SEE definitely needs a buff!


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    I agree @LordDunbar . This isn't just a weakness here or there. With SEE, it's the reverse. SEE has a niche and is technically a GL with the GL ability but otherwise his whole kit is basically a bunch of weaknesses.

    Deceived? Most of the stuff is about how it will have trouble applying to DS.
    Linked? Won't mitigate enemy GL damage the way they all can against each other.
    Multiplied damage vs Jedi? Actually means kinda mediocre damage against Jedi and terrible damage vs everyone else.
    Super strong after ultimate? Actually means that he's just super weak before ultimate, and ultimate makes him subpar and practically strips him of most of his zetas.
    Mastery gain in leadership sounds fancy but means he doesn't actually boost his squad's damage or tankiness much.

    That's not gonna be easy to fix.
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    dgree wrote: »
    I agree @LordDunbar . This isn't just a weakness here or there. With SEE, it's the reverse. SEE has a niche and is technically a GL with the GL ability but otherwise his whole kit is basically a bunch of weaknesses.

    Deceived? Most of the stuff is about how it will have trouble applying to DS.
    Linked? Won't mitigate enemy GL damage the way they all can against each other.
    Multiplied damage vs Jedi? Actually means kinda mediocre damage against Jedi and terrible damage vs everyone else.
    Super strong after ultimate? Actually means that he's just super weak before ultimate, and ultimate makes him subpar and practically strips him of most of his zetas.
    Mastery gain in leadership sounds fancy but means he doesn't actually boost his squad's damage or tankiness much.

    That's not gonna be easy to fix.

    Okay *that* I agree on, but there is a difference between the first GL's having fixes in 34 days and SEE not even having any comments about his kit or whether he's WAI by 38 days or more. If they had even tried talking about him yet, I'd cut them slack because it's more complex than the first time. But it's taken them longer to do substantially less, and it's not their first rodeo this time.
  • Shiryu
    411 posts Member
    edited November 2020

    Images 1 and 4 on the IPD are before and after ult. SEE got more damage from that 3 stacks of event buff then 30 enemy turns combined.
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    Here we have SLKR turn 1 with ZERO siphon, using aoe and basic pictured above. More damage then SEE by almost double.


    Above is DR Turn 1 with just his base 5 ferocity.


    And then above once again is my R5 han with very lackluster mods. Solo and under a CLS rebel squad. His second tap did 8k solo and about 14k under cls.
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    I’ve been sitting quietly following this thread for a while now hoping to see some movement but I’m on the verge of giving up.

    Is there any way to get a refund on everything I’ve invested into getting SEE? Quite frankly the lack of communication from anyone officially with CG (I appreciate the effort you’ve put into staying in contact with this thread Kyno) has left me feeling completely dejected.

    Right now it feels like I’ve been conned, “equal in power” “devastating attacker”, well I guess that last part is true as his pathetic attacks have left me devastated that I’ve invested so much time and money in him.

    The community here have offered a treasure trove of suggestions to fix this, this appears to be the most active thread on the forum currently, and yet there has been no communication from the community manager in 2 weeks. I am in a similar line of work and I can tell you I’d have been fired (I’m not calling for anyone to be fired btw, I want to make that clear) if I didn’t provide an update for two weeks. It is unacceptable. Even if it was just a holding pattern message that would be something.

    The product provided does not match the description, in any other line of business you’d need to recall the product or put a fix out. Refunds would be issued and wouldn’t have to be requested.

    I’ll end it here as I don’t expect this message to gain any traction, I just hope you understand, if anyone from CG ever reads this, the level of disappointment their product has caused, and I’m sure many others in the community could share a similar story.
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    If CG offered a way to do a one time swap of GLs and charged money for it, I'd probably pay up to $200 just to do it and swap SEE for SLKR
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    Jdredsox wrote: »
    I’ve been sitting quietly following this thread for a while now hoping to see some movement but I’m on the verge of giving up.

    Is there any way to get a refund on everything I’ve invested into getting SEE? Quite frankly the lack of communication from anyone officially with CG (I appreciate the effort you’ve put into staying in contact with this thread Kyno) has left me feeling completely dejected.

    Right now it feels like I’ve been conned, “equal in power” “devastating attacker”, well I guess that last part is true as his pathetic attacks have left me devastated that I’ve invested so much time and money in him.

