Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


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    Dilanor wrote: »
    I really hope this is fixed retroactivly....I have never complained on the forums and I played since release, but our guild canceled GEO TB 4 times in order to quickly get the shards for malak and went for Hoth (which is realllllllyyy boring) and now 150 shards are given for free? Really??? We lost 2 month worth of Geo TB and thousands of G1 currency in order to get all guilds malaks to 7 and know you give it away for free? Come on....dont f**** you loyal players....

    That’s just poor decision making. Either way i would have voted for geo tb all the way.
  • Easybee
    140 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Prediction: CG's "fix" in a nutshell

  • WorrGod1977
    22 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I tell you what they better refund the money spent on gear, credits spent, gear had but used, zetas and reinstate all previous shards earned. Doubtful this will happen. Get ready to bend
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    I spent several hours replaying this event coz I wanted the shards. I beat the dark side easy but I modded and remodded and modded and then I remodded some more for the light side. I spent bucketloads of credits and time trying to beat this event again. I hope that if you take something away from me I hope you compensate me for my credits and time used. Well not so much the time but definitely the credits. I’ve already spent it the shards.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    Best part is with all these mess ups does CG think we are going to scramble over to their new game hahahahaha.

    Haha. Agreed. Im waiting to see how this goes down.
    I purchased gear for zaalbar and mission, because I didn’t want to take 30 try’s again to win light side. I wouldn’t have bought it unless I could get him to 7 star. I also used the remaining money to buy gear for Malak. I’m interested to see how they respond to that. I’ve been contemplating leaving the game since the mess with Gas, and the lack of content. (Plus their cluelessness with relics) if this goes down the way I think it might it will probably be enough for me to say goodbye.
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    If they do remove the shards, it will be the single biggest mistake they’ve made. I think this will get a lot of people very upset.
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    So if the server is going to rollback does that mean ga defences may be reset, tw wins/ losses reset? Not to mention all the malaks going to g12 and above, crystals spent, shard shop currency? Fubar is definitely the word of the day
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    What a fantastically bad call to try to rollback. You have one simple solution what would create goodwill : give us all 57,000 GET.

    And you have one horrible greedy badwill solution: To try to (and likely fail) take the stuff back.

    To make it simple: Take the shards back and I'm out of here for good. And I am quite sure I am very far from the only one.
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    Apparently hot fix pending. To remove shards gained. But how do they adress the guys who 7starred and g12d for example?

    I can’t tell if hotfix is to remove shards gained or just remove future folks from getting shards

    That's gonna EXPLODE those who were late to get shards >:)

    I don't think they have a way to rollback if you actually upgraded the character or spent the shard shop currency.

    I mean technically the people who converted to shard shop currency are easy to take care of once you identify them. Just give decrement their shard shop currency. Nothing says you cant have -2,250 currency in a shop!
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    So if the server is going to rollback does that mean ga defences may be reset, tw wins/ losses reset? Not to mention all the malaks going to g12 and above, crystals spent, shard shop currency? Fubar is definitely the word of the day

    They're not rolling back the server. That's just what someone suggested earlier. I cannot see them doing that.

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    There's no way they refund the money or crystals spent. I'm assuming pushing 7 star G11-13 gear into the inbox is simple enough but there's so much that's going to go wrong with this. It was such a relief to get him to 7 from 6 star this way and I thought it was legit a decent, helpful move by CG because of GAS release but that was obviously naive.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    The easiest fix for this is to leave it alone and let people keep what happened. Then refund GET1 for any shards over 7*. Let's people keep what they got and even makes people that already had 7* Malak happy because they get their GET1 back.
  • DK_Raid_Violator
    244 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    CG_SBCrumb: "Do not use this bug in the meantime.
    "Bug"?? You mean rewards? I guess that actually showcases how you operate.
    How should we know it is a bug and not something you planned on doing? You never tell the players anything. Off course we know how .. tight with rewards CG is, so it is no surprise that you will actually go trough this [BIIIIB]storm* rather than giving the players anything for free. Players that have, in one way or the other, invested in the toons to beat this event.
    * This i an US coorporate forum, I have no idea if I can write the word we all know I meant?
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    Let's all just take a moment to slow clap the muggs at CG... It's just one F-Up after another. There is no way I'd recommend this game to a friend.
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    So if the server is going to rollback does that mean ga defences may be reset, tw wins/ losses reset? Not to mention all the malaks going to g12 and above, crystals spent, shard shop currency? Fubar is definitely the word of the day

    CG didn't say "server rollback" - they said hotfix. What that hotfix will actually do (or is even capable of doing) aside from stopping the event is anybody's guess.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Darth_Flaccid
    34 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    If they do rollback the server, they will have to refund my money I spent on G12 packs and Relic materials. Anything less than that will result in disputing the payment with my credit card company.

