GAC Resolution [MEGA]


  • Rius
    388 posts Member
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Ghost666 wrote: »
    I am very very puzzled by the amount of rage in this topic...
    As i see it (and i play this game a lot), there was bug in a game mode, it was fixed and the game mode resumed. I lost SOME rewards in that period, but it was just a few days. I expect some compensation, but i am not sure i will get it and will like with it either way. It happened before on many games...sometimes devs send some compensation, others they do not...SWOGH is far from being the worst game in this regard.
    And BTW...most topics before the bug were players complaining they were losing a lot of GAC matches and so on...suddenly after the bug, EVERYONE is saying the are winning ALL matches and should be compensated a LOT!!! It is really puzzling...

    As with all things CG, their response to the slip-up is worse than the error itself. At least for me, most of my rage is usually directed at their response which is almost always slow, calculated, and laced with spurious reasoning.

    Yup. For instance, if they hadn't said they were cancelling the season in the initial post (instead of pausing) then I wouldn't have expected (partial) end of event rewards. Even though it's not really deserved with the pause/restart, it's in my head now, and I'm afraid whatever make-good they give will not live up to expectations.

    Good point in how accurate communication could have improved player response. We did think it was being cancelled first so that would factor into many peoples expectation of the promised ‘make good’ such as including end of round and tournament rewards. So if they had been vague at that point and simply stated we will look into best approach to minimise loss of rewards perhaps people would not have such high expectations.

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    Ghost666 wrote: »
    I am very very puzzled by the amount of rage in this topic...
    As i see it (and i play this game a lot), there was bug in a game mode, it was fixed and the game mode resumed. I lost SOME rewards in that period, but it was just a few days. I expect some compensation, but i am not sure i will get it and will like with it either way. It happened before on many games...sometimes devs send some compensation, others they do not...SWOGH is far from being the worst game in this regard.
    And BTW...most topics before the bug were players complaining they were losing a lot of GAC matches and so on...suddenly after the bug, EVERYONE is saying the are winning ALL matches and should be compensated a LOT!!! It is really puzzling...

    Ahead of conquest of and exec event missing crystals is actually something that forces you to either stop playing for a while or just pull the visa out, thats why the makegood is delayed and its way too apparent.
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    Also, if you're at the point where you're at your current ceiling, missing last week's end of week rewards can make a significant difference. Your bracket last week was based on your skill rating entering that week. You win the first match and had two more against that same skill rating. Those last two matches were winnable. Your new bracket is formed from your higher skill rating. These are now more difficult (remember, we're near our ceiling so small differences in skill rating can tip the scales). Now you go 0-3, miss out on last week's two winnable matches, the major difference in crystal comp for this wins vs. two losses, and the difference between first and last place rewards for the week. Admittedly an edge case, but it's played out that way for me on two different accounts.
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    Ghost666 wrote: »
    I am very very puzzled by the amount of rage in this topic...
    As i see it (and i play this game a lot), there was bug in a game mode, it was fixed and the game mode resumed. I lost SOME rewards in that period, but it was just a few days. I expect some compensation, but i am not sure i will get it and will like with it either way. It happened before on many games...sometimes devs send some compensation, others they do not...SWOGH is far from being the worst game in this regard.
    And BTW...most topics before the bug were players complaining they were losing a lot of GAC matches and so on...suddenly after the bug, EVERYONE is saying the are winning ALL matches and should be compensated a LOT!!! It is really puzzling...

    CG moved the crystals to GAC. Conquest's addition to the game broke GAC. GAC had to be cancelled. CG had no plan in place for what to do if GAC had to be cancelled. When the mode that they move the paid currency in the game to crashes and they have no plans in place to deal with compensation or what they should do next players quite rightly get angry.

    CG completely miscommunicated the squish. I'd say they outright lied about it. CG then completely miscommunicated GAC's breaking. This is also, as a reminder, not the first massive bug to plague GAC since they moved our crystals there. And they're keen to remove fleet arena's crystals as well. Imagine GAC breaking without any crystals from fleet arena to help us along. That does not look like a good future.

    CG is without a doubt one of the worst companies when it comes to compensation. But let's talk about their compensation for this bug. They came into the forums and stated that the season was cancelled. Then they didn't cancel the season. They said they'd give us compensation when GAC restarted. Then last week they said the end of the season. Then they said next week. Three different times we'll supposedly get them.

