Proving Grounds


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    For all those that were hoping to finish out CAT with weekly shipment refresh, and are GP gated due to not being at 4 million. Heres another gift for us.

    THANK YOU, to all those that posted about this.

    I'd have been soooo **** on PG Day if I wasn't able to get my last 6 shards because I was waiting for the Free one's & my final store purchase.

    Happy to help, I got boned myself, sitting at 271/331, which if my math is right means proving grounds with the refreshes would have unlocked CAT for me, currently at 3 mil gp.
  • Rius
    382 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I hope this encourages people to not gloss over future conquest toons just because the kit doesn't look good at all and not worth trying hard and expecting to max out the unit in 6 months

    I know that was the sentiment with Second Sister's ship, and with people who didn't care about TW and Boba Scion of Jango

    People pass Max Crate because in many cases getting it turns into an annoying grind, so we purposedly get a lower crate to avoid getting tired and bored of the game. That was specially true during Boba and TIE's Conquest, as the grind was awful. If they want people invested on their game mode, make it less grindy, more entertaining, make us enjoy playing the game, that's why we play after all.

    You can:

    1. Grind hard
    2. Avoid grinding and completing the rest by buying packs
    3. Stay f2p and wait months or years to get the unit

    Can't have no grinding, and wanting units at 7 stars without putting in the effort

    Ultra the issue is that you’re missing the point of how CG just does the same carbon copy stuff over and over and over. There’s no originality to the feats in the last 13 seasons of Conquest. There’s been virtually no QoL to make the experience more fun to avoid burnout.

    If people can’t/don’t want to spend on packs, or don’t have the time or patience for the same grind for the 14th time in a row, they shouldn’t be punished by being the locked out on a new character.

    This proving ground event is not good. It’s too long of a grind for people already waiting a year as F2P and it does zero for anyone already with these toons. It’s juat bad

    That’s not an issue, just your personal problem for not trying hard enough

    This game has always been about time vs effort

    if you don’t have the time or patience to farm a toon, you can spend on it

    F2P always have to grind or choose to miss out on a new character for a few months

    It’s been that way for years, wanting to not grind and not be punished for being locked out on new character screams entitlement to me, JKR, DR, Malak, GAS, Padme, etc all had a “either you are ready now or be locked out for at least 3 months”

    it’s been the game’s model for years

    Yes that has been the model but now it’s an all new level. Previously it was spenders get things day one. F2P get them after about a year through farming nodes or stores or events. That was fine and accepted.

    Enter conquest toons. Razor crest enters farm-ability after a year being held behind conquest prizes, crystal stores and packs. It gets dropped in the fleet store. No biggie.

    Next up is CAT. She disappears from stores and then is put in a new event. However the event is locked behind a 4m GP paywall and has insanely high refresh costs. They’re increasing the gap for availability between P2P and F2P. That’s not ok.

    Listen I’ve already got all the conquest units unlocked and maxed in star level through conquest rewards. The longest was Maul at 5 conquests. Either because I have too much real life obligation to grind for hours a day or because I just was burnt out. However this new GP gate for being able to farm a character is not right. The zero SSC for people with her is not right.

    I spent money on CAT shards when crystals were discounted low level P2P are impacted too.
  • Drathuk916
    639 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    It’s a catch-up mechanic and I think it’s a mistake to have any gp limit. Players retire and need to be replaced whether they are spenders or ftp. The harder you make it to catch up means fewer people try. This isn’t about CAT but about the new player today who cg will need to fill the void of a retiring player two years time from now.

    CG keeps making decisions that appear to make the assumption that their acquisition rate of new players will always out pace their losses of existing players. They have the numbers but I doubt this is currently true both for total players and spending done by those players.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Rius wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I hope this encourages people to not gloss over future conquest toons just because the kit doesn't look good at all and not worth trying hard and expecting to max out the unit in 6 months

    I know that was the sentiment with Second Sister's ship, and with people who didn't care about TW and Boba Scion of Jango

    People pass Max Crate because in many cases getting it turns into an annoying grind, so we purposedly get a lower crate to avoid getting tired and bored of the game. That was specially true during Boba and TIE's Conquest, as the grind was awful. If they want people invested on their game mode, make it less grindy, more entertaining, make us enjoy playing the game, that's why we play after all.

    You can:

    1. Grind hard
    2. Avoid grinding and completing the rest by buying packs
    3. Stay f2p and wait months or years to get the unit

    Can't have no grinding, and wanting units at 7 stars without putting in the effort

    Ultra the issue is that you’re missing the point of how CG just does the same carbon copy stuff over and over and over. There’s no originality to the feats in the last 13 seasons of Conquest. There’s been virtually no QoL to make the experience more fun to avoid burnout.

    If people can’t/don’t want to spend on packs, or don’t have the time or patience for the same grind for the 14th time in a row, they shouldn’t be punished by being the locked out on a new character.

