SEE definitely needs a buff!


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    There should at least be something in SEE’s kit to prevent cheese solo when enemy team has only 1 toon. This is really ridiculous. If that’s not some cheese abuse what is it ?

    I liked the suggestion posted earlier about making SEE give buffs to his team when he links someone, idk if it would help, i guess depends on the buffs
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    LordDunbar wrote: »

    Sorry didnt catch the start, but yes Solo SEE vs SEE

    and how do I fix my youtube showing up here


    So now we know:

    Kylo can solo SEE 1v5
    Rey can solo SEE 1v5
    SEE can solo SEE 1v5

    Just waiting to see if JML can solo SEE. Anyone want to test?

    SEE's link, while a cool concept, is trash!

    @CG_Doja_Fett @CG_TopHat fix this garbage Galactic Legend!

    OMG please just fix it
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    Well I mean she defeated him 1 v1 in the movie
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    SEE: Taking the "Legend" out of Galactic Legend.
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    C'mon CG you've had plenty of time and data to assess.

    Can you please comment if SEE is WAI or will be tweaked?

    People want to know whether he's worth putting resources in to. Or not.
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    lol. But yeah, this is expected:
    1. SEE basically needs two characters to link to get to his ostensibly ultra powerful ultimate form
    2. SEE is supposed to be weak before ultimate, unlike the other GLs
    3. SEE generally doesn't really do much for his squad compared to the other GLs and can't mitigate GL damage like all the other GLs

    So of course Rey can solo him 1v5, and probably even strong non-GLs may be able to take him out 1v1.
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    Don't you worry ladies and gentlemen,
    after the new GL's coming out,SEE would be able to solo them!
    well done CG!
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    Rey solo’s SEE
    Nice, at least they begin to care about SW lore. :D
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    I noticed a bug with linked. I was in a mirror match and got the enemy down to SEE +1. My SEE was deceived. I linked the +1 but couldn't target SEE. So I ended up with just 1 linked enemy.

  • TVF
    36839 posts Member
    What happened to #buffrey
    I need a new message here.
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    Can GAS solo SEE too ?
    Anyone tried Phoenix vs SEE ?
  • MD_Geist
    298 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    I own SEE as my 2nd GL too and the only improvement so far is, that i can beat GML quite easy even without full SE or Triumvirat Support - BUT i could beat GML with Vader before too, yes a bit more risky but at least doable. So i gain a small advantage vs 1 the 3 other GLs. At my shard only one players have also unlocked SEE but he switched back to his Rey team cause SEE is bad in many ways currently. This leaves the situation, that i can beat GML (could do it before) but struggle vs Rey (was easy with Vader too) and can't beat SLKR.

    For some better results i now need to relic up older toons like Nihilus, Sion and/or Trooper. I mean i already spend a lot of time and ressources to get quality toons like RG, Maul, Sid, Krennic etc - its a shame that i cant really use one oft the Sith i needed to unlock SEE now. I mean i dont ask for the best solution (SLKR) that means a full function Faction Team that is crafted from a bunch of toons that needed to craft the GL. That is iconic and better than any LS Titan/Mix. I mean even IG100 got a little adjustment to work better with GG. That RG should mean something for Palp/SEE - Sith Empire Trooper also has a 3 ability kit, so it can be done with some little tweaks even if the toon is not so good.

    The damage before ultimate needs to be adressed to, i mean i even faced multiple test that ended with 4vs1. Sadly the one enemy was Darth Malak, he not only drained every member besides SEE he also timeout vs SEE because that GL has no damage at normal stage and is huged nerfed if only one target is left and link dont work...

    Its also a huge downside to see SLKR performed so well which results into "go for this GL first" if one of the two released GLs after him can be solod from SLKR. Even if SLKR is the intended counter, it shouldnt be so easy.

    PvE is also not a good place for SEE, at least both LS GL will have some use at the already harder LS Genosis TB, so combined with the reliced toons for unlock you get better progress here for your investment.

    For me CG should adress a lot of points (at least some of them...)
    • adjust SEE damage before Ultimate, he should be able to get rid of non GLs, even DS ones like Malak
    • remove all the anti-synergy for HIS own faction, means: Malak is not good under SEE and Sion can't revive...
    • You cant use Zeta Abilitys at Ulti.stage which lead to a problem to stay alive
    • No GL should be a victim of solo attacks, its a GL! and even with balance, Kylo and others. shouldnt solo SEE (a huge point for GAC and TW performance as well)
    • If you dont adress the damage and are fine with "Hide behind tanks until ultimate" SEE needs better support, compareable to LS GLs
    • While he is "all the Sith" he should work with some of his own apprentice (already needed to unlock) and/or at least his Royal Guard, means: If you force players to relic a ton of old characters, find solutions to use them (SLKR is a very good example here!)
    Post edited by MD_Geist on
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    MD_Geist wrote: »
    I own SEE as my 2nd GL too and the only improvement so far is, that i can beat GML quite easy even without full SE or Triumvirat Support - BUT i could beat GML with Vader before too, yes a bit more risky but at least doable. So i gain a small advantage vs 1 one the 3 other GLs. At my shard only one players have also unlocked SEE but hey is back to his Rey team cause SEE is bad in many ways currently. This leaves the situation, that i can beat GML (could do it before) but struggle vs Rey (was easy with Vader too) and can't beat SLKR.