    And don't forget the obvious reason we don't have compensation yet. Panic spending for executor. I think it's quite obvious and understandable why ppl are angry. CG removed crystals from a perfectly working area in squad arena and put them in GAC. Since then GAC has been plagued with bugs and now a cancellation. They don't have a backup plan for what to do in the event such a thing happens. That's just ridiculous.
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    Also, if you're at the point where you're at your current ceiling, missing last week's end of week rewards can make a significant difference. Your bracket last week was based on your skill rating entering that week. You win the first match and had two more against that same skill rating. Those last two matches were winnable. Your new bracket is formed from your higher skill rating. These are now more difficult (remember, we're near our ceiling so small differences in skill rating can tip the scales). Now you go 0-3, miss out on last week's two winnable matches, the major difference in crystal comp for this wins vs. two losses, and the difference between first and last place rewards for the week. Admittedly an edge case, but it's played out that way for me on two different accounts.

    100% this. I won my first round. Comparing rosters I would’ve won the 2nd rd. The 3rd round was a toss up but a good chance to win 1st. This week I will get bottom tier rewards. That’s a huge swing of crystals. There is no need to wait this long to issue a make good except to push it past conquest and the executor event to make people spend more.

    CG screwed up and how do they make it up to the community. They screw us some more. They could’ve pushed the rewards the Monday after the F up. I’m done. I’ll spend my money elsewhere and I’m going 100% ftp now.

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    Ghost666 wrote: »
    I am very very puzzled by the amount of rage in this topic...
    As i see it (and i play this game a lot), there was bug in a game mode, it was fixed and the game mode resumed. I lost SOME rewards in that period, but it was just a few days. I expect some compensation, but i am not sure i will get it and will like with it either way. It happened before on many games...sometimes devs send some compensation, others they do not...SWOGH is far from being the worst game in this regard.
    And BTW...most topics before the bug were players complaining they were losing a lot of GAC matches and so on...suddenly after the bug, EVERYONE is saying the are winning ALL matches and should be compensated a LOT!!! It is really puzzling...

    Whether they’re winning or losing you are still taking crystals away from these players.

    Everyone now depends on GAC for the bulk of their crystal income which, if disrupted as it was, sets players farms and resource acquisition back. As can be seen with the executor event now, many players planned to have crystals ready for unlock or upgrade their executors but now can’t because of this disruption. That’s not ok.

    What’s worse is that CG just Cant come out and say what compensation we will get and when. It’s not difficult. It shouldn’t take weeks to talk and distribute what they owe us. The fact that they’re waiting until after the executor event just fans the flames of thinking that they’re withholding compensation to force panic spending intentionally.

    They’re also one of the worst game developers as far as communication. Doja and crumb are great but man, TopCash and the other higher ups just censor them way too much and are a burden on the game. Ever since Carrie left, communication has been poor and quality of life in the game even worse. TopCash has said himself he doesn’t see the monetary benefit to quality of life improvements which proves he’s not fit to be in charge of this game. I’m curious who took over for Marky Mark, and if it was TopCash then it’s no wonder that things are in the state they are.
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    Had GAC not been cancelled I would have had enough to get my exe to 7* and still have some crystals left. But because of their deliberate cancellation and delay in comp, I will have to spend every crystal I have literally nothing left. I have been able to keep a cache of crystals around for things that pop up. But now because of this episode I will be set back a good bit. So while some folks on here think it’s totally ok for CG to just sit on their hands, some of us have legit reasons for being angry.

    I’ll add that I was sitting in 2nd place before it was cancelled, and had just one the match but because it was cancelled I lost the 825 crystals from that match. I also lost out on top 5 rewards at best. So in theory lost out on 2k crystals give or take. Plus we lost some days IIRC even if it was a day or so.
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    And let’s just get to it, the event is tomorrow, even if they do anything it’ll be late tomorrow at best. The chances of them announcing something and rolling it same day are about slim to none. Which means there is a huge potential that a lot of people will be effected by this.
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    Jpfit262 wrote: »
    And let’s just get to it, the event is tomorrow, even if they do anything it’ll be late tomorrow at best. The chances of them announcing something and rolling it same day are about slim to none. Which means there is a huge potential that a lot of people will be effected by this.

    They will give the compensation late in the event tomorrow. That way they get everyone to spend who panics and buys because they dont think it's coming at all, and anyone who has to sleep or can't get on later in the event.