    This proving ground event is not good. It’s too long of a grind for people already waiting a year as F2P and it does zero for anyone already with these toons. It’s juat bad

    That’s not an issue, just your personal problem for not trying hard enough

    This game has always been about time vs effort

    if you don’t have the time or patience to farm a toon, you can spend on it

    F2P always have to grind or choose to miss out on a new character for a few months

    It’s been that way for years, wanting to not grind and not be punished for being locked out on new character screams entitlement to me, JKR, DR, Malak, GAS, Padme, etc all had a “either you are ready now or be locked out for at least 3 months”

    it’s been the game’s model for years

    Yes that has been the model but now it’s an all new level. Previously it was spenders get things day one. F2P get them after about a year through farming nodes or stores or events. That was fine and accepted.

    Enter conquest toons. Razor crest enters farm-ability after a year being held behind conquest prizes, crystal stores and packs. It gets dropped in the fleet store. No biggie.

    Next up is CAT. She disappears from stores and then is put in a new event. However the event is locked behind a 4m GP paywall and has insanely high refresh costs. They’re increasing the gap for availability between P2P and F2P. That’s not ok.

    Listen I’ve already got all the conquest units unlocked and maxed in star level through conquest rewards. The longest was Maul at 5 conquests. Either because I have too much real life obligation to grind for hours a day or because I just was burnt out. However this new GP gate for being able to farm a character is not right. The zero SSC for people with her is not right.

    I spent money on CAT shards when crystals were discounted low level P2P are impacted too.

    Which makes it even worse.
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    This isn’t about CAT but about the new player today who cg will need to fill the void of a retiring player two years time from now

    They don't need new players now, much less for the next two years. New game beta is this summer, so they'll be making LOTR money before we know it and then Star Wars money won't matter.
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    They said that now that CAT was release a year ago she will be easier to get. I have 211 shards by the time she was dificult to obtain. (Nearly reach lvl 85 by the end of the first conquest) And now that she is easier to obtain, i am needing 3600 crystals for 30 shards. No longer buy her with conquest currency, no capable of joining the probe grounds event. But today i am farming my first shards of JMK... So. CAT is harder to obtain that a GL... That does not make sense for me.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    This isn’t about CAT but about the new player today who cg will need to fill the void of a retiring player two years time from now

    They don't need new players now, much less for the next two years. New game beta is this summer, so they'll be making LOTR money before we know it and then Star Wars money won't matter.

    Well that’s a different assumption that LOTR fans are bigger spenders than Star Wars fans. As a fan of both I find it unlikely I’ll install lotr. If I do I certainly won’t be spending on it. CG had a great opportunity to convert existing swgoh players into lotr players but they continually upset the player base making that conversion more difficult.
  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    I've got no dog in the this race as I've had CAT for a while but reading the comments above, this is a low move.

    I hope CG change it. But sadly, I doubt it.
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    StarSon wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    This isn’t about CAT but about the new player today who cg will need to fill the void of a retiring player two years time from now

    They don't need new players now, much less for the next two years. New game beta is this summer, so they'll be making LOTR money before we know it and then Star Wars money won't matter.

    I spended on star Wars because it's star Wars and I'm a fan (also i like lotr too but not at same lvl), and there's 0 chances i make the same mistake knowing it's going to be another product by CG (and the practices used), and i doubt i would even install it.
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead are you guys deliberately messing with low gp players? After gatekeeping proving grounds now you removed cat shards from weekly shipments. Thus we have 0 way to get her. This is outrageous. Please be considerate of lower gp players. We also spend so many hours into your game and try to be competitive.
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    I do think CG are shooting themselves in the foot by gating it behind hardquest requirements. Surely 2mil GP would have been sufficient as players would have some full R3 squads by then? It's particularly baffling since it will cost them money by not allowing those people to buy crystals for refreshing.
  • 1313
    5 posts Member
    I have 166 CAT chards and have 1.9 mil GP...spent crystals on her in conquest store. and in weekly shipments.Now shes gone from weekly shipments.It means i will unlock her in 2 years from now.Lol.After all this stuff from CG i think i will not play anymore.Please change the 4mil Gp requerments or return her in weekly shipments.
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    CG never does anything sketchy….sketchy would be having inquisitor galactic challenges every other one. There is no way they would stoop to that level.
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    So, have the charcters; can't play the event. Under 4M; can't play the event. Sounds par for this course. My only suggestion to new players is never get excited, keep your hands up at all times, and watch out for the left hook;)
  • Options
    PumaK wrote: »
    I spended on star Wars because it's star Wars and I'm a fan (also i like lotr too but not at same lvl), and there's 0 chances i make the same mistake knowing it's going to be another product by CG (and the practices used), and i doubt i would even install it.

    THIS..... I got suckered into SW by a friend, NO chance I ever play another CG/EA game.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    JackedJedi wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    4 million GP is fine

    You get shards in normal conquest too, doing a 1m GP limit would have made more sense if they were copying conquest properly.

    i think a Tier 1 with 10 shards for people who qualify for normal conquest would’ve been nice

    In the spirit of compromise, what would have have been nice is if the Refresh was limited to those w/ 4 Mil GP, since both the Refresh Option AND the 4Mil were not mentioned in the original post.

    Everyone gets their 20 shards, but, if you have a bloated up roster of 4+ mil then you can access the refresh & get 60 shards to "catch up".