    For some better results i now need to relic up older toons like Nihilus, Sion and/or Trooper. I mean i already spend a lot of time and ressources to get quality toons like RG, Maul, Sid, Krennic etc - its a shame that i cant really use one oft the Sith i needed to unlock SEE now. I mean i dont ask for the best solution (SLKR) that means a full function Faction Team that is crafted from a bunch of toons that needed to craft the GL. That is iconic and better than any LS Titan/Mix. I mean even IG100 got a little adjustment to work better with GG. That RG should mean something for Palp/SEE - Sith Empire Trooper also has a 3 ability kit, so it can be done with some little tweaks even if the toon is not so good.

    The damage before ultimate needs to be adressed to, i mean i even faced multiple test that ended with 4vs1. Sadly the one enemy was Darth Malak, he not only drained every member besides SEE he also timeout vs SEE because that GL has no damage at normal stage and is huged nerfed if only one target is left and link dont work...

    Its also a huge downside to see SLKR performed so well which results into "go for this GL first" if one of the two released GLs after him can be solod from SLKR. Even if SLKR is the intended counter, it shouldnt be so easy.

    PvE is also not a good place for SEE, at least both LS GL will have some use at the already harder LS Genosis TB, so combined with the reliced toons for unlock you get better progress here for your investment.

    For me CG should adress a lot of points (at least some of them...)
    • adjust SEE damage before Ultimate, he should be able to get rid of non GLs, even DS ones like Malak
    • remove all the anti-synergy for HIS own faction, means: Malak is not good under SEE and Sion can't revive...
    • You cant use Zeta Abilitys at Ulti.stage which lead to a problem to stay alive
    • No GL should be a victim of solo attacks, its a GL! and even with balance, Kylo and others. shouldnt solo SEE (a huge point for GAC and TW performance as well)
    • If you dont adress the damage and are fine with "Hide behind tanks until ultimate" SEE needs better support, compareable to LS GLs
    • While he is "all the Sith" he should work with some of his own apprentice (already needed to unlock) and/or at least his Royal Guard, means: If you force players to relic a ton of old characters, find solutions to use them (SLKR is a very good example here!)

    All these point have come up numerous times from MULTIPLE people. MANY many many suggestions have been thrown out there as possible fixes... most of which are wording and slight tweaks to his kit, nothing even that major.

    The fact is CG said they are "looking into it" but even as more evidence has come up, more data collected, more and more people all coming to the same conclusions... CG has, and probably will, remain silent. They just don't care about this faction at all. They could easily jump in, accept suggestions, talk with us, PROVIDE THEIR OWN FEEDBACK and workshop it.

    But your right. We had to gear 4 year old characters that are universally accepted as trash, they got no reworks to make them at least remotely useful, and now we have a GL that most consider a "Legendary" status character that just boats your roster and does nothing for you.
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    Some very good points there and I completely agree about seemingly the best way of using SEE currently is with the triumvirate. OK, they are all good characters and not like the mediocre ones needed for some of SEE's requirements (RG, Sid, Krennic 🤦‍♂️) but haven't been meta for a good while.

    So to get some utility out of SEE may mean having to then G13 yet 3 more characters. Just doesn't seem worth the hassle or resources.
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    Sorry didnt catch the start, but yes Solo SEE vs SEE

    and how do I fix my youtube showing up here

    I know it may not necessarily be the biggest point in this thread, but am I the only one laughing my head off at how ridiculous this is? This isn't really a statement on SEE's power so much as his link and ultimate mechanics having a hugely fatal flaw, but it's just downright stupid to see this right?
  • Options

    Sorry didnt catch the start, but yes Solo SEE vs SEE

    and how do I fix my youtube showing up here

    I know it may not necessarily be the biggest point in this thread, but am I the only one laughing my head off at how ridiculous this is? This isn't really a statement on SEE's power so much as his link and ultimate mechanics having a hugely fatal flaw, but it's just downright stupid to see this right?

    Sadly while this does show the flaws in the kit, I believe more SEE owners are becoming dejected as the realization is setting in that this GL is WAI. The lack of voice from the dev team stating this is an issue at this point speaks volumes.
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    Sorry didnt catch the start, but yes Solo SEE vs SEE

    and how do I fix my youtube showing up here

    I know it may not necessarily be the biggest point in this thread, but am I the only one laughing my head off at how ridiculous this is? This isn't really a statement on SEE's power so much as his link and ultimate mechanics having a hugely fatal flaw, but it's just downright stupid to see this right?

    It's pretty funny. I'm sure that if SEE actually worked right at least on offense and turned into a strong attacker after his ultimate, we'd all be focusing on the relatively minor issue SEE's gaping vulnerability to having only one enemy or killing paper tanks right after linking them.
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    At 1:53 theres a video of Geos beating ult SEE with Triumverate. Viewer discretion is adviced.
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    TVF wrote: »
    What happened to #buffrey

    The same that will happen to this thread.
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    At 1:53 theres a video of Geos beating ult SEE with Triumverate. Viewer discretion is adviced.