    But they can still say "Oh, we gave it to them before the event ended, you're welcome. You didnt deserve them, since you "lost nothing"(cough.. cough.. ****) but we're awesome developers. Be grateful to have a game minions. Click to see price!
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    If you think the make good is going to be significant enough to impact the executor event, prepare to be very disappointed.
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    Jakdnels wrote: »
    If you think the make good is going to be significant enough to impact the executor event, prepare to be very disappointed.
    2k+ crystals is what I lost..: if I only had 7k right now, the cancellation would have cost me another month of waiting for 7* exe.. which is another month of 10-20 fleet shard placements which is even more crystals lost… it’s really not that difficult to understand how much we are getting ripped off
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    The fair and reasonable thing to do would have been to delay the exec event for the same number of days as the time it took to relaunch OR extend the duration of the event. CG would be fully aware of the interaction between the delayed crystals and exec event. And with Conquest running concurrently, there is a massive crystal crunch right now.

    If you already have your exec at 7* OR you don't have exec OR you already have exec but happy to slow farm it then it's understandable that you'll not perceive any wrongdoing, and that after the end of this abbreviated GAC season you won't be worse off at all, however, there are many who will be worse off due to the interruption of crystal flow that has significant flow-on consequences in terms of fleet placement and GAC. As Jpfit262 said, sub-7* exec means 10-20 placement compared to potentially 1st place with a 7*. That's a difference of 200 to 300 crystals per day or around 6000 to 9000 crystals per month.

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    It certainly looks like the "make good" won't be happening until after the Executor event. Since it can't possibly take this long to make such a decision, clearly the intention is to wait until after the event before giving out any crystals. Absolutely appalling.
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    The usual response from those who feel the people complaining too much usually is one of the following:

    1) cg isn’t going to compensate you so just accept it and move on
    2) you didn’t really lose anything it just got delayed
    3) cg is too incompetent to be intentionally screwing over its player base
    4) stop spending that’s the only thing they’ll listen to
    5) quit the game and go experience life because you obviously place too much meaning on a video game.

    Now quite frankly only number 4 is totally fair and one I agree with. The rest miss the boat in some way or entirely. Just because cg has a poor track record of customer service doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be pointed out every single time they reinforce the perception. A company can be incompetent and choosing to leverage that incompetence in a misguided belief it will lead to a short bump in revenue (make good occurring after the executor event).

    As for 2 and 5, well 2 is just false and 5 ignores the very real possibility one is capable of both enjoying the game despite all the shoddy treatment plus bugs and not consumed by frustration even if you express it.
  • Ghost666
    330 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    CG moved the crystals to GAC. Conquest's addition to the game broke GAC.
    CG is without a doubt one of the worst companies when it comes to compensation.
    And don't forget the obvious reason we don't have compensation yet. Panic spending for executor
    OK...i guess the crystals "cash cow" is a more sensitive issue...even so...i still think it was a small time glitch and GAC is up and running again...but it may be me not being so serious about the game (i play daily).
    You must be playing other games from very freindly companies...i play some other games and CG is BY FAR the best one in terms of free content, aniversaries or compensations...i used to play Star Wars Commander and it was FAR WORSE...almost zero compensations and the forum was actually CLOSED to stop communication between players :) (just an example...i have other games that wont compensate players for bugs...almost ever)
    And finally...i guess this is a "top tier" issue...i have no GL and will not be close to executor anytime i guess it affects only the racers in the lead of the pack...

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    Ghost666 wrote: »
    CG moved the crystals to GAC. Conquest's addition to the game broke GAC.
    CG is without a doubt one of the worst companies when it comes to compensation.
    And don't forget the obvious reason we don't have compensation yet. Panic spending for executor
    OK...i guess the crystals "cash cow" is a more sensitive issue...even so...i still think it was a small time glitch and GAC is up and running again...but it may be me not being so serious about the game (i play daily).
    You must be playing other games from very freindly companies...i play some other games and CG is BY FAR the best one in terms of free content, aniversaries or compensations...i used to play Star Wars Commander and it was FAR WORSE...almost zero compensations and the forum was actually CLOSED to stop communication between players :) (just an example...i have other games that wont compensate players for bugs...almost ever)
    And finally...i guess this is a "top tier" issue...i have no GL and will not be close to executor anytime i guess it affects only the racers in the lead of the pack...

    Man, if you can create a list on which CG is ranked at a prestigious position you *really* need to start working on your life, no offense meant.

    SWC was a clash of clans ripoff, targeting an audience of a similar age, and was shut down years ago. It was a different genre, and as far as I am concerned when they abandoned the windows phone platforms the CS helped migrating to a new platform thousands of players, providing ingame currency worth of approximately 300-500$, and this is actually first hand experience. Every time I had a bug, they told me okay, this is the last time we compensate you, here is some rewards, thank you for reporting. Then next time, they compensated me again.

    This comparison between SWC and SWGOH is not fair in the first place and not even true.
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    Whelp, they did it, they really did it. I can’t believe they are this greedy and have no problem showing it. Like has been said above, it’s been over a week and it shouldn’t take this long. They deliberately slow played this to make people pay for crystals in order to unlock/rank up their executors.

