Credit Gain: The Famine is Only Getting Worse - RESPONSE NEEDED PLEASE!!!


  • Polarice
    113 posts Member
    Whilst i can spend credits at an alarming fashion to get all my toons up in level, as quite a few have said, its about managing your resources to put them where they are most needed.

    I would like to see more credits rolling in, but i am also enjoying the management and decision making. No reward in a game should be without risk in my opinion.
  • klay
    76 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    But if you're an F2P player, you should expect to have to put in a lot of time if you want to gain value. I find that most people that can't seem to clear GW are not using correct strats (you'd be amazed how many don't know about the simple retreat). And if you're not playing every day, you certainly can't expect your progress to keep going along smoothly.

    You can either spend a lot of time on the game or a lot of money to make decent progress. You can't skip on both.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    Ur supporting his point essentially
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Homish
    65 posts Member
    I don't mind the credit crunch, deciding what your goals are and making strategic desicions with these goals in mind and the limited resources available is part of the game.

    Having to rethink these desicions based on neglecting a certain area and this prohibiting your progress in another is a sign of a well balanced game in my opinion.

    That being said, if they wanna give me 20 million for no reason tomorrow I'll not complain :)
  • klay
    76 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    Ur supporting his point essentially

    How am I supporting his point? Because I think he is willfully embelishing how many credits the average person earns? Or is it because I believe his expectations are unreasonable?

    I really want to know why people keep insinuating that those who believe the credit crunch is real want everything immediately.

    I have been playing since the end of November and only have 41 characters unlocked. I have 10 that are max stars. Ive played for nearly 5 months and only have about half the available characters. I've spent about 65 on this game and play daily. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be playing for nearly a year and still not have all the current characters (that aren't chromium exclusive). That's unreasonable especially since most mobile games don't have a shelf life for years. If you want to take years to get everyone usable, that's on you. Dont assume everyone is like that though.
  • Options
    "The credit crunch is not a resource mgmt issue ,it's an Imbalance created by the fact that expenses get exponentially higher but obtainable rewards don't compensate. I don't deal with poverty in life & I don't want to do it in a game."
    +1-I'm PTP and it is real for all of us-not just FTP

    "Yeah, the Yoda challenge hurt. Particularly because it was necessary to pretty much fully max 5 toons which you wouldn't necessarily otherwise do."
    This is where i came in (about 4 weeks earlier actually). Was gearing and leveling other toons then realized i needed all these Jedi. Well, i spent a bunch of $ and got there-got my Yoda-now i'm left with a Jedi team that is my only choice for arena and CAN'T compete beyond about 20-30 (and i have some decent Jedi). Not enough credits and resources to go around.

    "That's a great point. How are we supposed to experiment and have fun with different characters when the resources are just not available to support that?"
    EXACTLY!!! I want to try these other characters!-I'll star and level all the bomb throwers even. But i can't because i can't afford (or am unwilling to currently pay) or get the resources. Why does EA need such crazy amounts of $ for everything? How many people would actually buy a 2M credit pack for $5? How about 25 MKIII for $5. The old adage-you can shear a sheep many times but only skin them once. Come on EA-Shear me!

    The credit crunch is real. I would love EA to really look hard at offering cheaper alternatives and, of course, free alternatives to this credit issue. One thing they should have changed long ago-Bronzium packs-Why do we continue to receive this horrible junk. We earn the credits with all our refreshes and receive nothing in return (well, almost nothing). Substantial bonus credits along with purple gear mats should be dropping at much larger rates considering most of the player base is far beyond needing cr.ap gear.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    klay wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    Ur supporting his point essentially

    How am I supporting his point? Because I think he is willfully embelishing how many credits the average person earns? Or is it because I believe his expectations are unreasonable?

    I really want to know why people keep insinuating that those who believe the credit crunch is real want everything immediately.

