Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


  • JZ95
    167 posts Member

    This is all you see going in, unless you click the rewards tab you can't even see it has the 75 shards. So you go in, beat the event. Now let's say you're distracted, you are busy maybe, clicking too fast or maybe your brain is just not paying attention, maybe you play while driving to work so you are just clicking without much thought. Then you go do the other one and then you realize you got 75 shards.

    There's no cheating or exploiting. The idea that people could get banned over this is absolutely ludicrous and you need to get it out of your head.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Still on it to defend your exploitation on the event?

    Lmao, at best I saved 25 shards. I was at 6 stars 0 shards, the first one I didn't expect so you can't consider it exploit.

    I don't understand what your beef is, the likelihood of such bug happening is just as much or less than the devs deciding to do us a favor and help us get Malak faster. You can't prove no matter what you do what's in someone's mind, you are no mind reader and have no claim to my mental state and thoughts. This doesn't classify as exploit abusing under any criteria, I just played the event that was available, nothing more, nothing less.

    More words don't help your case.
    Ignoring every fact to prove your wrong logic tells me much about your mental state

    You sound very upset mate, maybe you need to relax a bit. I've made my case clear, your issue is with CG, not me, I'm just playing the game. This is far from what exploits look like.
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    I doubt this can get you banned. But i imagine they can do a rollback.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Everything I love about the forums in one self-contained thread. What a Tuesday!

    I'm starting to think you are the guy in your picture 😉
  • Happykillmore
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Guys CG said they planned to help with the gear crunch, then they added a new character to the event store which occupied our most valuable currency for gear which didn't make sense at all.

    But this move is the final piece of the puzzle! This is what CG meant when they released relics, this is how they planned to alleviate the gear crunch, by making these characters easy to farm without spending the currency. This is why GAC was done this way, they were going to change so that you get the shards in two phases, or buy them if you want it faster. The more I think about it the more I realize that this is WAI!

    You are really starting to make me angry. Only nonsense from you here!! Are you really that slow on the uptake?
    At least you are right, that no one will get banned because of "exploiting" or bug using...
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    I wouldn't mind a rollback. But I seriously doubt that CG is able to do that...
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    After this spitting in the face, I also plan to leave, forgetting this scary dream. He was saving up currency so that others waved easily accessible fragments to me. If there is no compensation in 57k of currency, or crystals for~ 750 stun guns (which I could buy there, for such a quantity), then I say goodbye to you and to your almshouse.

    I copy here from the disappeared topic.
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    Imho rollback is the only way!!! But that will totally screw up the running guild war.
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    Apparently players who completed the Dark Side but not Light Side last time can now unlock Malak by completing the Dark Side again. This has made it so some players no longer need Jedi Revan or his allies to unlock Malak. So for some players half the requirements of the event have been removed. There is no way this isn't a bug.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Guys CG said they planned to help with the gear crunch, then they added a new character to the event store which occupied our most valuable currency for gear which didn't make sense at all.

    But this move is the final piece of the puzzle! This is what CG meant when they released relics, this is how they planned to alleviate the gear crunch, by making these characters easy to farm without spending the currency. This is why GAC was done this way, they were going to change so that you get the shards in two phases, or buy them if you want it faster. The more I think about it the more I realize that this is WAI!

    You are really starting to make me angry. Only nonsense from you here!! Are you really that slow on the uptake?

    What am I supposed to do? Cry? Try to help you mourn over your GET, for which by the way you already got enough value by having a 7 star g13 Malak who could 1v9 and win you GA for free and secure #1 in arena for months. Sorry I don't feel bad for you, these are snake tears to me. Should I feel bad that I this could potentially be a step in the right direction for the devs, that we may have finally be heard and they decided to help us with the gear crunch by not being forced to farm GAS using that currency?

    There's nothing negative about this bug/wai, nothing! This means you don't have to worry about GAS occupying your tokens for another 5 months! What's greater that that?
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    I don't often say this but BIG UP to CG, round of applause what a brilliant move to offer all those players the chance to get those 7 STAR Malak's and save us all another 3-6 months of farming!

    ****BOOOOOM**** - Big shout to CG!!!!
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    The amount of gear you could have got from 76k in guild token currency vs the 2200 shard store converted Malek shards is HUGE!!!

    Anyone that spent guild tokens to buy Malek shards should be really upset. Sadly it’s a game and we shouldn’t let games upset us so much with so much other real life things that worthy of being upset about.

    I’ve said this before and I still mean it: whoever is in charge of the decision making at CG is doing a horrible horrible job. It’s almost like they’ve hired some young 20something straight out of college that has 0 experience in the gaming industry field.

    76k guild tokens vs 2200 shard currency is a big big difference in the amount of gear a lot of players got screwed out of.

    CG you keep punishing players for the choices we make!!! No wonder why people are quitting left and right. You deserve whatever backlash comes in the future!
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    Apparently players who completed the Dark Side but not Light Side last time can now unlock Malak by completing the Dark Side again. This has made it so some players no longer need Jedi Revan or his allies to unlock Malak. So for some players half the requirements of the event have been removed. There is no way this isn't a bug.