    The best resolution would have been to give everyone end of season rewards and call it a day. That would have been fair compensation and it would have been over and done with. But instead they decided to pull this stunt and have made things incredibly frustrating for us.

    I’m not going to say I’ll quit the game because I can’t. I enjoy the game and it’s a nice break from reality. Now don’t get me wrong, the game has a ton of flaws and is nowhere near the quality product it should be. The devs has gotten incredibly lazy and it’s getting worse. But I’ve been playing for so long that I’m too invested at this point.

    But I can sincerely say that I haven’t bought anything by card in over a year. And I don’t see that changing for the foreseeable future. I have been much more resourceful and have been stocking crystals. This **** made me use all of my crystal stash. Which is incredibly unfortunate because I can’t get energy refills or do node refreshes. But I will not BUY crystals because this entire thing is dirty.

    So continue to say CG is not doing anything wrong and that the slow play isn’t a big deal. But for folks like me who don’t have 10,000+ crystals it’s a huge kick in the junk.
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    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    Man, if you can create a list on which CG is ranked at a prestigious position you *really* need to start working on your life, no offense meant.
    This comparison between SWC and SWGOH is not fair in the first place and not even true.
    It is the other way i have kids and friends, i am aware of several games i dont even play...i play SWOGH to get some time off from the "life" :)
    As SWC...i played it for VERY VERY RARELY gave something to the players...if you got something on complaints you were better than most (game was famous for bad support, so i guess you were good at complaint filling). The USD amounts you mention were "virtual" and FAR BELOW the amount required to get an account up to the level that was lost. A FEW players complained hard and got a more significant amount...still, AFAIK they had to start over...and most of them lost most of what they had accomplished.
    Here in SWOGH i get compensations almost every month, most of the times i am not even aware to what they refer...not to mention, visible rewards on anniversaries and such...the reason i notice is because ALL the other games i play have no such habit. Only something called Genshin Impact (played by a kid of mine) seems to have a comparable policy...BTW...SWC was played mostly by middle aged men that were SW fans, there were few kids around...i was an active part of the community. (the only possible caveat is that i didn't play in windows, which was a different enviroment with no crossplay and different support...until it tanked)

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    The reality is they will only listen to the players that spend money on the game. And those players don't depend on the cc, so in effect they don't care and isn't a priority.

    The sad part is there is some really good points being made, but will ultimately fall on deaf ears. Its all just talk/venting until it hits their bottom line.

    And for those of you expecting anything, you are going to be disappointed.

    In the end, it's our choice to keep playing a game with a sub par developers and a poor communications strategy. The sooner the F2P/guppie/dolphin player base grasps that concept, the less frustrated you will get.
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    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    In the end, it's our choice to keep playing a game with a sub par developers and a poor communications strategy. The sooner the F2P/guppie/dolphin player base grasps that concept, the less frustrated you will get.
    I wont insist anymore...but as a last is MY CHOICE to play this game, in part due to the IMHO "above average" developers and communication...and the fun i get from the game.
    IT IS NOT PERFECT and there is perhaps TOO MUCH MONETIZATION (it is an EA game after all)...BUT i dont get the hyperbole in this thread...i feel we are playing different games, as i dont see the absolute chaos players are mentioning...just a bug and a fix (and a small one at that). I guess the Executor issue (that i am not even aware) makes this critical for some reason...
    (Either that...or the other games i play are very very bad :) )

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    Ghost666 wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    In the end, it's our choice to keep playing a game with a sub par developers and a poor communications strategy. The sooner the F2P/guppie/dolphin player base grasps that concept, the less frustrated you will get.
    I wont insist anymore...but as a last is MY CHOICE to play this game, in part due to the IMHO "above average" developers and communication...and the fun i get from the game.
    IT IS NOT PERFECT and there is perhaps TOO MUCH MONETIZATION (it is an EA game after all)...BUT i dont get the hyperbole in this thread...i feel we are playing different games, as i dont see the absolute chaos players are mentioning...just a bug and a fix (and a small one at that). I guess the Executor issue (that i am not even aware) makes this critical for some reason...
    (Either that...or the other games i play are very very bad :) )

    As you yourself have said, you're not aware of any issue. That seems to sum up your attitude toward this: "It didn't impact me, therefore I see no problem."