    Hopefully the DEV look at this video
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    edited November 2020

    At 1:53 theres a video of Geos beating ult SEE with Triumverate. Viewer discretion is adviced.

    I think the funniest thing about this video is that SEE takes Triumvirate, has anti-synergy with them, removes Traya's lead and Sion's revive, goes into ultimate and removes most of the functionality of his own zetas, and then dies.

    And this is the team he does the most for (compared to Vader and DR that are currently better and need to bench SEE), since Triumvirate gets to go from really good non-meta squad to the bottom of the meta.
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    I think after all See's humiliations by non-GL/GL, trust to new Legendary and Gl toons has been lost completely.
    @Kyno we don't have heard any comments regarding any actions aimed at Palp's improvement seems for a few weeks, what else is required to make Devs pay attention to this problem, or maybe people should save their resources for some more proper toons and just abandon palp as a nightmare ?!
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    dgree wrote: »

    At 1:53 theres a video of Geos beating ult SEE with Triumverate. Viewer discretion is adviced.

    I think the funniest thing about this video is that SEE takes Triumvirate, has anti-synergy with them, removes Traya's lead and Sion's revive, goes into ultimate and removes most of the functionality of his own zetas, and then dies.

    And this is the team he does the most for (compared to Vader and DR that are currently better and need to bench SEE), since Triumvirate gets to go from really good non-meta squad to the bottom of the meta.

    I think the funniest thing is the ending where Vader disposes of the emperor like the garbage he is haha
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    Or mass refunds by SEE owners on the premise of being lied to. I'm sure something that hits CGs party boat fund will make them look.
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    Xagen wrote: »
    I think after all See's humiliations by non-GL/GL, trust to new Legendary and Gl toons has been lost completely.
    @Kyno we don't have heard any comments regarding any actions aimed at Palp's improvement seems for a few weeks, what else is required to make Devs pay attention to this problem, or maybe people should save their resources for some more proper toons and just abandon palp as a nightmare ?!

    It hasn't even been 2 weeks since Doja commented. I know it may feel like forever for SEE owners, but we don't know what the staff's task priorities are. Maybe they know SEE needs a major overhaul but they haven't decided how much and in what way.

    But yes, people thinking of getting SEE in almost any case should definitely save their resources.
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    So well the same Triumvirat under SEE gets beaten by Geos that are otherwise a victim of undersized traya squads? Well that alone screams "UNLIMTED POWER" (...not)
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    dgree wrote: »
    Xagen wrote: »
    I think after all See's humiliations by non-GL/GL, trust to new Legendary and Gl toons has been lost completely.
    @Kyno we don't have heard any comments regarding any actions aimed at Palp's improvement seems for a few weeks, what else is required to make Devs pay attention to this problem, or maybe people should save their resources for some more proper toons and just abandon palp as a nightmare ?!

    It hasn't even been 2 weeks since Doja commented. I know it may feel like forever for SEE owners, but we don't know what the staff's task priorities are. Maybe they know SEE needs a major overhaul but they haven't decided how much and in what way.

    But yes, people thinking of getting SEE in almost any case should definitely save their resources.

    It was 34 days from release until SLKR and Rey got their fixes, and 69 days from release that he got his buffs.

    It's been 38 days since SEE was released and we still don't have even a comment from CG if they are going to do anything to him, just "looking at the data and gathering information".

    Granted, I will say that SEE has much more glaring problems than SLKR did so maybe it's taking longer for them to figure out how exactly they are going to fix him.

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    LordDunbar wrote: »
    dgree wrote: »
    Xagen wrote: »
    I think after all See's humiliations by non-GL/GL, trust to new Legendary and Gl toons has been lost completely.
    @Kyno we don't have heard any comments regarding any actions aimed at Palp's improvement seems for a few weeks, what else is required to make Devs pay attention to this problem, or maybe people should save their resources for some more proper toons and just abandon palp as a nightmare ?!

    It hasn't even been 2 weeks since Doja commented. I know it may feel like forever for SEE owners, but we don't know what the staff's task priorities are. Maybe they know SEE needs a major overhaul but they haven't decided how much and in what way.

    But yes, people thinking of getting SEE in almost any case should definitely save their resources.

    It was 34 days from release until SLKR and Rey got their fixes, and 69 days from release that he got his buffs.

    It's been 38 days since SEE was released and we still don't have even a comment from CG if they are going to do anything to him, just "looking at the data and gathering information".

    Granted, I will say that SEE has much more glaring problems than SLKR did so maybe it's taking longer for them to figure out how exactly they are going to fix him.

    I don't think that quite is enough to cut them slack on, considering they've already had to do this before with the last round. The first GL's were a brand new concept, so just over a month makes sense before the first fix. This is the second round, with more glaring issues, and immediate community feedback in the 1000's of replies. Yet not so much as a comment on the "fixes" that the other GL's already had by now
This discussion has been closed.