jedi knight anakin shard drop tracking...COMPLETED 7*!


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    Jedi Compositions still suffer against Sid and Dooku

    nothing warms my heart more when QGJ assists on my sid and both atttacks are dodged.

    Reaslically people should not run more than 2 jedi ( QGJ and Anakin )

    just makes you with teams that run sid and dooku.

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    Qeltar wrote: »
    I've been using Anakin in arena for a couple of days now, mine is 6* so not maxed but.. I am sort of in the middle on him. He is in a "proper team" for him, similar to the ones described here. But he is just not that impressive. His damage is too low, regardless of his unique giving him extra attacks: he can't finish people off. I've tried him in the leader slot, but not having Jinn in there means I get slaughtered by all the fast teams.
    I haven't given up on him. But neither do I believe him to be some "great secret of the elite players" blah blah. Sometimes I win with him.. other times, I am quite convinced I'd have been better off with Dooku in his slot. He can get a lot of extra attacks.. but again, they don't do a lot of damage. His healing/buff immunity also never seems to kick in when it matters.
    Oh, nearly every time I try him on a team without Lumi, I lose. He may get extra turns when people die, but it doesn't matter when they all die one after the other and the other team's Sid goes nutso as it happens.


    what do u run with your Anakin?
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    Hey reizse, cant go wrong with annie, lol. I've been curious about him for weeks until just few days ago I found out how effective he is, especially on defense. Good choice. 3 nodes too yay.....after farming fotp on 2 nodes 3 seem like an easy farm.

    What are you guys talking about? Anakin is terrible. Horribly underpowered! I'm actually annoyed by it. I have him at 70 w/5*'s & he is still near the middle of my team roster (usually organized by power level). I don't ever break him out because he just crumbles.

    What's am I missing here?
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Hey reizse, cant go wrong with annie, lol. I've been curious about him for weeks until just few days ago I found out how effective he is, especially on defense. Good choice. 3 nodes too yay.....after farming fotp on 2 nodes 3 seem like an easy farm.

    What are you guys talking about? Anakin is terrible. Horribly underpowered! I'm actually annoyed by it. I have him at 70 w/5*'s & he is still near the middle of my team roster (usually organized by power level). I don't ever break him out because he just crumbles.

    What's am I missing here?

    Actually having him almost maxed, I've sort of changed my tune, the above post was premature. He's just above average, he needs either more damage or gain crit up chance.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Hey reizse, cant go wrong with annie, lol. I've been curious about him for weeks until just few days ago I found out how effective he is, especially on defense. Good choice. 3 nodes too yay.....after farming fotp on 2 nodes 3 seem like an easy farm.

    What are you guys talking about? Anakin is terrible. Horribly underpowered! I'm actually annoyed by it. I have him at 70 w/5*'s & he is still near the middle of my team roster (usually organized by power level). I don't ever break him out because he just crumbles.

    What's am I missing here?

    I'm on an extremely competitive hard launch server. I can/do win #1 with him.
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    JKA sucks.

    Don't farm him.


  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    So about 2 weeks ago I started saving shard tokens for Vader Rey and anakin. So far I've managed to get 4 Rey shards, 8 Vader ones but 0 for anakin. Haven't seen him in the shop as yet
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    DV_27 wrote: »
    So about 2 weeks ago I started saving shard tokens for Vader Rey and anakin. So far I've managed to get 4 Rey shards, 8 Vader ones but 0 for anakin. Haven't seen him in the shop as yet

    Nice! I guess you use the tokens from GW? I'm not quite done there yet, but soon enough. I've also seen both rey and vader a couple of times in the store, not anakin.. But i do get him in shipments from time to time :smile:
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    Do you do the 3 hard battlles ? For some reason i m doing only 2 of them every day. I decided to skip the one which cost 20 energy as it s too expensive in energy
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    I started after last yoda event just cuz i want him and have now 11/65 to 5* lucky!
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    DV_27 wrote: »
    So about 2 weeks ago I started saving shard tokens for Vader Rey and anakin. So far I've managed to get 4 Rey shards, 8 Vader ones but 0 for anakin. Haven't seen him in the shop as yet

