SEE definitely needs a buff!


  • mikk207
    242 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    I am just curious, which teams smash ultimate See apart from kylo and rey ?
    I went against an ult see in tw with padme, thinking See is bad overall (my padme team is 2x r5 and 3x r7 with 6e mods on all) and got ripped apart.

    I see the issue in arena though
  • Options
    mikk207 wrote: »
    I am just curious, which teams smash ultimate See apart from kylo and rey ?
    I went against an ult see in tw with padme, thinking See is bad overall (my padme team is 2x r5 and 3x r7 with 6e mods on all) and got ripped apart.

    I see the issue in arena though

    Let me guess: The SEE team included Malak.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Options
    mikk207 wrote: »
    I am just curious, which teams smash ultimate See apart from kylo and rey ?
    I went against an ult see in tw with padme, thinking See is bad overall (my padme team is 2x r5 and 3x r7 with 6e mods on all) and got ripped apart.

    I see the issue in arena though

    all the three other GL can defeat ULT SEE,besides, empire tropper and the resistence team can also beat ULT SEE.
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    thedrjojo wrote: »

    Guess I'm not helping the case that he's not powerful or can't hold on defense ...

    I climb my arena daily with seep vs all the jml and Rey's in my path, swap to my slkr to beat any slkr. Will leave seep on defense and dont drop any further than if I have slkr in there, and drop further with Rey than Seep.

    He needs some work, especially vs solo GL, but if he gets his ultimate off I have not lost 1v1 vs rey , and full auto any JML squad I've seen


    GAC holds doesnt really mean anything until you know what the person used.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    I decided to leave SEE in defence. Getting a little tired waiting for change and if I have to drop to 100 just so they can collect MORE data then done it.
    I was keeping him on the bench for 2 rteasons.
    1) he horrible on defence
    2) because I don’t want all the people in my shard to practice on him.
    That little edge of unknown is the only edge I have with owning SEE.
    I guess I have to give a lot to get a little.
    That “lot” being everything it took to get SEE and the little, well, we all know what that is. 😒
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Sewpot wrote: »
    I decided to leave SEE in defence. Getting a little tired waiting for change and if I have to drop to 100 just so they can collect MORE data then done it.
    I was keeping him on the bench for 2 rteasons.
    1) he horrible on defence
    2) because I don’t want all the people in my shard to practice on him.
    That little edge of unknown is the only edge I have with owning SEE.
    I guess I have to give a lot to get a little.
    That “lot” being everything it took to get SEE and the little, well, we all know what that is. 😒

    @Sewpot what team are you leaving on defense?
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    edited November 2020

    I left the typical triumvirate comp.
    and so far after 10 hours I’ve dropped to 4.
    Now I don’t knn be one of that because it’s a tough team, or people not finishing battles to leave me in a place they can all practice. Lol
    All the EU players are climbing now so let’s see what happens
    Kyno wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    I decided to leave SEE in defence. Getting a little tired waiting for change and if I have to drop to 100 just so they can collect MORE data then done it.
    I was keeping him on the bench for 2 rteasons.
    1) he horrible on defence
    2) because I don’t want all the people in my shard to practice on him.
    That little edge of unknown is the only edge I have with owning SEE.
    I guess I have to give a lot to get a little.
    That “lot” being everything it took to get SEE and the little, well, we all know what that is. 😒

    @Sewpot what team are you leaving on defense?

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Sewpot wrote: »
    I left the typical triumvirate comp.
    and so far after 10 hours I’ve dropped to 4.
    Now I don’t knn be one of that because it’s a tough team, or people not finishing battles to leave me in a place they can all practice. Lol
    All the EU players are climbing now so let’s see what happens
    Kyno wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    I decided to leave SEE in defence. Getting a little tired waiting for change and if I have to drop to 100 just so they can collect MORE data then done it.
    I was keeping him on the bench for 2 rteasons.
    1) he horrible on defence
    2) because I don’t want all the people in my shard to practice on him.
    That little edge of unknown is the only edge I have with owning SEE.
    I guess I have to give a lot to get a little.
    That “lot” being everything it took to get SEE and the little, well, we all know what that is. 😒

    Sewpot what team are you leaving on defense?

