesn't wrap around them lol. aat raid? If that's what I'm thinking of my guild has been fighting phase one the last month and not finished it yet. So I don't even participate. Major DPS team?
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    Yeah thx I posted my link for that sight a few threads back
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    And putting up who I'm fighting? Do you know how much info that is???? So you want who their level? Mods they're using? Everything?
    You could load up screen shots, but that is a pain, at least for me. There is a VERY simple way to give everyone all the information they will need to help. Create an account at

    Here is mine as an example:

    Looking at my profile, you can see what my arena team is. You can also look at my entire roster, see EVERYTHING. This site is incredibly helpful and has helped me so many times when I needed help on a particular toon from my guildmates. I can even post just the link to that toon.

    I hope this helps you get the help you need.

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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    There y'all go with those abbreviations lmao. It's almost like Dislexia. My brain doesn't wrap around them lol. aat raid? If that's what I'm thinking of my guild has been fighting phase one the last month and not finished it yet. So I don't even participate. Major DPS team?

    DPS = Damage Per Second - in this game that would be characters with the 'Attacker' designation, though some are more "major" than others: Wiggs (Wedge + Biggs), IG-88, Rey, Leia, to name a few.

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    Lol, cop1416,
    Major DPS, think wiggs (wedge /biggs) team or other major hitters in your roster.

    The point I was trying to make is that your not just wasting all your resources on a maxed out droid team for one thing. They have uses all over this game but GW is by far the best use... since we have to do it every day.
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    I've been wondering what the heck Wiggs was. Wow okay lmfao
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    There y'all go with those abbreviations lmao. It's almost like Dislexia. My brain doesn't wrap around them lol. aat raid? If that's what I'm thinking of my guild has been fighting phase one the last month and not finished it yet. So I don't even participate. Major DPS team?

    You have to understand that most of the players are used to these abbreviations bc other games, DPS is Damage Per Second= high attackers, AOE is Area Of Effect= Hits more than 1 opponent.
    I believe someone made a abbbrev guide before don't know if it was ever updated
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    I've been wondering what the heck Wiggs was. Wow okay lmfao
    Wiggs is the inseparable duo we still dont know, who of them is the "passive" one! ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    I've been wondering what the heck Wiggs was. Wow okay lmfao

    also, wiggando = wedge/biggs/lando and wiggs+hando = wedge/biggs/lando/sth (storm trooper han). Anytime you see somebody say rebel team they mean wiggs+hando.

    Also, you should do really well in the AAT tank raid with your roster. Exceptionally well. Get first in your guild well.

    Edit: and anytime says droid team they mean HK-47 as the lead. His leader ability gives other droids turn meter when they crit, meaning your toons go more often.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    I was expecting a shift in GW with the level cap going up but im still not having issues at lvl 83 (not a gloat just stating a fact)... I start with 1 team and when I get to node 6 I sub out Lando for Palps and GS for STH and I finish it with that team, only time I usually have a death is node 11 with STH as he took brunt of all the dmg on nodes 6,9,11 (12 is still green toons)

    All the above posts are good advise but one thing I think is key that hasnt been mentioned and actually applies to the whole game mechanics is getting the order right on who to atk first and who can you leave till the end, when to break taunt and when not to etc.

    For example first targets for me are always Ani, Wedge, Lando, Rey… the big damage dealers, and regarding taunt if you only have one breaker in your team don’t waste it on RG if they have an STH ready to go as well… its imperative you take out STHs taunt asap or your just feeding the opposing team TM so its best to just beat on RG till his taunt fades

    Good luck anyways
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    What is currently the max gear level?

    It's 11 no 12s yet I believe

    And some toons had 11 before the cap was raised. Now some 11s are tank raid gear and some are racnor raid gear.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    @J0K3R why isn't this merged with the GW megathread? I don't appreciate the forum clutter :confused: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I used 38 7* characters. All my 6* and 5* characters. Could not get past. Maxed lvl 85s. Sun fac. Aylaa. Vader. Rex and anni. Its ridiculous again.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »

    Working As Intended
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    Pretty good advice in this thread. You have the roster diversity to tailor your squads to match up against opponents. Rebels and droids are excellent against most things, especially teams without a taunting tank, but not double tank teams or high health counter attackers. For those tank and/or counter teams, I like a good stun/single target dps team (e.g. EP lead, RG, OG Han, QG or B2, Rey, GS). Stun/Shock the counters and or taunters then take them down one by one. If you adjust your strategy for each opponent to get the right match ups, you can save your roster power for the hardest nodes.

    If you need help with mods, I'd recommend trying this as a resource:
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    Pretty good advice in this thread. You have the roster diversity to tailor your squads to match up against opponents. Rebels and droids are excellent against most things, especially teams without a taunting tank, but not double tank teams or high health counter attackers. For those tank and/or counter teams, I like a good stun/single target dps team (e.g. EP lead, RG, OG Han, QG or B2, Rey, GS). Stun/Shock the counters and or taunters then take them down one by one. If you adjust your strategy for each opponent to get the right match ups, you can save your roster power for the hardest nodes.

    If you need help with mods, I'd recommend trying this as a resource:

    I think you're on my shard!

  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    DaniB32 wrote: »
    I used 38 7* characters. All my 6* and 5* characters. Could not get past. Maxed lvl 85s. Sun fac. Aylaa. Vader. Rex and anni. Its ridiculous again.

    I assume Rex lead? If so, I would go after either ani or rex first (probably rex and just takes JKA's hard attack). Then the other, then Aayla, then SF, Vader last. High ST damage would be important against that squad due to the TM on crits and counters.
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    Maegor wrote: »
    DaniB32 wrote: »
    I used 38 7* characters. All my 6* and 5* characters. Could not get past. Maxed lvl 85s. Sun fac. Aylaa. Vader. Rex and anni. Its ridiculous again.

    I assume Rex lead? If so, I would go after either ani or rex first (probably rex and just takes JKA's hard attack). Then the other, then Aayla, then SF, Vader last. High ST damage would be important against that squad due to the TM on crits and counters.

    Sun fac kept taunting me. And aalya. Just stuns me every attack. Then wam bam. Game over. Ha
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    Malthael wrote: »
    Although I finish everyday with almost my roster intact.

    I can understand how frustrating it must be without a deep roster.

    For some reason, they want you frustrated with the game, and have stated that galactic war is working as its intended. Sorry.

    What can help you, is "pre loading turn meter" in the early nodes.
    This means in the first node you take your A team... crush the opposing team but leave with every special ready to use
    node 2 take your B team.. again trying to finish the node with special attacks being available to use on the next battle.
    you can do it for the first 5 nodes, if you have 5 teams...

    Perhaps even with this it won't be enough some days, but it will help in some of them.

    Good luck.

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    All about preloading your turn meter with your best teams early...
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