Poe Dameron is too powerful in Squad Arena. Nerf in the coming update?


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    @Zekex lol gone to hide? He's beatable, figure it out noob.
    Watch Subzeros 'F2P team' clip.
    If your mad because you invested in another toon like Phasma or just annoyed because Poe has ruined your f2p/p2w set up than yes keep complaining lol.
    Seriously Poe is only good for PVP (sometimes GW) and finally we have a real tank.
    It's not impossible.

    "Ooh Poe has made my team struggle and I can't beat him!! Please nerf him because I didn't invest in him and now am at a disadvantage"
    seriously devs? GW refresh change was a low blow for more $$$
  • Cythis
    273 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Poe taunting is not the full issue. It's the meter reduction coupled with speed which can destroy and currently own's this meta.

    Instead of nerfs how about some new viable synergies that can counter or stand alone. Shields, Absorbes, Character Control, Sleeps, Deflects are all part of the lore.
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    SeroZero wrote: »
    Of cos many things could've gone wrong. But I'm just showing how my usual freebie pvp team could make a dent on poe too.

    @SeroZero I wasn't saying that it wasn't in any way a pure RNG win. It was certainly an example of a team that probably wins more often than not against the other but that could also lose.

    Just wouldn't say the team you were running is necessarily a good counter to what Poe brings to the table. People upset about fighting Poe teams are probably missing the point: you shouldn't be getting auto-wins (and where is the fun in that) and having to actually think about what you're doing is a good thing.

    Oh an more than anything I'm confused over how Jawa went first. That seemed like something beyond RNG. If you could post his speed at max gear. Maybe SWCantina has it wrong?
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    Oh an more than anything I'm confused over how Jawa went first. That seemed like something beyond RNG. If you could post his speed at max gear. Maybe SWCantina has it wrong?

    I was using Datcha. He has better speed than Jawa.
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    it's been a while since this thread has been discussed. yet the combination of poe+glass canno still can't be defeated.
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    lawlearner wrote: »
    it's been a while since this thread has been discussed. yet the combination of poe+glass canno still can't be defeated.

    I defeat a Poe\Cannon team every day, (today I had a droid team with Poggle and a Poe to tank.) not an issue at all.

    There is nothing as a team that can "not be defeated"..

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    Why is every other post a blah blah needs a nerf post?

    Seriously, it is really pathetic. When you have every character with max gear and have tried all combinations then maybe start a thread about something being OP but even then...don't.
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    Look guys I discussed Poe in my thread a lot, Poe is easily beatable now. Ai is stupid and there a lot of ways you can counter him I mean just have fotp do a basic attack he is dead there ya go. However at 70 he has his speed boosted to, going off datamined gear here, 143. At this point he goes the same speed as the fastest people in the game. So what will happen is you can't even have dooku reliably stun him anymore. It is a toss up which ever Poe goes first that team will go before yours. So it isn't even counter able if they have a good setup. If the Poe gods smile on them instead of you no matter what setup you have their datcha aoe can go before your dooku and almost all their other characters as long as they have decent speed. Unless the rest of their crew is garbage the chance to win is very low. I hate to sound like a broken record here but I don't want to have Poe be a necessity for every single team.
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    Now, poe is faster than dooku. Really amazing :)
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    In a fight where I had Dooku, Sideous and Daka, which range from (supposedly) the fastest to fast to pretty fast, I had a fight today where the enemy took 14 attacks/actions before I got to do anything. When I got my first action, my tank was dead, half the rest of my team was half-dead, and his entire team had advantage and critical up.
    The only way to beat Poe is to have Poe yourself and get lucky. That's a busted character.
    Or maybe if you spend $3000 to have the best of everything available you can beat him. Same deal.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • scuba
    14189 posts Member
    Wow. Maybe it is just me but I don't think orginal poster @lawlearner was suggesting a nerf on Poe. It sound that way kind of in the first post but I think it was corrected in the second. I think the question was if EA does nerf Poe who would be a good replacement? But I can feel the love on this discussion. Nerf and Buff them all! Nerf discussion rants need there own section, that way maybe I will start ignoring them more.
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    Randall wrote: »
    Elyndria wrote: »
    You can dispel the taunt, you can stun him or ability block him, etc. Then he's a useless part of a team.

    Good luck with the stuns and ability blocks with his +35%? tenacity. I tried that with Dooku a few times and it has never once landed. He is to fast to ability block with say Luminara, assuming that could bypass his tenacity. I find Poe to be challenging.