    Who is your 5th?
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    With every single team comps having revan on them it makes having a tank taunting pointless.
    A fast revan will avoid taunt, mark a non tank,team slaughters that character. Then they quickly move on to the tank and he’s gone.
    So things quickly turn to 3v5 all while 4 of 5 of your characters are stunned and ability blocked.
    Then it SEE’s turn and yay he gets to call assist a stunned team. Well looks like it’s a fart to the face for my first opening move. 🥴
    Having a niche character isn’t worth what was invested by a long shot.
    Rey and Luke try and keep the team alive (great for banners) and kylo and SEE don’t.
    At least kylo works fast straight out the gate to control the fight.
    SEE never feels like he is controlling anything, it’s more the team then anything until SEE hits his ultimate.
  • Options
    all these comparisons to SLK make me think that before everyone went aggro demanding SLK have a buff and he became OP, GLEE and SLK were actually on par as GLs. This may be a lesson in be careful what you wish for.

    I for one don't want to see each DS toon constantly get a buff after incessant complaints to make them obscenely OP like the last one. Just nerf SLK :joy:
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    Does Link actually do anything until you get the ultimate?

    I don't see in the ability description if Link has any effects (other than being used later for the ultimate).

    If it doesn't, then that is part of the problem with SEE on defense. His AI always goes for the Link ability first, which is pointless early on in the battle.
    (Assuming link is only used for the ult)
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited November 2020
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Does Link actually do anything until you get the ultimate?

    I don't see in the ability description if Link has any effects (other than being used later for the ultimate).

    If it doesn't, then that is part of the problem with SEE on defense. His AI always goes for the Link ability first, which is pointless early on in the battle.
    (Assuming link is only used for the ult)

    Sow Discord:
    At the start of each Linked enemy's turn, Linked enemies lose 20% Max Protection, quadrupled for Jedi, and Sith Eternal Emperor gains 25% of the amount lost. Linked raid bosses instead gain Expose for 2 turns, which can't be resisted.
    Linked enemies can't critically hit, and damage they deal is decreased by 25% (excludes Galactic Legends).
    If Sith Eternal Emperor is the leader, he also gains 8% Ultimate Charge whenever a Linked enemy uses an ability.
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    @Sewpot , I agree that the niche element isn't a great value, but in the specific situation of being in the top of your shard with a bunch of JMLs by the sound of it, you might be fairly safe (and usually people aren't in a rush to climb to 4, so it'll take some time to test this out even in one shard). The novelty of having a rare team also isn't bad for defense as long as people don't figure it out.

    As far as SEE not really controlling anything or doing much until ultimate... that's kinda the point. There are issues for sure of getting to ultimate and being good enough if he hits that point (weaknesses that aren't offset by strengths, and in areas where other GLs are incredibly strong), but the irony of his kit being specifically (and overly) anti-Jedi is that both Triumvirate and Sith Empire are fairly capable of handling enemy Jedi on their own (even if they lose, they put up a fight). So it's a kind of strange situation.

    all these comparisons to SLK make me think that before everyone went aggro demanding SLK have a buff and he became OP, GLEE and SLK were actually on par as GLs. This may be a lesson in be careful what you wish for.

    I for one don't want to see each DS toon constantly get a buff after incessant complaints to make them obscenely OP like the last one. Just nerf SLK :joy:
    SLKR getting nerfed seems pretty unlikely. Almost my entire shard is going for SLKR and people would riot. And the way Malak got buffed to prevent getting run over by EP probably also feels unlikely, right? FWIW I already addressed something pretty similar to your point here a couple days ago.

  • Options
    all these comparisons to SLK make me think that before everyone went aggro demanding SLK have a buff and he became OP, GLEE and SLK were actually on par as GLs. This may be a lesson in be careful what you wish for.

