Making Squad Tournaments Interesting and Fun


  • UltimateZeus
    1221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Haha, not 2 but 4 :)

    Hero of the Rebellion Start: December 17th
    Infiltration Start: December 21st
    Going Rogue Start: December 28th
    Boarding Action Start: January 1st
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    Decsions cause stress, stress leads to frustration, frustration to anger and anger to hate and hate to the dark side. A choice you must make, or forever will saltiness define your path.
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I don't understand the whole this is just for whales, they should change it. It they ran it like a real tournament, put everyone in one bracket, best roster wins, the same people that win now would still win. However, the people who don't spend a lot would finish far worse off then they do now. They would have no chance whatsoever of getting a decent prize. At least using ally points gives non spenders a better shot at getting something.
    This wouldn't be the case if everyone had a fair chance.

    For example of what it should be:

    Everyone has 3 opponents. 1 Opponent per day. Characters can only be used once per day. Everyone is compiled into groups of level and how many gear 11/10/9 characters etc. Best of 5 (win 3).

    Day 1 (preparation) - Set 5 Teams of 5 characters.
    Day 2 (vs 1st opponent):
    - Your first team will face the opponents first team.
    - Your team 2 will face the opponents team 2 and so on. If you win 3 then you move to next bracket where you will face a new oppoennt (next day) with similar gear and level requirements AND has also won 3 battles.
    Day 3 (vs 2nd opponent) - same as day 2 except vs a different opponent.
    Day 4 (vs 3rd opponent) - same thing.

    Rewards will go based off of wins:
    Won 9 battles: Top rewards
    Won 8 battles: next best rewards
    etc etc.

    This will make it the fairest and least time consuming. It will also be interesting because some people will have to use their 20th - 25th best characters to move to next bracket. Some it will be easier and they will win 1st 3 battles but i think this will be most fun, competitive and fair.
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    I do like faction based tournaments, that would be very interesting. Also 6v6 dual leadership would be fun to see.

    This is what I'm looking for. 6v6 would also be great.

    Or maybe 3 leaders, whose leader abilities all work, vs 6 toons with no leader ability? I dunno. Go crazy. Make it interesting!!!

    Anyone else?
    Enthusiast of undervalued toons, general dismisser of trends,, A Team
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Themed tourneys might be cool but defense points is a terrible idea because it's too easy to abuse.
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    Why are the events now running for 1-2 days max? When first they were released Both Military Might events and Droids Fight Back used to last for a week give or take...And now they've been cut down to 1-2 days. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad that they will appear at all but the short duration is strange. The K-2SO event (although sponsored by Google) has been running for a week...
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    @EA_Jesse @CG_Kozispoon
    As questioned by OP in
    Going Rogue
    • Start: December 28th
    • End: December 29th
    • Min level required: 30
    • Main Reward: Cassian's U-wing Blueprints
    • Notes: Squad Tournament

    So is this a new ship or a typo?
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    New ship. Wonder if k2so is a copilot...
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    Would make sense, given the only other U-Wing has two pilots and the published synergy.
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    sadly a typo seems more likely to me.
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    So am I reading this correctly we will only get 15 toons for this one? Little confused.
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    I dunno in the picture posted that officially announced K2SO the bottom left clearly showed a ship although it was blurred out. Who knows though.
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    Actually I don't think the AI gets enough bonuses in some cases, it makes some pretty bad choices. If future characters get added with more strategic choices I'm sure the odds won't seem so out of your favor
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    Adding points for wins on defense would be meaningless, since the most problematic teams will be avoided. This would only work if you weren't able to choose your opponent.
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    I know the programming and time would be too hard for devs but a bracket thing would work well.
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    Tournaments Interesting Fun

    Keep dreaming while I go do more Bronzium Cards. ;)
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    Zooey wrote: »
    Themed tourneys might be cool but defense points is a terrible idea because it's too easy to abuse.

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    The first tournament goes only for 1 day. It started already here in Japan.
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    OnJouney wrote: »
    The first tournament goes only for 1 day. It started already here in Japan.

    So no character refresh?
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    MackemSLAM wrote: »
    OnJouney wrote: »
    The first tournament goes only for 1 day. It started already here in Japan.

    So no character refresh?

    So it seems to be
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    OnJouney wrote: »
    MackemSLAM wrote: »
    OnJouney wrote: »
    The first tournament goes only for 1 day. It started already here in Japan.

    So no character refresh?

    So it seems to be

    That's awesome! Now it won't be such a time drain and fun to do.
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    I assume CG have mistakenly based the shard rewards on a 3* unlock rather than the 4* that Jyn is. 4* + 280 shards for winning, 4* + 95 shards lower down etc.
  • RGs_Thraken
    104 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    so extra shards for the shardshop
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    I agree with the title....tournaments are number 2.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    There are more than just those two tournaments coming up within the next 2 weeks but I agree focusing on one or two tournaments makes more sense than trying a bit in every one of them.

    It seems the devs have again shortened the tourneys so they are only 24 hours with no character refresh so they will not be as time consuming anymore I guess but they will also become more costly in terms of AP.
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    I hope they will not correct this, that means a top 3 finish can give you a 7* if you get the bundle
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    Hi! I was wondering if anything happens when you level up during an event. I'm level 69 atm, and therefore in the 60-69 bracket for the Jyn-event starting today. Do I stay in that bracket if i turn 70 during the event?
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    No, you'd stay in the 60-69 bracket provided you had started in the tournament (i.e. set a defense team and fought a battle).
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    Awesome. Thanks!
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    With the huge nerf to tank raid we now have same situation for tank raid normal as pit: Only guild rules prevents the raid in being over before alot of guys getting a chance to play. Please try some new functions like making phase 4 imortal the first 24 hours, after that if boss is below 0% health he dies. That way people can actually get to play with all their toons and is not rushing to get to play in the 20 minuts ffa every second day.....
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