    Which isnstrange as Dooku has 170% potency after the cap. Problem is not Tenacity but that Dooku stun rate is below 50%, so more than evey oither battle, plan fails.

  • Blam
    113 posts Member
    BentWookie wrote: »
    lawlearner wrote: »
    it's been a while since this thread has been discussed. yet the combination of poe+glass canno still can't be defeated.

    I defeat a Poe\Cannon team every day, (today I had a droid team with Poggle and a Poe to tank.) not an issue at all.

    There is nothing as a team that can "not be defeated"..

    Phht u only won because that bend in your wookie gives him a distinct advantage, I demand the angle he is bent at be nerfed to less than five degrees
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    In a fight where I had Dooku, Sideous and Daka, which range from (supposedly) the fastest to fast to pretty fast, I had a fight today where the enemy took 14 attacks/actions before I got to do anything. When I got my first action, my tank was dead, half the rest of my team was half-dead, and his entire team had advantage and critical up.
    The only way to beat Poe is to have Poe yourself and get lucky. That's a busted character.
    Or maybe if you spend $3000 to have the best of everything available you can beat him. Same deal.

    That's the same with Leia and Qui-gon. You need them also to beat teams that have them.
    seriously devs? GW refresh change was a low blow for more $$$
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    This Alain guy must have very average team...
  • Blam
    113 posts Member
    That's the same with Leia and Qui-gon. You need them also to beat teams that have them. [/quote]

    How so? These are good characters but they are in no way necessary to beat opposing teams that have them. What makes Poe different is ability to go first and remove turn meter so all his team's glass cannons can cause severe damage to your team before you even get a chance to do anything and you are taunted so if you have no one left standing who can remove taunts you have to burn him down.
  • SlyBeats
    78 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    They were examples but Leia, Qui, FOTP are issues as well.
    Let me guess you must have Leia and Qui but not POE? Lol
    seriously devs? GW refresh change was a low blow for more $$$
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    I do agree now that Poe is an issue, but it's fixable by simply removing his turn meter reduction.

    The bigger problems are still FOTP and QGJ though.
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    Elyndria wrote: »
    I do agree now that Poe is an issue, but it's fixable by simply removing his turn meter reduction.

    The bigger problems are still FOTP and QGJ though.

    I could see maybe a reduction in his turn meter removal but not elimination. He is too easily conquered. It's not hard to build a team (f2p or p2p) to deal with him.

    As I've said before, I'm all about balance changes but since we do not have a public test server please, God, keep the changes small and transparent.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Elyndria wrote: »
    I do agree now that Poe is an issue, but it's fixable by simply removing his turn meter reduction.

    The bigger problems are still FOTP and QGJ though.

    That can't be the correct fix because that literally makes him worthless. A taunter without an insane amount of HP, no damage and no guaranteed heal... no one would play him. The best fix is to drop his speed by 1 (which Instinct already mentioned) which means he takes longer to make a move, thus the opponent can do something before he taunts.

  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    Elyndria wrote: »
    I do agree now that Poe is an issue, but it's fixable by simply removing his turn meter reduction.

    The bigger problems are still FOTP and QGJ though.

    That can't be the correct fix because that literally makes him worthless. A taunter without an insane amount of HP, no damage and no guaranteed heal... no one would play him. The best fix is to drop his speed by 1 (which Instinct already mentioned) which means he takes longer to make a move, thus the opponent can do something before he taunts.

    How would he be worthless. Turn meter needs to disappear and speed dropped by 1.

    He still have taunt,aoe expose,huge tenacity self heal,offense down the list goes on.
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    The worst games are decided by which Poe taunts first.

    Poe still has a lot going for him if you remove his turn meter reduction, maybe give him a small hp boost though.
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    Poe should gain defense up as well whenever he resist a negative effect.
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    My assajj eats poe with poggle teams for breakfast.

    Yes, sometimes i losed without doing anything to that team, but most of the time i still can beat them.

    However, if that team comes with leia, fotp or rey that is another story. I think poe is good but not op. The heroes that are op are the three that can one shot others.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    You may not nerf Poe. But then you have to buff Han/Chewie.
    Right now all other taunting tanks not nsmed Poe are obsolete. Luminara is the best healer, but you still have reasons to use Barris (heal inmunity), Daka (revive), JC (fast cooldowns) or Ekder Ewok (debuff dispel and revive). Poe combination of speed and turn control make Han and Chewie cry.