    Nice! I guess you use the tokens from GW? I'm not quite done there yet, but soon enough. I've also seen both rey and vader a couple of times in the store, not anakin.. But i do get him in shipments from time to time :smile:
    Yeah I'm using GW tokens. Lumi and phasma were already done and I'm in no rush to do anyone else. I'm doing Biggs slowly with 5 shards a day and the rest I'm using for lumi so I can get shard tokens
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    I'm at 42/100 putting a lot of effort into this with refreshes and all... yesterday I got 20 shards no joke and I was happy all day. All three battles unlocked and impatient so refreshing some. His gear isn't even purple tho yet... Going to deploy him only when he is maxed...
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    20!? That's very lucky of u!!
    How many times did u refreshes?
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    Went 1-18 today...0-9 on my crystal refreshes. That 1 got me to 6 star. 100 to go... Lol
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Just super lucky I do the 50s and the 100s on the 16 crystal ones. I usually get 1/3 tho. It's a long haul to 70 but he will be there early next week and I will offer up a report of him following w qgj and Yoda all 7 star... All three of those toons offer a chance for offense up buff... I don't have a dooku but wonder if he goes early... I want that smite to finish someone off on his first round. Provided royal guard is not present! !
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    I really want to 7* anakin but im taking my time, only doing the 2 cheaper hard nodes daily, I usually only get 1-2 shards a day. Right now I have him 38/85 so im in for quite a long haul, but thats okay, in this game impatience costs money and im over that, ill get him whenever I get him
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    I am inpatient just cause I have every other toon I want at level and gear. So I am doing only an anak in focus. I get #1 usually in arena. I avoid chromium like the plague.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    \Need 59 more myself to 7* can't wait!
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    I have him at 6*. He is questionable in Arena. If you can stick him in the lead over QGJ he helps all your Jedi with the passive offense buff, but that doesn't work against some speed teams. However... When you can combine his passive with offense up you get a lot of extra damage.

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    Make him your leader and have Yoda hit battle meditation.
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    Make him your leader and have Yoda hit battle meditation.

    this is a great trick, I hope its intended and doesnt get nerfed :(
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    Make him your leader and have Yoda hit battle meditation.

    this is a great trick, I hope its intended and doesnt get nerfed :(

    It works well on offense, I think it will be nerfed at some point though.
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    Sssh.... delete your posts....
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    Anakin needs a buff he is terrible. He is worse than Ashoka, CUP, and ugnaught.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Make him your leader and have Yoda hit battle meditation.

    This is a bug, and has been reported. If you want to exploit it anyway, that's on you.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    two days of poor drop rates (i blame it on the less than great outdoors....)
    mighty chlorians
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    updated. looks like i'll be close to my 40 day long as i don't have any more of those 3/18 shard days
    mighty chlorians
  • dtmike1
    242 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    updated. looks like i'll be close to my 40 day long as i don't have any more of those 3/18 shard days

    I just had one of those myself. Was reading the forum for comfort and reassurance lol...
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    got anakin to 6* today.
    average rate from 4* - 5* (nodes only): 2.22 shards/day
    average rate from 5* - 6* (nodes only): 1.99 shards/day
    mighty chlorians
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    Cool! I too have been trying to farm anakin, currently at 8/85. Also working on rey 49/100 and ima 7/85

    I do wish there was an easier way to farm these guys

    so I was at 8/85 on Feb 28th, today im at 68/85

    so it looks like I got 60 anakin shards in about 3 weeks

    without refreshing any of his nodes, and I only farmed the 2 out of 3 cheaper nodes (I ignored the 20 energy nodes, they are worthless and rarely ever give me shards)

    I would buy him in shard shop and shipments whenever he appeared also but thats next to never

    so going by this I should have him 7* in about 6 weeks :D

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