Credit Gain: The Famine is Only Getting Worse - RESPONSE NEEDED PLEASE!!!


  • Waz675
    193 posts Member
    It's probably been mentioned, but in case it hasn't, there may be reasons why some people can save and some can't. Personally for me, I have a few team make ups that 'must' be used to get my arena rewards, I'm the only person going in my time zone so I don't fight /snipe or get sniped but depending on the top 10 make up, I may need my anti (insert 3 or 4 main teams that people use), which of course isn't levelling only the same 5 basic arena team, and it's not like I'm levelling the 25 to 35 characters I use various for gw, arena, missions and challenges. I am actually levelling 'just' 7 main characters and slowly levelling the next 10 or so that make up the arena and gw characters I 'need' so I can keep successfully beating arena and gw, experience shows if I try other combinations I lose either flat out most of the time or too often, which of course costs crystals to refresh more attempts.

    Tldr, possibly people who can hoard credits don't have the harder arena shards /teams that need more than the same time 5 characters to constantly win for (maximum) crystals and tokens.

  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    If you're at cap there isn't too much of a credit crunch. You can get enough characters leveled and starred up to be competitive in arena and win gw. But while reaching cap it's pretty tough to do either.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    I love the argument that their isn't a credit problem because someone has saved up credits instead of using them in the game. That's like saying you have saved enough money in the bank to buy a house with cash but are 2 years behind on all your bills.
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    FeepCunner wrote: »
    The only solution is to vote Bernie sanders as the new SWGoH ceo so that everyone gets equal credits

    +10. Socialism at its best. In a side note. We have a bigot, an alien, a criminal and a communist running for president. For shame
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    It's about balance and managing resources? Okay, let's take a look at that.
    Here are the resources I currently have:
    - 19 million credits
    - 15,000 training droids, 3,000 of which are 3-star or higher
    - 300 purple ability materials
    - tons of gear

    However, I also have:
    - 14 level 70 characters that need to get to level 80 eventually at a cost of what, 2 million each?
    - 12 characters between 60 and 70 I haven't been able to work on for ages that would take 4 million each to get to 80.
    - 8 characters below that which would take 5 million to get to 80.
    - 5 characters who aren't even activated yet, several of them with enough shards for 6*. To star up and gear up these would be what, 7 million? (One of these is Rey, incidentally, sitting at 253/80 shards).
    - 40,000 GW tokens, 45,000 arena tokens and 30,000 Cantina tokens. These represent the equivalent of 5 more 7* characters each requiring 7 million credits a piece.

    So: I have 19 million credits, sounds like a lot. But even if I leave aside characters I don't care for, I need over 150 million credits. With that sort of deficit, buying them at the current inflated prices wouldn't get me very far even if I weren't opposed on principle, so why would I bother? Also, at the rate each accumulates, I will literally never use up all of my training droids, and I can no longer sell them.
    Is that balanced?

    Consider all the refreshes or chromium packs you bought and the amount of crystals you used for it. If you would have spent half that amount buying credit packs instead, your problem would probably be far less intense if not gone alltogether.

    This is what I think and I'm not saying the game is perfectly balanced. However if for each 500 crystals used for refreshes people would use 500 crystals for credit packs, I believe there would not be a credit crunch.
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    Credits are definitely difficult to obtain "quickly", but it's obvious that intentional game design. EA wants players to buy credit packs plain and simple. A player can save and upgrade everything, just not as fast as the people that do pay for credit packs. Which is pretty much the scenario for most freemium games.

    The mistake is that some players might thinks this is an accidental imbalance in the games internal economy, when in reality its intentional.

    Any player can save up credits to 7* every character in the game. It's just that the pay to play folk will get there much faster.

  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Samantha wrote: »
    Thanks to all of you making me look like a genius. I have no credit shortage with the way I manage my game. I must rock.

    I'd rather have the gear issue addressed.

    I would have said it a little differently but, yeah.

    I think there are basically 2 different camps: one that thinks a gear 6 or 7 character is viable in any capacity, and another that realizes that you need at least gear VIII now for a character to be viable in Arena or GW- all else is fodder if you're above level 70.

    If you are having characters that are level VIII gear and can't level them or star them because of lack of credits then you are doing something awesome and amazing and I want in on some of that action.

