Upcoming Sith Raid Changes [MEGA THREAD]


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    Gama_Fox wrote: »
    @CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb Can we maybe get an update on when these intended changes will be implemented? I think the majority of guilds have suffered through the sith raid long enough.

    "No", EA/CG
  • Old_Man_Kunz
    13 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Do us all one favor, test it, test it, test it, close test it, open test it, and get it right. If there is another roll out and roll back, a lot of players will be gone for good. Take the time needed and please, listen to the feedback.

    Forgive me if this is a silly question because I don't know the answer, but is CG utilizing its "Game Changers" in a way that they can also do QA/testing before a update/patch goes live?

    I'd like to add, that I want Sith Raid changes really bad just like everyone else because the current system is very frustrating to me. But as bad as I want the changes to happen, I care more about CG taking the time to figure out what changes need to be made and then test it to make sure the changes work as intended.

    As always, I think your doing a great job CG, keep up the great work...SWGOH is an awesome game!
    “You must unlearn what you have learned.” - Yoda
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    When are you guys giving Daka zeta Back?
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    when are the changes coming? I mean every phase is a phase of lots of restarts. I feel so stupid restarting all the time, its no fun. any change is VERY VERY VERY welcome. so please GET ON WITH IT:
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    Laserbrain wrote: »
    when are the changes coming? I mean every phase is a phase of lots of restarts. I feel so **** restarting all the time, its no fun. any change is VERY VERY VERY welcome. so please GET ON WITH IT:

    They could have changed the gear situation easily while taking extra time on the health and nihlus mechanics to get it right...and that's the part that's infuriating..
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    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    I honestly think they don't have any real plans to change anything worthwhile to this guild destroying raid. At most we may get some cosmetic changes but everything probably stays the same. G12 being gated behind hstr. The awards being the same with top 10 raking in and the rest getting garbage.

    Several guides have adopted a rotating system to give everybody a chance to be in the top 10 and get decent pieces but that is rare. The ones posting top 10 constantly don't want to give up their free farm. It's why I think anybody who knows they can't make top 10 should just avoid the raid completely. Let the top 10 beat it since they get everything the raid offers while the rest gets peanuts. That may sound harsh but it's the truth for any guild not doing a rotation system.

    Hopefully CG will actually do the right thing and make the rewards better all around since it's a team effort it's jacked the whole guild helps kill the raid but only the top 10 get the loot. They also need to drastically reduce the RNG especially on the DN phase. It's beyond frustrating having to restart because he drains and if he gets enough on drain instantly annihilates. They should give a pause to at least give the player a chance.

    All of that is really just the tip of the iceberg with what's wrong with that raid. They need to shelve it and redo it completely. I know they won't they will just keeping making small garbage changes that does nothing to fix the fact that STR is literally destroying the game along with all the other stuff going on.

    Pretty much my thoughts, SRT was designed to bring in a need for stronger more diverse squads, causing us to spend more, albeit time, or money, or both. It truly is the epitome of revenues matter more then player loyalty. But, ok, now we know. And can adjust to that thought process. Game on.

    I'd agree if they truly want to fix the raid reward payout needs to be expanded, the game changers have been very vocal on this. To introduce buying gear finally shows that they have no intention to do so and that you should buy to supplement. I think CG employees are frustrated also as this seems like an EA move more than anything hence why the post on reddit instead of here.
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    I only got 18 gear 12+ salvage in HSR, from rank 14 that´s...... The loot in the raid is so unbalanced.
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    Meanwhile this raid keeps destroying more and more guilds. It's pathetic @CG_Carrie that you guys introduced this raid with all of its problems. You have moved at glacier space when it comes to fixing things wrong that would help player BUT move at lightening speed when it is something that might effect your bottom line like Critolyte.

    How about you stop patronizing your player base with all of these false **** comments of " We Care about the player experience.. " NO you don't or this raid would have been completely overhauled months ago. Your excuses about collecting data and blah blah blah "insert more cow dung" is lame. Do you really think that because we play games we are stupid? You must and so does the rest of your staff.

