Credit Gain: The Famine is Only Getting Worse - RESPONSE NEEDED PLEASE!!!


  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    PSA: If started playing before the keycard events/selling was altered and removed, you won't have a credit famine. So your opinion with regards to your current funds is largely invalid.

    Not sure what you mean here. I don't know if you were around when those things existed, but even they -- much better than we have now -- were widely considered not worth using and most people ignored them. If we knew then what we know now, they'd have gotten used much more.

    *shrug* Eloquence was never my strong-point. Okay let me try that again;

    If you started in Nov/Dec and are f2p and have no issues with credits (as many users are claiming here), you are less likely to be feeling the credit crunch vs someone who started recently. You gotta put yourselves in the shoes of players who aren't you, see things from their perspectives.

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So obviously there are two schools of thought here: 1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again. That's cool, you play the game the way you want to, I am not here to tell you how. Obviously if you spread your resources across multiple characters you won't be as strong as those that just focus on a core 5.

    However, when the developers themselves market this as a collection style game, there is a severe disconnect there. 5-10 characters does not constitute a "collection". They themselves have promoted the creation of a wide breadth of characters to be able to complete challenges, galactic war, etc. Heck the most recent teaser trailer for guilds asks "is your collection ready?", but again, credit gain only allows to focus on a handful of select few.

    The contradictory design here does not add up and this needs to be addressed. Is it done intentionally to get players to open their wallets? Most likely. Is it an underhanded way to squeeze as much as they can from new, naive players? Most definitely. Does it inspire trust in customers to continue their support? Most certainly not.

    Where will it end? As the cap increases to 90, 100, 110 and the cost continues to rise exponentially while you are still receiving the same stagnant earning, then come speak about resource management and balance and we will see how adamant you are on the matter.

    I myself will continue to play and enjoy what I can of the game, not calling for a boycott or anything. Simply pointing out that the dev's message of the game and design greatly oppose one another. Whether that is the fault of EA or CG can be argued day and night, what matters is how your customer base views the product. And I see more and more cash grabs. Sorry to say, but I don't think that I am the only one and sadly it won't matter in the end to the companies anyway.

    Happy Hunting :)

    The only purpose is to be a cash grab like all 'F2P' games. At the end of the day there's not a lot to it, and why would they care about anyone who doesn't open their wallets? It would be a nice gesture if they showed some type of customer appreciation for those who do however. And they don't. The only exclusive 'bonus' they give high-paying customers is the opportunity to gamble on new characters through buying crystals. The opportunity to spend more money. I guess they think that's enticing others to drop $200 so they can gamble too.

    Basically it's a game for whales and F2P players who are complacent now will have to accept the limitations eventually. After hoarding credits a time will come when you need to level/star up multiple teams to stay active in certain events. The time is here for me since I'm not wasting resources on my team for the level 72 tank challenge. I have no desire to use Chewbacca and Teebo yet it's being forced to participate while the cost of leveling is reaching the 200k mark. That's my current limitation as well as tons of toons I can't afford to bring to viable levels while keeping up with my main teams.

  • Options
    Starjumper wrote: »

    When you say the 2 schools of thought are.....

    1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again

    It's not quite like that.

    Option 2 should read
    "those that will patiently and carefully level their toons.

    I have just finished taking my last arena toon to 7* today and also levelled 4 of them to lv72 spending 1.8 million. Now I know I have 5 days before I need to level them again so save 1m over the next 5/6 days meanwhile I will pump the other 2.7million I earn in those 5 days into my lower toons with a main 3 planned to receive the majority of these benefits of training and gear and stars.

    As yoda would say "patience, you must have"

    As my next 3 become arena ready over the next few weeks I'll have more to play with however it's also worth pointing out I use different teams in the challenges and GW every day. Behind those 3 there's another 3 slowly getting attention.

    So it's not a case that I'm happy to play the same team over and over again but I'm building up to having more at my disposal within the constraints of the game (stars, credits and gear combined)

    May I ask how many toons you have at each star level right now like qeltar did in his post please?

    TLDR: Someone's beeped when the meta changes.