    I have been playing since the end of November and only have 41 characters unlocked. I have 10 that are max stars. Ive played for nearly 5 months and only have about half the available characters. I've spent about 65 on this game and play daily. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be playing for nearly a year and still not have all the current characters (that aren't chromium exclusive). That's unreasonable especially since most mobile games don't have a shelf life for years. If you want to take years to get everyone usable, that's on you. Dont assume everyone is like that though.

    But now you're setting your own expectations based on nothing more than personal preferense. Sure, most mobile games don't have a shelf life that's that long (few do though; look at Clash of Clans and Hearthstone), but I think this one will as well as it has a huge license that's currently backed by Hollywood both on TV and theaters into the foreseeable future, as well as a huge industry publisher. You'll need to spend a lot more than $65 if you want to progress as fast you're saying.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    klay wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    Ur supporting his point essentially

    How am I supporting his point? Because I think he is willfully embelishing how many credits the average person earns? Or is it because I believe his expectations are unreasonable?

    I really want to know why people keep insinuating that those who believe the credit crunch is real want everything immediately.

    I have been playing since the end of November and only have 41 characters unlocked. I have 10 that are max stars. Ive played for nearly 5 months and only have about half the available characters. I've spent about 65 on this game and play daily. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be playing for nearly a year and still not have all the current characters (that aren't chromium exclusive). That's unreasonable especially since most mobile games don't have a shelf life for years. If you want to take years to get everyone usable, that's on you. Dont assume everyone is like that though.

    +1 - been playing since late November too. 38 characters unlocked. 7 at max stars and 7 at 6*.

    One of the primary aspects of this game is (should be?) trying different combinations, synergies, etc. That's impossible if you can only gear/star 5-6 heroes. F2P or low-end p2p =<$20 (probably a majority of the players fall into this category) can't just "change directions" with the meta either - at least not easily.

    Initially, I didn't go after GS, due to all the nerf cries. A finally caved and started farming him almost exactly a month ago. He just hit 7* - but is not geared enough to be viable in arena. I am also scraping the bottom of the barrel on credits, and have held off on starring up my RP and haven't even unlocked Poggle yet (despite having 220 shards for him). So basically, it took me over a month to "catch up" on GS...and now I am fairly strapped for credits, such that I can't use GS + Poggle together yet.

    So people are sick of seeing the same teams in arena? If the credit issue were resolved, that would at least help most players that have heroes ready to jump in, but that cannot afford to be starred.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    The only solution is to vote Bernie sanders as the new SWGoH ceo so that everyone gets equal credits
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Credit shortage??

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]
    Post edited by Afista on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    Ur supporting his point essentially

    How am I supporting his point? Because I think he is willfully embelishing how many credits the average person earns? Or is it because I believe his expectations are unreasonable?

    I really want to know why people keep insinuating that those who believe the credit crunch is real want everything immediately.

    I have been playing since the end of November and only have 41 characters unlocked. I have 10 that are max stars. Ive played for nearly 5 months and only have about half the available characters. I've spent about 65 on this game and play daily. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be playing for nearly a year and still not have all the current characters (that aren't chromium exclusive). That's unreasonable especially since most mobile games don't have a shelf life for years. If you want to take years to get everyone usable, that's on you. Dont assume everyone is like that though.

    +1 - been playing since late November too. 38 characters unlocked. 7 at max stars and 7 at 6*.

    One of the primary aspects of this game is (should be?) trying different combinations, synergies, etc. That's impossible if you can only gear/star 5-6 heroes. F2P or low-end p2p =<$20 (probably a majority of the players fall into this category) can't just "change directions" with the meta either - at least not easily.

    Initially, I didn't go after GS, due to all the nerf cries. A finally caved and started farming him almost exactly a month ago. He just hit 7* - but is not geared enough to be viable in arena. I am also scraping the bottom of the barrel on credits, and have held off on starring up my RP and haven't even unlocked Poggle yet (despite having 220 shards for him). So basically, it took me over a month to "catch up" on GS...and now I am fairly strapped for credits, such that I can't use GS + Poggle together yet.

    So people are sick of seeing the same teams in arena? If the credit issue were resolved, that would at least help most players that have heroes ready to jump in, but that cannot afford to be starred.

