The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    Please stop. Hear me out.

    Just a few platform-exclusive examples from the past:

    Earlier this year iOS got Poe (meta at that time). Android got nothing.
    Android got a (poopy) Droid spring event. iOS got nothing.
    iOS got Wedge shards. Android got basically nothing (Biggs shards).
    Android gets the admittedly amazing K-2SO for free. iOS got nothing (yet).

    A look in my crystal ball (a.k.a Reddit) tells me soon you iOS guys will get Bistan's U-Wing plus BISTAN while Android only gets U-Wing plus Scarif Rebel Pathfinder (got 5* already ...).

    While my condolences go out to all you iOS users today, don't hate on EA or CG.

    Android is paying for a promotion and iOS will follow. Take my word for it. That's just how the Apple <=> Google dynamic in this game (and the market in general) works.

    Now I know exactly how iOS users (who care and/or are new to the game) feel today. Look forward to the warm and fuzzy feeling comforting you when you get Bistan in a week or two, knowing that Android will only get shards for a char that many already have at 5* or higher.

    But please for Yoda's sake, stop the outcry and the threats to leave the game. All 5 people that are actually going to leave over childish stuff like this are no loss to the community. EA/Google/Apple are not hurting the game with (temporarily) lopsided promotions. People like you are. Celebrate your neighbour's new car and look forward to getting your own soon. Merry X-Mas.

    But why are you the one telling us this? How spineless can they be

    Ha, EA clearly is challenged when it comes to communication with their paying customers. That's one thing we all agree they need to improve on for sure.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    If the game is stressing you out, then by all means stop and don't look back. The point of games is to unwind after a tough day, and the last thing anyone needs is MORE stress.

    But you should also consider asking if that stress is the problem (in which case quitting will help) or a symptom of another problem (in which case quitting will only cause the stress to manifest elsewhere). In other words--why are you stressed? Because you can't finish 1st? Why is finishing 1st important to you? Will quitting stop me from feeling that level of frustration? Just a thing to consider, is all.

    Thank you Freud :smile:
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    Although this is classic Android privilage.. i wont let it bother me, we get our own stuff in due time, even if it is more garb toons for iOS users.

    Just for curtesy though, come on devs you know people nerd rage over the dumbest things. On top of that, you have Star Wars passion fueling this nerd rage.. its a pr disaster when you don't think ahead and limit companies "promo" items to be released on the same day/time.

    Just my thoughts tho.
    Travelling through Hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!
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    What is all this about 3 packs?
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    Begun the device wars have.
    i just wonder, who is the good and who the bad one ... Separatists or Republic, Google or Apple?
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    Everything you mentioned was available to all platforms, albeit at a cost. Free stuff to other platforms, while annoying, is fair. Exclusive content is not, at least without notice before your first purchase, which for many of us was months ago.

    The content being exclusive (AT LEAST FOR NOW...) is the only valid point to the whole discussion, gotta give you that. If K-2SO REMAINS exclusive for a long period of time, that would certainly rub people the wrong way, thus I believe it is highly unlikely.

    I remember how I felt being locked out of the meta when everybody and their mother had Poe while I was still farming shards.

    Don't think he will be entirely Android exclusive for a long time.

    The exclusivity combined with the model of how to be on top in this game is the unfair part. If it were just free stuff, a whale could spend more and stay at the top of the arena/ship arena, could finish gw, be on top of tournaments, etc. When you combine exclusivity with the model of needing to be on top to stay on top, it's not fair... especially since there was no notice upon first purchase that platforms would get an advantage you cannot obtain even by spending... even if k2 becomes available at some point for all, the way this game is made makes it an unfair advantage continuously.
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    Supercat wrote: »
    What is all this about 3 packs?

    There were three "packs" that the Android users received. They had 50 shards for the character, plus a ton of credits, gems, ability mats, etc. Dunno about this whole "free 7* character" thing; I haven't seen or head of that.
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    Nikka488 wrote: »
    Just two corrections. iOS users got Poe. Android users got Phasma. Phasma is still used in multiple game modes today. I think it was bad planning on EA's part to not realize that on a cross platform game where we get in game notifications that this wouldn't bother people. Not to mention some android users got 1 and some got 3 packs. PS: Android also got a free Rogue One pack with shards for Scarrif & shore last week. SO Android does get more. And the droid event wasn't meh imho.

    My bad, that Phasma was so irrelevant I even forgot I got her. You are right, I still use her today, too. On my 4th squad I throw at the rancor :D

    Why did some only get 1 pack? Guess I was lucky then.

    The single free Shore Trooper/ Scarif Rebel pack is nothing too crazy, as everbody can buy those and only those who had 40 Trooper shards already directly benefited in a (somewhat) big way. But I totally understand it rubs people the wrong way that K-2SO is platform exclusive (for now), but like I said: feel free to laugh at me, when I envy you for your 7* Bistan in a couple weeks ;)

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    BulYwif wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    If the game is stressing you out, then by all means stop and don't look back. The point of games is to unwind after a tough day, and the last thing anyone needs is MORE stress.