    @Azraelrulez Actually I won't be/don't think I will be as I never went with the speed meta in the first place. I actually think I'll be in a good position with my toons when it does.
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Got it.
    For F2P this is much more of a resource management issue, since everything is a resource management issue when you are F2P. :) And yeah, it's much harder for new players.
    Also, GW is much harder than it was in the early days. The day I hit 40 I started my first GW and waltzed through it every day until I was capped. It's more difficult now.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Starjumper wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »

    When you say the 2 schools of thought are.....

    1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again

    It's not quite like that.

    Option 2 should read
    "those that will patiently and carefully level their toons.

    I have just finished taking my last arena toon to 7* today and also levelled 4 of them to lv72 spending 1.8 million. Now I know I have 5 days before I need to level them again so save 1m over the next 5/6 days meanwhile I will pump the other 2.7million I earn in those 5 days into my lower toons with a main 3 planned to receive the majority of these benefits of training and gear and stars.

    As yoda would say "patience, you must have"

    As my next 3 become arena ready over the next few weeks I'll have more to play with however it's also worth pointing out I use different teams in the challenges and GW every day. Behind those 3 there's another 3 slowly getting attention.

    So it's not a case that I'm happy to play the same team over and over again but I'm building up to having more at my disposal within the constraints of the game (stars, credits and gear combined)

    May I ask how many toons you have at each star level right now like qeltar did in his post please?

    TLDR: Someone's beeped when the meta changes.

    @Azraelrulez Actually I won't be/don't think I will be as I never went with the speed meta in the first place. I actually think I'll be in a good position with my toons when it does.

    You must have the most versatile Arena team to rank in the top through all the meta changes without changing that team. Actually an OP team as GW/ challenges/ missions/ Yoda etc are of course all handled with that team. Congrats and please share your lineup. I'll just work on them too. No more credit crunch. Thanks in advance.
  • Options
    The credit limitation is why everyone runs the same teams in Arena and why the game is a little monotonous right now.

    We can't afford to make a mistake and level someone who is worthless.

    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    Here's to keeping the dead-horse mega thread going - cheers. Still can't believe ppl are lobbying for slow game progression - do ya'll work at the DMV by chance?
    Just lvl'd my guys to 72 so I'm broke again - maybe 1 of you hoarders can loan me a few mil?
    To my new crew: 86, 88, Han & Magma... you guys have farmed hard & earned your stars but I'm sorry I just can't give you that promotion. Yes I know Daka got hers yesterday & it isn't fair but somebody put a democrat in charge & my taxes are just too high. Inflation and all - you know the dollar just aint what it used to be... maybe ya'll can come out & play next week.
    Keep your chins up & lets raise a glass for Fives who just got 85% Counter!.. Insert Mr'. Burns' fingers - eggcellent
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Rayek
    38 posts Member
    Everything else is fine for me...credits I can scrape by with keeping my top 5 leveled but the credit gain is FAR behind the rest of the games progression levels. If it's on purpose I think it's a mistake as it may drive more people away then convince them to spend $$.

    It's also taking away the enjoyment of trying out different characters. If you want to remain are stuck primarily with meta game characters...that takes ALL of your credits.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Yes, the resources are limited in this game.
    Yes, the progress will be slow in general if you don't spend money.
    Yes, the game is manageable depending on your expectations (if they're realistic)
    No, things won't be made easier since there's no incentive to not make money.
    No, you won't be able to flow with the meta right when it changes without a financial investment.
    No, it won't bother me if they suddenly make it rain credits, droids, and shards.

    My whole reason for "arguing against making things easier" isn't that I'm opposed to it, but rather that it can be managed within the current system. You can both petition for more open resource gains while still progressing in the game rather than going into a fetal position because you can't achieve instant gratification without monetary investment.

    If you want to be taken more seriously by EA, stop login in while continuing to post. Complaining while still playing every day isn't a very strong signal to the company that there's an actual problem.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Options
    Starjumper wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »

    When you say the 2 schools of thought are.....

    1) Those that want to expand and enjoy more of what the game has to offer and 2) Those that just want to play the same team over and over again

    It's not quite like that.

    Option 2 should read
    "those that will patiently and carefully level their toons.

    I have just finished taking my last arena toon to 7* today and also levelled 4 of them to lv72 spending 1.8 million. Now I know I have 5 days before I need to level them again so save 1m over the next 5/6 days meanwhile I will pump the other 2.7million I earn in those 5 days into my lower toons with a main 3 planned to receive the majority of these benefits of training and gear and stars.