    I've been playing since the start of February as 100% F2P and have 6 maxed characters with another 4 that'll should max out by the end of the month when I hit 80 (maybe a week more). Most of these guys are at level VIII gear. I've yet to experience a credit crunch. I find the game plenty accessible right now. My best finish in arena has been 50 which I find very reasonable as that means only 49 other people on a server of thousands are doing better than me and I'm not spending any money.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    klay wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    The reality is there isn't a credit crunch here's why

    Take into account you are looking at 4-5 days between level 70-71 and based on what I've heard it seems a day needs to be added per level if xp continues to go up by 1100+ per time

    So worst case say it's 4 days to level. In this time you earn

    1.8 million from GW @ 450k per day

    Approx 50k per day from cantina farm (100k if you buy 1 refresh)

    280k per bounty hunter and technically theres one every 2.3 days so this equates to 120k per day

    500k per month from daily login so 16.5k per day based on 30 days.

    25k from arena being Conservative and say you finish in the 21-50 bracket. More for all those I keep hearing are smashing it and no#1 on theit leader boards.

    25k per day from starting a GW

    Plus other small change from dailies and regular sim matches

    So in total you can earn approximately 686k credits per day and on the basis of levelling up in
    4 days it's 2.7 million
    5 days it's 3.4 million
    6 days it's 4.1 million

    Im not gonna even count the 350k per month just for logging in every day ;)

    Cost of levelling 5 toons up by one is presently under 1 million being generous.

    This leaves money to blow 1 million to 7* another toon every 4-5 days, buy shipments and level a few lower toons a bit at a time and still have change for some candyfloss afterwards.

    So why are people still struggling on credits? Only thing I can think is you want 20xlv72s the second you hit it. If it isn't I'd be intrigued to know what the credits are getting spent on as I assume you are collecting everytjing

    You make a lot of assumptions, way too many for us to use your data.

    For one, you assume everyone clears GW everyday. If the forum is any indication, that is definitely not the case. You assume people even play everyday.

    You essentially took the near absolute best case scenario and applied it as the average one.

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but the majority of the people who claim there is no credit crunch are either lower levels or are playing at an unreasonable slow pace.

    It shouldn't be considered a luxury to be able to level up current characters and new ones simultaneously, at least from a credit perspective. Our growth is already limited by other finite resources like ability mats and gear. Credits shouldn't also be an issue.

    Ur supporting his point essentially

    How am I supporting his point? Because I think he is willfully embelishing how many credits the average person earns? Or is it because I believe his expectations are unreasonable?

    I really want to know why people keep insinuating that those who believe the credit crunch is real want everything immediately.

    I have been playing since the end of November and only have 41 characters unlocked. I have 10 that are max stars. Ive played for nearly 5 months and only have about half the available characters. I've spent about 65 on this game and play daily. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be playing for nearly a year and still not have all the current characters (that aren't chromium exclusive). That's unreasonable especially since most mobile games don't have a shelf life for years. If you want to take years to get everyone usable, that's on you. Dont assume everyone is like that though.

    Because his point, if u read his comment slowly and completely, is that he agrees there is a credit crunch and the only reason he has lots of credits is because he isnt doing anything essentially to spend them... He wants to see what the update changes, and as soon as he picks a direction his stockpile will disappear
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Duckoo
    279 posts Member
    I would love to manage my resources so that I can succeed, but SWGOH continues to change what I need that it is not always feasible. Reach level 71, upgrade just my five major toons to 71. Got a star to upgrade Rey. Got a star to upgrade RG. There goes a million or so of my 3.5 I have saved up. Oh, I reach 72. Do it all again on level up, there's another half mil which wipes out what I made from my GW. Oh, I need to level up Teebo and RG to take on the 72 tank challenge for gear I can't use yet, but I know I'll want. Now I'm down to 500. How have I manager wrong?
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    People are very challenged at math in this thread as you clearly accumulate shards faster than the credits to 7 star max level the characters. It's not a budgeting issue, at best it's a designed shortage. So assuming characters keep getting added to GW and arena at a rate that equals the supply of shards then you will slowly accumulate more shards then credits. To max a character the game requires 20k credits per shard. The game provides 14k credits per shard.