    I like that... but 4mil isnt bloated now in this game. You can have 4 mil with all good teams (and required gl stuff)
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Rius wrote: »
    For all those that were hoping to finish out CAT with weekly shipment refresh, and are GP gated due to not being at 4 million. Heres another gift for us.






    CAT removed from weekly shipments, then how are we supposed to access her shards under 4M?

    And RC is there... are they mocking us? I am confused now.

    Nope they pull characters from it all the time. No ryme or reason.

    Versio is missing this past week... oh well ill spend my crystals on gear
  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    PumaK wrote: »
    I spended on star Wars because it's star Wars and I'm a fan (also i like lotr too but not at same lvl), and there's 0 chances i make the same mistake knowing it's going to be another product by CG (and the practices used), and i doubt i would even install it.

    THIS..... I got suckered into SW by a friend, NO chance I ever play another CG/EA game.

  • BobaFettish86
    607 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.

    It would further unbalance PVP at that level, because then only spenders would have CAT at 1.5M GP.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.

    It would further unbalance PVP at that level, because then only spenders would have CAT at 1.5M GP.

    What's the difference between PG and a person that pays crystals/money to refresh the Endurance event today so they can unlock 7* Endurance earlier than their PVP opponents?
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.


    I just don't think its a big deal if players below 4 million GP can't get her

    Other players under 4 million GP should not have CAT either so its not like they are facing other sub-4M GP players with CAT
  • herd_nerfer
    2071 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.

    It would further unbalance PVP at that level, because then only spenders would have CAT at 1.5M GP.

    But that wouldn't be any different from how the game has always been. Spenders will still buy her packs when they come around and buy shards in weekly shipments if and when they pop.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.

    It would further unbalance PVP at that level, because then only spenders would have CAT at 1.5M GP.

    But that wouldn't be any different from how the game has always been. Spenders will still buy her packs when they come around and buy shards in weekly shipments if and when they pop.

    True, but the game's single PVP hasn't always revolved around GA. The reason for the meta changed and so the acquisition for the meta changed.
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    What's particularly galling is we all know that it might say R3 requirement but we also know it'll be balanced for R7s and/or GLs as that is what CG do.

    At 4 million GP, you will have a GL or two (plus some R7s), so that should not be an issue

    I see you defending the GP requirement and I'd like to know what you think the harm is if a 1.5M GP player happens to have 5 R3 toons, completes PG (assume they can) and ends the month with a total of 20 CAT shards.

    Do you believe allowing sub 4MGP players access to PG unbalances the game in some way?
    This is why people are angry because its needlessly exclusionary.


    I just don't think its a big deal if players below 4 million GP can't get her

    Other players under 4 million GP should not have CAT either so its not like they are facing other sub-4M GP players with CAT

    But they have changed the primary game mode so that GP doesn’t matter so it is arguably worse as you are no longer facing people at an equivalent GP level. If they are any good, people that are sub 4 mil GP who do not have access to CAT are going to regularly be facing people above 4 mil who do.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Something I just don't get: Ever since GAC has been changed, we were told over and over again that GP is not the right way to measure the value of a roster. That your skill, your mods etc are what makes you better or worse.
    We are theoretically getting matched against day 1 accounts for that very reason!

    And yet now all of a sudden, CG uses our GP to value our roster again to tell us, if we are good enough.
    These definition swings are giving me whiplash.

    If we are being told over and over that we can/should punch up in GAC with the right roster/toons/mods etc., then why are we not able to try the same in PG? Or Conquest for that matter btw. This is a huge contradiction and the lack of consistency makes this just depressing.

    There might be some who now would say, well it is 4M GP minimum to be able to play hard Conquest so it is fair to have the same requirements for PG.
    This argument might have been true before the GAC changes, because until that point the measurement by CG for roster strength was GP. But it is not anymore after the change. You can't use different measurements in the same game about the strenght of a roster that contradict each other just because it suits you better and expect everyone to just accept or understand it! It doesn't work that way!

    Edit to add:
    Basically we are matched agains players with Conquest characters and we are being told the reason for that is because GP doesn't matter or reflect a roster's strength. Yet we are not allowed to get the Conquest characters so we can have a fair chance against these players and are being told the reason for that is because GP matters.

    An interesting interpretation of the GAC changes. I feel like the announcements were fairly clear that their intention was that people grow their roster. Getting rid of GP divisions was to prevent "sandbagging," (their words), by which they meant people who would gear units no higher than necessary and thereby get better matchups. In other words, those people who are now punching up. Their intention with the changes was always to get people to gear more and increase their rosters. You can only punch up so far before you hit a wall, and that's what they want.
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    Is there any other character in the game who was farmable and then removed by GP or other wall? Ive played this game from beta test (on other account that i lost access in 2017) and cant remember such. Now im 1.6 mil gp and have 188 CAT shards and hit this new beautiful wall lol
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    My guess is they'll lower the entry requirement to 2 million GP and everyone will praise them for it. If they had started at 2 mlllion there'd still be plenty of complaints. This way they get to listen to the community feedback and prove themselves generous gods.
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