    I really feel like some folks don't understand that gear is really the main power source of characters and this is all the misunderstanding because people want "more" instead of "better".
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    Can we make a credit interest program? Like if I don't touch my credits for 10 min I get 2,000% interest? Cuz that would be the best.
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    I can't believe people actually try to defend this. Don't worry, you'll come around once you are wiser.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Scaling credits would solve the problem but then they might make it even more expensive so it's the same rate
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    The credit limitation is why everyone runs the same teams in Arena and why the game is a little monotonous right now.

    We can't afford to make a mistake and level someone who is worthless.

    Gear should be the limiting factor in the game and not levels. I don't want it to be easy but for bleeps sake, it's 2.4 million to get a newly unlocked toon to 70. And that doesn't count the credits to get them to 7*. You wonder why there might be one chief chirpa and one tested shaman being played on each server, this is why.

    CG may as well not release anymore new toons til they figure out the credit issue. It's hard enough to far, all the new gear for the new toons, but add to that the credits needed and you. Ow have a bunch of useless toons.

    I started farming an empire team about a month ago on my main account. Not sure why I bothered. Won't ever have the credits to get them higher. Already have 6 toons with enough shards to get to 7 that are stuck at 6,5 and two at 4 *s right now. I'm level 72 and don't have a single toon above 70. Had to spend 2.5 mil in credits to get Bariss and QGJ to 7 to finish off Yoda and then spent the winnings on Yoda to 7*.

    It's a nightmare. And buying credits is useless. I don't need 500k or even a million, I need at least 20 million, but could use way more. If you gave me 100 million right now. In 25 minutes I would have less than 20. With all the training droids I have and characters waiting to get bought to the next star.
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    I think the real reason that the low credits are a problem is because most of us want to have a balanced team and enjoy the ability to field strong teams with varying characters. The way it's set up now, it strongly favors people that only max out one team and ignore the rest. I think perhaps my solution to this would be to lower the cost for training droids. It should not cost nearly so much just for level ups. None of my team is even level 70 because I just can't afford it. I consistently beat teams that are way more leveled than me which tells me that leveling doesn't count for much. So why is it so expensive? Just a thought.
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    Gear should be the limiting factor in the game and not levels.

    It is. GEAR IS THE LIMITING FACTOR. credits are not a free-for all, sure, but good luck gearing 5 heroes to IX before you can obtain 20 million credits.

    /drops mic.
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    Gear should be the limiting factor in the game and not levels.

    It is. GEAR IS THE LIMITING FACTOR. credits are not a free-for all, sure, but good luck gearing 5 heroes to IX before you can obtain 20 million credits.

    /drops mic.

    Only for high level arena. Some of us don't care about arena. I'm not f2p, so I don't need the crystals. I'm happy anywhere between 10-150. Most days with my main account I only do 3 arena attempts and sim them but still choose who to attack.

    What I want is to have multiple teams that is what is fun to me. On my main account I have 6 Jedi and 4 Rebel at mostly 7* (except for Leia at 6) and all above 66, have most of the NS at enough shards for 7 but no cash and only Daka is above level 45. Working on an empire team. They will never be done.

    And by the way, a lot of the gear around level 8 isn't that great, you should double check the bonuses. Some of them are basically worthless. Plus 30 to one stat (Int) and +40 defense for a piece of gear that needs 50 pieces. Not really worth it. Especially cause Yoda already has 800+ int.
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't get the credit crunch topic. I hit a credit crunch around level 50 and then adjusted so that I wouldn't run out of training droids or money.
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    level more slowly
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    I had always thought credit gains was broken and the people who say to buy credit packs, that's stupid. that's a waste of money and doesn't fix the problem.

    also telling people to level only a select few characters or more slowly is pointless. the game gives you more shards than you can upgrade with credits. this is factoring in gw and arena with the low drop rate of nodes. so we're already leveling up characters slowly. i have 15 characters who are 6-7* that are level 70 and 27 characters 1-5* that are unusable which is roughly 2/3 of useless characters sitting there doing nothing.

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    Free to play player here since starting at the very end of December and I know not of this credit famine.

    Player level 71 pushing on 72 tomorrow and I can keep my main 5 leveled with extra credits on the side for starring here and there.

