An old foe reveals their true face [MERGE]


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    Nihilus reviled to be Snoke and they just change his tags and skin.
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    Ok EA you teased this ages ago we need an update I th next 3 days otherwise my head is going to explode
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    Hopefully nothing from the aftermath novels... That author shouldn't be allowed to touch anything Star Wars ever again.

    C'mon, Mr. Bones was a decent character.
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    Hopefully nothing from the aftermath novels... That author shouldn't be allowed to touch anything Star Wars ever again.

    C'mon, Mr. Bones was a decent character.

    Lol, sorry. Completely disagree. In my opinion, T
    the characters and story were completely devoid of life. Maybe it was the present tense writing it the author's "style," but the whole thing just felt like it wasnt supposed to be in the star wars universe.
  • Osh
    126 posts Member
    Don't think it would be Kylo as he is by definition, not an "Old Foe" I would expect the wording to be "New Foe" for Kylo.

  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    60k views and still zero comment from a Dev. Come onnnnnn. Give us a tiny hint like you did with DN’s saber please! @CG_Kozispoon or a signature gif perhaps?
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    Hopefully nothing from the aftermath novels... That author shouldn't be allowed to touch anything Star Wars ever again.

    C'mon, Mr. Bones was a decent character.

    Lol, sorry. Completely disagree. In my opinion, T
    the characters and story were completely devoid of life. Maybe it was the present tense writing it the author's "style," but the whole thing just felt like it wasnt supposed to be in the star wars universe.

    I've read a few Star Wars books and listened to many of the audiobooks. They seem very "cookie-cutter" to me. Not great or bad, just decent gap-fillers.
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    DEFINITELY is KREIA (from kotor)

    She was secretly darth traya who was a companion and mentor of the exile, all the way until the end where she revealed to be an ancient sith lord along with nihilus and sion, and foes of the jedi since malachor V.

    I think she fits “old foe” and “true face” perfectly and can have synergy with nihilus.
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    I guess with the credit heist confirmed for Sunday and a sizeable gap in the event calendar from Monday maybe we will get some answers to this next week. Normally get a credit heist the day before an event launch
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    “What have I done”
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    Aplus wrote: »
    DEFINITELY is KREIA (from kotor)

    She was secretly darth traya who was a companion and mentor of the exile, all the way until the end where she revealed to be an ancient sith lord along with nihilus and sion, and foes of the jedi since malachor V.

    I think she fits “old foe” and “true face” perfectly and can have synergy with nihilus.

    Would love this. She's one of the best written characters in star wars, and would love to see more KOTOR toons in this game.

    That being said, I'm dubious.

    “What have I done”

    You are responsible for the last 20 pages of chaos. You monster.
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    Weaver9000 wrote: »
    Aplus wrote: »
    DEFINITELY is KREIA (from kotor)

    She was secretly darth traya who was a companion and mentor of the exile, all the way until the end where she revealed to be an ancient sith lord along with nihilus and sion, and foes of the jedi since malachor V.

    I think she fits “old foe” and “true face” perfectly and can have synergy with nihilus.

    Would love this. She's one of the best written characters in star wars, and would love to see more KOTOR toons in this game.

    That being said, I'm dubious.

    “What have I done”

    You are responsible for the last 20 pages of chaos. You monster.

    Sorry man, I’m just a simple man trying to make his way into the universe I didn’t mean for all of this to happen.
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    I’ve been giving this hint some serious thought, old man han is old, he is an old foe of the first order. Han will come back to life in episode 9 and dead han is the new character in this game. Also, Illuminati is
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    Maybe they will release an old luke so that you have to panic farm them for the new Reys journey event. Everybody wants more dark side but the devs love releasing new outside characters
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    I’m going to end this page once and for all.
    Kyno! Do your thing.
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    I’m going to end this page once and for all.
    Kyno! Do your thing.

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    I’m going to end this page once and for all.
    Kyno! Do your thing.

    Lmao whhyyy.
  • LGuy_21
    72 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    "Old foe" suggests it's an existing character with a new form.