    The problem from a game design standpoint is that the premium currencies crystals and shards don't form the bottleneck to progress.

    It is the free currency forming the bottleneck rather than shards. This encourages cookie cutter teams.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Duckoo wrote: »
    I would love to manage my resources so that I can succeed, but SWGOH continues to change what I need that it is not always feasible. Reach level 71, upgrade just my five major toons to 71. Got a star to upgrade Rey. Got a star to upgrade RG. There goes a million or so of my 3.5 I have saved up. Oh, I reach 72. Do it all again on level up, there's another half mil which wipes out what I made from my GW. Oh, I need to level up Teebo and RG to take on the 72 tank challenge for gear I can't use yet, but I know I'll want. Now I'm down to 500. How have I manager wrong?

    Your'e not doing anything wrong. You just need to complete all the dailies daily. To get your main squad to 80 will take about 11m credits. You can get that in less than 3 weeks of grinding. To reach 80 will take you about 6 weeks (unless you're boosting). So you'll have another 11-13m credits in that time. That's enough to get another 2-3 toons from 1-80 and max stars.

    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Incidentally, this is also part of the reason why people are begging the devs for any information about the upcoming game changes or any upcoming buffs or nerfs - and why people freak out when some are made without any advance knowledge. The only thing worse as a f2p or $20 or so to play and spending a month starring and gearing a hero, is to have that hero be useless just as you get him/her up to par.

    Whales can spend their way to the new meta (or out of a mistake). F2P or people paying a more modest amount cannot.

    There are two ways to fix the problem:

    1) Alleviate part of the resource problem, which would give non-whales some flexibility. Not as much as the whales, understandably. They pay for that advantage.

    2) Give people more advanced and detailed information about upcoming changes to character abilities, nerfs and buffs.

    Since the latter doesn't seem to be happening at all, the former might be a simpler solution.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    FeepCunner wrote: »
    The only solution is to vote Bernie sanders as the new SWGoH ceo so that everyone gets equal credits

    That's right he'll take the "excess" credits from the whales and disperse it to the to all the non-whales, after all the whales can afford it...

    Who I am is not important, my message is. - Revan
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I would love more free credits.

    Until we get them, in offering a way for ppl to manage the low credits: focus on less characters

    Is it ideal? No. But im hoping its less frustrating than not never having enough credits for ALL the toons
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    It's my own fault, I've been prioritizing character shards and Crystals from day 1. Be a different story if I was a credit farmer.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    You can get 4 million credits a week if you do the bounty hunter challenge and clear the galactic war, that is plenty for leveling up guys. Unless you are leveling up once a day, you will have enough unless you spend your resources trying to level up all of your characters
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    You can get 4 million credits a week if you do the bounty hunter challenge and clear the galactic war, that is plenty for leveling up guys. Unless you are leveling up once a day, you will have enough unless you spend your resources trying to level up all of your characters

    You can get almost 5m in fact. 3.5 GW + 840 Challenge + 500 Cantina + Misc (dailies, arena, etc).
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • CycloneJoker
    46 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Thank you yudoka.

    If you are talking about the increased level cap, I also assume you at at least level 70. If you still can't finish the gw everyday at level 70, I'm sorry tell you, but you invested into the wrong guys. The galactic war is so much easier then it was 2 months ago when often times the first node I encounter would already be level 70.
  • Options
    This game is designed to keep you low on credits so that you either buy the credit packs in the store or waste your energy on the credit event.

    This won't change, it's intentional.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    This game is designed to keep you low on credits so that you either buy the credit packs in the store or waste your energy on the credit event.

    This won't change, it's intentional.

    The droid and credit events are a true waste. No matter how bad your crunch is with either item, do not do these events. And yes, the limited resources are intentional. It's how they make their money (that and the stupid expensive character packs and the insanely terrible boosts that do nothing but go after brand new players who have no idea how easy it is to get your guy to level 42).
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Options
    This game is designed to keep you low on credits so that you either buy the credit packs in the store or waste your energy on the credit event.