    I may not be able to level up my main 5 all on the same day but they get there before I raise player level.
  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    F2P since late novemeber.. As others said the only credit crunch i had was during 40-55 levels, in mid december , when i couldn't finish GW everyday.
    Now i'm lev 72, i have just levelled up my 6 main chars and i still have 23 million credits.
    I have about other 10 chars at lev 70 that i can upgrade if necessary, but i prefer to wait the the next major update..
    The real problem here is for the "new players" not the older ones..
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    if anything im sure they'll nerf the credit rewards not give people more

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    I thought there would be a credit crunch, as the level cap increased. I now am seeing a balance. I was leveling my toons for GW.. Yoda.. Arena.. and was hurting for credits (I think the Yoda event was the main reason for my credit pain) and after my last toon for arena was leveled..a few weeks ago.. I was able to save up 12 mil while still leveling up a few here or there.
    Once your team setup is substantiated the credit crunch is non-existent, just as sim tickets were short on supply @ lower levels and now we've plenty. You only feel the credit crunch until your happy with your toon set. Then you can wait..pick and choose who to level and the 2 1/2 day.. 3 day level up duration allots plenty of credits to upgrade your toons as needed.
    Not having enough credits was a pain in the dairy air however. So I feel yalls pain but it will end soon or soonish.
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    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    @klay You're right - the one big assumption I made is that GW is completed every day but I assume that as that is not being labelled as one of The reasons for the credit shortage. You'll find that most people Inc @Qeltar have stated it's due to credits staying the same and other costs rising so I didn't want to get into a GW in depth conversation. If people aren't earning their GW credits that's a fixable problem and myself and many others will be happy to offer advice to help. This situation is by no means the best case scenario but what I think my math is fairly standard and most people will agree with the numbers I posted as to what they are actually earning.

    You also state credit sufferers are lower levels or playing at a slow pace. First off at lower levels you should never have a problem as credits are given to you for more or less nothing and second if you play at an unreasonable slow pace then you should expect to level at an unreasonable slow pace.

    As for me assuming people play every day - you got me. But if you don't play every day then you'd expect to be behind on credits as youre not getting daily login or Dailly tasks and the game does reward you/encourage/make you play daily.

    My math wasn't meant to be taken as Gospel but just an indication of what I would expect most players to be earning. In some cases it will be a bit less and in others a bit more but the main point remains the same.

    As I've stated in a later post I'd love to see some players from both sides of the table earnings and spending (essentially a balance sheet) along with player roster over the course of a week or two to look at in more detail as my main point of view is drawn from my personal experience
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    "Patience and time
    Do more than force or rage"

    (Except for The Force, but that's another matter entirely)
    I choose the Red Pill.
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    Adding to @Starjumper
    Im pretty sure the point was
    Credit availability <> or = to credit need.
    Not credit availability <> or = to credit desire.
    Events like Yodas put a hurtin on many of us. I was blessed enough to finish it on the 2nd tour, but the need to level up 2 or 3 more toons for a single event is what set me back, awaiting more credits.
    There are enough credits, as the math shows, available to us daily to level our toons that are necessary. There is a point you reach when different obstacles balance out in this game.

    GW.. was difficult until a point.
    Sim tickets were on short supply for a day or 2
    Ive never had a training droid shortage.. but I suppose there could be one for some newer players.
    Remember when LS 4-L smacked you in the face?

    I dont think the devs were just guessing how many credits were needed when the game was designed.
    There are obstacles the game will give you.. Overcome them.
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Kaib wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    This is a dead-horse topic but I can't resist...
    It's really beyond me why anyone would stand up & shout for slower game progress. Bottom line is the appeal of this game is the chess match created by diversity. I simply don't want to focus on 5 - 7 characters. The credit crunch was real before the lvl cap increase - now it's much worse. If you tell me I'm accumulating shards & progressing too fast, I'll assume you're part of he sloth family. I've been playing this GAME for 4 months and have 'maxed' roughly 10% of the characters in a GAME that was touted to explore diversity & synergies. Our recent teaser says "Is Your Collection Ready" and SWGOH "Collect to Conquer".
    If you enjoy being on a strict budget where you have 4 toons ready for a *promotion you can't afford, that's your prerogative, but don't expect me to agree with you.
    The credit crunch is not a resource mgmt issue ,it's an Imbalance created by the fact that expenses get exponentially higher but obtainable rewards don't compensate. I don't deal with poverty in life & I don't want to do it in a game.

