Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


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    I don't understand, why are people so mad?

    This is a win win... in my book. I see no drawback.

    You are just saying this to start another fire! :tongue:

    No, I'm not.....

    I unlocked Malak 1st time. Just like DR, JKR, JTR, and yes, General Skywalker...

    My guild I love. But we are not powerful. We are mainly free to play. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who spends. I put a lot time and effort into my guild. But we only get 12 stars in geo, and we need new geo for G13. We're free to play except me.

    I couldn't ask the guild to go back to Hoth for GET for me and a few malak owners we have.

    The needs of many outweigh the few.

    So I'm still not finished with malak. Yeah I probbaly could be if I was 100% thrifty with my GET1. I have been pretty thrifty though.

    And I don't mind this. I love this. I think this is how it should be. I too have been spending GET1 to get Malak to 7, but I won't be mad if a bunch of people unlock him at a much faster pace than I did.

    Great! Have at it! Get those platoons filled!

    I'm not going to ask for my GET back, even when I really need it for GAS. I think this is okay.

    I get others might hate it, but I spent a lot gf GET1 too and I've had him unlocked for a lot longer than most.

    It's not the worst...
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    Nauros wrote: »
    ShaeVizla wrote: »
    How would they remove shards if you already spent them? I converted all the extra shards in shard shop and bought/equipped gear already.

    Curious about that too. Hope that they don't remove shards from my 7* Malak instead of the ones I converted, but it's CG so anything is possible.

    That just gave me shivers...
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    People keep talking about Malak like he’s the saviour to GAS. It’s padamé who destroys him.
    And yes I agree it’s a slap in the face of people who just spent currency in Malak.
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    I doubt cg is capable of doing what they say without arsing it up.

    Like people have commented there are a lot of issues at play. Those who leveled him, those who geared him, those who used the shard shop to gear someone else. Are they just gonna remove 150 shards from a Malak that was 7* prior to the event?

    And how much dev time is gonna be used up doing it. Is the next event going to be delayed because it's all hands on deck for a hotfix. What are they going to do when the hotfix breaks stuff (probably just say screw you knowing cg - but still there's a point there.
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    Hmm so they’re going to punish players for their error. Talk about completely tone deaf. No idea how they’re going to pull that off.
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    I just whaled to gear him and others that synergies are similar. So if they take away the shards I’d expect to be refunded what I paid. I get that this is crap, but cg screwed up.
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    Actually briefly considered logging in for the first time in almost a month to get Malak to 7*, but naaaahhhhh.

    Good to see things are as dumpster-firey as ever.
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    So now they say they will remove the shards. What about anyone tht added gear to him is it gonna remove tht n gove it back to them or the ppl tht got all shard shop currency an then spent it on gear is it gonna remove all the gear they bought as well. So many things they will need to fix to reset it back to way accounts was before event opened.

    Yeah, I did the DS one, saw the shards, converted to shard shop currency and bought some random gear.

    I just saw it's a bug, so I won't be doing the LS one.

    I hope they don't mess things up with the roll back and downgrade the Malak I've had at g13 for months or something. I'd happily give back the shard currency although it seems the cleaner fix is just to patch the event
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    So now they say they will remove the shards. What about anyone tht added gear to him is it gonna remove tht n gove it back to them or the ppl tht got all shard shop currency an then spent it on gear is it gonna remove all the gear they bought as well. So many things they will need to fix to reset it back to way accounts was before event opened.

    Exactly. At this point, no matter what they do, they are about to make a decent percentage of players upset. IMHO, the worst thing they can do is pull shards from people who didn't have him at 7*, but leave gear/shard shop currency on those that already had him at 7*, as that would be increasing their advantage. So, knowing CG, that's what they'll do - the worst of the options available. :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    They're going to try to undo this, but I can't see how that can happen without being messy. Lots of folks will have spent the shard shop currency and equipped, the buggy Malak shards are pretty well laundered at this point.
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    I too replayed this event and got the extra 150 shards... how were we supposed to know this was not what CG intended? No fault on the player here and as such we should all get to keep the shards. Tough cookie!

    Another thought, my Malak was at 6* and 0/100 BEFORE the event... spent 100 to 7* and converted 50. Now, if CG removes 150 shards, does this mean my Malak will go back to a 5* and 35/85???
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    IMHO if they really take away shards, then they probably will also remove gear given to Malak and return it to player inventory. Regard shard shop, they can just deduct from current balance amount that player received, even if it means going below 0. I think that it would be easiest solution.
  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    Wow, we haven't had this level of dumpster fires in a long while. It's like the order 66 of snafus. And here I thought the forums were becoming dull...
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    I only needed 25 more shards to 7* him. Probably would be a couple more weeks of using GET currency. I fall somewhere in the middle of the controversy. I get Malak to 7* a little faster, but still used a ton of GET currency on him rather than gear.
    TBH. I'm glad the wait is over. Longtome player that whaled at the beginning and now mostly a very low spender. I feel like I earned the "easy" finish of this one toon.
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    I’m guessing as your removing the shards from accounts which was due to the buggy event that your compensating the players who 7 starred him with the 1 mil credit cost and all gear which has been put on him which can’t be used when he’s not 7 star?
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    We'll find out in a few hours.
    Still not a he.
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    VelanKariv wrote: »
    Stop merging the topics about the Malak event and maybe give us an answer? Or did you fire everyone that handles these constant blunders?

    Why would anyone want to go through 100 threads about the same topic and type the same thing? Merging threads allows one answer. Or, you know, the post they've already made in the developer section that says its a bug and they are going to fix it.
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    Did u remove falcon shards aswell? @CG_SBCrumb because some people make it 7* with 5* capital ships.
    Check my collection. Contact me at Discord: zegene#1773
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    They bloody did, literally within minutes of the start of the work day. CG HQ ain't manned 24/7. They'll do a hot fix within the next couple hours.
    Still not a he.
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    Apparently hot fix pending. To remove shards gained. But how do they adress the guys who 7starred and g12d for example?

    I can’t tell if hotfix is to remove shards gained or just remove future folks from getting shards

    That's gonna EXPLODE those who were late to get shards >:)
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    In the words of the late Luke Skywalker, "This is not going to go the way you think."

    you is not the proverbial you in this case, it is CG. Seriously how is this going to go down with those who have geared him, spent their saved GET currency after maxing him (what I did). Am I going to get that currency back, because I spent it when I realized I didn't need to save it for him anymore, because well, he was 7 starred now.

    There are a lot of moving parts here and I'm not sure how they will do this unless they do a full server rollback to before the event began. Someone is going to lose something somewhere and that person is going to be ****, and it's probably going to be more than one person but I don't see how a hotfix is going to get a catch all and fix everything perfectly.

    I'm with someone who said it above, they should stop calling this an exploit because that is a slippery slope. An exploit implies that the players are causing this to happen, it was plane and clear right there that the shards were available in the rewards, how are we supposed to know that it wasn't done on purpose?
    You can probably assume the majority of what I post is sarcasm, feel free to skip and move along rather than reading...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    VelanKariv wrote: »
    Stop merging the topics about the Malak event and maybe give us an answer? Or did you fire everyone that handles these constant blunders?

    It is 830 am there, we are waiting for someone to get into the office, and probably have a conversation about how to handle this.
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    This is going to be a mess. Just give the Guild Event Currency as a makeup. They're really going to take the time to roll back all of the resources spent? Good luck.
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