    As yoda would say "patience, you must have"

    As my next 3 become arena ready over the next few weeks I'll have more to play with however it's also worth pointing out I use different teams in the challenges and GW every day. Behind those 3 there's another 3 slowly getting attention.

    So it's not a case that I'm happy to play the same team over and over again but I'm building up to having more at my disposal within the constraints of the game (stars, credits and gear combined)

    May I ask how many toons you have at each star level right now like qeltar did in his post please?

    TLDR: Someone's beeped when the meta changes.

    @Azraelrulez Actually I won't be/don't think I will be as I never went with the speed meta in the first place. I actually think I'll be in a good position with my toons when it does.

    You must have the most versatile Arena team to rank in the top through all the meta changes without changing that team. Actually an OP team as GW/ challenges/ missions/ Yoda etc are of course all handled with that team. Congrats and please share your lineup. I'll just work on them too. No more credit crunch. Thanks in advance.

    I did write quite a detailed post but it went for review a few hours ago. I'll keep this one short.

    Not quite top of arena but always top 20 finisher since hitting lv70
    Peaked at #6 last night


    Arena team is phasma, Sid, kylo, ST Han and lumi (286 wins and 40 losses in total up to 2 days ago)

    GW - phasma constant, JC and ahsoka heal first 7/8 lumi and daka sub in. Attackers on rotation depending on enemy

    Challenges - really random. Usually just throw people together and test damage although I have a FO squad I'm levelling so they get a shot

    Yoda team JC, lumi, anakin, QGJ, ahsoka all 5* and prob will be a while
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Options
    I see both sides to this issue quite clearly, and I think what it comes down to is perception.
    How we all "feel" the game should be.

    Many feel that credits should be more easily attainable so that we can make the best of this type of game. More toons, more gear, more options, higher levels. That would be ideal. I'd love to level all of my characters and promote the ones sitting there with 200+ shards. That would be awesome.

    Others feel that the credit shortage is there by design. This is another way that a "free" game pays its employees and profits its owners. Credits can be managed at the cost of sacrificing certain aspects of the game, or at least delaying them until later.

    Neither is wrong as both are based on personal opinion.
    The fact of the matter is that the game is what it is. It is the way it is because that's the way that they made it. Lack of credit gain is intentional. The game was made to make money and this is one more way of doing it.

    We can accept it, complain about it, petition for change, whatever. But at the end of the day EA/CG will do what they feel is in the best interests of the company 1st, players 2nd.
  • Options
    Bon_El wrote: »
    Here's to keeping the dead-horse mega thread going - cheers. Still can't believe ppl are lobbying for slow game progression - do ya'll work at the DMV by chance?
    Just lvl'd my guys to 72 so I'm broke again - maybe 1 of you hoarders can loan me a few mil?
    To my new crew: 86, 88, Han & Magma... you guys have farmed hard & earned your stars but I'm sorry I just can't give you that promotion. Yes I know Daka got hers yesterday & it isn't fair but somebody put a democrat in charge & my taxes are just too high. Inflation and all - you know the dollar just aint what it used to be... maybe ya'll can come out & play next week.
    Keep your chins up & lets raise a glass for Fives who just got 85% Counter!.. Insert Mr'. Burns' fingers - eggcellent

    FYI theres not a bunch of using writing to EA asking them to slow the game down :D . However look at the flip side. If game play is too fast you'll blaze through everything too fast. Look at clash of clans. Been playing that for 2 years and just as I get to the maximum size town hall they bring out a new one that will probably take me another year! Basically you want the game to have some longevity (not essentially finishing it in 6 weeks) but again I think gear will keep me locked in position rather than credits any day of the week.

