The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***

4819 posts Member
edited December 2016
Hi there.. I know this is a very hot topic.
PLEASE keep all posts on this topic to this thread, this is where your feedback will be read. Keep it Civil and On Topic and within the guidelines of the Forums.



  • Meecham
    103 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Whats the logic behind giving people using android a free pack "worth" 1499 and iOS get nothing?
    Post edited by BentWookiee on
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    Han Solo: No time to discuss this as a committee. Princess Leia: I am not a committee!
  • Rynn
    69 posts Member
    I have an android and always will...but totally agree, I actually thought the same thing after reading it. I think everyone should get same across the board or don't do it.
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    Agree. I can't stand my iPhone and only using it because it was free. iPhone has to be the worse phone ever. No free ringtones/music/movies. You have to enter security codes AND credit card info to download free apps, lol. No SIM card usage available to get you extra storage
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    This feels fair. Especially since there was a whole tournament where players spent two days and who know how many resources just to get a few extra shards. But heck, should we still be surprised at this point? I love how nobody even had the balĺs to come on here and confirm this was WAI.

    I feel so loved. Lol.
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    You're the guys who got a big boost on Wedge and got the first Ewok event. Android got two free packs, one of which was for Samsung Galaxy S7's only
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    Go complain to Apple
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    There is no evidence apple or android has anything to do with it? Do you know why? Maybe because CG/EA never actually comes out and says so.... it would only take 2 minutes of somebody's time to go out here and say:

    "Sorry guys, only android sponsored a new pack for you guys, so iOS won't be getting one."

    But why do you assume that iss even the case, when they haven't said anything.

    And countering with "you got this" some other time has nothing to do with it.
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    I know there was a little dispute in forums about iOS getting Wedge while Android got Biggs, with Wedge clearly being the superior toon. My thing is, why was Wedge given away for free AT ALL??

    I'm fairly sure this isn't a problem for those who are already established because most people would already have Wedge by now, so its irrelevant in that respect. Where the REAL problem lies is people who are new or people (like myself) who started again after taking a large hiatus.

    This presents a problem where newer iOS users have a big advantage over newer Android users simply because they're able to obtain the powerful Wiggs combination within a week or so. Biggs is no issue to farm at all as he is in GW shipments while Wedge is unable to be farmed until node 6-F in the cantina, which won't be available to newer players for a while.

    Let me give you an example. I'm in a brand new shard (I debuted at rank 4, its THAT new) but the current rank 1 isn't usually unable to be beaten because he was a Wiggs comp despite only starting last week.The only teams that can compete with him are other Wiggs comps. He has Wiggs, Lando, Akbar, RG (both of whom he got out of the Rancor Raid pack) and Chewie. My Droid comp (I brought the pack) stands ABSOLUTELY no chance at surviving Wiggs and probably won't for a number of months.

    Now I have no real issues with Whales and what they do. If you have the money to spend on the game, then naturally you'd have an advantage right? Ethical or not. But when you're given one of the most powerful characters in the game FOR FREE....FREE OF CHARGE.....NO CHARGE..... its bound to cause issues at some level of the game and it has. This guy has spent a mere 50 bucks to now have one of the strongest comps in the game and easily the strongest comp available at the beginning of the game.

    I really don't think EA thought this through and I wouldn't be surprised to be newer android players drop out of the game simply because they can't compete with their iOS counterparts.

    Now I'll ask. How exactly does one deal with Wiggs in week 1?

    TL;DR A powerful character like Wedge should NEVER be given away for free because it cause large inbalances in at least one stage of the game.
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    Why the Adroid users where given Shoretroopers? Why? Why?
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    banjo1071 wrote: »
    Why the Adroid users where given Shoretroopers? Why? Why?

    Shoretrooper shards. Big difference. They "claim" 10-30 shards but I've yet to hear of anyone getting more than 10.

    So 10 free shards vs one of the best characters in the game. I know which one I'd pick....

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    JayNyxx wrote: »
    banjo1071 wrote: »
    Why the Adroid users where given Shoretroopers? Why? Why?

    Shoretrooper shards. Big difference. They "claim" 10-30 shards but I've yet to hear of anyone getting more than 10.

    So 10 free shards vs one of the best characters in the game. I know which one I'd pick....

    Those wedge shards are farmable in a few days.

    Let me know which node can farm Shore?
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    JayNyxx wrote: »
    banjo1071 wrote: »
    Why the Adroid users where given Shoretroopers? Why? Why?

    Shoretrooper shards. Big difference. They "claim" 10-30 shards but I've yet to hear of anyone getting more than 10.

    So 10 free shards vs one of the best characters in the game. I know which one I'd pick....

    Those wedge shards are farmable in a few days.

    Let me know which node can farm Shore?

    A few days? LMAO no one is reaching LEVEL 69 in a "few days" after starting a week ago and even then Wedge requires 80 of them. The "10 shards" that everyone is complaining about is essentially 10 bucks. If I could pay a tenner to get one of the best chars in the game I would. Those ten shards are ultimately irrelevant unless you're already spending money on the game, in which case, the 10 bucks obviously isn't an issue.
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    Now with the direction of the game being a lot more p2p than it used to be, what are the chances you think that we will actually get another free character?
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    I'd say very very high
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    So it appears once again, Android users are getting an exclusive pack or event. This time a 3* K-2S0, in an event starting soon. This is on top of a Rogue One pack that gave Shoretrooper and Scariff Pathfinder shards, plus other goodies. Even if Google are paying CG for these, what is CG doing to keep the game fair for all users, no matter what their gaming platform? This is just going to make iOS users angry and disillusioned. CG needs to officially respond to this ongoing matter.
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    +1 Million
    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
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    I just wish we could get an explanation at the very least!
  • Darthbinks
    232 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Quit crying peasant. Android master race ftw.
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    Cry-os users are all already angry and disillusioned. .. haha but you have to buy those shoretrooper packs. They are not free. Not really much of an exclusive if you ask me
  • ItsJarJarBinkz
    2494 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    This is no different than any other exclusive deal that goes on with other services or applications. Its called $€£¥₱ talks.
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    Actually on my tablet I got a free shoretrooper/srp pack nothing on iOS
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    I wouldn't be overly upset if this game was cross-platform compatible. But our accounts are stuck with whatever platform it is currently on. It's not like we can transfer from iOS to Android (or vice versa).
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    IOS is bound to have an exclusive event too. Wedge was an exclusive character for IOS users and they also gave you his ship. Don't be salty

    I 7* FOTP without using any energy refreshes, get on my level
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    It's not having a level playing field which is par for the course it seems. Would be different if the toon was at least farmable like the biggs/wedge exclusive where both had been farmable for a while first
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    probably a exclusive deal with google play and ea
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    There's only one thing mere mortals like us can do about it. Go on app store and various websites to give an honest to heart review of the game :) Usually that gives a reason for the developer to rethink more questionable decisions if the number of participants spreading the truth is high enough :)
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    gotta blame apple for not getting in on any exclusives too
  • crzydroid
    7338 posts Moderator
    Apple users got a free Wedge.
  • Tachycardia
    201 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    You can see him in the character list. Rebel Droid tank.
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