    This won't change, it's intentional.

    Are your serious or just trolling? The facts are there. You can get 4 to 5 million credits a week. That is plenty unless your are spending all of it not on your main 5. I have never used my energy on the credit challenge and I have certainly never used crytals to get credits
  • Antmanndie
    85 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I have just read thru this entire post , all 6 pages and here's my take on credits.

    I am level 72 , 4 toons at 72 , 3 at 71 , 3 at 70, a couple in the 60's , most between 30-40

    Yes I am experiencing a severe crunch, I have toons waiting to be activated, toon with enough shards to be starred up , some even 2 or 3 times.

    The basic assumption here is maxing available credits daily. I can get thru GW fine now losing one maybe 2 toons in the process. But what happens when the crunch affects me in GW. I already have a level 73 on my server . I can stay close but can't catch. Soon people will start seeing teams 2,3,4 or more levels above them again. Then the credit crunch gets worse because you no longer finish GW.What about arena. Suddenly you go from top 20 to 51-100 , your crystals and income rate drops and your situation gets worse. How about cantina. I've given up on trying to farm toons I want and just farm from level 6. Why ? Because for 24 cantina energy I can make an extra 5-7k . It's not much, but every credit counts.

    It's easy to help with the crunch. Run a special where the daily challenge for credits runs all week, for one week only, that will provide most an extra million credits which , while not fixing the current dilemma , will help temporarily alleviate the crunch. Increase payouts on missions that require more energy. Even a small increase of 500-2500 will help. Also bring back the sale shop. Sitting here with over a thousand pieces of some equipment I'll never use is a waste, unless ships will require a few hundred pieces of some equipment.

    I'm not saying flood the game with credits, but even something small like 25-50k a day increase will go a long way.
  • Options
    I'm looking forward to the point when I want to level a character and credits are the reason I can't instead of not having enough training droids.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Antmanndie wrote: »
    I have just read thru this entire post , all 6 pages and here's my take on credits.

    I am level 72 , 4 toons at 72 , 3 at 71 , 3 at 70, a couple in the 60's , most between 30-40

    Yes I am experiencing a severe crunch, I have toons waiting to be activated, toon with enough shards to be starred up , some even 2 or 3 times.

    The basic assumption here is maxing available credits daily. I can get thru GW fine now losing one maybe 2 toons in the process. But what happens when the crunch affects me in GW. I already have a level 73 on my server . I can stay close but can't catch. Soon people will start seeing teams 2,3,4 or more levels above them again. Then the credit crunch gets worse because you no longer finish GW.What about arena. Suddenly you go from top 20 to 51-100 , your crystals and income rate drops and your situation gets worse. How about cantina. I've given up on trying to farm toons I want and just farm from level 6. Why ? Because for 24 cantina energy I can make an extra 5-7k . It's not much, but every credit counts.

    It's easy to help with the crunch. Run a special where the daily challenge for credits runs all week, for one week only, that will provide most an extra million credits which , while not fixing the current dilemma , will help temporarily alleviate the crunch. Increase payouts on missions that require more energy. Even a small increase of 500-2500 will help. Also bring back the sale shop. Sitting here with over a thousand pieces of some equipment I'll never use is a waste, unless ships will require a few hundred pieces of some equipment.

    I'm not saying flood the game with credits, but even something small like 25-50k a day increase will go a long way.

    GW won't get too hard. I and many others were completing it just fine in our 60's.

    Arena doesn't matter. If you're worried about losing rank 20, you're already a well above average player.

    Yes, the whales will get well ahead of everyone in every aspect of the game and Arena will be dominated by them, for a time. And no amount of special little events for a few credits will help this.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Samantha
    345 posts Member
    Thanks to all of you making me look like a genius. I have no credit shortage with the way I manage my game. I must rock.

    I'd rather have the gear issue addressed.
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