    Anyway. I gotta go back to work at the DMV. my break finished 2 hours ago!
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Starjumper wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    Here's to keeping the dead-horse mega thread going - cheers. Still can't believe ppl are lobbying for slow game progression - do ya'll work at the DMV by chance?
    Just lvl'd my guys to 72 so I'm broke again - maybe 1 of you hoarders can loan me a few mil?
    To my new crew: 86, 88, Han & Magma... you guys have farmed hard & earned your stars but I'm sorry I just can't give you that promotion. Yes I know Daka got hers yesterday & it isn't fair but somebody put a democrat in charge & my taxes are just too high. Inflation and all - you know the dollar just aint what it used to be... maybe ya'll can come out & play next week.
    Keep your chins up & lets raise a glass for Fives who just got 85% Counter!.. Insert Mr'. Burns' fingers - eggcellent

    FYI theres not a bunch of using writing to EA asking them to slow the game down :D . However look at the flip side. If game play is too fast you'll blaze through everything too fast. Look at clash of clans. Been playing that for 2 years and just as I get to the maximum size town hall they bring out a new one that will probably take me another year! Basically you want the game to have some longevity (not essentially finishing it in 6 weeks) but again I think gear will keep me locked in position rather than credits any day of the week.

    Anyway. I gotta go back to work at the DMV. my break finished 2 hours ago!

    Gear is definitely the largest bottleneck. By the time I manage to get 20-of that piece of gear (not to mention 50), I can farm 1m or more in credits. And that's just 1 piece of gear out of multiple pieces that are needed across 6 slots.

    I'm now looking at gear level IX and above and all those 50 pieces, and I just know I'll have a roster full of 80's with majority stuck at gear level VIII.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    Here's to keeping the dead-horse mega thread going - cheers. Still can't believe ppl are lobbying for slow game progression - do ya'll work at the DMV by chance?
    Just lvl'd my guys to 72 so I'm broke again - maybe 1 of you hoarders can loan me a few mil?
    To my new crew: 86, 88, Han & Magma... you guys have farmed hard & earned your stars but I'm sorry I just can't give you that promotion. Yes I know Daka got hers yesterday & it isn't fair but somebody put a democrat in charge & my taxes are just too high. Inflation and all - you know the dollar just aint what it used to be... maybe ya'll can come out & play next week.
    Keep your chins up & lets raise a glass for Fives who just got 85% Counter!.. Insert Mr'. Burns' fingers - eggcellent

    FYI theres not a bunch of using writing to EA asking them to slow the game down :D . However look at the flip side. If game play is too fast you'll blaze through everything too fast. Look at clash of clans. Been playing that for 2 years and just as I get to the maximum size town hall they bring out a new one that will probably take me another year! Basically you want the game to have some longevity (not essentially finishing it in 6 weeks) but again I think gear will keep me locked in position rather than credits any day of the week.

    Anyway. I gotta go back to work at the DMV. my break finished 2 hours ago!

    Gear is definitely the largest bottleneck. By the time I manage to get 20-of that piece of gear (not to mention 50), I can farm 1m or more in credits. And that's just 1 piece of gear out of multiple pieces that are needed across 6 slots.

    I'm now looking at gear level IX and above and all those 50 pieces, and I just know I'll have a roster full of 80's with majority stuck at gear level VIII.

    I guess I look at gear a lil differently. I'm not even trying to go after the 50-piece slots - it just seems too daunting currently. We can burn thru 130 energy for 1 purple piece... like you said 20 is hard enough. I'll fill those slots when an update makes them more available. (Assuming they follow thru with that) If I get beat in arena cause others have gear 9 & I'm stuck at 8 so be it. I've got 15 toons at gear 8 & I'm ok with that. (EA - totally appreciate that I can still 'auto' the new STR challenge - need those purple pellet-gun pellets like the crops need rain)
    Referencing your drama above, I sincerely hope nobody's going into the fetal position over lack of instant gratification. My perspective is VERY different - 4 months at @90 minutes a day = almost 11,000 minutes. 180 hours playing a video game on a mobile device is hardly instant. --I'm sad now that I did that math - I could have done - ah nvm -ha. Do the Mods get paid in Crystals? getting off track
    I have a wife & kids and can't do the 2+ year lifestyle game thing. I got into Evony a few years ago, even ran an alliance til my wife practically gave me an intervention cause ppl were texting me at 2am to tell me a city was being attacked. Sharing logins to take care of other's acct's while on **** etc. I still get emails when the guy I gave my acct to buys something. Speaking of: I resent the fact that if you spend $20, you're considered "FTP". It's a mobile game. IMO $5 should buy something, $20 should buy something significant. It started out that way but ppl actually started buying those $100 packs so EA did what any biz would do. If demand is there, raise prices. WE can change the in-game pricing.
    @Starjumper appreciate the sence of humor - there's not enough of that on here. I'm picturing the take a # Beetlejuice scene.