    It doesn't take months to collect data and anybody with any knowledge in program design can tell you that. You guys had enough data to show what was happening by the first month. Drugs get approved faster by the FDA then changes get made to this raid. So it's either A. CG is inept at their jobs or B. They don't care and are just stringing us along. It's pretty clear to me that there answer is B.

    EA and CG keep on doing what your doing because the longer you screw the player base the more evidence that gets sent to Apple and Google and the lawmakers. Google is already telling every person who calls their customer support center to go to the app screen and flag it as inappropriate. They have also sent their own people into the game to see things for themselves. I'm guessing you probably wish Google hadn't gave you the Editors Choice Award now since it means Google takes complaints involving games with that title very seriously.

    I can't speak for Apple but I imagining the Apple customers are saying the same thing to Apple. Who knows maybe you don't care because you have already raked in enough money to retire comfortably but making money gets addicting doesn't it? LOL the same way EA has made these games to specifically target people with addictive personalities. Bet you didn't know rehab centers and places that help in recovery strongly advise players not to play these type of games because the addiction with these games can be just as bad as it is with drugs.

    Instead of fixing this raid and the other numerous bugs in this game they spend their time rolling out new toon after new toon and developing new journeys and what not. Instead they should be addressing players problems and the games problems itself but I have realized THEY DONT CARE ND NEVER HAVE.

    This is the first game I have quit playing competively which is crazy because I'm an ultra competitive person. I'm just going to collect the Toons I like and go from there. Besides at the rate EA is going these games by them will be pulled from the app stores because they think they are above the law. The U.S. is lagging behind the EU in this but all its going to take is a couple of tearful mothers who lost their kids due to some reason with this game in Congress and then the U.S. will burn these freemium companies to the ground.
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    people are losing children over this game? is this real life??
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    I can't speak for Apple but I imagine that Apple customers are saying the same thing to Apple.

    Just FYI, Apple is the majority share holder for Disney.
  • nQthing
    89 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    all its going to take is a couple of tearful mothers who lost their kids due to some reason with this game

    I think someone needs to tell your mom that she’s about to lose her son over a video game. Maybe she will take your phone away and you will have time to reflect over this

    On a relevant note- an update would be much appreciated
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    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?
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    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?

    We’ve been actively working on the last bit of changes to the raid over this last week. That said, there’s still some final testing that needs to occur before we make any announcements on final timelines or what the changes are. The best I can offer here is that hopefully I’ll be able to bring something to you soon about it.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I was ninja'd while making my post :p Oh well, updated achieved! moving on
    Gifafi wrote: »
    people are losing children over this game? is this real life??

    Might not be this game, but I knew people from IH who lost their house, job, and family over the microtranscations in that game, so it does happen. These Gacha games are actually ruining peoples lives cause non-rich people are actually often the whales. Addiction is bad and this is basically like a drug addiction that is still legal. Like you think only rich people are whales and then you find out your whale on your shard is actually thousands of dollars in debt.
  • Deum_Alisi1
    117 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?

    We’ve been actively working on the last bit of changes to the raid over this last week. That said, there’s still some final testing that needs to occur before we make any announcements on final timelines or what the changes are. The best I can offer here is that hopefully I’ll be able to bring something to you soon about it.

    You forgot the tm after soon.
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    nQthing wrote: »
    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    all its going to take is a couple of tearful mothers who lost their kids due to some reason with this game

    I think someone needs to tell your mom that she’s about to lose her son over a video game. Maybe she will take your phone away and you will have time to reflect over this

    On a relevant note- an update would be much appreciated
    Nice try at being snarky. That comment was a generalized one and it could be anybody that could be testifying in Congress about the games of this nature can cause true harm. I had written a long post in response but deleted because no point in derailing this this thread any further and to be honest I don't think you would have cared since you strike me as one of those "Get over it. It's just a " insert whatever".

    Back to the update though I stand by what I said earlier if and when we do get one l doubt it will resemble anything they said in their post. There may be some cosmetic changes that could have been done in weeks like the rewards system being changed and HP and RNG reduction. Any truly meaningful changes I seriously doubt we will get.