    I for one don't want to see each DS toon constantly get a buff after incessant complaints to make them obscenely OP like the last one. Just nerf SLK :joy:

    Well if the dark side didnt constantly get the shaft in this game then maybe people wouldnt complain so much.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Does Link actually do anything until you get the ultimate?

    I don't see in the ability description if Link has any effects (other than being used later for the ultimate).

    If it doesn't, then that is part of the problem with SEE on defense. His AI always goes for the Link ability first, which is pointless early on in the battle.
    (Assuming link is only used for the ult)

    Sow Discord:
    At the start of each Linked enemy's turn, Linked enemies lose 20% Max Protection, quadrupled for Jedi, and Sith Eternal Emperor gains 25% of the amount lost. Linked raid bosses instead gain Expose for 2 turns, which can't be resisted.
    Linked enemies can't critically hit, and damage they deal is decreased by 25% (excludes Galactic Legends).
    If Sith Eternal Emperor is the leader, he also gains 8% Ultimate Charge whenever a Linked enemy uses an ability.

    Ok thanks i was looking at the link debuff itself when clicking it, it just says "target is linked"
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    I decided to leave SEE in defence. Getting a little tired waiting for change and if I have to drop to 100 just so they can collect MORE data then done it.
    I was keeping him on the bench for 2 rteasons.
    1) he horrible on defence
    2) because I don’t want all the people in my shard to practice on him.
    That little edge of unknown is the only edge I have with owning SEE.
    I guess I have to give a lot to get a little.
    That “lot” being everything it took to get SEE and the little, well, we all know what that is. 😒

    Agreed to all this. His ai is trash on defense / auto. Ex he links rey when she only has 20k protection max lololol. Maybe if link affected GLs as well then it wouldn't be so bad (why doesn't it? if slkrs entire team can be crit immune and rey can give everyone unpreventable prot up.. why can't see link affect gls?!?!?)

    But I'm leaving my see team in to prove a point. Everything will just walk right on through him with little effort in arena. They, the oh so "amazing" devs, can have all the data they want as I fall 2 to 3 times as far.

    Note not shown but my SEE has roughly 13.1k offense and he still hits like a limp wet noodle. Tanks, 2 year old dps, other supports all hit harder them him... Until 4 minutes of stacking mastery and then he MAYBE matches them.

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    SET is imo absolutely necessary for SEEP. My set is r5 with full defense/protection modding and he is a brickwall. My triumvirate is only g12 so in arena I run Dr/Malak/BSF. This is no different than jml or Rey really requiring jkl/gas/jkr/hoda/wat or some combination for peak performance.

    My seep has +175 speed, 100k health, 70k protection. Always link the GL to feed your ultimate.

    Against Rey titans or any JML team, the ultimate basically works as an I win button. SEEP vs Rey in 1v1 (she usually whirlwinds most the rest of the team or will get them with ultimate), ultimate seep just destroys her... Between how (yes) hard he is hitting her, the shock preventing her from regenerating any health, and he basics her to death in like 3 turns. He can also beast mode her ultimate in 1v1 which slkr often can't even boost.

    I'm not saying he is the best toon out there or that he doesn't need some tweaks to improve particularly his defensive viability. But I feel,and say this without the luxury of ever playing with jml, just the luxury of curbstomping every JML team on auto, that seep is the better of the two GL, and probably on par with Rey (who is also vastly underappreciated).

  • Shiryu
    411 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    thedrjojo wrote: »
    SET is imo absolutely necessary for SEEP. My set is r5 with full defense/protection modding and he is a brickwall. My triumvirate is only g12 so in arena I run Dr/Malak/BSF. This is no different than jml or Rey really requiring jkl/gas/jkr/hoda/wat or some combination for peak performance.

    My seep has +175 speed, 100k health, 70k protection. Always link the GL to feed your ultimate.