    "V.a.c.a" is Censored??
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    Here's to keeping the dead-horse mega thread going - cheers. Still can't believe ppl are lobbying for slow game progression - do ya'll work at the DMV by chance?
    Just lvl'd my guys to 72 so I'm broke again - maybe 1 of you hoarders can loan me a few mil?
    To my new crew: 86, 88, Han & Magma... you guys have farmed hard & earned your stars but I'm sorry I just can't give you that promotion. Yes I know Daka got hers yesterday & it isn't fair but somebody put a democrat in charge & my taxes are just too high. Inflation and all - you know the dollar just aint what it used to be... maybe ya'll can come out & play next week.
    Keep your chins up & lets raise a glass for Fives who just got 85% Counter!.. Insert Mr'. Burns' fingers - eggcellent

    FYI theres not a bunch of using writing to EA asking them to slow the game down :D . However look at the flip side. If game play is too fast you'll blaze through everything too fast. Look at clash of clans. Been playing that for 2 years and just as I get to the maximum size town hall they bring out a new one that will probably take me another year! Basically you want the game to have some longevity (not essentially finishing it in 6 weeks) but again I think gear will keep me locked in position rather than credits any day of the week.

    Anyway. I gotta go back to work at the DMV. my break finished 2 hours ago!

    Gear is definitely the largest bottleneck. By the time I manage to get 20-of that piece of gear (not to mention 50), I can farm 1m or more in credits. And that's just 1 piece of gear out of multiple pieces that are needed across 6 slots.

    I'm now looking at gear level IX and above and all those 50 pieces, and I just know I'll have a roster full of 80's with majority stuck at gear level VIII.

    Completely incorrect. Farming for gear gets you minimal credits. The credit payout increase at higher levels is insignificant compared to power of the force (err .. to the increase in credits needed to raise levels). We aren't asking for raining credits. Just competitive balance.


    LS level 1 .. 190 credits for 6 energy .. LS level 7 860 credits for 10 energy

    So at stage 1 you get 31 credits per energy spent .. On stage 7 you get 86. Not even triple the amount per energy while the amount of credits needed to go from toon level 1-2 is 213 credits training from 70-71 is 170,000 credits.

    The amount of credits you can gain from GW doesn't change with your level and the daily challenges doesn't even double when you unlock a new stage 10+ levels later.

    It's not sustainable economics. I think a democrat came up with this plan, cost of living goes up by a factor of 500 and your pay doesn't even triple.
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Bon_El wrote: »
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    Here's to keeping the dead-horse mega thread going - cheers. Still can't believe ppl are lobbying for slow game progression - do ya'll work at the DMV by chance?
    Just lvl'd my guys to 72 so I'm broke again - maybe 1 of you hoarders can loan me a few mil?
    To my new crew: 86, 88, Han & Magma... you guys have farmed hard & earned your stars but I'm sorry I just can't give you that promotion. Yes I know Daka got hers yesterday & it isn't fair but somebody put a democrat in charge & my taxes are just too high. Inflation and all - you know the dollar just aint what it used to be... maybe ya'll can come out & play next week.
    Keep your chins up & lets raise a glass for Fives who just got 85% Counter!.. Insert Mr'. Burns' fingers - eggcellent

    FYI theres not a bunch of using writing to EA asking them to slow the game down :D . However look at the flip side. If game play is too fast you'll blaze through everything too fast. Look at clash of clans. Been playing that for 2 years and just as I get to the maximum size town hall they bring out a new one that will probably take me another year! Basically you want the game to have some longevity (not essentially finishing it in 6 weeks) but again I think gear will keep me locked in position rather than credits any day of the week.

    Anyway. I gotta go back to work at the DMV. my break finished 2 hours ago!

    Gear is definitely the largest bottleneck. By the time I manage to get 20-of that piece of gear (not to mention 50), I can farm 1m or more in credits. And that's just 1 piece of gear out of multiple pieces that are needed across 6 slots.