    Yes yes and yes. Why are people lobbying against lessening an obstacle in a game filled with crushing obstacles that the designers are only making heavier?

    This is what I don't understand either. Why?
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    PSA: If started playing before the keycard events/selling was altered and removed, you won't have a credit famine. So your opinion with regards to your current funds is largely invalid.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Meese_Rancher
    125 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So obviously there are two schools of thought here: 1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again. That's cool, you play the game the way you want to, I am not here to tell you how. Obviously if you spread your resources across multiple characters you won't be as strong as those that just focus on a core 5.

    However, when the developers themselves market this as a collection style game, there is a severe disconnect there. 5-10 characters does not constitute a "collection". They themselves have promoted the creation of a wide breadth of characters to be able to complete challenges, galactic war, etc. Heck the most recent teaser trailer for guilds asks "is your collection ready?", but again, credit gain only allows to focus on a handful of select few.

    The contradictory design here does not add up and this needs to be addressed. Is it done intentionally to get players to open their wallets? Most likely. Is it an underhanded way to squeeze as much as they can from new, naive players? Most definitely. Does it inspire trust in customers to continue their support? Most certainly not.

    Where will it end? As the cap increases to 90, 100, 110 and the cost continues to rise exponentially while you are still receiving the same stagnant earnings, then come speak about resource management and balance and we will see how adamant you are on the matter.

    I myself will continue to play and enjoy what I can of the game, not calling for a boycott or anything. Simply pointing out that the dev's message of the game and design greatly oppose one another. Whether that is the fault of EA or CG can be argued day and night, what matters is how your customer base views the product. And I see more and more cash grabs. Sorry to say, but I don't think that I am the only one and sadly it won't matter in the end to the companies anyway.

    The fact that they have remained silent about this speaks volumes.

    Happy Hunting :)
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    PSA: If started playing before the keycard events/selling was altered and removed, you won't have a credit famine. So your opinion with regards to your current funds is largely invalid.

    Not sure what you mean here. I don't know if you were around when those things existed, but even they -- much better than we have now -- were widely considered not worth using and most people ignored them. If we knew then what we know now, they'd have gotten used much more.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    When you say the 2 schools of thought are.....

    1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again

    It's not quite like that.

    Option 2 should read
    "those that will patiently and carefully level their toons.

    I have just finished taking my last arena toon to 7* today and also levelled 4 of them to lv72 spending 1.8 million. Now I know I have 5 days before I need to level them again so save 1m over the next 5/6 days meanwhile I will pump the other 2.7million I earn in those 5 days into my lower toons with a main 3 planned to receive the majority of these benefits of training and gear and stars.

    As yoda would say "patience, you must have"

    As my next 3 become arena ready over the next few weeks I'll have more to play with however it's also worth pointing out I use different teams in the challenges and GW every day. Behind those 3 there's another 3 slowly getting attention.

    So it's not a case that I'm happy to play the same team over and over again but I'm building up to having more at my disposal within the constraints of the game (stars, credits and gear combined)

    May I ask how many toons you have at each star level right now like qeltar did in his post please?
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Starjumper wrote: »

    When you say the 2 schools of thought are.....

    1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again

    It's not quite like that.

    Option 2 should read
    "those that will patiently and carefully level their toons.

    I have just finished taking my last arena toon to 7* today and also levelled 4 of them to lv72 spending 1.8 million. Now I know I have 5 days before I need to level them again so save 1m over the next 5/6 days meanwhile I will pump the other 2.7million I earn in those 5 days into my lower toons with a main 3 planned to receive the majority of these benefits of training and gear and stars.

    As yoda would say "patience, you must have"

    As my next 3 become arena ready over the next few weeks I'll have more to play with however it's also worth pointing out I use different teams in the challenges and GW every day. Behind those 3 there's another 3 slowly getting attention.

    So it's not a case that I'm happy to play the same team over and over again but I'm building up to having more at my disposal within the constraints of the game (stars, credits and gear combined)

    May I ask how many toons you have at each star level right now like qeltar did in his post please?

    TLDR: Someone's beeped when the meta changes.
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