    There are four notable DS toons with masks Darth Vader, Phasma, Kylo Ren, and Boba Fett. I'm gonna ignore Boba and Phasma because their identity isn't really a big plot point.

    While I would love a Lord Vader (pre-suit Anakin), I don't believe that is the reference, as this character form would be before their face is hidden (opposite of clue).

    Kylo is an obvious choice given November timing and that the previously hinted TLJ character was said to be released before the movie. He is also the only one I believe hits the bill.

    That said, I'm sorely disappointed. I really hope his event isn't the one that requires BB-8. While his character is supposed to be much stronger in this film, Rey will have a much bigger change in role which would warrant a new toon form being introduced. Plus she's already in the game!

    Holy kitten. You said boba. What if this is the introduction to jango? Technically they’re the same person, and jango is the true face. Boba’s just a clone.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    and I still think it has nothing to do with mask
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    Weaver9000 wrote: »
    I’m going to end this page once and for all.
    Kyno! Do your thing.

    Lmao whhyyy.

    It’s too dangerous to be kept alive
  • JMoneyBoi
    18 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm hoping Jango
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    We need news on this! Badly!
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    It’s jango for sure . Hit me up for future predictions when this hits bullseye
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Rara wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »

    Well it's funny that I got marked down exactly for using their as an **** non plural in my transferable college level English course just 1 year ago. So, no offense, but i will stick with my recent academic experience over your descriptions of a more liberal view on the matter that you claim is currently holding sway.

    It was likely correct for your instructor to mark you down. College classes in Endlish often provide a specific style guide for students to use. So if you were using the 15th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, then your instructor was correct. However, if you were using the Washington Post Manual of Style, singular they is accepted.

    So while you had this marked incorrect, another student in a different class may have it marked as correct. This is why linguists do not prefer prescriptive grammar. It makes little sense to tell a native speaker of a language that they speak/write incorrectly.

    Singular they is commonly used in English. It’s not ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’

    Your protestations are not carrying weight with me. It's been a rule since before I was born, and I was just marked down for it. If linguists are veering away from an approach where they try and have a formal universally accepted standard in lieu of having different standards for regional dialects, it's both news to me, and a bad idea to boot.

    It's one thing to allow people to use their own dialects in their circles or areas, but when it comes to studies, manuscripts, or other publications that reach across borders (I'm not talking internationally here) there has always been a universal standard, and I find it hard to believe that has been abandoned any more then I would believe that news broadcasters are no longer encouraged to have mastered non-regional dialect when performing on a national level.

    The whole point of having a universal standard is to force people to think about their words critically. To eliminate it because they want to allow everyone to be right is rather foolhardy and I hope that what you are saying isn't true. It would lead us further down the path of participation trophies in my opinion, and is an approach that should be shunned if it is making its way into academia.

    pretty sure this is being taken way overboard.
    "Unmasked, old foe" it's very common to use they when following something with a plural descriptive sentence before the use of it. I hear the singular use of they all the time throughout Chicago. Maybe it's "right" when certain cultures use it freely.....? Just putting my 2 cents into it. Both had actual viable points but nothing makes either view impossible
    Line ID:nevermore_83
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    Please open a post called Etiqutte, Protocol, and Grammer and move all future posts about the subject there. In fact, please make it a sub forum of a sub forum buried in the dark web, lock it in the Ark of the Covenant and then melt the headpiece to the staff of Ra and blow up the map room.
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    I feel like this thread will exist long after the character has been revealed, for the sole purpose of taking people in an endless downward spiral of grammatical criticism.
    "You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure." -Valkorion, the Immortal Emperor
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    So I think there's some legs with those targeting for KOTOR era characters. I think the bit of " old foe " could very well mean Old Republic.
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    abadparker wrote: »
    I feel like this thread will exist long after the character has been revealed, for the sole purpose of taking people in an endless downward spiral of grammatical criticism.

    Isn't that the deffinishun of forum
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    It's definitely Thracken Sal-Solo.
    Old foe. New face. Same face.
This discussion has been closed.