Client DSTB rewards (Dev Response & Final solution)


  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    I got my rewards. It was all good. Next day I tried to open the app, and I always get stuck at “loading cantina” never goes farther. I’ve tried near everything, and it’s getting annoying. Anyone know how I get CG’s email to contact about this problem?
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    Lol timezones (wed 10am here) even being in the future the posty still hasnt dropped my missing rewards in the mailbox yet.
    The weather has turned cold atm but il stay sitting/shivering out here by my front gate waiting ...waiting..for that sound of his van coming down the road with my anticipated,overdue mail.
    Good ole postman
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    @CG_SBCrumb Any updates on this issue? Would really like the opportunity to keep pace with the people I’m competing against. Hard to do it when we don’t get the same TB payout (that was promised). Thank you for your attention to this matter!
  • Pa_lin
    80 posts Member
    Also still waiting for that posty to drop of my mail
  • CLSJedi
    111 posts Member
    Well let's see what they give us
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    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.
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    Still no rewards.
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.

    They compensated me with 70,enough for one refresh! And said that they shouldn’t have done even that
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.

    More likely, blanket rewards would be sent out and even the people who got their TB payout on Friday would get them.
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.

    More likely, blanket rewards would be sent out and even the people who got their TB payout on Friday would get them.

    In effect, that’s a punishment to those who got their rewards late... it has the same impact on the equal playing field that giving a portion of the customers goods that we didn’t receive.
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    I’m fine with blanket rewards in addition to extra rewards to those who received their rewards late... there were members of guilds who lost their tw because of this snafu... but if the customers who didn’t receive their rewards don’t get something for the delay, it’s wrong... this happened during a double drop weekend and during a tw...
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.

    More likely, blanket rewards would be sent out and even the people who got their TB payout on Friday would get them.

    In effect, that’s a punishment to those who got their rewards late... it has the same impact on the equal playing field that giving a portion of the customers goods that we didn’t receive.

    I agree but, based on the track record of how smoothly compensation has gone in the past, that's generally what I expect will happen.
  • Jevon
    133 posts Member
    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.

    More likely, blanket rewards would be sent out and even the people who got their TB payout on Friday would get them.

    This would literally be the straw that broke the camels back for me.
    Why would you release something like this on a Friday afternoon when you have had fallout from doing so previously? Earning as much as you guys do on this game, you can't afford to have people on call? really?

    I am with others in this thread where I am on the brink of putting this game down and never looking back, (Launch player). From Cg failing on literally every update they have ever released, to Ships being flipped on their heads to the lack of any interesting characters in the past few months, including some who people have been screaming for since TLJ release, what do we get? a 5th Han and a bunch of garbage toons no one even wants to farm...

    Impatiently waiting to see how they manage to screw this up *again*

  • Phoenixeon
    1848 posts Member
    Some of guildmate still waiting for their rewards
  • adwar
    56 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Can we please have an update about this? PLEASE.
    When you stole Omega abilities from me after the Ewok update, you threatened to ban my account. I would really appreciate getting the rewards that I am owed, or at the minimum some information.

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    UPDATE:We have the identified list of players who didn't receive compensation last week and will be crediting them out over the next few hours. We had several issue gathering this date and apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused.
    Thank you for your patience.
  • adwar
    56 posts Member
    UPDATE:We have the identified list of players who didn't receive compensation last week and will be crediting them out over the next few hours. We had several issue gathering this date and apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused.
    Thank you for your patience.
    Where is the original post for this?
  • Ozymandias1
    116 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Dev announcements and news. Where updates for stuff like this goes.

    Edit: tried to post link, but it's pending approval.
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    Its in the dev posts
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    And then there are people like me who aren't getting any rewards at all (even delayed) because I had a to take a break for a few days at the start of last TB, and they're just re-sending whatever your personal last rewards were from TB, not the last rewards your guild achieved. So basically, I get screwed over twice. Well handled.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Spang wrote: »
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    The drops were double but the bonus rewards in mail were not if that’s what your saying so you we didn’t get double rewards in mail

    The point is that the crystals could have been used during the double drops to refresh energy and/or battle nodes.

    Guess the should have flat out said that
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb glad to see the rewards are coming soon... what’s the plan for compensation regrading the delay? It’s indisputable that players who got the rewards on time have an unfair advantage over those that didn’t get them in time. I encourage everyone that didn’t receive their rewards on time to ask this same question.

    More likely, blanket rewards would be sent out and even the people who got their TB payout on Friday would get them.

    Who is taking bets on this? I want to put money down on this outcome.

    ...followed by a long, vapid post about how deeply they care about this community and a plea for our forgiveness for the thousandth time. Those are all fine and dandy when there's not a new one every couple weeks.

    To paraphrase 24's Martha Logan, "Stop apologizing, [CG]. It's annoying."
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Really.... So much whining over this and people posting and not reading..... You will get your rewards....

    In all seriousness, we got a ton of free stuff last week..... Time to chill and have patience...
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb could you provide an end time for the "next few hours?" I want to know if/when I don't get them thus time either I should come back and meet too on that still no rewards.
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  • KypMad
    24 posts Member
    I’d like to point out (I’m sure it has already been addressed but not going to comb through hundreds of posts) that those that were delayed were given a disadvantage during double drops and should be compensated something else.

    This isn’t just as easy as saying we can wait multiple days because there was a real benefit of having those crystals over the weekend. This is creating an inequity in the system. It’s not player base fault and should be remedied in another manner. @CG_SBCrumb
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    Still waiting.
This discussion has been closed.