    The community here have offered a treasure trove of suggestions to fix this, this appears to be the most active thread on the forum currently, and yet there has been no communication from the community manager in 2 weeks. I am in a similar line of work and I can tell you I’d have been fired (I’m not calling for anyone to be fired btw, I want to make that clear) if I didn’t provide an update for two weeks. It is unacceptable. Even if it was just a holding pattern message that would be something.

    The product provided does not match the description, in any other line of business you’d need to recall the product or put a fix out. Refunds would be issued and wouldn’t have to be requested.

    I’ll end it here as I don’t expect this message to gain any traction, I just hope you understand, if anyone from CG ever reads this, the level of disappointment their product has caused, and I’m sure many others in the community could share a similar story.

    @CG_TopHat @CG_Doja_Fett @CG_SBCrumb

    This man speaks the truth. I use to work in customer service myself, and have had other jobs providing products. I would have been fired or at minimum have a severe talking to about my work.

    The level of apathy and disregard to paying customers, loyal players, loving fans of this franchise is just sickening.

    For every unique post in this thread there are many many others that won't speak up and are just watching, waiting to see if SEE is worth it or if they should just skip him and save resources.

    Give us something. Say more then a generic "we're gathering data." We've provided a ton of data.
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    By the way, the last challenge mljjfmi7358l.png
    Vader with mixed guys just for test
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    LordDunbar wrote: »
    If CG offered a way to do a one time swap of GLs and charged money for it, I'd probably pay up to $200 just to do it and swap SEE for SLKR

    If they did this I think you would suddenly see thousands of SLKR's and nothing else (except for people who have multiple GL's)
  • Xagen
    407 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    After this, See’s damage looks for me as if I would play Ewoks with good mods against Empire toons at this challenge
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    Xagen wrote: »
    By the way, the last challenge mljjfmi7358l.png
    Vader with mixed guys just for test

    All my testing is round 1 base with as little buffs as I can.

    Above is DR, without ferocity or event buff.


    Above is turn 1 vader with basic. and then basic under merciless massacre.


    Turn 1 SEE and Turn 1 treya. The support with 4k less offense does more LOL. normal for her is 2 hits for saber storm.
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    @Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍
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    Just set triangle for crit damage, and other mods with secondaries for crit chance so in the end i've got about 70 % Crit Chance and plus 25 % and other Bonuses from Special with Zeta, Vader's lowest damage was about the SEE's highest on the screen I've seen here it is really frustrating. Absolutely this SEE's performance is unacceptable.
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    LordDunbar wrote: »
    @Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with @Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.
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    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    @Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with @Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.

    When I have EVERY sith in the game at r7 along with most of the Empire units, and seps, ect. it makes testing easier.

    Granted supposedly they have internal software to do all this. Computer simulations should be easy for CG
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    Shiryu wrote: »
    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    @Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with @Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.

    When I have EVERY sith in the game at r7 along with most of the Empire units, and seps, ect. it makes testing easier.

    Granted supposedly they have internal software to do all this. Computer simulations should be easy for CG

    I’m not certain that they have unlocked R7 SEE yet. I think that Crumb is apprehensive about having to use Zetas on Darth Sidious’ unique.
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    Eweff wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »
    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    @Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with @Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.

    When I have EVERY sith in the game at r7 along with most of the Empire units, and seps, ect. it makes testing easier.

    Granted supposedly they have internal software to do all this. Computer simulations should be easy for CG

    I’m not certain that they have unlocked R7 SEE yet. I think that Crumb is apprehensive about having to use Zetas on Darth Sidious’ unique.

    But Sids unique is what makes him actual somewhat usable LOL... He's still bad... just less bad.

    I had sid r7 about 5 months before SEE was announced. works great with treya.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Shiryu wrote: »
    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.

    When I have EVERY sith in the game at r7 along with most of the Empire units, and seps, ect. it makes testing easier.

    Granted supposedly they have internal software to do all this. Computer simulations should be easy for CG

    The only person who has ever suggested they have or could have any software like that is a player.

    So I wouldnt put too much credit towards that.

    Not to mention there is no way to gain that much valuable data from the AI playing against itself when it comes to game balance.

  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »
    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.

    When I have EVERY sith in the game at r7 along with most of the Empire units, and seps, ect. it makes testing easier.

    Granted supposedly they have internal software to do all this. Computer simulations should be easy for CG

    Not to mention there is no way to gain that much valuable data from the AI playing against itself when it comes to game balance.