    Or their punishment is a slower 7 star and fewer shard shop currency
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    JZ95 wrote: »
    Apparently players who completed the Dark Side but not Light Side last time can now unlock Malak by completing the Dark Side again. This has made it so some players no longer need Jedi Revan or his allies to unlock Malak. So for some players half the requirements of the event have been removed. There is no way this isn't a bug.

    Or their punishment is a slower 7 star and fewer shard shop currency

    What punishment? They are unlocking an Epic Confrontation character with half the requirements. That is clearly not working as intended, plain and simple.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    Yes sir! Same here, I think CG just realised the GAC move was too much and they decided to help us out a bit. The more I think about the more I realize that this ISN'T a bug. There's never been a bug of that kind before, maybe that's how epic confrontation events are going to roll from now on
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    The amount of gear you could have got from 76k in guild token currency vs the 2200 shard store converted Malek shards is HUGE!!!

    Anyone that spent guild tokens to buy Malek shards should be really upset. Sadly it’s a game and we shouldn’t let games upset us so much with so much other real life things that worthy of being upset about.

    I’ve said this before and I still mean it: whoever is in charge of the decision making at CG is doing a horrible horrible job. It’s almost like they’ve hired some young 20something straight out of college that has 0 experience in the gaming industry field.

    76k guild tokens vs 2200 shard currency is a big big difference in the amount of gear a lot of players got screwed out of.

    CG you keep punishing players for the choices we make!!! No wonder why people are quitting left and right. You deserve whatever backlash comes in the future!

    It's 68400 for the whole Malak. 57000 for the 150 shards this is all about and these amount 2250 shardstorecurrency.
    Get your facts straight!
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    It's cool I win 80 shard who miss for Malak. Don't be ungry, Malak is like dark revan, useless since general anakin 😝
    Si they can give Malak for nothing now.
    I think it's a good idea to give the chance to unlock this type of toon after 3 events. Why not?
    And all of us know that only one thing is important in this game : the speed of the toons. Even if you have a better Malak, if you have 30 speed on Dark revan and on dark bastila, you will loose...
    Thanks ea for my new red malak
    Now I can focus on general anakin
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    The amount of gear you could have got from 76k in guild token currency vs the 2200 shard store converted Malek shards is HUGE!!!

    Anyone that spent guild tokens to buy Malek shards should be really upset. Sadly it’s a game and we shouldn’t let games upset us so much with so much other real life things that worthy of being upset about.

    I’ve said this before and I still mean it: whoever is in charge of the decision making at CG is doing a horrible horrible job. It’s almost like they’ve hired some young 20something straight out of college that has 0 experience in the gaming industry field.

    76k guild tokens vs 2200 shard currency is a big big difference in the amount of gear a lot of players got screwed out of.

    CG you keep punishing players for the choices we make!!! No wonder why people are quitting left and right. You deserve whatever backlash comes in the future!

    What about the price of having Malak 7 stars early? What about the advantage you had all these months by having a nearly unbeatable character who was a massive advantage in arena and GA? Is it enough GET for all the crystals you didn't have to work nearly as hard for in arena all these months?
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    yep i think also they will have to take corrective actions (of whatever nature), bans wouldn't be legitimate, it isn't the players fault if he can replay the event and getting unexpected shards.
    But of course, that's a massive error if not intended (which i don't think it is).
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
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    This is another let down. I hope we see some kind of refund.
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    Trolls are scary... imagine the mentality 🤯
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    Cry babies
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    JZ95 wrote: »
    The amount of gear you could have got from 76k in guild token currency vs the 2200 shard store converted Malek shards is HUGE!!!

    Anyone that spent guild tokens to buy Malek shards should be really upset. Sadly it’s a game and we shouldn’t let games upset us so much with so much other real life things that worthy of being upset about.

    I’ve said this before and I still mean it: whoever is in charge of the decision making at CG is doing a horrible horrible job. It’s almost like they’ve hired some young 20something straight out of college that has 0 experience in the gaming industry field.

    76k guild tokens vs 2200 shard currency is a big big difference in the amount of gear a lot of players got screwed out of.

    CG you keep punishing players for the choices we make!!! No wonder why people are quitting left and right. You deserve whatever backlash comes in the future!

    What about the price of having Malak 7 stars early? What about the advantage you had all these months by having a nearly unbeatable character who was a massive advantage in arena and GA? Is it enough GET for all the crystals you didn't have to work nearly as hard for in arena all these months?

    Despite the obvious troll. I do like the idea that every with a Malak had him at 7 stars from day 1 and got the benefit you speak of. Like no other scenario exists. 10/10
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    What about the people who just spent $100s on taking him to G13 and all the relic resources...
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    JZ95 on the troll train today

    Not one bit, I'm not the only one who thinks this is WAI
  • thatguy181
    128 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I'm expecting a huge rollback of all today's progress, every guild declared the winner in their TW as a result, 250 crystal for the inconvenience, and the Malak event properly rerun for those that should be getting him today. We'll see.

    For the record, I'd love if this was just the way it was going forward. I'd love to redo events and see all the developer's hard work instead of it being one and done. Shard shop currency boosts every once in a while won't break the bank
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    Well it can’t be a bug.
    Otherwise this thread would have been shut down and everyone directed to “Answers HQ”.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    Well it can’t be a bug.
    Otherwise this thread would have been shut down and everyone directed to “Answers HQ”.

    Rofl. You win.
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