An old foe reveals their true face [MERGE]


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    And the winner is...

    He's old
    He's EVERYBODY's foe
    It would be a big reveal
    It is a new version of an established (many times) character
    And his true face could definitely be dark side (I mean, we have four other different faces)

    Darth Zombie Han Solo!!!

    Thats right, Han Solo will come back from the dead and turn to the dark side.
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    Counters Zombie Nightsister.
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    C'mon, you know you want him.

    Would like Darth jar jar better
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    C'mon, you know you want him.

    Would like Darth jar jar better

    I would actually cry
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    Maybe it jango get hes an old foe now that would be cool the fetts are the most underrated characters in the movies
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    It might be Agent Kallus since the login rewards for November is TIE pilot, meaning something with empire.
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    It might be Agent Kallus since the login rewards for November is TIE pilot, meaning something with empire.

    First order TIE pilot. So not empire. Until now I thought also an Empire character, but now I agree with those who said maskless Kylo.
  • RefriedBeans79
    93 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Snoke snoke snoke :smile:
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    "An old foe reveals their true face"
    Wishful thinking but it can be Darth Bane. I would think old foe means sith and symbolically Darth Bane changed the sith order, revealing their true face.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    It’s Kallus. “Old Foe (empire Kallus), New face (turned Rebel)”

    I like this and have been thinking the same. With Phoenix and ATF being around quite a while now, he's long overdue, regardless which faction they make him.
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    “Their” true face could mean a GROUP of new toons.......
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    DJayK3 wrote: »
    “Their” true face could mean a GROUP of new toons.......

    I think it's a rework of Sith. With the new DS TB coming
  • Moicaliss
    992 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    October 31, didn't see anything

    Btw, it's could mean separatist rework. If you remember epusode 1 and 2, separatist have show their true face
  • hS_
    55 posts Member
    DJayK3 wrote: »
    “Their” true face could mean a GROUP of new toons.......

    Or... Group of people, players? Oldest foe in this game is Galactic War. :o
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    It's Frieza.
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    Its jabba the hutt
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    No no, with FO Tie Pilot it's almost certainly Kylo BUT that there is a ship involved with the pilot for the first time makes me think we could be getting Hux and perhaps he'll captain an FO Capitol ship. Which would be staggering that, for once, DS might have more of something then LS... probably why it can't possibly be true.
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    Ranger78 wrote: »
    DJayK3 wrote: »
    “Their” true face could mean a GROUP of new toons.......

    I think it's a rework of Sith. With the new DS TB coming

    I don't think it would be a sith rework since we had that in like February but I wouldn't be surprised if it was another ds faction rework for tb
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    I'm still going for the Spirit of Anakin! Maybe make a "ghost" faction?
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    Places of Power twice in November leads me to believe there is going to be a new Sith, or a small Sith rework. (Palpatine)
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    edited October 2017

    I'll just leave that up to you
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    The true face thing? well, the dude wears/wore a mask.
    Me personally, I'm not sure about another sith.. I think he's sith. I'm still hoping for a sep rework an old foe could be that faction as a whole and the true face could mean like there true power like that foe. My GG is sitting on G12 and all my other seps on G11, so I'm hoping for that if not, it's no biggie. I can wait.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    Karfax wrote: »

    I'll just leave that up to you

    You realise this expansion was released YEARS ago, and in the context of the Old Republic Era Revan does fit the description they give. In Galaxy of Heroes only 4 characters are from Revan's era and the devs didn't say "an old and familiar foe", they said "and old foe reveals their true face" which is very different. Maybe when Legends gets new Old Republic content we'll see characters from that era appear in this game, but for now they'll likely focus on characters from the current things, namely season 4 of Rebels and The Last Jedi.
    "You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure." -Valkorion, the Immortal Emperor
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    Iwells911 wrote: »
    Palpatine rework with Zetas

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    My coin is on Revan.
  • Dyakoff
    284 posts Member
    edited November 2017
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    Knights of Ren. I traveled back in time to let you know.
    "Frustration leads to impatience. Impatience leads to buying crystals. Buying crystals leads to revenue."
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    Dyakoff wrote: »

    Indeed, though SWTOR are celebrating the KOTOR re-release because it acts as the sequel to the KOTOR games. It seems unlikely that Galaxy of Heroes, which is less related to KOTOR, would base a character release off this news. I do see where you're coming from though.
    "You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure." -Valkorion, the Immortal Emperor
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