    It has taken them to long and it shouldn't have taken any longer then a few weeks to fix the most obvious problems with the raid. Longer for everything that is wrong with raid from top to bottom but we still should have seen something by now which leads me to believe that they really don't have any intentions of changing hardly anything. They are pulling the let's wait a really long time change a couple minor issues we could have fixed in hours and they will thank us and call us the next coming of Jesus move. Sadly the player base might just fall for it too.

    I mean they have had enough time to roll out multiple ship and toon marquees which they said they were cutting back on. Obviously not the case since we just got another ship marquee and Jango coming up. Somebody remind me to get excited as they introduce another game breaking special I'm sure. The power creep is off the scale in this game and they aren't slowing down but speeding up. This game is headed for a train wreck of epic proportions
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    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    nQthing wrote: »
    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    all its going to take is a couple of tearful mothers who lost their kids due to some reason with this game

    I think someone needs to tell your mom that she’s about to lose her son over a video game. Maybe she will take your phone away and you will have time to reflect over this

    On a relevant note- an update would be much appreciated
    Nice try at being snarky. That comment was a generalized one and it could be anybody that could be testifying in Congress about the games of this nature can cause true harm. I had written a long post in response but deleted because no point in derailing this this thread any further and to be honest I don't think you would have cared since you strike me as one of those "Get over it. It's just a " insert whatever".

    Back to the update though I stand by what I said earlier if and when we do get one l doubt it will resemble anything they said in their post. There may be some cosmetic changes that could have been done in weeks like the rewards system being changed and HP and RNG reduction. Any truly meaningful changes I seriously doubt we will get.

    It has taken them to long and it shouldn't have taken any longer then a few weeks to fix the most obvious problems with the raid. Longer for everything that is wrong with raid from top to bottom but we still should have seen something by now which leads me to believe that they really don't have any intentions of changing hardly anything. They are pulling the let's wait a really long time change a couple minor issues we could have fixed in hours and they will thank us and call us the next coming of Jesus move. Sadly the player base might just fall for it too.

    I mean they have had enough time to roll out multiple ship and toon marquees which they said they were cutting back on. Obviously not the case since we just got another ship marquee and Jango coming up. Somebody remind me to get excited as they introduce another game breaking special I'm sure. The power creep is off the scale in this game and they aren't slowing down but speeding up. This game is headed for a train wreck of epic proportions

    I'll take the cosmetic changes over truely meaningful ones. I'll be dropping my cosmetic gear on the toons.
  • Gannon
    1658 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Back to the update though I stand by what I said earlier if and when we do get one l doubt it will resemble anything they said in their post. There may be some cosmetic changes that could have been done in weeks like the rewards system being changed and HP and RNG reduction. Any truly meaningful changes I seriously doubt we will get.

    Um, isn't that exactly what they told us to expect? What other "meaningful" changes are you imagining?
    I'm really looking forward to this update. Hope it drops soon, but I understand how long some of these reworks can take.
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?

    We’ve been actively working on the last bit of changes to the raid over this last week. That said, there’s still some final testing that needs to occur before we make any announcements on final timelines or what the changes are. The best I can offer here is that hopefully I’ll be able to bring something to you soon about it.

    Thanks for the update @CG_TopHat! You seem to always respond to us quickly. Much appreciated.
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?

    We’ve been actively working on the last bit of changes to the raid over this last week. That said, there’s still some final testing that needs to occur before we make any announcements on final timelines or what the changes are. The best I can offer here is that hopefully I’ll be able to bring something to you soon about it.

    So the answer is “soon...maybe?”
  • Laserbrain
    149 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    this raid is very very bad game design. having someone restart the fight over and over again because of rng is really lazy and (as said) very bad.
  • KvotheQGBQG2
    813 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Leytuhas wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?

    We’ve been actively working on the last bit of changes to the raid over this last week. That said, there’s still some final testing that needs to occur before we make any announcements on final timelines or what the changes are. The best I can offer here is that hopefully I’ll be able to bring something to you soon about it.