    I'm now looking at gear level IX and above and all those 50 pieces, and I just know I'll have a roster full of 80's with majority stuck at gear level VIII.

    I guess I look at gear a lil differently. I'm not even trying to go after the 50-piece slots - it just seems too daunting currently. We can burn thru 130 energy for 1 purple piece... like you said 20 is hard enough. I'll fill those slots when an update makes them more available. (Assuming they follow thru with that) If I get beat in arena cause others have gear 9 & I'm stuck at 8 so be it. I've got 15 toons at gear 8 & I'm ok with that. (EA - totally appreciate that I can still 'auto' the new STR challenge - need those purple pellet-gun pellets like the crops need rain)
    Referencing your drama above, I sincerely hope nobody's going into the fetal position over lack of instant gratification. My perspective is VERY different - 4 months at @90 minutes a day = almost 11,000 minutes. 180 hours playing a video game on a mobile device is hardly instant. --I'm sad now that I did that math - I could have done - ah nvm -ha. Do the Mods get paid in Crystals? getting off track
    I have a wife & kids and can't do the 2+ year lifestyle game thing. I got into Evony a few years ago, even ran an alliance til my wife practically gave me an intervention cause ppl were texting me at 2am to tell me a city was being attacked. Sharing logins to take care of other's acct's while on **** etc. I still get emails when the guy I gave my acct to buys something. Speaking of: I resent the fact that if you spend $20, you're considered "FTP". It's a mobile game. IMO $5 should buy something, $20 should buy something significant. It started out that way but ppl actually started buying those $100 packs so EA did what any biz would do. If demand is there, raise prices. WE can change the in-game pricing.
    @Starjumper appreciate the sence of humor - there's not enough of that on here. I'm picturing the take a # Beetlejuice scene.

    I feel you on how little paying actually gets you in today's games. I see those $60 character bundles and then look at my console or steam game pricing and just shake my head.

    And I stopped calculating my time spent on any game years ago after I did the /played on my WoW account and saw that I had logged over 126 days played (as in real time spent) on my main character. That's freaking continues 1/3rd of an entire year!
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Samantha
    345 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    PSA: If started playing before the keycard events/selling was altered and removed, you won't have a credit famine. So your opinion with regards to your current funds is largely invalid.

    If you started in Nov/Dec and are f2p and have no issues with credits (as many users are claiming here), you are less likely to be feeling the credit crunch vs someone who started recently. You gotta put yourselves in the shoes of players who aren't you, see things from their perspectives.

    I never once used the key cards or sold gear.... Those were for suckers who could not manage their resources.
  • HelloHey
    186 posts Member

    Just use your daily arena rewards of 500 and another 80 from daily activities and some more from your reserve to buy 600k credits for 595 crystals. Each day you will have 1.1 millionish.

    If you are not getting 450 to 500 crystals daily, you are playing it wrong.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    HelloHey wrote: »

    Just use your daily arena rewards of 500 and another 80 from daily activities and some more from your reserve to buy 600k credits for 595 crystals. Each day you will have 1.1 millionish.

    If you are not getting 450 to 500 crystals daily, you are playing it wrong.

    So what you're saying only 1-5 people per server is playing it correctly since it's only possible for 1-5 people per server to ever get a 500 or so crystals as rewards each day. Seems logical.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Options
    I'm always broke, so anything that brings about more gold in my coffers is good with me
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    HelloHey wrote: »

    Just use your daily arena rewards of 500 and another 80 from daily activities and some more from your reserve to buy 600k credits for 595 crystals. Each day you will have 1.1 millionish.

    If you are not getting 450 to 500 crystals daily, you are playing it wrong.

    most people use those crystals for energy refreshes especially since the level cap increase.

    I have a Phasma waiting to upgrade to 7* for a while, but its difficult to get 1 mill credits, Phasma sitting on the bench for now and Im spending my crystals on refreshes. ATM its just not worth spending the crystals to get phasma to 7*.

    Already currently spending 700-1000 crystals a day for refreshes, just to keep up with the top arena LB teams. Adding another 500 to buy a credit pack, starts getting really expensive.
  • Options
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

  • Options
    GW is over 3 mln credits per week
    Gold challenge is 880 k per week
    Cantina... Say, 1 mln per week

    That is 5 mln per week, and also there is gold as arena reward and missions - grand total of 5.5-6 mln credits per week

    With a slow speed of leveling due to high xp requirements, I trust it's pretty feasible to level a core team of around 10 chars, including crafting gear costs.