    Against Rey titans or any JML team, the ultimate basically works as an I win button. SEEP vs Rey in 1v1 (she usually whirlwinds most the rest of the team or will get them with ultimate), ultimate seep just destroys her... Between how (yes) hard he is hitting her, the shock preventing her from regenerating any health, and he basics her to death in like 3 turns. He can also beast mode her ultimate in 1v1 which slkr often can't even boost.

    I'm not saying he is the best toon out there or that he doesn't need some tweaks to improve particularly his defensive viability. But I feel,and say this without the luxury of ever playing with jml, just the luxury of curbstomping every JML team on auto, that seep is the better of the two GL, and probably on par with Rey (who is also vastly underappreciated).

    Your fighting some bad reys then.
    Also JML autos both slkr and rey teams from what I've seen on old guildmates whale discord. They said they havnt lost yet with full auto.

    I've used my SEE against my shards reys and it comes down to 1v1... but Rey has so much prot up she takes about 5 to 6 shocks to get through it. and shock doesn't prevent her from throwing more prot up on herself. It always comes down to racing against her ult cause she'll just WW you once to strip all of SEE prot... then 1 ult and hes dead. 60k crits against a Deceived rey isn't "massive damage either."
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    @thedrjojo it's hard to tell how much of your success though is specifically just vs JML and his vulnerabilities (not to mention how much of it is Sith Empire, which handles Jedi okay but have various points of anti-synergy with SEE).

    I agree Rey is underappreciated. For example, ultimate SEE can destroy Rey, but ultimate Rey can also 1-shot SEE. But I think--I don't know for sure, since few are crazy enough to do it--that if you stick Rey with her requirements she'll perform far better than SEE with his Sith requirements. Just as an attempt to see how strong the GL itself is, against a non-Jedi GL like Rey or especially SLKR.
  • Options
    dgree wrote: »
    @thedrjojo it's hard to tell how much of your success though is specifically just vs JML and his vulnerabilities (not to mention how much of it is Sith Empire, which handles Jedi okay but have various points of anti-synergy with SEE).

    I agree Rey is underappreciated. For example, ultimate SEE can destroy Rey, but ultimate Rey can also 1-shot SEE. But I think--I don't know for sure, since few are crazy enough to do it--that if you stick Rey with her requirements she'll perform far better than SEE with his Sith requirements. Just as an attempt to see how strong the GL itself is, against a non-Jedi GL like Rey or especially SLKR.

    That is 100% true. Shard mate did Rey with her requirements and obliterated my SEE. Then he tried Rey droids, Rey jedi, Rey rebels for a laugh.
  • Options
    thedrjojo wrote: »
    SET is imo absolutely necessary for SEEP. My set is r5 with full defense/protection modding and he is a brickwall. My triumvirate is only g12 so in arena I run Dr/Malak/BSF. This is no different than jml or Rey really requiring jkl/gas/jkr/hoda/wat or some combination for peak performance.

    My seep has +175 speed, 100k health, 70k protection. Always link the GL to feed your ultimate.

    Against Rey titans or any JML team, the ultimate basically works as an I win button. SEEP vs Rey in 1v1 (she usually whirlwinds most the rest of the team or will get them with ultimate), ultimate seep just destroys her... Between how (yes) hard he is hitting her, the shock preventing her from regenerating any health, and he basics her to death in like 3 turns. He can also beast mode her ultimate in 1v1 which slkr often can't even boost.

    I'm not saying he is the best toon out there or that he doesn't need some tweaks to improve particularly his defensive viability. But I feel,and say this without the luxury of ever playing with jml, just the luxury of curbstomping every JML team on auto, that seep is the better of the two GL, and probably on par with Rey (who is also vastly underappreciated).

    What are your team comps you use with SET?

    Is Wat better?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    dgree wrote: »
    thedrjojo it's hard to tell how much of your success though is specifically just vs JML and his vulnerabilities (not to mention how much of it is Sith Empire, which handles Jedi okay but have various points of anti-synergy with SEE).