    Not actively enough if you ask me. Your releases over the last six months with no real movement in this front shows very clear that this isn't a priority. Stop giving lame excuses and just get it done.

    Edited for language. - EA_Cian

    The nice thing is that no one asked you?
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Hey @CG_TopHat care to update us since others haven’t?

    We’ve been actively working on the last bit of changes to the raid over this last week. That said, there’s still some final testing that needs to occur before we make any announcements on final timelines or what the changes are. The best I can offer here is that hopefully I’ll be able to bring something to you soon about it.

    Thank you for the update, much appreciated
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    While I appreciate the update I am deeply concerned that these changes won't go far enough. Chiefly because I'm worried they'll test using T7 geared teams and will adjust according to how fast those teams blitz lower tiers; not the reality that if you aren't doing T7 you inherently don't have T7 ready teams and have to brute force the raid with teams poorly equipped to overcome the mechanics.

    Especially since posts up to now don't seem to acknowledge that every non-heroic guild is doing tiers dramatically lower than what they should be doing on paper. We won't be able to jump to the tiers spreadsheets would say we are capable of if the raid is adjusted based on the tiers we currently do.

    I'm braced for the devs only cutting the raid health by a token amount so they have fulfilled their promise if only technically and not in spirit. It will be very harmful to the guilds if the change amounts to it taking us 4 days to complete the raid instead of 5 with a slight increase in currency and removal of challenge gear. Removal of the challenge gear will be good but the remaining gear still needs to be useful and in the months that the raid has been going I have yet to get a gear piece that helps me gear TB platoon trash to say nothing of improving the teams I actually use in the game.
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    Just remember that as the raid boss health pools diminish, squads relying on DOTs and Exposes will also lose effectiveness commensurately, unless they also increase the DOT/Expose damage percentages.
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    Gorem wrote: »
    I was ninja'd while making my post :p Oh well, updated achieved! moving on
    Gifafi wrote: »
    people are losing children over this game? is this real life??

    Might not be this game, but I knew people from IH who lost their house, job, and family over the microtranscations in that game, so it does happen. These Gacha games are actually ruining peoples lives cause non-rich people are actually often the whales. Addiction is bad and this is basically like a drug addiction that is still legal. Like you think only rich people are whales and then you find out your whale on your shard is actually thousands of dollars in debt.

    Yep, pretty much this. I don't even think randomized loot boxes are the issue. The issue is that a game like this promotes competition, and spending money makes you more competitive. The addiction is wanting to be on that competitive edge...wanting to have the latest meta. Even without the gambling, it's still exploitative.

    These types of exploitative mechanisms are prevalent in other areas of life too. Everyone wants to have that shiny car, big house, and wall-sized TV, even if they can't afford it (hence the explosion of consumer debt in Western countries). But in game form it's worse, because it's SO easy to make that purchase without fully feeling the weight of it. And worse than that, it's often children making those purchases, feeding that reward cycle. And we all know children have no concept of monetary value. That unearned reward isn't a great indication that those children will grow up to be fiscally responsible adults.

    For me, I can resist the temptation of microtransactions. I've spent money on the game, but only a reasonable amount. My beef with microtransactions isn't the exploitation factor, it's the fact that they create an unbalanced playing field.
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    ...in the months that the raid has been going I have yet to get a gear piece that helps me gear TB platoon trash to say nothing of improving the teams I actually use in the game.

    I highly doubt that.

    I don't think there has been a single Sith Raid that hasn't awarded me gear that I needed. The issue is that the reward is so few of them.
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    Whatever happened to adding guild event currency to the rewards for t3 and t4 STR? They talked about that change in like March, had it rolled out with other rewards changes to HSTR, then rolled back everything because...honestly, it’s been half a year now and I forget. But I haven’t even seen revisiting that change mentioned since.
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    I’d be curious to see what the numbers were for active players before and after the STR and Traya meta were introduced. I’m guessing numbers have dropped by quite a bit...although CG would never admit this. I’ve never seen so many just stop playing. Not leaving to go to other guilds...just stopping altogether.
This discussion has been closed.