    But you should also consider asking if that stress is the problem (in which case quitting will help) or a symptom of another problem (in which case quitting will only cause the stress to manifest elsewhere). In other words--why are you stressed? Because you can't finish 1st? Why is finishing 1st important to you? Will quitting stop me from feeling that level of frustration? Just a thing to consider, is all.

    Thank you Freud :smile:

    Hey, leave his mother out of this!
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Supercat wrote: »
    What is all this about 3 packs?

    There were three "packs" that the Android users received. They had 50 shards for the character, plus a ton of credits, gems, ability mats, etc. Dunno about this whole "free 7* character" thing; I haven't seen or head of that.
    Not all users got all 3. I got 2. Some got 1. As for free 7* toon. The event runs for the next 9 days with 7 levels to gain shards and refreshed daily
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    People defending this are missing a key point. It would be different if you could cross platforms with your account but you cannot. I started my account on an iOS device but I also have an android tablet. So I have spent money on google products but because EA/CG has not allowed for platform crossover I get nothing. So not only is this alienating iOS users it is also alienating some Android customers.

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    Let the hate flow through you.

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    So I know about the free K2SO thing. But I've seen a couple folks say that it was a 7 star character; that's not what I've seen. I saw the three packs and one had 50 shards; nothing like 7 stars. Did people actually get that, or is it just incessant whining?
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    Its an 9 day event that gives 7 levels of battle. So at the end it will accumulate to a free 7* droid
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Its also an event with 7 battles daily... if you complete all battles for next 9 days = 7* toon
  • StarSon
    7514 posts Member
    You get 50 shards from the pack, and then 10 days of an event to get more. You get 29 shards if you do all 7 tiers, and it refreshes daily. This means, for 100% zero money, every android user is getting a 7* character and 10 shards for the shard shop. And like 1k crystals and several million credits.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    BulYwif wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    If the game is stressing you out, then by all means stop and don't look back. The point of games is to unwind after a tough day, and the last thing anyone needs is MORE stress.

    But you should also consider asking if that stress is the problem (in which case quitting will help) or a symptom of another problem (in which case quitting will only cause the stress to manifest elsewhere). In other words--why are you stressed? Because you can't finish 1st? Why is finishing 1st important to you? Will quitting stop me from feeling that level of frustration? Just a thing to consider, is all.

    Thank you Freud :smile:

    Hey, leave his mother out of this!

    Look, I can admit it, my mom is hot... Nothing weird about that.

    [smokes eight cigars in a row]
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    NicWester wrote: »
    kello_511 wrote: »
    BulYwif wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    If the game is stressing you out, then by all means stop and don't look back. The point of games is to unwind after a tough day, and the last thing anyone needs is MORE stress.

    But you should also consider asking if that stress is the problem (in which case quitting will help) or a symptom of another problem (in which case quitting will only cause the stress to manifest elsewhere). In other words--why are you stressed? Because you can't finish 1st? Why is finishing 1st important to you? Will quitting stop me from feeling that level of frustration? Just a thing to consider, is all.

    Thank you Freud :smile:

    Hey, leave his mother out of this!

    Look, I can admit it, my mom is hot.

    Can confirm.
  • Plokoon187
    158 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Anger, fear, aggression. the dark side of the force are they.
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    Developers, please respond to everyone's concerns, we weren't given notice that exclusive content would be awarded to certain platforms before our first purchases.
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    Thank you for the free Rouge one character k-2so. I'm not sure who to thank it looks like Google but just to be sure thank you EA,CG,Android,Google. I have always felt like this game is really stash with the free stuff compared to other mobile games but this was a nice gesture.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    And there has been a few apple only events in the past. I dont think ea/cg has any favs among os.
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    Reposted to those who forgot apple users got a free lando
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    Maegor wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    kello_511 wrote: »
    BulYwif wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    If the game is stressing you out, then by all means stop and don't look back. The point of games is to unwind after a tough day, and the last thing anyone needs is MORE stress.

    But you should also consider asking if that stress is the problem (in which case quitting will help) or a symptom of another problem (in which case quitting will only cause the stress to manifest elsewhere). In other words--why are you stressed? Because you can't finish 1st? Why is finishing 1st important to you? Will quitting stop me from feeling that level of frustration? Just a thing to consider, is all.

    Thank you Freud :smile:

    Hey, leave his mother out of this!

    Look, I can admit it, my mom is hot.

    Can confirm.

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    I'm fine with them getting a free character, but I don't like that they also got an event awarding a couple million credits, a thousand crystals, and whatever else. Not cool
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    Delete before people see
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Achilles wrote: »
    Begun the device wars have.
    i just wonder, who is the good and who the bad one ... Separatists or Republic, Google or Apple?

    Turns out in the end they were both the bad guys. I'll stay on iOS though because they don't have exploding phones. Yet.
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    It was the same with ships update. I already have AA, MW and some other guys 7*. It was not fair to have useless fragments.
    Actually I'm not happy to spend money. It seem useless to me...
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Don't worry fellow iOS users, our exclusive event will be for Nightsister Initiate! /s
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    Plokoon187 wrote: »

    Reposted to those who forgot apple users got a free lando

    Not all Apple users got a free Lando. As I mentioned elsewhere in another post (and as evidenced in the link you've provided) this promotion was pulled a few hours after it started, due to abuse.
This discussion has been closed.