    I agree Rey is underappreciated. For example, ultimate SEE can destroy Rey, but ultimate Rey can also 1-shot SEE. But I think--I don't know for sure, since few are crazy enough to do it--that if you stick Rey with her requirements she'll perform far better than SEE with his Sith requirements. Just as an attempt to see how strong the GL itself is, against a non-Jedi GL like Rey or especially SLKR.

    @dgree can you show us a Rey 1 shot SEE. This came up a few times after the protection change, but no one has show this happening.
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    It's really not anything crazy, right? Just about any Rey vs SEE video should show this if SEE survives this long. Rey Ultimate damage is a bunch of True damage spread amongst the enemy squad. If Rey whirlwinds everyone else, she can become invulnerable during his ultimate attack and then her ultimate attack focuses all its damage on SEE. 200k+ damage easy.
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    I searched "rey vs see" on youtube lzgg5dm6zdyb.png
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    dgree wrote: »
    I searched "rey vs see" on youtube lzgg5dm6zdyb.png

    The reys on my shard hit an additional 40k ontop of that. Lowest I've seen her ult do is 260k to a single target.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Shiryu wrote: »
    dgree wrote: »
    I searched "rey vs see" on youtube lzgg5dm6zdyb.png

    The reys on my shard hit an additional 40k ontop of that. Lowest I've seen her ult do is 260k to a single target.

    So more like this:
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    dgree wrote: »
    I searched "rey vs see" on youtube lzgg5dm6zdyb.png

    I guess this is also just a verbiage issue. Saying 1-shot, usually means 1 shot, not after the battle the finishing blow. I would say using the term 1-shot in this context is a little more "hype" than really killing SEE in 1-shot, unless that image started with him with full protection and health, which it may not have.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »
    dgree wrote: »
    I searched "rey vs see" on youtube lzgg5dm6zdyb.png

    The reys on my shard hit an additional 40k ontop of that. Lowest I've seen her ult do is 260k to a single target.

    So more like this:

    in this battle, SEE did lose, i'm not trying to say he is doing great or anything. But showcasing that he can be modded to do better in this situation.

    This is from a friend who has a SEE sitting top 10 most of the time for hours after PO, even holding 1 for a few POs. but we all know shards are very isolated situations. They use SEE to climb too.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    dgree wrote: »
    thedrjojo it's hard to tell how much of your success though is specifically just vs JML and his vulnerabilities (not to mention how much of it is Sith Empire, which handles Jedi okay but have various points of anti-synergy with SEE).

    I agree Rey is underappreciated. For example, ultimate SEE can destroy Rey, but ultimate Rey can also 1-shot SEE. But I think--I don't know for sure, since few are crazy enough to do it--that if you stick Rey with her requirements she'll perform far better than SEE with his Sith requirements. Just as an attempt to see how strong the GL itself is, against a non-Jedi GL like Rey or especially SLKR.

    @dgree can you show us a Rey 1 shot SEE. This came up a few times after the protection change, but no one has show this happening.

    SEE can survive one ultimate against Rey at the end, if he has close to full protection. After that, if you can't kill Rey, the next Ultimate will kill him.

  • InyakSolomon88
    1247 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    all these comparisons to SLK make me think that before everyone went aggro demanding SLK have a buff and he became OP, GLEE and SLK were actually on par as GLs. This may be a lesson in be careful what you wish for.

    I for one don't want to see each DS toon constantly get a buff after incessant complaints to make them obscenely OP like the last one. Just nerf SLK :joy:

    Well if the dark side didnt constantly get the shaft in this game then maybe people wouldnt complain so much.

    Yes bc Dralak is so terrible right? and Sith Triumvirate are horrible. And those **** Geonosians are ****. And those GG droids are trash. Don't forget the lame BH and NS!!! And the ultimate tragedy: Darth Vader. Why none of those have ever once been meta! (spoiler alert: all of them have been meta)
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