    Well you are very lucky then or not competitive and therefore don't feel the weight of crystals being abruptly cutoff for you. If that's how you play and you're happy, fine. No one's criticizing you for it. But plenty of players who are very competitive and endgame have felt the suffering. Just because you don't understand it or feel it yourself doesn't mean that it doesn't exist for others in a different position than you're in yet you're effectively criticizing others and dismissing their experiences just bc it doesn't impact you.

    Your pleasure with CG's communication is fascinating. They posted no in-game messages about GAC's cancellation, bug, or relaunch. They posted nothing about the compensation. They posted nothing in-game about the Mandalorian being mislabeled in conquest. If that's above average communication from your perspective you seem to have incredibly low standards. Just because other games are bad at it doesn't mean CG shouldn't strive to do better and shouldn't be held at a higher standard. They are a part of a massive game company. there's no excuse for this.
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    This is part of the reason i enjoy this game as a f2p. i dont lose my mind over cg being cg. i am hoping for compensation dont get me wrong but since im nowhere near meta stuff (new gl, executor) im just like o well time to do my daily tasks a few times a day while hoping to get better mods from drops (which happens rarely)
    it doesnt make it all good but it does make it easier, i cant justify spending when AAA console games are out there and awesome (when they come out without game breaking glitches). this is a mobile game i like to play while bored at work or at home when my girl is watching her shows
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    Can’t believe they haven’t answered jet. there’s no reason more than they want the people trying to get exe shards to whale more crystals

    Why did the bug happen at all? I bet it was just to take away crystals from the players!
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    It is crazy that there is not even an update by this point telling us when to expect compensation. We're 2/3 of the way through this rebooted GAC phase, and they said the comp would come once the event was re-started. At least give us an update as to when it will come out
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    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI any chance you can ask the higher up overlord devs when you’re allowed to address the peasants, I mean player base? This new tactic of radio silence that TopCash is pushing, or whoever is in charge is annoying and quite frankly bantha poo
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  • EgoSlayer
    140 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    The usual response from those who feel the people complaining too much usually is one of the following:

    2) you didn’t really lose anything it just got delayed

    As for 2 and 5, well 2 is just false

    Genuine question. How is number 2 false?

    A normal GAC is 12 matches. We played the first two rounds normally, and then played one match of round three for a total of 7 matches when it was cancelled.
    The restarted GAC is two rounds, for 6 more matches, and will include the full end of season rewards.
    We're still getting our daily crystals and were getting them during the cancellation.

    So, we're getting a 13 match GAC with full rewards, split between two events. Really struggling to see where I'm missing crystals from, all I see is a delay. Where exactly are the missing crystals?

  • Rius
    388 posts Member
    EgoSlayer wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    The usual response from those who feel the people complaining too much usually is one of the following:

    2) you didn’t really lose anything it just got delayed

    As for 2 and 5, well 2 is just false

    Genuine question. How is number 2 false?

    A normal GAC is 12 matches. We played the first two rounds normally, and then played one match of round three for a total of 7 matches when it was cancelled.
    The restarted GAC is two rounds, for 6 more matches, and will include the full end of season rewards.
    We're still getting our daily crystals and were getting them during the cancellation.

    So, we're getting a 13 match GAC with full rewards, split between two events. Really struggling to see where I'm missing crystals from, all I see is a delay. Where exactly are the missing crystals?

    When they cancelled and delayed everything for a week, I ended on 2400 which is max score for Bronzium 2. I have won both matches since restart, if I had done the same on the cancelled matches, I would have been promoted to Bronzium 1 already. Thus I am losing crystals on daily payout.

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    Crumb jumps in, post a quick note about an update and provides 0 updates on the comp. That sums it up.
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    EgoSlayer wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    The usual response from those who feel the people complaining too much usually is one of the following:

    2) you didn’t really lose anything it just got delayed

    As for 2 and 5, well 2 is just false

    Genuine question. How is number 2 false?

    A normal GAC is 12 matches. We played the first two rounds normally, and then played one match of round three for a total of 7 matches when it was cancelled.
    The restarted GAC is two rounds, for 6 more matches, and will include the full end of season rewards.
    We're still getting our daily crystals and were getting them during the cancellation.

    So, we're getting a 13 match GAC with full rewards, split between two events. Really struggling to see where I'm missing crystals from, all I see is a delay. Where exactly are the missing crystals?

    The season was six weeks instead of five. The most generous interpretation to cg is 7 daily plus one match reward is sufficient. The least generous is this down week replaced a full week Of active rewards so we are missing two match and one event reward. I think both of those arguments miss the boat. The extra week crystals should be what the average daily reward over a season is for a 6-6 player. This is significantly less than those demanding a full week but recognizes that your crystal income should be more than 7 x daily plus a match
This discussion has been closed.