    Of course, it means you should NOT spend money on other chars (especially on star promotions, if the character is not needed for arena)
  • Options
    Yudoka wrote: »
    HelloHey wrote: »

    Just use your daily arena rewards of 500 and another 80 from daily activities and some more from your reserve to buy 600k credits for 595 crystals. Each day you will have 1.1 millionish.

    If you are not getting 450 to 500 crystals daily, you are playing it wrong.

    So what you're saying only 1-5 person per server is playing it correctly since it's only possible for 1-5 person per server to ever get a 500 or so crystal reward a day. Seems logical.

    Face palm @HelloHey !!! Apart from the playing it wrong, what about energy then? Why not just say, spend real money to buy credits????

    @Tromedlov13, too bad some people are not getting what you have pointed out as simply as possible. Credit rewards are not scaling at all.
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    I think leveling up characters is realistically attainable, the promotions are the ones that will likely require buying credit packs. Which I had to do for my current arena team.
  • Kaib
    74 posts Member
    No one who has played this game for over a month is in it for instant gratification. Not beating up on anyone but holy smokes that argument is silly.

    Why is it not common sense that in a game which advertises itself in the App Store as a team, turn based, collection game, that the longer you play the more playable characters you should have, not less?

    The game design is to take characters you've already maxed out and make you re-max them out at level caps to keep playing them - all while making the process exponentially more expensive without increasing the rewards proportionately. Each level cap will mean playing less and less characters. How is that in line with making the game what it's supposed to be?

  • HelloHey
    186 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    HelloHey wrote: »

    Just use your daily arena rewards of 500 and another 80 from daily activities and some more from your reserve to buy 600k credits for 595 crystals. Each day you will have 1.1 millionish.

    If you are not getting 450 to 500 crystals daily, you are playing it wrong.

    So what you're saying only 1-5 people per server is playing it correctly since it's only possible for 1-5 people per server to ever get a 500 or so crystals as rewards each day. Seems logical.

    It's a 24 hourly payout system

    If on the correct timezone, there are 24 first spots up for grabs.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Kaib wrote: »
    No one who has played this game for over a month is in it for instant gratification. Not beating up on anyone but holy smokes that argument is silly.

    Why is it not common sense that in a game which advertises itself in the App Store as a team, turn based, collection game, that the longer you play the more playable characters you should have, not less?

    The game design is to take characters you've already maxed out and make you re-max them out at level caps to keep playing them - all while making the process exponentially more expensive without increasing the rewards proportionately. Each level cap will mean playing less and less characters. How is that in line with making the game what it's supposed to be?

    The game is exactly what it's supposed to be as long as you're willing to pay money to keep up at the faster pace. Not exactly sure why people are confused on this point?
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Of course, it means you should NOT spend money on other chars (especially on star promotions, if the character is not needed for arena)

    Exactly the problem that everyone is talking about. We want to develop others too. Not looking for a free ride, just some fairness. Refer the post by @Tromedlov13 above.

    There are ways to get around the credit crunch by concentrating on just a few toons for Arena or spending way too much money. Everybody is going on about GW this much, that much. Famine means shortage. If we can only concentrate on 10 toons, that is a shortage. It's funny how the folks disagreeing come up and prove what we are complaining about. The key to survive in a famine is to be frugal. Which is what you want us to be. That means, we are right about the famine.

    Edit: And I'd just like to add here, for the DMV guys: There are tons of other toons (multiple versions of one character even) in the Star Wars universe that can prolong the life of the game. For beep's sake, new movies are being written and produced right now to create even more material. I would prefer adding new content over making the game a drag to prolong the life of the game. New game modes, toons, scenarios, synergies... the possibilities are endless. Why do you think the devs will even look there if we are least interested in the new and prefer simming day in, day out on the same 10 toons?!?!?!?!
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Samantha wrote: »
    I never once used the key cards or sold gear.... Those were for suckers who could not manage their resources.
    Could you not be stupid?
    I started playing after Keycards were removed.
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