    If you don't want to nerf him, ok. Buff other options then. Right now Poe is almost a necesity, and that's bad for the game
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    Today i fought an arena war with Dooku inside and the opponent's Dooku is faster than my Poe. Dooku starts first with his bzzzzzz lightning strike, Sidious following up with his AOE and then finally it's Poe's turn to taunt. So I gather he could still be beaten after all.
  • Rheen
    269 posts Member
    forcedino wrote: »
    Today i fought an arena war with Dooku inside and the opponent's Dooku is faster than my Poe. Dooku starts first with his bzzzzzz lightning strike, Sidious following up with his AOE and then finally it's Poe's turn to taunt. So I gather he could still be beaten after all.

    Nope. The characters you mentioned tie Poe to go first and it's decided by rng.

    So there is a 50% chance he would go before dooku, Sid, etc.
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  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Heronmar wrote: »
    Zekex wrote: »
    Elyndria wrote: »
    Your argument is about his passive tenacity? The bonus is marginal.

    But if you're seriously getting resisted 100% of the time you can play a taunt in your squad also?

    You can also play an aoe team?

    The problem you're encountering likely is the fact that certain single target attackers are blatantly overpowered, e.g. fotp, leia, qgj. Those are the problem areas, tanks are a part of the game too, and it's nice to finally see them at 60.

    he has high passive tenacity(71% according to http://www.swgohcantina.com/character-max-stats/) This is nothing to scoff at because your chance to remove taunt isn't guaranteed and thus debuffers are not a consistent answer to taunt.The problem might be worse at level 70 if poe gets more gear that boosts his tenacity.

    Can't beat them, join them? So you're acknowledging that there isn't a viable, consistent counter unit to taunt, you join the winning team and use a taunter yourself... and pray that somehow the rest of your team pulls through.I'm asking for a direct counter to taunt, both sides taunting isn't a "counter"

    It might be true that some of the single target attackers might be OP, them alone is a problem in itself, but the combination of a fast taunt+ crazy dps is an issue that has to be addressed somehow.

    As for aoe teams, read my post on what it means to be OP.I'm not going to rewrite the entire post again.

    QGJ can remove the taunt, Teebo can remove the taunt, Dooku can stun him 40% of the time (his Potency trumps Poe's tenacity), Windu can remove the taunt, Asajj can with a percentage chance.

    These are 5 who can counter any taunt, satisfied? If you're going to say but how am I going to that with Sid/Lumi cookie-trash build, well that's on you isn't it.

    The taunt is not reallyvthe most powerful aspecto of him. The 25% turn meter steal in initiative round 7 is. The fact that you attract A 1000$ QGJ attack and save one of your squishies, or even better, force your oponent to play trash characters like Mace Windu or Teebo or bugged Assajj to counter him, is just icing on cake
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    Ok so if you go to the official swgoh site and look at the characters stat chart I'm not sure if it's going by the 60g or 70 cap it says barriss has 19k hp maxed out and there are at least 5 others right behind her with 18k 17k and one is a tank (oppress ) who I know for a fact has high def as well also old Ben is one but you expect people to believe that fotp which if he attacks 3 times for about 3900 each which is a little over 12k and Leia if she attacks 2 times for about 2500 each which is about 5000 are over powered lol all these stats are on ea site not that hard to do some simple math people
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Laughing... I love people who claim that something isn't a problem because there's a simple counter for it, and then make a suggestion that proves that they have never actually tried what they are saying is a simple counter.
    Take Asajj for example. Have the people suggesting that Asajj can counter Poe actually tried to do this? I have. I've been a major Asajj fan for ages, and this is one of the things she's supposed to be good at -- except she's completely useless here. 80% of the time she is dead before she can even move, and dead characters are generally bad at countering live ones. And 80% of the other 20% of the time, he resists the dispel because apparently a 2-turn taunt, expose, turn meter reduction and first round speed weren't enough, Poe also has to have the highest tenacity in the game.
    Even if she somehow lives long enough to dispel, and she miraculously gets the dispel off, guess what? It STILL doesn't matter, because by that time the team is 3/4 dead. Poe himself can finish off Asajj because he moves twice as fast and has double the HP.
    But the forums will continue to be filled with people doing the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" routine... "these are not the overpowered characters you're looking for, move along now"...
    It's gotten silly.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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