    When you attack with Auto/AI it can simulate what that same team is going to do on defense

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    20 minutes in p4 letting 2 linked b2s just hit me over and over and over resulted in see doing 130k... on his ult... when SLKR would be in the millions. Entire raid took like 40 min lol. If vader wasn't there I would have wiped in p2 (I started late in p1)

    SEE is also crap at the raid!
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »
    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu , I want to give you a thanks for all your testing, I hope CG devs are viewing it. 👍

    Agreed. The Devs need to get in contact with Shiryu so they can make sure they have access to the testing and etc that they need.

    When I have EVERY sith in the game at r7 along with most of the Empire units, and seps, ect. it makes testing easier.

    Granted supposedly they have internal software to do all this. Computer simulations should be easy for CG

    The only person who has ever suggested they have or could have any software like that is a player.

    So I wouldnt put too much credit towards that.

    Not to mention there is no way to gain that much valuable data from the AI playing against itself when it comes to game balance.

    They can put mods on SEE and go into battles themselves right? Or are you telling me they just threw a kit together, made sure the game didn't crash with one to two test battles, then released it. Cause it feels like the later
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    Shiryu wrote: »

    20 minutes in p4 letting 2 linked b2s just hit me over and over and over resulted in see doing 130k... on his ult... when SLKR would be in the millions. Entire raid took like 40 min lol. If vader wasn't there I would have wiped in p2 (I started late in p1)

    SEE is also crap at the raid!

    My shaakti team does the whole raid in 15 minutes
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    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »

    20 minutes in p4 letting 2 linked b2s just hit me over and over and over resulted in see doing 130k... on his ult... when SLKR would be in the millions. Entire raid took like 40 min lol. If vader wasn't there I would have wiped in p2 (I started late in p1)

    SEE is also crap at the raid!

    My shaakti team does the whole raid in 15 minutes

    My SLKR does it in like 10

    I can full to death the raid (with a fun team) Of vader lead, wat, thrawn, hyoda, treya in about 15 to 20. culling blade makes me smile.
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    Shiryu wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »

    20 minutes in p4 letting 2 linked b2s just hit me over and over and over resulted in see doing 130k... on his ult... when SLKR would be in the millions. Entire raid took like 40 min lol. If vader wasn't there I would have wiped in p2 (I started late in p1)

    SEE is also crap at the raid!

    My shaakti team does the whole raid in 15 minutes

    My SLKR does it in like 10

    Must be nice to have a GL that can solo all the raids, solo other GLs, etc 😂
  • Options
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »

    20 minutes in p4 letting 2 linked b2s just hit me over and over and over resulted in see doing 130k... on his ult... when SLKR would be in the millions. Entire raid took like 40 min lol. If vader wasn't there I would have wiped in p2 (I started late in p1)

    SEE is also crap at the raid!

    My shaakti team does the whole raid in 15 minutes

    My SLKR does it in like 10

    Must be nice to have a GL that can solo all the raids, solo other GLs, etc 😂

    I mean. im still using thrawn, treya, red and hyoda with my slkr for tank.

    for Sith its hux lead. but yeah. tanks a joke. just wanted to try out our joke "GL" to see. Link is useless in raids lol.
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    Out of curiosity and for laughs, is anyone willing to test SEE soloing himself?

    I'll do this tonight too just to see. (If it lines up OK... only one other SEE in my shard)
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    Out of curiosity and for laughs, is anyone willing to test SEE soloing himself?

    I'll do this tonight too just to see. (If it lines up OK... only one other SEE in my shard)

    It was done already ,, check earlier of thread for videos. But to be fair the SEE team that was solo'd had a b2 on it
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    Well, Road Ahead, no mention of SEE.
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    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Well, Road Ahead, no mention of SEE.

    So that settles it then, I think. SEE will remain as-is. I'm not going to be one of those people demanding a refund but it will probably be the last time I panic spend for a new release. My bad for now waiting a few months to see how a GL performs before investing.
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    LordDunbar wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Well, Road Ahead, no mention of SEE.

    So that settles it then, I think. SEE will remain as-is. I'm not going to be one of those people demanding a refund but it will probably be the last time I panic spend for a new release. My bad for now waiting a few months to see how a GL performs before investing.

    I'll give it one to two more weeks before I decide to contact google. But this was definitely the last straw for A LOT of people
This discussion has been closed.