    Everyone who is in a similar boat should be ready to do the same. If CG is going to be like this than they can deal with thousands of credit card dispute claims. That will be another fun day at their offices.
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb: "Do not use this bug in the meantime.
    "Bug"?? You mean rewards? I guess that actually showcases how you operate.
    How should we know it is a bug and not something you planned on doing? You never tell the players anything. Off course we know how .. tight with rewards CG is, so it is no surprise that you will actually go trough this [BIIIIB]storm* rather than giving the players anything for free. Players that have, in one way or the other, invested in the toons to beat this event.
    * This i an US coorporate forum, I have no idea if I can write the word we all know I meant?

    "If it's too good to be true..."

    But at least they're calling it a bug and not an exploit, since the latter would indicate action against players for their mistake.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    Allowing people to earn shards instead of buy them on the 3rd go around wouldn't be the worst thing. Anyone who wants to stay remotely relevant will still buy them, those who don't care can wait a year and earn them
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    Funny how some bugs never get solved (like fleet arena freezing or GA lock exploits) but when something benefit players they jump on it. CG, incompetence is your middle name.

    I played the event before the notice and had to remod my light side team and wasted like 2 hrs + credits to make it work, and some people as mentioned already bought gear for those shards, wonder will they do some kind of compensation or we should be happy if they dont f.... up our accounts too much?

    Its like CG actually wants less players lately lol...
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    Just about the only thing they can do that wont make the problem 10x worse, is give people a negative balance in GET1 and/or Shard store.

    The only real rollback that should be considered is for people who never beat both the light and dark side, but have unlocked malak by beating 1 side twice.

    If the "fix" breaks more things than it solves, it shouldnt be done.
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    Apparently hot fix pending. To remove shards gained. But how do they adress the guys who 7starred and g12d for example?

    I can’t tell if hotfix is to remove shards gained or just remove future folks from getting shards

    That's gonna EXPLODE those who were late to get shards >:)

    I don't think they have a way to rollback if you actually upgraded the character or spent the shard shop currency.

    I mean technically the people who converted to shard shop currency are easy to take care of once you identify them. Just give decrement their shard shop currency. Nothing says you cant have -2,250 currency in a shop!

    That's going to take a while with 1 computer...
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    icanectc wrote: »
    You can't complain when you got shards in a manner counter to what was expected. I mean you can't unlock malak by doing dark side twice or circumvent using get to level up. You can be made at cg for messing up and allowing it accidentally. But bugs happen. Expecting them to allow you to keep something gotten through an extremely easy process would shake the foundation of the game overall. They have to back track it. To keep integrity high.

    It would be a lot less than taking away shards for a game mode that should run without this issue, especially since it’s been back a few times. They messed up, not us. We should keep what we got. Period.
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    Smygelfh wrote: »
    What a fantastically bad call to try to rollback. You have one simple solution what would create goodwill : give us all 57,000 GET.

    And you have one horrible greedy badwill solution: To try to (and likely fail) take the stuff back.

    To make it simple: Take the shards back and I'm out of here for good. And I am quite sure I am very far from the only one.

    I'm coming up on my 3 year anniversary and have spent a nice amount on this game (Used Car level) / i'm gone if they take this away and rollback.
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    Loving the people, whom are basically admitting to being stupid... Don't try mug me off with this, I didn't know it wasn't a bug nonsense.

    Ignorance is not an excuse, anyone with a brain would know a 5 star unlocked character which requires get1 or get2 will not be given away like this with no prior announcement of it.

    Give them a refund of the gear used and feel lucky if you got the bonus 2250 shard store currency.

    Just because there's a bug, doesn't give people the right to take advantage if it and not expect if they throw gear at it too potentially lose out. I'd rather this type of player quit the game, than the many who will feel wronged allowing this to stand.
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    Smygelfh wrote: »
    What a fantastically bad call to try to rollback. You have one simple solution what would create goodwill : give us all 57,000 GET.

    And you have one horrible greedy badwill solution: To try to (and likely fail) take the stuff back.

    To make it simple: Take the shards back and I'm out of here for good. And I am quite sure I am very far from the only one.

    Agreed. Longtime player here. After this I'm done.
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    Cg is not at all good at dealing with refunds though, they will screw it up like always and not refund the actual mats crystals and credits plus shard store items etc back to the players. It’s their screw up. Compensate the players who already had him 7 star, fix the bug and leave it at that
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    Smygelfh wrote: »
    What a fantastically bad call to try to rollback. You have one simple solution what would create goodwill : give us all 57,000 GET.

    And you have one horrible greedy badwill solution: To try to (and likely fail) take the stuff back.

    To make it simple: Take the shards back and I'm out of here for good. And I am quite sure I am very far from the only one.

    Agreed. Longtime player here. After this I'm done.

    I’m out too if they screw up and then screw me for their mess up
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Not another internet tough guy thread. Post your swgoh.hh profile. And have you spent more than $8 in the past 3 years? Or are you a wallet warrior as well as a keyboard warrior?

    Lol. Nope. You started the convo down this road with your troll comments. FTP here buddy. Go ahead and troll some more. You are the reason I rarely comment because nothing of value is ever included with your responses only negativity. Feel free to submit your negative reply to this........
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